// Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.caja.plugin;
import com.google.caja.lexer.FilePosition;
import com.google.caja.lexer.TokenConsumer;
import com.google.caja.parser.AncestorChain;
import com.google.caja.parser.MutableParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.ParseTreeNode;
import com.google.caja.parser.Visitor;
import com.google.caja.parser.css.CssTree;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.ArrayConstructor;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Elision;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Expression;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operation;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.Operator;
import com.google.caja.parser.js.StringLiteral;
import com.google.caja.parser.quasiliteral.QuasiBuilder;
import com.google.caja.render.CssPrettyPrinter;
import com.google.caja.reporting.RenderContext;
import com.google.caja.util.Lists;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper;
* Compiles CSS style-sheets to JavaScript which outputs the same CSS, but with
* rules only affecting nodes that are children of a class whose name contains
* the gadget id.
* @author mikesamuel@gmail.com
public final class CssDynamicExpressionRewriter {
private final @Nullable String gadgetNameSuffix;
public CssDynamicExpressionRewriter(PluginMeta meta) {
this.gadgetNameSuffix = meta.getIdClass();
* @param ss modified destructively.
public void rewriteCss(CssTree ss) {
// Replace suffixed class and ID literals with expressions that include
// the actual id class suffix.
// '#foo {}' ; The original rule
// => '#foo-' + IMPORTS___.getIdClass___() + ' {}' ; Cajoled rule
// => '#foo-gadget123___ {}' ; In the browser
// 'p { }' ; The original rule
// => '.' + IMPORTS___.getIdClass___() + '___ p { }' ; Cajoled rule
// => '.gadget123___ p { }' ; In the browser
// Rewrite any UnsafeUriLiterals to JavaScript expressions that are
// presented to the client-side URI policy when the content is rendered.
// 'p { background: url(unsafe.png) }' ; The original rule
// => 'p { background: url(' ; Cajoled rule
// + IMPORTS___.rewriteUriInCss___('unsafe.png') ;
// + ') }' ;
// => 'p { background: url(safe.png) }' ; In the browser
private void rewriteSuffixedIdsAndClasses(CssTree ss) {
ss.acceptPreOrder(new Visitor() {
public boolean visit(AncestorChain<?> ancestors) {
ParseTreeNode node = ancestors.node;
if (node instanceof CssTree.SuffixedSelectorPart) {
CssTree.SuffixedSelectorPart ssp
= (CssTree.SuffixedSelectorPart) node;
MutableParseTreeNode parent = ancestors.parent.cast(
CssTree replacement;
if (gadgetNameSuffix == null) {
replacement = new SuffixedClassOrIdLiteral(
ssp.typePrefix() + ssp.suffixedIdentifier(""));
} else {
String ident = ssp.suffixedIdentifier(gadgetNameSuffix);
replacement = ".".equals(ssp.typePrefix())
? new CssTree.ClassLiteral(ssp.getFilePosition(), "." + ident)
: new CssTree.IdLiteral(ssp.getFilePosition(), "#" + ident);
parent.replaceChild(replacement, ssp);
return false;
} else if (node instanceof CssTree.IdLiteral) {
// An un-suffixed ID literal has snuck in since CssRewriter.
throw new AssertionError();
} else {
return true;
}, null);
private void rewriteUnsafeUriLiteralsToExpressions(CssTree ss) {
ss.acceptPreOrder(new Visitor() {
public boolean visit(AncestorChain<?> ancestors) {
ParseTreeNode node = ancestors.node;
if (node instanceof UnsafeUriLiteral) {
UnsafeUriLiteral uul = (UnsafeUriLiteral) node;
CssTree parent = (CssTree) ancestors.parent.node;
assert(null != parent);
AncestorChain<?> prop = ancestors;
while (null != prop &&
!(prop.node instanceof CssTree.PropertyDeclaration)) {
prop = prop.parent;
assert(null != prop);
new JsExpressionUriLiteral(
(Expression) QuasiBuilder.substV(
"IMPORTS___./*@synthetic*/rewriteUriInCss___(@u, @p)",
"u", StringLiteral.valueOf(
"p", StringLiteral.valueOf(
((CssTree.PropertyDeclaration) prop.node)
return true;
}, null);
* Returns an array containing chunks of CSS text that can be joined on a
* CSS identifier to yield sandboxed CSS.
* This can be used client side with the {@code emitCss} method defined in
* "domado.js".
* @param ss a rewritten stylesheet.
public static ArrayConstructor cssToJs(CssTree ss) {
// Render the CSS to a string, split it (effectively) on the
// GADGET_ID_PLACEHOLDER to get an array of strings, and produce JavaScript
// which joins it on the actual gadget id which is chosen at runtime.
// The below will, if GADGET_ID_PLACEHOLDER where "X", given the sequence
// of calls
// call sb cssParts
// consume("a") "a" []
// consume("bX") "" ["ab"]
// consume("cX") "" ["ab", "c"]
// consume("d") "d" ["ab", "c"]
// noMoreTokens() "" ["ab", "c", "d"]
// Which has he property that the output list joined with the placeholder
// produces the concatenation of the original string.
EmbeddedJsExpressionTokenConsumer cssToJsArrayElements
= new EmbeddedJsExpressionTokenConsumer();
ss.render(new RenderContext(cssToJsArrayElements));
return new ArrayConstructor(
ss.getFilePosition(), cssToJsArrayElements.getArrayMembers());
* An ID literal that should have the gadget ID added as a suffix to prevent
* collision with other IDs.
class SuffixedClassOrIdLiteral extends CssTree.CssLiteral {
SuffixedClassOrIdLiteral(FilePosition pos, String value) {
super(pos, value);
public void render(RenderContext r) {
TokenConsumer tc = r.getOut();
if (tc instanceof EmbeddedJsExpressionTokenConsumer) {
((EmbeddedJsExpressionTokenConsumer) tc).endArrayElement();
} else {
// Emit a buster that will cause the CSS parser to error out but not out
// of the current block.
// This allows us to debug the output of this stage, but does not
// compromise security if the CSS is rendered by naive code.
protected boolean checkValue(String value) {
return (value.startsWith("#") && value.endsWith("-"))
|| value.startsWith(".");
* A Uri literal evaluated by calling a JavaScript Expression at run time.
class JsExpressionUriLiteral extends CssTree.CssLiteral {
private final Expression expr;
JsExpressionUriLiteral(FilePosition pos, Expression expr) {
super(pos, null);
this.expr = expr;
public boolean makeImmutable() {
if (!expr.makeImmutable()) { return false; }
return super.makeImmutable();
public void render(RenderContext r) {
TokenConsumer tc = r.getOut();
if (tc instanceof EmbeddedJsExpressionTokenConsumer) {
((EmbeddedJsExpressionTokenConsumer) tc).consume(expr);
} else {
// Emit a buster that will cause the CSS parser to error out but not out
// of the current block.
// This allows us to debug the output of this stage, but does not
// compromise security if the CSS is rendered by naive code.
protected boolean checkValue(String value) { return true; }
* Consumes CSS tokens and calls to substitute JS expressions to produce a JS
* array constructor that can be joined on a gadget ID to produce a string of
* name-spaced CSS.
class EmbeddedJsExpressionTokenConsumer implements TokenConsumer {
private final StringBuilder partialJsStringLiteral = new StringBuilder();
private boolean inJsString;
private FilePosition positionAtStartOfStringLiteral, last;
private final CssPrettyPrinter cssTokenConsumer =
new CssPrettyPrinter(partialJsStringLiteral);
private Expression pendingExpression;
private final List<Expression> arrayElements = Lists.newArrayList();
* Appends the given JS expression to the current array element.
public void consume(Expression jsExpression) {
if (jsExpression instanceof StringLiteral) {
if (!inJsString) {
((StringLiteral) jsExpression).getUnquotedValue());
} else {
if (inJsString) {
pendingExpression = combine(
pendingExpression, endPartialJsStringLiteral());
pendingExpression = combine(pendingExpression, jsExpression);
* Introduces a break between array elements.
* So if the following calls happen in-sequence:
* {@code this.consume("foo"); this.endArrayElement(); this.consume("bar");}
* then the array elements will be {@code ['foo', 'bar']}.
public void endArrayElement() {
private void endArrayElement(boolean requireHole) {
if (inJsString) {
pendingExpression = combine(
pendingExpression, endPartialJsStringLiteral());
if (pendingExpression != null) {
pendingExpression = null;
} else if (requireHole) {
// If there are no calls to consume or
new Elision(last != null ? last : FilePosition.UNKNOWN));
* The members of the array of JS string expressions built by prior calls to
* {@link #consume(String)}, {@link #consume(Expression)}, and
* {@link #endArrayElement}.
public List<Expression> getArrayMembers() {
if (inJsString || pendingExpression != null) {
// Call noMoreTokens() before sampling the array members.
throw new IllegalStateException();
return arrayElements;
public void mark(FilePosition pos) {
if (inJsString && positionAtStartOfStringLiteral == null) {
positionAtStartOfStringLiteral = pos;
last = pos;
public void consume(String text) {
if (!inJsString) {
/** May be overridden to do something before starting a string literal. */
protected void startPartialJsStringLiteral() {
inJsString = true;
public void noMoreTokens() {
/** Constructs a string expression. */
protected Expression endPartialJsStringLiteral() {
String s = partialJsStringLiteral.toString();
FilePosition pos = positionAtStartOfStringLiteral != null
? FilePosition.span(positionAtStartOfStringLiteral, last)
: FilePosition.UNKNOWN;
positionAtStartOfStringLiteral = null;
inJsString = false;
return StringLiteral.valueOf(pos, s);
/** (null, a) -> a, but (a, b) -> (a + b) */
protected Expression combine(
@Nullable Expression prefixExpression, Expression suffixExpression) {
if (prefixExpression != null) {
return Operation.createInfix(
Operator.ADDITION, prefixExpression, suffixExpression);
return suffixExpression;