// this copy and the entry name
copiedContent = copyToPreferencesURLContent(new URLContent(urlContent.getJAREntryURL()), contentPrefix);
copiedContent = new URLContent(new URL("jar:" + copiedContent.getURL() + "!/" + urlContent.getJAREntryName()));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// Shouldn't happen
throw new RecorderException("Can't build URL", ex);
} else {
copiedContent = copyToPreferencesURLContent(urlContent, contentPrefix);
putContent(preferences, key, copiedContent, contentPrefix, furnitureContentURLs);
} else if (content instanceof URLContent) {
URLContent urlContent = (URLContent)content;
try {
preferences.put(key, urlContent.getURL().toString()
.replace(getPreferencesFolder().toURI().toURL().toString(), "file:"));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't save content", ex);
// Add to furnitureContentURLs the URL to the application file
if (urlContent.isJAREntry()) {
} else {