* FileUserPreferences.java 18 sept 2006
* Sweet Home 3D, Copyright (c) 2006 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks <info@eteks.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.eteks.sweethome3d.io;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.CatalogDoorOrWindow;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.CatalogPieceOfFurniture;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.CatalogTexture;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Content;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.FurnitureCatalog;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.FurnitureCategory;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.IllegalHomonymException;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.LengthUnit;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.PatternsCatalog;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.RecorderException;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Sash;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.TexturesCatalog;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.TexturesCategory;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.UserPreferences;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.tools.OperatingSystem;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.tools.TemporaryURLContent;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.tools.URLContent;
* User preferences initialized from
* {@link com.eteks.sweethome3d.io.DefaultUserPreferences default user preferences}
* and stored in user preferences on local file system.
* @author Emmanuel Puybaret
public class FileUserPreferences extends UserPreferences {
private static final String LANGUAGE = "language";
private static final String UNIT = "unit";
private static final String FURNITURE_CATALOG_VIEWED_IN_TREE = "furnitureCatalogViewedInTree";
private static final String NAVIGATION_PANEL_VISIBLE = "navigationPanelVisible";
private static final String MAGNETISM_ENABLED = "magnetismEnabled";
private static final String RULERS_VISIBLE = "rulersVisible";
private static final String GRID_VISIBLE = "gridVisible";
private static final String FURNITURE_VIEWED_FROM_TOP = "furnitureViewedFromTop";
private static final String ROOM_FLOOR_COLORED_OR_TEXTURED = "roomFloorColoredOrTextured";
private static final String WALL_PATTERN = "wallPattern";
private static final String NEW_WALL_HEIGHT = "newHomeWallHeight";
private static final String NEW_WALL_THICKNESS = "newWallThickness";
private static final String AUTO_SAVE_DELAY_FOR_RECOVERY = "autoSaveDelayForRecovery";
private static final String RECENT_HOMES = "recentHomes#";
private static final String IGNORED_ACTION_TIP = "ignoredActionTip#";
private static final String FURNITURE_NAME = "furnitureName#";
private static final String FURNITURE_CATEGORY = "furnitureCategory#";
private static final String FURNITURE_ICON = "furnitureIcon#";
private static final String FURNITURE_MODEL = "furnitureModel#";
private static final String FURNITURE_WIDTH = "furnitureWidth#";
private static final String FURNITURE_DEPTH = "furnitureDepth#";
private static final String FURNITURE_HEIGHT = "furnitureHeight#";
private static final String FURNITURE_MOVABLE = "furnitureMovable#";
private static final String FURNITURE_DOOR_OR_WINDOW = "furnitureDoorOrWindow#";
private static final String FURNITURE_ELEVATION = "furnitureElevation#";
private static final String FURNITURE_COLOR = "furnitureColor#";
private static final String FURNITURE_MODEL_ROTATION = "furnitureModelRotation#";
private static final String FURNITURE_BACK_FACE_SHOWN = "furnitureBackFaceShown#";
private static final String FURNITURE_ICON_YAW = "furnitureIconYaw#";
private static final String FURNITURE_PROPORTIONAL = "furnitureProportional#";
private static final String TEXTURE_NAME = "textureName#";
private static final String TEXTURE_CATEGORY = "textureCategory#";
private static final String TEXTURE_IMAGE = "textureImage#";
private static final String TEXTURE_WIDTH = "textureWidth#";
private static final String TEXTURE_HEIGHT = "textureHeight#";
private static final String FURNITURE_CONTENT_PREFIX = "Furniture-3-";
private static final String TEXTURE_CONTENT_PREFIX = "Texture-3-";
private static final String LANGUAGE_LIBRARIES_PLUGIN_SUB_FOLDER = "languages";
private static final String FURNITURE_LIBRARIES_PLUGIN_SUB_FOLDER = "furniture";
private static final String TEXTURES_LIBRARIES_PLUGIN_SUB_FOLDER = "textures";
private static final Content DUMMY_CONTENT;
private final Map<String, Boolean> ignoredActionTips = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
private List<ClassLoader> resourceClassLoaders;
private String [] supportedLanguages;
private final File preferencesFolder;
private final File [] applicationFolders;
private Preferences preferences;
static {
Content dummyURLContent = null;
try {
dummyURLContent = new URLContent(new URL("file:/dummySweetHome3DContent"));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
DUMMY_CONTENT = dummyURLContent;
* Creates user preferences read from user preferences in file system,
* and from resource files.
public FileUserPreferences() {
this(null, null);
* Creates user preferences stored in the folders given in parameter.
* @param preferencesFolder the folder where preferences files are stored
* or <code>null</code> if this folder is the default one.
* @param applicationFolders the folders where application private files are stored
* or <code>null</code> if it's the default one. As the first application folder
* is used as the folder where plug-ins files are imported by the user, it should
* have write access otherwise the user won't be able to import them.
public FileUserPreferences(File preferencesFolder,
File [] applicationFolders) {
this.preferencesFolder = preferencesFolder;
this.applicationFolders = applicationFolders;
Preferences preferences;
// From version 3.0 use portable preferences
PortablePreferences portablePreferences = new PortablePreferences();
// If portable preferences storage doesn't exist and default preferences folder is used
if (!portablePreferences.exist()
&& preferencesFolder == null) {
// Retrieve preferences from pre version 3.0
preferences = getPreferences();
} else {
preferences = portablePreferences;
setLanguage(preferences.get(LANGUAGE, getLanguage()));
// Fill default furniture catalog
setFurnitureCatalog(new DefaultFurnitureCatalog(this, getFurnitureLibrariesPluginFolders()));
// Read additional furniture
// Fill default textures catalog
setTexturesCatalog(new DefaultTexturesCatalog(this, getTexturesLibrariesPluginFolders()));
// Read additional textures
DefaultUserPreferences defaultPreferences = new DefaultUserPreferences();
// Share same language settings
// Fill default patterns catalog
PatternsCatalog patternsCatalog = defaultPreferences.getPatternsCatalog();
// Read other preferences
setMagnetismEnabled(preferences.getBoolean(MAGNETISM_ENABLED, true));
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// Ensure wall pattern always exists even if new patterns are added in future versions
// Read recent homes list
List<String> recentHomes = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 1; i <= getRecentHomesMaxCount(); i++) {
String recentHome = preferences.get(RECENT_HOMES + i, null);
if (recentHome != null) {
// Read ignored action tips
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
String ignoredActionTip = preferences.get(IGNORED_ACTION_TIP + i, "");
if (ignoredActionTip.length() == 0) {
} else {
this.ignoredActionTips.put(ignoredActionTip, true);
addPropertyChangeListener(Property.LANGUAGE, new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if (preferences != portablePreferences) {
// Switch to portable preferences now that all preferences are read
preferences = portablePreferences;
this.preferences = preferences;
* Updates the default supported languages with languages available in plugin folder.
private void updateSupportedLanguages() {
List<ClassLoader> resourceClassLoaders = new ArrayList<ClassLoader>();
String [] defaultSupportedLanguages = super.getSupportedLanguages();
Set<String> supportedLanguages = new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(defaultSupportedLanguages));
File [] languageLibrariesPluginFolders = getLanguageLibrariesPluginFolders();
if (languageLibrariesPluginFolders != null) {
for (File languageLibrariesPluginFolder : languageLibrariesPluginFolders) {
// Try to load sh3l files from language plugin folder
File [] pluginLanguageLibraryFiles = languageLibrariesPluginFolder.listFiles(new FileFilter () {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return pathname.isFile();
if (pluginLanguageLibraryFiles != null) {
// Treat language files in reverse order so file named with a date or a version
// will be taken into account from most recent to least recent
Arrays.sort(pluginLanguageLibraryFiles, Collections.reverseOrder());
for (File pluginLanguageLibraryFile : pluginLanguageLibraryFiles) {
try {
Set<String> languages = getLanguages(pluginLanguageLibraryFile);
if (!languages.isEmpty()) {
URL pluginFurnitureCatalogUrl = pluginLanguageLibraryFile.toURI().toURL();
resourceClassLoaders.add(new URLClassLoader(new URL [] {pluginFurnitureCatalogUrl}));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Ignore malformed files
// Give less priority to default class loader
this.resourceClassLoaders = Collections.unmodifiableList(resourceClassLoaders);
if (defaultSupportedLanguages.length < supportedLanguages.size()) {
this.supportedLanguages = supportedLanguages.toArray(new String [supportedLanguages.size()]);
} else {
this.supportedLanguages = defaultSupportedLanguages;
* Returns the languages included in the given language library file.
private Set<String> getLanguages(File languageLibraryFile) throws IOException {
Set<String> languages = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
ZipInputStream zipIn = null;
try {
// Search if zip file contains some *_xx.properties or *_xx_xx.properties files
zipIn = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(languageLibraryFile));
for (ZipEntry entry; (entry = zipIn.getNextEntry()) != null; ) {
String zipEntryName = entry.getName();
int underscoreIndex = zipEntryName.indexOf('_');
if (underscoreIndex != -1) {
int extensionIndex = zipEntryName.lastIndexOf(".properties");
if (extensionIndex != -1 && underscoreIndex < extensionIndex - 2) {
String language = zipEntryName.substring(underscoreIndex + 1, extensionIndex);
int countrySeparator = language.indexOf('_');
if (countrySeparator == 2
&& language.length() == 5) {
} else if (language.length() == 2) {
return languages;
} finally {
if (zipIn != null) {
* Returns the default languages supported in Sweet Home 3D and languages in plugin libraries.
public String [] getSupportedLanguages() {
return this.supportedLanguages;
* Returns the default class loader of user preferences and the class loaders that
* give access to resources in language libraries plugin folder.
public List<ClassLoader> getResourceClassLoaders() {
return this.resourceClassLoaders;
* Reloads furniture default catalogs.
private void updateFurnitureDefaultCatalog() {
// Delete default pieces of current furniture catalog
FurnitureCatalog furnitureCatalog = getFurnitureCatalog();
for (FurnitureCategory category : furnitureCatalog.getCategories()) {
for (CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece : category.getFurniture()) {
if (!piece.isModifiable()) {
// Read again default furniture catalog with new default locale
// Add default pieces that don't have homonym among user catalog
FurnitureCatalog defaultFurnitureCatalog =
new DefaultFurnitureCatalog(this, getFurnitureLibrariesPluginFolders());
for (FurnitureCategory category : defaultFurnitureCatalog.getCategories()) {
for (CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece : category.getFurniture()) {
try {
furnitureCatalog.add(category, piece);
} catch (IllegalHomonymException ex) {
// Ignore pieces that have the same name as an existing piece
* Reloads textures default catalog.
private void updateTexturesDefaultCatalog() {
// Delete default textures of current textures catalog
TexturesCatalog texturesCatalog = getTexturesCatalog();
for (TexturesCategory category : texturesCatalog.getCategories()) {
for (CatalogTexture texture : category.getTextures()) {
if (!texture.isModifiable()) {
// Read again default textures catalog with new default locale
// Add default textures that don't have homonym among user catalog
TexturesCatalog defaultTexturesCatalog =
new DefaultTexturesCatalog(this, getTexturesLibrariesPluginFolders());
for (TexturesCategory category : defaultTexturesCatalog.getCategories()) {
for (CatalogTexture texture : category.getTextures()) {
try {
texturesCatalog.add(category, texture);
} catch (IllegalHomonymException ex) {
// Ignore textures that have the same name as an existing piece
* Read furniture catalog from preferences.
private void readFurnitureCatalog(Preferences preferences) {
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
String name = preferences.get(FURNITURE_NAME + i, null);
if (name == null) {
// Stop the loop when a key furnitureName# doesn't exist
String category = preferences.get(FURNITURE_CATEGORY + i, "");
Content icon = getContent(preferences, FURNITURE_ICON + i);
Content model = getContent(preferences, FURNITURE_MODEL + i);
float width = preferences.getFloat(FURNITURE_WIDTH + i, 0.1f);
float depth = preferences.getFloat(FURNITURE_DEPTH + i, 0.1f);
float height = preferences.getFloat(FURNITURE_HEIGHT + i, 0.1f);
boolean movable = preferences.getBoolean(FURNITURE_MOVABLE + i, false);
boolean doorOrWindow = preferences.getBoolean(FURNITURE_DOOR_OR_WINDOW + i, false);
float elevation = preferences.getFloat(FURNITURE_ELEVATION + i, 0);
String colorString = preferences.get(FURNITURE_COLOR + i, null);
Integer color = colorString != null
? Integer.valueOf(colorString) : null;
float [][] modelRotation = getModelRotation(preferences, FURNITURE_MODEL_ROTATION + i);
boolean backFaceShown = preferences.getBoolean(FURNITURE_BACK_FACE_SHOWN + i, false);
float iconYaw = preferences.getFloat(FURNITURE_ICON_YAW + i, 0);
boolean proportional = preferences.getBoolean(FURNITURE_PROPORTIONAL + i, true);
FurnitureCategory pieceCategory = new FurnitureCategory(category);
CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece;
if (doorOrWindow) {
piece = new CatalogDoorOrWindow(name, icon, model,
width, depth, height, elevation, movable, 1, 0, new Sash [0],
color, modelRotation, backFaceShown, iconYaw, proportional);
} else {
piece = new CatalogPieceOfFurniture(name, icon, model,
width, depth, height, elevation, movable,
color, modelRotation, backFaceShown, iconYaw, proportional);
try {
getFurnitureCatalog().add(pieceCategory, piece);
} catch (IllegalHomonymException ex) {
// If a piece with same name and category already exists in furniture catalog
// replace the existing piece by the new one
List<FurnitureCategory> categories = getFurnitureCatalog().getCategories();
int categoryIndex = Collections.binarySearch(categories, pieceCategory);
List<CatalogPieceOfFurniture> furniture = categories.get(categoryIndex).getFurniture();
int existingPieceIndex = Collections.binarySearch(furniture, piece);
getFurnitureCatalog().add(pieceCategory, piece);
* Returns model rotation parsed from key value.
private float [][] getModelRotation(Preferences preferences, String key) {
String modelRotationString = preferences.get(key, null);
if (modelRotationString == null) {
return new float [][] {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
} else {
String [] values = modelRotationString.split(" ", 9);
if (values.length != 9) {
return new float [][] {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
} else {
try {
return new float [][] {{Float.parseFloat(values [0]),
Float.parseFloat(values [1]),
Float.parseFloat(values [2])},
{Float.parseFloat(values [3]),
Float.parseFloat(values [4]),
Float.parseFloat(values [5])},
{Float.parseFloat(values [6]),
Float.parseFloat(values [7]),
Float.parseFloat(values [8])}};
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
return new float [][] {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
* Returns a content instance from the resource file value of key.
private Content getContent(Preferences preferences, String key) {
String content = preferences.get(key, null);
if (content != null) {
try {
String preferencesFolderUrl = getPreferencesFolder().toURI().toURL().toString();
if (content.startsWith(preferencesFolderUrl)
|| content.startsWith("jar:" + preferencesFolderUrl)) {
return new URLContent(new URL(content));
} else {
return new URLContent(new URL(content.replace("file:", preferencesFolderUrl)));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Return DUMMY_CONTENT for incorrect URL
* Read textures catalog from preferences.
private void readTexturesCatalog(Preferences preferences) {
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
String name = preferences.get(TEXTURE_NAME + i, null);
if (name == null) {
// Stop the loop when a key textureName# doesn't exist
String category = preferences.get(TEXTURE_CATEGORY + i, "");
Content image = getContent(preferences, TEXTURE_IMAGE + i);
float width = preferences.getFloat(TEXTURE_WIDTH + i, 0.1f);
float height = preferences.getFloat(TEXTURE_HEIGHT + i, 0.1f);
TexturesCategory textureCategory = new TexturesCategory(category);
CatalogTexture texture = new CatalogTexture(name, image, width, height, true);
try {
getTexturesCatalog().add(textureCategory, texture);
} catch (IllegalHomonymException ex) {
// If a texture with same name and category already exists in textures catalog
// replace the existing texture by the new one
List<TexturesCategory> categories = getTexturesCatalog().getCategories();
int categoryIndex = Collections.binarySearch(categories, textureCategory);
List<CatalogTexture> textures = categories.get(categoryIndex).getTextures();
int existingTextureIndex = Collections.binarySearch(textures, texture);
getTexturesCatalog().add(textureCategory, texture);
* Writes user preferences in current user preferences in system.
public void write() throws RecorderException {
Preferences preferences = getPreferences();
// Write other preferences
preferences.put(LANGUAGE, getLanguage());
preferences.put(UNIT, getLengthUnit().name());
preferences.putBoolean(FURNITURE_CATALOG_VIEWED_IN_TREE, isFurnitureCatalogViewedInTree());
preferences.putBoolean(NAVIGATION_PANEL_VISIBLE, isNavigationPanelVisible());
preferences.putBoolean(MAGNETISM_ENABLED, isMagnetismEnabled());
preferences.putBoolean(RULERS_VISIBLE, isRulersVisible());
preferences.putBoolean(GRID_VISIBLE, isGridVisible());
preferences.putBoolean(FURNITURE_VIEWED_FROM_TOP, isFurnitureViewedFromTop());
preferences.putBoolean(ROOM_FLOOR_COLORED_OR_TEXTURED, isRoomFloorColoredOrTextured());
preferences.put(WALL_PATTERN, getWallPattern().getName());
preferences.putFloat(NEW_WALL_THICKNESS, getNewWallThickness());
preferences.putFloat(NEW_WALL_HEIGHT, getNewWallHeight());
preferences.putInt(AUTO_SAVE_DELAY_FOR_RECOVERY, getAutoSaveDelayForRecovery());
// Write recent homes list
int i = 1;
for (Iterator<String> it = getRecentHomes().iterator(); it.hasNext() && i <= getRecentHomesMaxCount(); i ++) {
preferences.put(RECENT_HOMES + i, it.next());
// Remove obsolete keys
for ( ; i <= getRecentHomesMaxCount(); i++) {
preferences.remove(RECENT_HOMES + i);
// Write ignored action tips
i = 1;
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Boolean>> it = this.ignoredActionTips.entrySet().iterator();
it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<String, Boolean> ignoredActionTipEntry = it.next();
if (ignoredActionTipEntry.getValue()) {
preferences.put(IGNORED_ACTION_TIP + i++, ignoredActionTipEntry.getKey());
// Remove obsolete keys
for ( ; i <= this.ignoredActionTips.size(); i++) {
preferences.remove(IGNORED_ACTION_TIP + i);
try {
// Write preferences
} catch (BackingStoreException ex) {
throw new RecorderException("Couldn't write preferences", ex);
* Writes furniture catalog in <code>preferences</code>.
private void writeFurnitureCatalog(Preferences preferences) throws RecorderException {
final Set<URL> furnitureContentURLs = new HashSet<URL>();
int i = 1;
for (FurnitureCategory category : getFurnitureCatalog().getCategories()) {
for (CatalogPieceOfFurniture piece : category.getFurniture()) {
if (piece.isModifiable()) {
preferences.put(FURNITURE_NAME + i, piece.getName());
preferences.put(FURNITURE_CATEGORY + i, category.getName());
putContent(preferences, FURNITURE_ICON + i, piece.getIcon(),
putContent(preferences, FURNITURE_MODEL + i, piece.getModel(),
preferences.putFloat(FURNITURE_WIDTH + i, piece.getWidth());
preferences.putFloat(FURNITURE_DEPTH + i, piece.getDepth());
preferences.putFloat(FURNITURE_HEIGHT + i, piece.getHeight());
preferences.putBoolean(FURNITURE_MOVABLE + i, piece.isMovable());
preferences.putBoolean(FURNITURE_DOOR_OR_WINDOW + i, piece.isDoorOrWindow());
preferences.putFloat(FURNITURE_ELEVATION + i, piece.getElevation());
if (piece.getColor() == null) {
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_COLOR + i);
} else {
preferences.put(FURNITURE_COLOR + i, String.valueOf(piece.getColor()));
float [][] modelRotation = piece.getModelRotation();
preferences.put(FURNITURE_MODEL_ROTATION + i,
modelRotation[0][0] + " " + modelRotation[0][1] + " " + modelRotation[0][2] + " "
+ modelRotation[1][0] + " " + modelRotation[1][1] + " " + modelRotation[1][2] + " "
+ modelRotation[2][0] + " " + modelRotation[2][1] + " " + modelRotation[2][2]);
preferences.putBoolean(FURNITURE_BACK_FACE_SHOWN + i, piece.isBackFaceShown());
preferences.putFloat(FURNITURE_ICON_YAW + i, piece.getIconYaw());
preferences.putBoolean(FURNITURE_PROPORTIONAL + i, piece.isProportional());
// Remove obsolete keys
for ( ; preferences.get(FURNITURE_NAME + i, null) != null; i++) {
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_NAME + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_CATEGORY + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_ICON + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_MODEL + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_WIDTH + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_DEPTH + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_HEIGHT + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_MOVABLE + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_DOOR_OR_WINDOW + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_ELEVATION + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_COLOR + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_MODEL_ROTATION + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_BACK_FACE_SHOWN + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_ICON_YAW + i);
preferences.remove(FURNITURE_PROPORTIONAL + i);
deleteObsoleteContent(furnitureContentURLs, FURNITURE_CONTENT_PREFIX);
* Writes textures catalog in <code>preferences</code>.
private void writeTexturesCatalog(Preferences preferences) throws RecorderException {
final Set<URL> texturesContentURLs = new HashSet<URL>();
int i = 1;
for (TexturesCategory category : getTexturesCatalog().getCategories()) {
for (CatalogTexture texture : category.getTextures()) {
if (texture.isModifiable()) {
preferences.put(TEXTURE_NAME + i, texture.getName());
preferences.put(TEXTURE_CATEGORY + i, category.getName());
putContent(preferences, TEXTURE_IMAGE + i, texture.getImage(),
preferences.putFloat(TEXTURE_WIDTH + i, texture.getWidth());
preferences.putFloat(TEXTURE_HEIGHT + i, texture.getHeight());
// Remove obsolete keys
for ( ; preferences.get(TEXTURE_NAME + i, null) != null; i++) {
preferences.remove(TEXTURE_NAME + i);
preferences.remove(TEXTURE_CATEGORY + i);
preferences.remove(TEXTURE_IMAGE + i);
preferences.remove(TEXTURE_WIDTH + i);
preferences.remove(TEXTURE_HEIGHT + i);
deleteObsoleteContent(texturesContentURLs, TEXTURE_CONTENT_PREFIX);
* Writes <code>key</code> <code>content</code> in <code>preferences</code>.
private void putContent(Preferences preferences, String key,
Content content, String contentPrefix,
Set<URL> furnitureContentURLs) throws RecorderException {
if (content instanceof TemporaryURLContent) {
URLContent urlContent = (URLContent)content;
URLContent copiedContent;
if (urlContent.isJAREntry()) {
try {
// If content is a JAR entry copy the content of its URL and rebuild a new URL content from
// this copy and the entry name
copiedContent = copyToPreferencesURLContent(new URLContent(urlContent.getJAREntryURL()), contentPrefix);
copiedContent = new URLContent(new URL("jar:" + copiedContent.getURL() + "!/" + urlContent.getJAREntryName()));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// Shouldn't happen
throw new RecorderException("Can't build URL", ex);
} else {
copiedContent = copyToPreferencesURLContent(urlContent, contentPrefix);
putContent(preferences, key, copiedContent, contentPrefix, furnitureContentURLs);
} else if (content instanceof URLContent) {
URLContent urlContent = (URLContent)content;
try {
preferences.put(key, urlContent.getURL().toString()
.replace(getPreferencesFolder().toURI().toURL().toString(), "file:"));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't save content", ex);
// Add to furnitureContentURLs the URL to the application file
if (urlContent.isJAREntry()) {
} else {
} else {
putContent(preferences, key, copyToPreferencesURLContent(content, contentPrefix),
contentPrefix, furnitureContentURLs);
* Returns a content object that references a copy of <code>content</code> in
* user preferences folder.
private URLContent copyToPreferencesURLContent(Content content,
String contentPrefix) throws RecorderException {
InputStream tempIn = null;
OutputStream tempOut = null;
try {
File preferencesFile = createPreferencesFile(contentPrefix);
tempIn = content.openStream();
tempOut = new FileOutputStream(preferencesFile);
byte [] buffer = new byte [8192];
int size;
while ((size = tempIn.read(buffer)) != -1) {
tempOut.write(buffer, 0, size);
return new URLContent(preferencesFile.toURI().toURL());
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't save content", ex);
} finally {
try {
if (tempIn != null) {
if (tempOut != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't close files", ex);
* Returns the folder where language libraries files must be placed
* or <code>null</code> if that folder can't be retrieved.
private File [] getLanguageLibrariesPluginFolders() {
try {
return getApplicationSubfolders(LANGUAGE_LIBRARIES_PLUGIN_SUB_FOLDER);
} catch (IOException ex) {
return null;
* Returns the folder where furniture catalog files must be placed
* or <code>null</code> if that folder can't be retrieved.
private File [] getFurnitureLibrariesPluginFolders() {
try {
return getApplicationSubfolders(FURNITURE_LIBRARIES_PLUGIN_SUB_FOLDER);
} catch (IOException ex) {
return null;
* Returns the folder where texture catalog files must be placed
* or <code>null</code> if that folder can't be retrieved.
private File [] getTexturesLibrariesPluginFolders() {
try {
return getApplicationSubfolders(TEXTURES_LIBRARIES_PLUGIN_SUB_FOLDER);
} catch (IOException ex) {
return null;
* Returns the first Sweet Home 3D application folder.
public File getApplicationFolder() throws IOException {
File [] applicationFolders = getApplicationFolders();
if (applicationFolders.length == 0) {
throw new IOException("No application folder defined");
} else {
return applicationFolders [0];
* Returns Sweet Home 3D application folders.
public File [] getApplicationFolders() throws IOException {
if (this.applicationFolders != null) {
return this.applicationFolders;
} else {
return new File [] {OperatingSystem.getDefaultApplicationFolder()};
* Returns subfolders of Sweet Home 3D application folders of a given name.
public File [] getApplicationSubfolders(String subfolder) throws IOException {
File [] applicationFolders = getApplicationFolders();
File [] applicationSubfolders = new File [applicationFolders.length];
for (int i = 0; i < applicationFolders.length; i++) {
applicationSubfolders [i] = new File(applicationFolders [i], subfolder);
return applicationSubfolders;
* Returns a new file in user preferences folder.
private File createPreferencesFile(String filePrefix) throws IOException {
File preferencesFolder = getPreferencesFolder();
// Create preferences folder if it doesn't exist
if (!preferencesFolder.exists()
&& !preferencesFolder.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Couldn't create " + preferencesFolder);
// Return a new file in preferences folder
return File.createTempFile(filePrefix, ".pref", preferencesFolder);
* Deletes from application folder the content files starting by <code>contentPrefix</code>
* that don't belong to <code>contentURLs</code>.
private void deleteObsoleteContent(final Set<URL> contentURLs,
final String contentPrefix) throws RecorderException {
// Search obsolete contents
File applicationFolder;
try {
applicationFolder = getPreferencesFolder();
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't access to application folder");
File [] obsoleteContentFiles = applicationFolder.listFiles(
new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File applicationFile) {
try {
URL toURL = applicationFile.toURI().toURL();
return applicationFile.getName().startsWith(contentPrefix)
&& !contentURLs.contains(toURL);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
return false;
if (obsoleteContentFiles != null) {
// Delete obsolete contents at program exit to ensure removed contents
// can still be saved in homes that reference them
for (File file : obsoleteContentFiles) {
* Returns the folder where files depending on preferences are stored.
private File getPreferencesFolder() throws IOException {
if (this.preferencesFolder != null) {
return this.preferencesFolder;
} else {
return OperatingSystem.getDefaultApplicationFolder();
* Returns default Java preferences for current system user.
* Caution : This method is called once in constructor so overriding implementations
* shouldn't be based on the state of their fields.
protected Preferences getPreferences() {
if (this.preferences != null) {
return this.preferences;
} else {
return Preferences.userNodeForPackage(FileUserPreferences.class);
* Sets which action tip should be ignored.
public void setActionTipIgnored(String actionKey) {
this.ignoredActionTips.put(actionKey, true);
* Returns whether an action tip should be ignored or not.
public boolean isActionTipIgnored(String actionKey) {
Boolean ignoredActionTip = this.ignoredActionTips.get(actionKey);
return ignoredActionTip != null && ignoredActionTip.booleanValue();
* Resets the display flag of action tips.
public void resetIgnoredActionTips() {
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Boolean>> it = this.ignoredActionTips.entrySet().iterator();
it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry<String, Boolean> ignoredActionTipEntry = it.next();
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given language library exists in the first
* language libraries folder.
public boolean languageLibraryExists(String name) throws RecorderException {
File [] languageLibrariesPluginFolders = getLanguageLibrariesPluginFolders();
if (languageLibrariesPluginFolders == null
|| languageLibrariesPluginFolders.length == 0) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't access to language libraries plugin folder");
} else {
String libraryFileName = new File(name).getName();
return new File(languageLibrariesPluginFolders [0], libraryFileName).exists();
* Adds <code>languageLibraryName</code> to the first language libraries folder
* to make the language library it contains available to supported languages.
public void addLanguageLibrary(String languageLibraryName) throws RecorderException {
try {
File [] languageLibrariesPluginFolders = getLanguageLibrariesPluginFolders();
if (languageLibrariesPluginFolders == null
|| languageLibrariesPluginFolders.length == 0) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't access to language libraries plugin folder");
File languageLibraryFile = new File(languageLibraryName);
copyToLibraryFolder(languageLibraryFile, languageLibrariesPluginFolders [0]);
// Switch automatically to the first language contained in library
Set<String> languages = getLanguages(languageLibraryFile);
if (!languages.isEmpty()) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RecorderException(
"Can't write " + languageLibraryName + " in language libraries plugin folder", ex);
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given furniture library file exists in the first
* furniture libraries folder.
* @param name the name of the resource to check
public boolean furnitureLibraryExists(String name) throws RecorderException {
File [] furnitureLibrariesPluginFolders = getFurnitureLibrariesPluginFolders();
if (furnitureLibrariesPluginFolders == null
|| furnitureLibrariesPluginFolders.length == 0) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't access to furniture libraries plugin folder");
} else {
String libraryFileName = new File(name).getName();
return new File(furnitureLibrariesPluginFolders [0], libraryFileName).exists();
* Adds the file <code>furnitureLibraryName</code> to the first furniture libraries folder
* to make the furniture library available to catalog.
public void addFurnitureLibrary(String furnitureLibraryName) throws RecorderException {
try {
File [] furnitureLibrariesPluginFolders = getFurnitureLibrariesPluginFolders();
if (furnitureLibrariesPluginFolders == null
|| furnitureLibrariesPluginFolders.length == 0) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't access to furniture libraries plugin folder");
copyToLibraryFolder(new File(furnitureLibraryName), furnitureLibrariesPluginFolders [0]);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RecorderException(
"Can't write " + furnitureLibraryName + " in furniture libraries plugin folder", ex);
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given textures library file exists in the first textures libraries folder.
* @param name the name of the resource to check
public boolean texturesLibraryExists(String name) throws RecorderException {
File [] texturesLibrariesPluginFolders = getTexturesLibrariesPluginFolders();
if (texturesLibrariesPluginFolders == null
|| texturesLibrariesPluginFolders.length == 0) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't access to textures libraries plugin folder");
} else {
String libraryFileName = new File(name).getName();
return new File(texturesLibrariesPluginFolders [0], libraryFileName).exists();
* Adds the file <code>texturesLibraryName</code> to the first textures libraries folder
* to make the textures library available to catalog.
public void addTexturesLibrary(String texturesLibraryName) throws RecorderException {
try {
File [] texturesLibrariesPluginFolders = getTexturesLibrariesPluginFolders();
if (texturesLibrariesPluginFolders == null
|| texturesLibrariesPluginFolders.length == 0) {
throw new RecorderException("Can't access to textures libraries plugin folder");
copyToLibraryFolder(new File(texturesLibraryName), texturesLibrariesPluginFolders [0]);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RecorderException(
"Can't write " + texturesLibraryName + " in textures libraries plugin folder", ex);
* Copies a library file to a folder.
private void copyToLibraryFolder(File libraryFile, File folder) throws IOException {
String libraryFileName = libraryFile.getName();
File destinationFile = new File(folder, libraryFileName);
if (destinationFile.exists()) {
// Delete file to reinitialize handlers
InputStream tempIn = null;
OutputStream tempOut = null;
try {
tempIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(libraryFile));
tempOut = new FileOutputStream(destinationFile);
byte [] buffer = new byte [8192];
int size;
while ((size = tempIn.read(buffer)) != -1) {
tempOut.write(buffer, 0, size);
} finally {
if (tempIn != null) {
if (tempOut != null) {
* Preferences based on the <code>preferences.xml</code> file
* stored in a preferences folder.
* @author Emmanuel Puybaret
private class PortablePreferences extends AbstractPreferences {
private static final String PREFERENCES_FILE = "preferences.xml";
private Properties preferencesProperties;
private boolean exist;
private PortablePreferences() {
super(null, "");
this.preferencesProperties = new Properties();
this.exist = readPreferences();
public boolean exist() {
return this.exist;
protected void syncSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
this.exist = readPreferences();
protected void removeSpi(String key) {
protected void putSpi(String key, String value) {
this.preferencesProperties.put(key, value);
protected String [] keysSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
return this.preferencesProperties.keySet().toArray(new String [0]);
protected String getSpi(String key) {
return (String)this.preferencesProperties.get(key);
protected void flushSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new BackingStoreException(ex);
protected void removeNodeSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected String [] childrenNamesSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected AbstractPreferences childSpi(String name) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Reads user preferences.
private boolean readPreferences() {
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = new FileInputStream(new File(getPreferencesFolder(), PREFERENCES_FILE));
return true;
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Preferences don't exist
return false;
} finally {
try {
if (in != null) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Let default preferences unchanged
* Writes user preferences.
private void writePreferences() throws IOException {
OutputStream out = null;
try {
out = new FileOutputStream(new File(getPreferencesFolder(), PREFERENCES_FILE));
this.preferencesProperties.storeToXML(out, "Portable user preferences 3.0");
} finally {
if (out != null) {
this.exist = true;