package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.TestEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiSession;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiSessionTest;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.Group;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.authorize.GroupManager;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.WikiSecurityEvent;
public class GroupManagerTest extends TestCase
private TestEngine m_engine;
private GroupManager m_groupMgr;
private SecurityEventTrap m_trap = new SecurityEventTrap();
private WikiSession m_session;
public GroupManagerTest( String s )
super( s );
public void setUp() throws Exception
Properties props = new Properties();
props.load( TestEngine.findTestProperties() );
m_engine = new TestEngine( props );
m_groupMgr = m_engine.getGroupManager();
m_session = WikiSessionTest.adminSession( m_engine );
// Flush any pre-existing groups (left over from previous failures, perhaps)
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test" );
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test2" );
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test3" );
catch ( NoSuchPrincipalException e )
// It's not a problem if we can't find the principals...
m_groupMgr.addWikiEventListener( m_trap );
// Add 3 test groups
Group group;
group = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test", "Alice \n Bob \n Charlie", true );
m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, group );
group = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test2", "Bob", true );
m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, group );
group = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Test3", "Fred Flintstone", true );
m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, group );
// We should see 3 events: 1 for each group add
assertEquals( 3, );
public void tearDown() throws WikiException
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test" );
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test2" );
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Test3" );
public void testParseGroup() throws WikiSecurityException
String members = "Biff";
Group group = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Group1", members, true );
assertEquals( 1, group.members().length );
assertTrue ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( "Biff" ) ) );
members = "Biff \n SteveAustin \n FredFlintstone";
group = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Group2", members, true );
assertEquals( 3, group.members().length );
assertTrue ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( "Biff" ) ) );
assertTrue ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( "SteveAustin" ) ) );
assertTrue ( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( "FredFlintstone" ) ) );
public void testGetRoles()
Principal[] roles = m_groupMgr.getRoles();
assertTrue( "Found Test", ArrayUtils.contains( roles, new GroupPrincipal( "Test" ) ) );
assertTrue( "Found Test2", ArrayUtils.contains( roles, new GroupPrincipal( "Test2" ) ) );
assertTrue( "Found Test3", ArrayUtils.contains( roles, new GroupPrincipal( "Test3" ) ) );
public void testGroupMembership() throws Exception
WikiSession s;
// Anonymous; should belong to NO groups
s = WikiSessionTest.anonymousSession( m_engine );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test2" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test3" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "NonExistant" ) ) );
// Alice is asserted; should belong to NO groups
s = WikiSessionTest.assertedSession( m_engine, Users.ALICE );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test2" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test3" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "NonExistant" ) ) );
// Alice is authenticated; should belong to Test
s = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.ALICE, Users.ALICE_PASS );
assertTrue( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test2" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test3" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "NonExistant" ) ) );
// Bob is authenticated; should belong to Test & Test2
s = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.BOB, Users.BOB_PASS );
assertTrue( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test" ) ) );
assertTrue( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test2" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test3" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "NonExistant" ) ) );
// Charlie is authenticated; should belong to Test
s = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.CHARLIE, Users.CHARLIE_PASS );
assertTrue( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test2" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test3" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "NonExistant" ) ) );
// Fred is authenticated; should belong to Test3
s = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.FRED, Users.FRED_PASS );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test2" ) ) );
assertTrue( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test3" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "NonExistant" ) ) );
// Nobody loves Biff!
s = WikiSessionTest.authenticatedSession( m_engine, Users.BIFF, Users.BIFF_PASS );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test2" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "Test3" ) ) );
assertFalse( m_groupMgr.isUserInRole( s, new GroupPrincipal( "NonExistant" ) ) );
public void testGroupAddEvents() throws Exception
// Flush any pre-existing groups (left over from previous failures, perhaps)
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Events" );
catch ( NoSuchPrincipalException e )
// It's not a problem if we get here...
Group group = m_groupMgr.parseGroup( "Events", "", true );
m_groupMgr.setGroup( m_session, group );
WikiSecurityEvent event;
group = m_groupMgr.getGroup( "Events" );
group.add( new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" ) );
group.add( new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" ) );
group.add( new WikiPrincipal( "Charlie" ) );
// We should see a GROUP_ADD event
WikiSecurityEvent[] events =;
assertEquals( 1, events.length );
event = events[0];
assertEquals( m_groupMgr, event.getSource() );
assertEquals( WikiSecurityEvent.GROUP_ADD, event.getType() );
assertEquals( group, event.getTarget() );
// Clean up
m_groupMgr.removeGroup( "Events" );
public static Test suite()
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("Group manager tests");
suite.addTestSuite( GroupManagerTest.class );
return suite;