Package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.rpc.json

Source Code of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.rpc.json.JSONRPCManager$CallbackContainer

    JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.

    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    distributed with this work for additional information
    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.rpc.json;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiContext;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiSession;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.WikiSecurityException;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.PagePermission;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.rpc.RPCCallable;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.rpc.RPCManager;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.TemplateManager;
import com.metaparadigm.jsonrpc.InvocationCallback;
import com.metaparadigm.jsonrpc.JSONRPCBridge;

*  Provides an easy-to-use interface for different modules to AJAX-enable
*  themselves.  This class is a static class, so it cannot be instantiated,
*  but it easily available from anywhere (including JSP pages).
*  Any object which wants to expose its methods through JSON calls, needs
*  to implement the RPCCallable interface.  JSONRPCManager will expose
<i>all</i> methods, so be careful which you want to expose.
*  Due to some limitations of the JSON-RPC library, we do not use the
*  Global bridge object.
@see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.rpc.RPCCallable
@since 2.5.4
// FIXME: Must be mootool-ified.
public final class JSONRPCManager extends RPCManager
    private static final String JSONRPCBRIDGE = "JSONRPCBridge";
    private static HashMap<String, CallbackContainer> c_globalObjects = new HashMap<String, CallbackContainer>();
    /** Prevent instantiation */
    private JSONRPCManager()
     *  Emits JavaScript to do a JSON RPC Call.  You would use this method e.g.
     *  in your plugin generation code to embed an AJAX call to your object.
     *  @param context The Wiki Context
     *  @param c An RPCCallable object
     *  @param function Name of the method to call
     *  @param params Parameters to pass to the method
     *  @return generated JavasSript code snippet that calls the method
    public static String emitJSONCall( WikiContext context, RPCCallable c, String function, String params )
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append("var result = jsonrpc."+getId(c)+"."+function+"("+params+");\r\n");
        return sb.toString();       
     *  Finds this user's personal RPC Bridge.  If it does not exist, will
     *  create one and put it in the context.  If there is no HTTP Request included,
     *  returns the global bridge.
     *  @param context WikiContext to find the bridge in
     *  @return A JSON RPC Bridge
    // FIXME: Is returning the global bridge a potential security threat?
    private static JSONRPCBridge getBridge( WikiContext context )
        JSONRPCBridge bridge = null;
        HttpServletRequest req = context.getHttpRequest();
        if( req != null )
            HttpSession hs = req.getSession();
            if( hs != null )
                bridge = (JSONRPCBridge)hs.getAttribute(JSONRPCBRIDGE);
                if( bridge == null )
                    bridge = new JSONRPCBridge();
                    hs.setAttribute(JSONRPCBRIDGE, bridge);
        if( bridge == null) bridge = JSONRPCBridge.getGlobalBridge();
        return bridge;
     *  Registers a callable to JSON global bridge and requests JSON libraries to be added
     *  to the page. 
     *  @param context The WikiContext.
     *  @param c The RPCCallable to register
     *  @return the ID of the registered callable object
    public static String registerJSONObject( WikiContext context, RPCCallable c )
        String id = getId(c);
        getBridge(context).registerObject( id, c );

        requestJSON( context );
        return id;
     *  Requests the JSON Javascript and object to be generated in the HTML.
     *  @param context The WikiContext.
    public static void requestJSON( WikiContext context )
        String jsonurl = context.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, "JSON-RPC" );
                                           "jsonrpc = new JSONRpcClient(\""+jsonurl+"\");");
        getBridge(context).registerCallback(new WikiJSONAccessor(), HttpServletRequest.class);
     *  Provides access control to the JSON calls.  Rather private.
     *  Unfortunately we have to check the permission every single time, because
     *  the user can log in and we would need to reset the permissions at that time.
     *  Note that this is an obvious optimization piece if this becomes
     *  a bottleneck.
     *  @author Janne Jalkanen
    static class WikiJSONAccessor implements InvocationCallback
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( WikiJSONAccessor.class );
         *  Create an accessor.
        public WikiJSONAccessor()
         *  Does not do anything.
         *  {@inheritDoc}
        public void postInvoke(Object context, Object instance, Method method, Object result) throws Exception

         *  Checks access against the permission given.
         *  {@inheritDoc}
        public void preInvoke(Object context, Object instance, Method method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception
            if( context instanceof HttpServletRequest )
                boolean canDo = false;
                HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) context;
                WikiEngine e = WikiEngine.getInstance( req.getSession().getServletContext(), null );
                for( Iterator i = c_globalObjects.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                    CallbackContainer cc = (CallbackContainer);
                    if( cc.m_object == instance )
                        canDo = e.getAuthorizationManager().checkPermission( WikiSession.getWikiSession(e, req),
                                                                             cc.m_permission );

                if( canDo )

            log.debug("Failed JSON permission check: "+instance);
            throw new WikiSecurityException("No permission to access this AJAX method!");

     *  Registers a global object (i.e. something which can be called by any
     *  JSP page).  Typical examples is e.g. "search".  By default, the RPCCallable
     *  shall need a "view" permission to access.
     *  @param id     The name under which this shall be registered (e.g. "search")
     *  @param object The RPCCallable which shall be associated to this id.
    public static void registerGlobalObject(String id, RPCCallable object)
        registerGlobalObject(id, object, PagePermission.VIEW);   
     *  Registers a global object (i.e. something which can be called by any
     *  JSP page) with a specific permission. 
     *  @param id     The name under which this shall be registered (e.g. "search")
     *  @param object The RPCCallable which shall be associated to this id.
     *  @param perm   The permission which is required to access this object.
    public static void registerGlobalObject(String id, RPCCallable object, Permission perm )
        CallbackContainer cc = new CallbackContainer();
        cc.m_permission = perm;
        cc.m_id = id;
        cc.m_object = object;
        c_globalObjects.put( id, cc );

     *  Is called whenever a session is created.  This method creates a new JSONRPCBridge
     *  and adds it to the user session.  This is done because the global JSONRPCBridge
     *  InvocationCallbacks are not called; only session locals.  This may be a bug
     *  in JSON-RPC, or it may be a design feature...
     *  <p>
     *  The JSONRPCBridge object will go away once the session expires.
     *  @param session The HttpSession which was created.
    public static void sessionCreated( HttpSession session )
        JSONRPCBridge bridge = (JSONRPCBridge)session.getAttribute(JSONRPCBRIDGE);
        if( bridge == null )
            bridge = new JSONRPCBridge();
            session.setAttribute( JSONRPCBRIDGE, bridge );

        WikiJSONAccessor acc = new WikiJSONAccessor();
        bridge.registerCallback( acc, HttpServletRequest.class );
        for( Iterator i = c_globalObjects.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            CallbackContainer cc = (CallbackContainer);
            bridge.registerObject( cc.m_id, cc.m_object );

     *  Just stores the registered global method.
     *  @author Janne Jalkanen
    private static class CallbackContainer
        String m_id;
        RPCCallable m_object;
        Permission m_permission;

Related Classes of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.rpc.json.JSONRPCManager$CallbackContainer

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