A Tabris UI consists of {@link Page} and {@link Action} objects that are loosely coupled. The point where these arehooked together is a {@link UIConfiguration}.
Two types of pages exist. These are top level pages and normal pages. A top level page marks the beginning of an application flow. E.g. when you developing a book browsing app the top level page may be your shelf from where you can browse the books. Of course in such an app you will need to browse from a book to another book without the way back to the shelf. This means the book page needs to be a normal pages that can be chained together. This is what normal pages are, the second type of pages. They can appear everywhere in the application. The depth level of such a page is not defined.
To add pages you need to add a {@link PageConfiguration} to a {@link UIConfiguration}. In the {@link PageConfiguration} you can define the type of the page.
Actions also exist in two types. The first type are global actions. Global actions are visible in the whole application regardless on which page you are currently on. The other type of actions are page actions. These actions are having the same lifecycle as a Page and they are also only visible when the related page is visible.
You can add Actions similar as Pages. To add a global {@link Action} you need to add it directly to a{@link UIConfiguration}. To add a page action you need to add it to a {@link PageConfiguration}.
@see PageConfiguration @see Page @see ActionConfiguration @see Action @see TransitionListener @since 1.0