* Copyright (c) 2013 EclipseSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
package com.eclipsesource.tabris.internal.ui;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StackLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.test.util.TabrisEnvironment;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.Page;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.PageData;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.UIConfiguration;
public class PageOperatorImplTest {
public TabrisEnvironment environment = new TabrisEnvironment();
private Display display;
private Controller controller;
public void setUp() {
display = new Display();
Shell shell = new Shell( display );
shell.setLayout( new StackLayout() );
RemoteUI uiRenderer = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( uiRenderer.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
controller = new Controller( uiRenderer, mock( UIDescriptor.class ) );
public void testIsSerializable() {
assertTrue( Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom( PageOperatorImpl.class ) );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testFailsWithNullController() {
new PageOperatorImpl( null, mock( UIImpl.class ) );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testFailsWithNullUI() {
new PageOperatorImpl( mock( Controller.class ), null );
public void testGetsCurrentPage() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
when( controller.getCurrentPage() ).thenReturn( mock( Page.class ) );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, mock( UIConfiguration.class ) );
verify( controller ).getCurrentPage();
public void testGetsCurrentPageId() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
when( controller.getCurrentPageId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, mock( UIConfiguration.class ) );
String id = ui.getPageOperator().getCurrentPageId();
assertEquals( "foo", id );
public void testGetsPagePageData() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
when( controller.getCurrentData() ).thenReturn( mock( PageData.class ) );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, mock( UIConfiguration.class ) );
PageData data = ui.getPageOperator().getCurrentPageData();
verify( controller ).getCurrentData();
assertNotNull( data );
public void testClosesCurrentPage() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, mock( UIConfiguration.class ) );
doReturn( Boolean.TRUE ).when( controller ).closeCurrentPage( ui );
verify( controller ).closeCurrentPage( eq( ui ) );
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void testFailsClosingTopLevelPage() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
UIDescriptor contentHolder = new UIDescriptor();
PageDescriptor page = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( page.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
doReturn( Boolean.TRUE ).when( page ).isTopLevel();
contentHolder.add( page );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( contentHolder );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, configuration );
ui.getPageOperator().openPage( "foo" );
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void testOpenPageFailsWithNonExistingPage() {
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( mock( UIDescriptor.class ) );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, configuration );
ui.getPageOperator().openPage( "foo" );
public void testShowsRootPageWithController() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
UIDescriptor contentHolder = new UIDescriptor();
PageDescriptor page = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( page.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
doReturn( Boolean.TRUE ).when( page ).isTopLevel();
contentHolder.add( page );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( contentHolder );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, configuration );
ui.getPageOperator().openPage( "foo" );
verify( controller ).show( eq( ui ), eq( page ), any( PageData.class ) );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testShowsRootPageFailsWithNullPageData() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
UIDescriptor contentHolder = new UIDescriptor();
PageDescriptor page = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( page.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
doReturn( Boolean.TRUE ).when( page ).isTopLevel();
contentHolder.add( page );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( contentHolder );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, configuration );
ui.getPageOperator().openPage( "foo", null );
public void testShowsRootPageWithControllerAndPageData() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
UIDescriptor contentHolder = new UIDescriptor();
PageDescriptor page = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( page.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
doReturn( Boolean.TRUE ).when( page ).isTopLevel();
contentHolder.add( page );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( contentHolder );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, configuration );
PageData data = mock( PageData.class );
ui.getPageOperator().openPage( "foo", data );
verify( controller ).show( ui, page, data );
public void testShowsPageWithController() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, configuration );
UIDescriptor contentHolder = new UIDescriptor();
PageDescriptor page = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( page.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
doReturn( Boolean.FALSE ).when( page ).isTopLevel();
contentHolder.add( page );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( contentHolder );
ui.getPageOperator().openPage( "foo" );
verify( controller ).show( eq( ui ), eq( page ), any( PageData.class ) );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testShowsPageFailsWithNullPageData() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, configuration );
UIDescriptor contentHolder = new UIDescriptor();
PageDescriptor page = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( page.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
doReturn( Boolean.FALSE ).when( page ).isTopLevel();
contentHolder.add( page );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( contentHolder );
ui.getPageOperator().openPage( "foo", null );
public void testShowsPageWithControllerAndPageData() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, configuration );
UIDescriptor contentHolder = new UIDescriptor();
PageDescriptor page = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( page.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
doReturn( Boolean.FALSE ).when( page ).isTopLevel();
contentHolder.add( page );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( contentHolder );
PageData data = mock( PageData.class );
ui.getPageOperator().openPage( "foo", data );
verify( controller ).show( ui, page, data );
@Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
public void testSetCurrentPageTitleFailsWithNullTitle() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
when( controller.getCurrentPage() ).thenReturn( mock( Page.class ) );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, mock( UIConfiguration.class ) );
ui.getPageOperator().setCurrentPageTitle( null );
public void testSetCurrentPageTitleDelegatesToController() {
Controller controller = mock( Controller.class );
Page page = mock( Page.class );
when( controller.getCurrentPage() ).thenReturn( page );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( display, controller, mock( UIConfiguration.class ) );
ui.getPageOperator().setCurrentPageTitle( "foo" );
verify( controller ).setTitle( page, "foo" );