A {@link Page} object represents a single part of a Tabris UI. A Tabris UI consists of several {@link Page} objects.Usually a {@link Page} takes the most of the device's screen. The responsibility of a {@link Page} is to render theapplications content. Basically it's the only point where you will create widgets and other visual representations.
{@link Page} implementations will be registered by their type. This is because a page object needs to creatednewly when it's shown the first time. Let's take a look at an example:
When you create a book browsing app you will probably have a book page. In this app you will need to browse through books, right? And the big feature will be that you can browse from book to book in a chain, right? So, as a result a new book page needs to be created for every new book. But when you want to browse back to the last book it doesn't need a new page object because it already exist, right?. And this is exactly how the Tabris UI works.
NOTE: A {@link Page} needs to provide a no-argument constructor because instances will be created by theframework.
{@link Page} will be created while browsing forward through an app. But reused when you browse backwith {@link PageManager#showPreviousPage()}.
@see PageConfiguration
@see PageManager
@since 0.11