* Copyright (c) 2013 EclipseSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
package com.eclipsesource.tabris.internal.ui;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.inOrder;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.RWT;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.remote.RemoteObject;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.mockito.InOrder;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.internal.ZIndexStackLayout;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.internal.ui.rendering.ActionRenderer;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.internal.ui.rendering.PageRenderer;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.internal.ui.rendering.RendererFactory;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.internal.ui.rendering.UIRenderer;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.test.util.TabrisEnvironment;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.Action;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.ActionConfiguration;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.Page;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.PageConfiguration;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.PageData;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.TransitionListener;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.UI;
import com.eclipsesource.tabris.ui.UIConfiguration;
public class ControllerTest {
public TabrisEnvironment environment = new TabrisEnvironment();
private Shell shell;
private UIDescriptor uiDescriptor;
private UIImpl ui;
private RemoteObject remoteObject;
private ZIndexStackLayout layout;
private TransitionListener listener;
public void setUp() {
Display display = new Display();
shell = new Shell( display );
layout = mock( ZIndexStackLayout.class );
shell.setLayout( layout );
uiDescriptor = spy( new UIDescriptor() );
ui = mock( UIImpl.class );
remoteObject = environment.getRemoteObject();
private void mockUI() {
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
listener = mock( TransitionListener.class );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( uiDescriptor );
uiDescriptor.addTransitionListener( listener );
when( ui.getConfiguration() ).thenReturn( configuration );
public void testIsSerializable() {
assertTrue( Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom( Controller.class ) );
public void testRegistersItselfAsUpdater() {
PageDescriptor descriptor = createRootPage( "foo" );
doReturn( TestPage.class ).when( descriptor ).getPageType();
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
Object attribute = RWT.getUISession().getAttribute( UpdateUtil.UPDATER_PROPERTY );
assertSame( controller, attribute );
public void testCreatesRootPagesFailsNotWithoutRootPages() {
PageDescriptor descriptor = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
doReturn( TestPage.class ).when( descriptor ).getPageType();
doReturn( Boolean.FALSE ).when( descriptor ).isTopLevel();
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
try {
controller.createRootPages( ui );
} catch( Exception shouldNotHappen ) {
public void testCreatesRootPages() {
PageDescriptor descriptor = createRootPage( "foo" );
doReturn( TestPage.class ).when( descriptor ).getPageType();
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
assertEquals( 1, shell.getChildren().length );
public void testUpdateCreatesNewRootPages() {
PageDescriptor descriptor = createRootPage( "foo" );
doReturn( TestPage.class ).when( descriptor ).getPageType();
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
when( remoteUI.getActionsParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
PageDescriptor descriptor2 = createRootPage( "fooBar" );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( uiDescriptor );
controller.update( configuration );
Map<PageDescriptor, PageRenderer> rootPages = controller.getRootPages();
assertNotNull( rootPages.get( descriptor2 ) );
public void testUpdateCreatesUIElementForNewRootPages() {
PageDescriptor descriptor = createRootPage( "foo" );
doReturn( TestPage.class ).when( descriptor ).getPageType();
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
when( remoteUI.getActionsParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
createRootPage( "fooBar" );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( uiDescriptor );
controller.update( configuration );
assertEquals( 2, shell.getChildren().length );
public void testCreatesGlobalActions() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getTitle() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
verify( remoteObject ).set( "title", "foo" );
public void testUpdateCreatesNewGlobalActions() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getTitle() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
when( remoteUI.getActionsParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
ActionDescriptor descriptor2 = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor2.getTitle() ).thenReturn( "foo2" );
when( descriptor2.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo2" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor2 );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( uiDescriptor );
controller.update( configuration );
verify( remoteObject ).set( "title", "foo2" );
public void testUpdateRemovesDestroyedGlobalActions() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getTitle() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
when( remoteUI.getActionsParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
when( uiDescriptor.getGlobalActions() ).thenReturn( new ArrayList<ActionDescriptor>() );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( uiDescriptor );
controller.update( configuration );
verify( remoteObject ).destroy();
public void testCreatesGlobalActionsWithUI() {
ActionRenderer renderer = mock( ActionRenderer.class );
RemoteRendererFactory factory = mock( RemoteRendererFactory.class );
when( factory.createActionRenderer( any( UI.class ), any( UIRenderer.class ), any( ActionDescriptor.class ) ) ).thenReturn( renderer );
when( uiDescriptor.getRendererFactory() ).thenReturn( factory );
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getTitle() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getActionsParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
verify( renderer ).createUi( shell );
public void testShowRootPageCreatesControl() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor root2 = createRootPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showRoot( ui, root2, mock( PageData.class ) );
assertEquals( 2, shell.getChildren().length );
public void testShowRootPageActivatesPage() {
PageDescriptor root1 = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor root2 = createRootPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageData data = mock( PageData.class );
controller.showRoot( ui, root2, data );
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, root1 ).wasDeactivated() );
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, root2 ).wasActivated() );
private TestPage getTestPage( Controller controller, PageDescriptor descriptor ) {
PageRenderer remotePage = controller.getRootPages().get( descriptor );
return ( TestPage )remotePage.getPage();
public void testShowRootPageActivatesPageWithPageData() {
PageDescriptor root1 = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor root2 = createRootPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageData data = mock( PageData.class );
controller.showRoot( ui, root2, data );
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, root1 ).wasDeactivated() );
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, root2 ).wasActivated() );
public void testShowRootPageActivateRemotePage() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor root2 = createRootPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showRoot( ui, root2, mock( PageData.class ) );
PageRenderer pageRenderer = controller.getRootPages().get( root2 );
verify( remoteUI ).activate( pageRenderer );
public void testShowRootPageMakesControlVisible() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor root2 = createRootPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showRoot( ui, root2, mock( PageData.class ) );
verify( layout, times( 2 ) ).setOnTopControl( any( Composite.class ) );
public void testShowRootPageCallsListener() {
PageDescriptor root1 = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor root2 = createRootPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showRoot( ui, root2, mock( PageData.class ) );
InOrder order = inOrder( listener );
order.verify( listener ).before( ui, getTestPage( controller, root1 ), getTestPage( controller, root2 ) );
order.verify( listener ).after( ui, getTestPage( controller, root1 ), getTestPage( controller, root2 ) );
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void testFailsToRemovePageFromCurrentFlow() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) ).getPage();
PageConfiguration configuration = mock( PageConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getAdapter( PageDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( page );
controller.remove( configuration );
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void testFailsToRemoveRootPageFromCurrentFlow() {
PageDescriptor rootPage = createRootPage( "foo" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showRoot( ui, rootPage, new PageData() );
PageConfiguration configuration = mock( PageConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getAdapter( PageDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( rootPage );
controller.remove( configuration );
public void testRemovesRootPageCallsDestroyOnRenderer() {
PageDescriptor rootPage = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor rootPage2 = createRootPage( "foo1" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showRoot( ui, rootPage, new PageData() );
PageConfiguration configuration = mock( PageConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getAdapter( PageDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( rootPage2 );
controller.remove( configuration );
verify( remoteObject ).destroy();
public void testShowPageCreatesControl() {
PageDescriptor root1 = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
TestPage testPage = ( TestPage )controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) ).getPage();
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, root1 ).wasCreated() );
assertTrue( testPage.wasCreated() );
public void testUpdatePageConfigurationTriggersPageUpdate() {
RendererFactory factory = mockRendererFactory();
when( uiDescriptor.getRendererFactory() ).thenReturn( factory );
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
when( remoteUI.getActionsParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) ).getPage();
PageConfiguration configuration = mock( PageConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getAdapter( PageDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( page );
controller.update( configuration );
PageRenderer renderer = controller.getAllPages().get( 2 );
verify( renderer ).update( page, factory, shell );
private RendererFactory mockRendererFactory() {
RendererFactory factory = mock( RendererFactory.class );
doAnswer( new Answer<PageRenderer>() {
public PageRenderer answer( InvocationOnMock invocation ) throws Throwable {
PageRenderer renderer = mock( PageRenderer.class );
when( renderer.getData() ).thenReturn( ( PageData )invocation.getArguments()[ 3 ] );
when( renderer.getPage() ).thenReturn( mock( Page.class ) );
when( renderer.getDescriptor() ).thenReturn( ( PageDescriptor )invocation.getArguments()[ 2 ] );
return renderer;
} ).when( factory ).createPageRenderer( any( UI.class ),
any( UIRenderer.class ),
any( PageDescriptor.class ),
any( PageData.class ) );
return factory;
public void testShowPageTwiceCreatesControls() {
PageDescriptor root1 = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
TestPage testPage1 = ( TestPage )controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) ).getPage();
TestPage testPage2 = ( TestPage )controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) ).getPage();
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, root1 ).wasCreated() );
assertTrue( testPage1.wasCreated() );
assertTrue( testPage2.wasCreated() );
public void testShowPageActivatesPage() {
PageDescriptor root1 = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page2 = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageData data = mock( PageData.class );
TestPage page = ( TestPage )controller.showPage( ui, page2, data ).getPage();
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, root1 ).wasDeactivated() );
assertTrue( page.wasActivated() );
assertSame( data, controller.getCurrentData() );
public void testShowPageActivatesPageWithDelegatedPageData() {
PageDescriptor root1 = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page2 = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageData data = mock( PageData.class );
TestPage page = ( TestPage )controller.showPage( ui, page2, data ).getPage();
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, root1 ).wasDeactivated() );
assertTrue( page.wasActivated() );
assertSame( data, controller.getCurrentData() );
public void testShowPageActivatesRemotePage() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
ArgumentCaptor<PageRenderer> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( PageRenderer.class );
verify( remoteUI, times( 2 ) ).activate( captor.capture() );
assertSame( page, captor.getAllValues().get( 1 ).getDescriptor() );
public void testShowPageMakesControlVisible() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
verify( layout, times( 2 ) ).setOnTopControl( any( Control.class ) );
public void testShowPageNotifiesListener() {
PageDescriptor root1 = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
TestPage testPage = ( TestPage )controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) ).getPage();
InOrder order = inOrder( listener );
order.verify( listener ).before( ui, getTestPage( controller, root1 ), testPage );
order.verify( listener ).after( ui, getTestPage( controller, root1 ), testPage );
public void testShowPreviousIsFalseOnRoot() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createRootPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showRoot( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
boolean success = controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
assertFalse( success );
public void testShowPreviousCreatesActionsBeforeActive() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
PageDescriptor rootPage = createRootPage( "foo" );
List<ActionDescriptor> actions = new ArrayList<ActionDescriptor>();
actions.add( descriptor );
when( rootPage.getActions() ).thenReturn( actions );
RendererFactory factory = spy( RemoteRendererFactory.getInstance() );
when( uiDescriptor.getRendererFactory() ).thenReturn( factory );
PageDescriptor pageDescriptor = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, pageDescriptor, mock( PageData.class ) );
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
InOrder order = inOrder( factory, remoteUI );
order.verify( factory ).createActionRenderer( ui, remoteUI, descriptor );
order.verify( factory ).createActionRenderer( ui, remoteUI, descriptor );
order.verify( remoteUI ).activate( any( PageRenderer.class ) );
public void testShowPageCreatesActionsBeforeActive() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
createRootPage( "foo" );
List<ActionDescriptor> actions = new ArrayList<ActionDescriptor>();
actions.add( descriptor );
RendererFactory factory = spy( RemoteRendererFactory.getInstance() );
when( uiDescriptor.getRendererFactory() ).thenReturn( factory );
PageDescriptor pageDescriptor = createPage( "bar" );
when( pageDescriptor.getActions() ).thenReturn( actions );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, pageDescriptor, mock( PageData.class ) );
InOrder order = inOrder( factory, remoteUI );
order.verify( factory ).createActionRenderer( ui, remoteUI, descriptor );
order.verify( remoteUI ).activate( any( PageRenderer.class ) );
public void testShowRootCreatesActionsBeforeActive() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
PageDescriptor rootPage = createRootPage( "foo" );
List<ActionDescriptor> actions = new ArrayList<ActionDescriptor>();
actions.add( descriptor );
RendererFactory factory = spy( RemoteRendererFactory.getInstance() );
when( uiDescriptor.getRendererFactory() ).thenReturn( factory );
when( rootPage.getActions() ).thenReturn( actions );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showRoot( ui, rootPage, mock( PageData.class ) );
InOrder order = inOrder( factory, remoteUI );
order.verify( factory ).createActionRenderer( ui, remoteUI, descriptor );
order.verify( factory ).createActionRenderer( ui, remoteUI, descriptor );
order.verify( remoteUI ).activate( any( PageRenderer.class ) );
public void testShowPreviousIsTrueOnPage() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
boolean success = controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
assertTrue( success );
public void testShowPreviousCallsDeactivateWithOldCurrentPage() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
when( ui.getPageOperator() ).thenReturn( new PageOperatorImpl( controller, ui ) );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageRenderer renderer = controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
TestPage testPage = ( TestPage )renderer.getPage();
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
Page pageAtDeactivate = testPage.getPageAtDeactivate();
assertSame( testPage, pageAtDeactivate );
public void testShowPreviousisNotifiesListeners() {
PageDescriptor rootPage = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
TestPage testPage = ( TestPage )controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) ).getPage();
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
InOrder order = inOrder( listener );
order.verify( listener ).before( ui, testPage, getTestPage( controller, rootPage ) );
order.verify( listener ).after( ui, testPage, getTestPage( controller, rootPage ) );
public void testShowPreviousMakesControlVisible() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
verify( layout, times( 3 ) ).setOnTopControl( any( Composite.class ) );
public void testShowPreviousDestroysRemotePage() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
verify( remoteObject ).destroy();
public void testShowPreviousDeactivatesBeforeDistroy() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
PageDescriptor page2 = createPage( "bar2" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
controller.showPage( ui, page2, mock( PageData.class ) );
TestPage testPage = ( TestPage )controller.getCurrentPage();
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
List<String> callStack = testPage.getCallStack();
assertEquals( "create", callStack.get( 0 ) );
assertEquals( "activate", callStack.get( 1 ) );
assertEquals( "deactivate", callStack.get( 2 ) );
assertEquals( "destroy", callStack.get( 3 ) );
assertEquals( "dispose", callStack.get( 4 ) );
public void testShowPreviousCallsListenerBeforeDestroy() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
PageDescriptor page2 = createPage( "bar2" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
controller.showPage( ui, page2, mock( PageData.class ) );
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
InOrder order = inOrder( listener, remoteObject );
order.verify( listener ).before( any( UI.class ), any( Page.class ), any( Page.class ) );
order.verify( remoteObject ).destroy();
order.verify( listener ).after( any( UI.class ), any( Page.class ), any( Page.class ) );
public void testShowPreviousDoesNotEffectPagePageData() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
PageDescriptor page2 = createPage( "bar2" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageData pagePageData = mock( PageData.class );
controller.showPage( ui, page, pagePageData );
controller.showPage( ui, page2, mock( PageData.class ) );
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
assertSame( pagePageData, controller.getCurrentData() );
public void testShowDeactivatesOldPage() {
PageDescriptor rootPage = createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageData data = mock( PageData.class );
TestPage testPage = ( TestPage )controller.showPage( ui, page, data ).getPage();
controller.closeCurrentPage( ui );
assertTrue( testPage.wasDeactivated() );
assertTrue( getTestPage( controller, rootPage ).wasActivated() );
public void testGetCurrentPage() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
assertTrue( controller.getCurrentPage() instanceof TestPage );
public void testGetCurrentPageId() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
String currentPageId = controller.getCurrentPageId();
assertEquals( "bar", currentPageId );
public void testGetCurrentPageData() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageData data = mock( PageData.class );
controller.showPage( ui, page, data );
assertSame( data, controller.getCurrentData() );
public void testSetTitle() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
PageDescriptor page = createPage( "bar" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageRenderer remotePage = controller.showPage( ui, page, mock( PageData.class ) );
controller.setTitle( remotePage.getPage(), "foobar" );
verify( remoteObject ).set( "title", "foobar" );
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void testSetTitleFailsWithNonExistingPage() {
createRootPage( "foo" );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.setTitle( mock( Page.class ), "foobar" );
public void testSetVisibleFindsGlobalAction() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
controller.setActionVisible( "foo", true );
verify( remoteObject ).set( "visibility", true );
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void testSetVisibleGlobalActionFailsWithoutAction() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
controller.setActionVisible( "foo2", true );
public void testSetEnabledFindsGlobalAction() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
controller.setActionEnabled( "foo", true );
verify( remoteObject ).set( "enabled", true );
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void testSetEnabledGlobalActionFailsWithoutAction() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
controller.setActionEnabled( "foo2", true );
public void testSetVisibleFindsPageAction() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
PageDescriptor rootPage = createRootPage( "foo" );
List<ActionDescriptor> actions = new ArrayList<ActionDescriptor>();
actions.add( descriptor );
when( rootPage.getActions() ).thenReturn( actions );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.setActionVisible( "foo", true );
verify( remoteObject ).set( "visibility", true );
public void testSetEnabledFindsPageAction() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
PageDescriptor rootPage = createRootPage( "foo" );
List<ActionDescriptor> actions = new ArrayList<ActionDescriptor>();
actions.add( descriptor );
when( rootPage.getActions() ).thenReturn( actions );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.setActionEnabled( "foo", true );
verify( remoteObject ).set( "enabled", true );
private PageDescriptor createRootPage( String id ) {
PageDescriptor descriptor = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( id );
doReturn( TestPage.class ).when( descriptor ).getPageType();
doReturn( Boolean.TRUE ).when( descriptor ).isTopLevel();
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
return descriptor;
private PageDescriptor createPage( String id ) {
PageDescriptor descriptor = mock( PageDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( id );
doReturn( TestPage.class ).when( descriptor ).getPageType();
doReturn( Boolean.FALSE ).when( descriptor ).isTopLevel();
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
return descriptor;
public void testHasGlobalAction() {
ActionDescriptor descriptor = mock( ActionDescriptor.class );
when( descriptor.getId() ).thenReturn( "foo" );
uiDescriptor.add( descriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
boolean hasAction = controller.hasAction( "foo" );
assertTrue( hasAction );
public void testHasPageAction() {
PageDescriptor pageDescriptor = new PageDescriptor( "bar", TestPage.class );
pageDescriptor.setTopLevel( true );
pageDescriptor.addAction( new ActionConfiguration( "foo", TestAction.class ) );
uiDescriptor.add( pageDescriptor );
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.showPage( ui, pageDescriptor, mock( PageData.class ) );
boolean hasAction = controller.hasAction( "foo" );
assertTrue( hasAction );
public void testCanGetPageConfigurationForTopLevelPage() {
UIConfiguration configuration = new UIConfiguration();
PageConfiguration pageConfiguration = new PageConfiguration( "foo", TestPage.class ).setTopLevel( true );
configuration.addPageConfiguration( pageConfiguration );
Controller controller = new Controller( new RemoteUI( shell ), configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( shell.getDisplay(), controller, configuration );
controller.setUI( ui );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageConfiguration actualConfiguration = controller.getPageConfiguration( controller.getAllPages().get( 0 ).getPage() );
assertSame( pageConfiguration, actualConfiguration );
public void testCanGetPageConfigurationForPage() {
UIConfiguration configuration = new UIConfiguration();
PageConfiguration pageConfiguration = new PageConfiguration( "foo", TestPage.class ).setTopLevel( true );
PageConfiguration pageConfiguration2 = new PageConfiguration( "foo2", TestPage.class );
configuration.addPageConfiguration( pageConfiguration );
configuration.addPageConfiguration( pageConfiguration2 );
Controller controller = new Controller( new RemoteUI( shell ), configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( shell.getDisplay(), controller, configuration );
controller.setUI( ui );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
PageRenderer page = controller.showPage( ui, pageConfiguration2.getAdapter( PageDescriptor.class ), new PageData() );
PageConfiguration actualConfiguration = controller.getPageConfiguration( page.getPage() );
assertSame( pageConfiguration2, actualConfiguration );
public void testCanGetActionConfigurationForGlobalAction() {
UIConfiguration configuration = new UIConfiguration();
PageConfiguration pageConfiguration = new PageConfiguration( "foo", TestPage.class ).setTopLevel( true );
configuration.addPageConfiguration( pageConfiguration );
ActionConfiguration actionConfiguration = new ActionConfiguration( "bar", TestAction.class );
configuration.addActionConfiguration( actionConfiguration );
UIDescriptor uiDescriptor = configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class );
Controller controller = new Controller( new RemoteUI( shell ), uiDescriptor );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( shell.getDisplay(), controller, configuration );
controller.setUI( ui );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
ActionConfiguration actualConfiguration = controller.getActionConfiguration( uiDescriptor.getActionDescriptor( "bar" ).getAction() );
assertSame( actionConfiguration, actualConfiguration );
public void testCanGetActionConfigurationForPageAction() {
UIConfiguration configuration = new UIConfiguration();
PageConfiguration pageConfiguration = new PageConfiguration( "foo", TestPage.class ).setTopLevel( true );
PageConfiguration pageConfiguration2 = new PageConfiguration( "foo2", TestPage.class );
configuration.addPageConfiguration( pageConfiguration );
configuration.addPageConfiguration( pageConfiguration2 );
ActionConfiguration actionConfiguration = new ActionConfiguration( "bar", TestAction.class );
pageConfiguration2.addActionConfiguration( actionConfiguration );
UIDescriptor uiDescriptor = configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class );
Controller controller = new Controller( new RemoteUI( shell ), uiDescriptor );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( shell.getDisplay(), controller, configuration );
controller.setUI( ui );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
PageRenderer page = controller.showPage( ui, pageConfiguration2.getAdapter( PageDescriptor.class ), new PageData() );
Action action = page.getActionRenderers().get( 0 ).getDescriptor().getAction();
ActionConfiguration actualConfiguration = controller.getActionConfiguration( action );
assertSame( actionConfiguration, actualConfiguration );
public void testGetActionConfigurationIsNullForNonExistentAction() {
UIConfiguration configuration = new UIConfiguration();
PageConfiguration pageConfiguration = new PageConfiguration( "foo", TestPage.class ).setTopLevel( true );
configuration.addPageConfiguration( pageConfiguration );
UIDescriptor uiDescriptor = configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class );
Controller controller = new Controller( new RemoteUI( shell ), uiDescriptor );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( shell.getDisplay(), controller, configuration );
controller.setUI( ui );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
ActionConfiguration actualConfiguration = controller.getActionConfiguration( mock( Action.class ) );
assertNull( actualConfiguration );
public void testGetPageConfigurationIsNullForNonExistentPage() {
UIConfiguration configuration = new UIConfiguration();
PageConfiguration pageConfiguration = new PageConfiguration( "foo", TestPage.class ).setTopLevel( true );
configuration.addPageConfiguration( pageConfiguration );
UIDescriptor uiDescriptor = configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class );
Controller controller = new Controller( new RemoteUI( shell ), uiDescriptor );
UIImpl ui = new UIImpl( shell.getDisplay(), controller, configuration );
controller.setUI( ui );
controller.createRootPages( ui );
controller.createGlobalActions( ui );
PageConfiguration actualConfiguration = controller.getPageConfiguration( mock( Page.class ) );
assertNull( actualConfiguration );
public void testUpdateSetsBackground() {
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
when( remoteUI.getActionsParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.setUI( ui );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getBackground() ).thenReturn( new RGB( 100, 100, 100 ) );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( uiDescriptor );
controller.update( configuration );
verify( remoteUI ).setBackground( eq( new Color( ui.getDisplay(), 100, 100, 100 ) ) );
public void testUpdateSetsForeground() {
RemoteUI remoteUI = mock( RemoteUI.class );
when( remoteUI.getPageParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
when( remoteUI.getActionsParent() ).thenReturn( shell );
Controller controller = new Controller( remoteUI, uiDescriptor );
controller.setUI( ui );
UIConfiguration configuration = mock( UIConfiguration.class );
when( configuration.getForeground() ).thenReturn( new RGB( 100, 100, 100 ) );
when( configuration.getAdapter( UIDescriptor.class ) ).thenReturn( uiDescriptor );
controller.update( configuration );
verify( remoteUI ).setForeground( eq( new Color( ui.getDisplay(), 100, 100, 100 ) ) );