Package com.barrybecker4.puzzle.tantrix.model

Examples of com.barrybecker4.puzzle.tantrix.model.TilePlacementList


        public void run() {
             Planet destPlanet = battle_.getPlanet();
             int numAttackShips = battle_.getOrder().getFleetSize();
             int numDefendShips = destPlanet.getNumShips();
             //String defender = (destPlanet.getOwner()==null)? "Neutral" : destPlanet.getOwner().getName();

             // play back the move sequence
             List sequence = battle_.getHitSequence();
             if (sequence.isEmpty()) {
                 // reinforced!
                 GameContext.getMusicMaker().playNote( Instruments.APPLAUSE, 45, 0, 200, 1000 );
                 GameContext.getMusicMaker().playNote(70, 50, 900);
                 GameContext.getMusicMaker().playNote(90, 40, 1000);
                 descriptionLabel_.setText("Planet "+destPlanet.getName()+" has been reinforced.");
             else {
                 boolean useSound = GameContext.getUseSound();
                 Iterator it = sequence.iterator();
                 if (useSound)
                     GameContext.getMusicMaker().playNote( Instruments.GUNSHOT, 45, 0, 200, 1000 );

                 while (it.hasNext()) {
                     GalacticPlayer p = (GalacticPlayer);
                     int total = numAttackShips + numDefendShips;
                     int time = 1 + BATTLE_SPEED / (1+total);
                     if (p == battle_.getOrder().getOwner()) {
                         if (useSound)
                             GameContext.getMusicMaker().playNote(100, time, 800);
                     else {
                         if (useSound)
                             GameContext.getMusicMaker().playNote(80, time, 800);

                     refresh(numAttackShips, numDefendShips);
                 assert(numAttackShips == 0 || numDefendShips == 0):
                         "numAttackShips="+numAttackShips+" numDefendShips="+numDefendShips;
                 String winMessage;
                 if (numAttackShips==0)
                     winMessage = "Planet "+destPlanet.getName()+" has successfully defended itself.";
                     winMessage = battle_.getOrder().getOwner().getName()+ " has conquered planet "+destPlanet.getName();

                 descriptionLabel_.setText( "<html>"+ descriptionLabel_.getText()+ "<b>"+ winMessage +"/b></html>");

             viewer_.showPlanetUnderAttack(battle_.getPlanet(), false)// battle is done
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        return renderer_;

    protected int getPieceSize(int cellSize, GamePiece piece) {
        Planet planet = (Planet)piece;

        double rad = planet.getRadius();
        return (int) (cellSize * rad);
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     * Open the command dialog to get the players commands
     * @param gc the galactic controller
    private void showOrdersDialog(GalacticController gc) {

        GalacticPlayer currentPlayer = (GalacticPlayer)gc.getCurrentPlayer();

        OrdersDialog ordersDialog =
                new OrdersDialog(null, currentPlayer, gc.getNumberOfYearsRemaining());
        Point p = getParent().getLocationOnScreen();

        // offset the dlg so the Galaxy grid is visible as a reference
        ordersDialog.setLocation((int)(p.getX()+0.7*getParent().getWidth()), (int)(p.getY()+getParent().getHeight()/3.0));

        boolean canceled = ordersDialog.showDialog();
        if ( !canceled ) { // newGame a game with the newly defined options
            currentPlayer.setOrders( ordersDialog.getOrders() );
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     * add a row based on a player object
     * @param player to add
    protected void addRow(Object player) {
        GalacticPlayer p = (GalacticPlayer)player;
        Object d[] = new Object[getNumColumns()];
        List planets = Galaxy.getPlanets(p);
        // sum the num ships and productions

        d[NAME_INDEX] = p.getName();
        d[COLOR_INDEX ] = p.getColor();
        d[NUM_PLANETS_INDEX] = planets.size();
        d[SHIPS_INDEX] =  p.getTotalNumShips();
        d[PRODUCTION_INDEX] = p.getTotalProductionCapacity();
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                 Iterator it = sequence.iterator();
                 if (useSound)
                     GameContext.getMusicMaker().playNote( Instruments.GUNSHOT, 45, 0, 200, 1000 );

                 while (it.hasNext()) {
                     GalacticPlayer p = (GalacticPlayer);
                     int total = numAttackShips + numDefendShips;
                     int time = 1 + BATTLE_SPEED / (1+total);
                     if (p == battle_.getOrder().getOwner()) {
                         if (useSound)
                             GameContext.getMusicMaker().playNote(100, time, 800);
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            // clear background
            g2.setColor( Color.white );
            g2.fillRect( 0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight() );

            GalacticPlayer attacker = battle_.getOrder().getOwner();
            String title = "Attacker : " + attacker.getName();
            drawPlayerRep(g2, attacker, attacker.getColor(), attackers_, title,
                          LEFT_MARGIN, LEFT_IMAGE_MARGIN, ATTACKER_Y);

            GalacticPlayer defender = battle_.getPlanet().getOwner(); // null if neutral
            Color defenderColor = (defender == null) ? Planet.NEUTRAL_COLOR : defender.getColor();
            String planetName = battle_.getPlanet().getName() + "";
            title = "Defender :"+ ( defender== null ? planetName : defender.getName() + " at "+ planetName);
            drawPlayerRep(g2, defender, defenderColor, defenders_, title,
                          LEFT_MARGIN, LEFT_IMAGE_MARGIN, DEFENDER_Y);
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     * @return done return true if the game is over after moving
    public boolean doComputerMove(Player player) {
        GalacticRobotPlayer robot = (GalacticRobotPlayer)player;
        GalacticController gc = (GalacticController) controller_;
        GameContext.log(1, "now doing computer move. about to make orders");

        robot.makeOrders((Galaxy)getBoard(), gc.getNumberOfYearsRemaining());

        /* // records the result on the board.
        Move lastMove = getController().getLastMove();
        GalacticTurn gmove = GalacticTurn.createMove((lastMove==null)? 0 : lastMove.moveNumber + 1);
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     * The dialog needs the user to dismiss it when done.
     * It is not shown if all computer players.
     * @param battle  the battle to show in a separate dialog
    private void showBattle(BattleSimulation battle) {
        BattleDialog bDlg = new BattleDialog(parent_, battle, this);

        Point p = this.getParent().getLocationOnScreen();
        // offset the dlg so the Galaxy grid is visible as a reference.
        bDlg.setLocation((int) (p.getX() + getParent().getWidth()),
                         (int) (p.getY() + 0.65 * getParent().getHeight()));
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    protected NewGameDialog createNewGameDialog(Component parent, GameViewModel viewer )
        return new GalacticNewGameDialog( parent, viewer );
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    protected GameOptionsDialog createOptionsDialog(Component parent, GameController controller )
        return new GalacticOptionsDialog( parent, controller );
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Related Classes of com.barrybecker4.puzzle.tantrix.model.TilePlacementList

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