* @param map The tiled map
* @param inputDir The directory containing all the files created by TiledMapPacker */
public TileAtlas (TiledMap map, FileHandle inputDir) {
// TODO: Create a constructor that doesn't take a tmx map,
for (TileSet set : map.tileSets) {
FileHandle packfile = getRelativeFileHandle(inputDir, removeExtension(set.imageName) + " packfile");
TextureAtlas textureAtlas = new TextureAtlas(packfile, packfile.parent(), false);
List<AtlasRegion> atlasRegions = textureAtlas.findRegions(removeExtension(removePath(set.imageName)));
for (AtlasRegion reg : atlasRegions) {
regionsMap.put(reg.index + set.firstgid, reg);
if (!textures.contains(reg.getTexture())) {