private void updateTunedQueryFromUsage(Counters counters, Statistics statistics) {
ObjectGraphOrigin queryPoint = statistics.getOrigin();
String beanType = queryPoint.getBeanType();
try {
Class<?> beanClass = ClassUtil.forName(beanType, this.getClass());
BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor = server.getBeanDescriptor(beanClass);
if (beanDescriptor == null){
// previously was an entity but not longer
} else {
// Determine the fetch plan from the latest statistics.
// Use this to compare with current "tuned fetch plan".
OrmQueryDetail newFetchDetail = statistics.buildTunedFetch(beanDescriptor);
// get the current tuned fetch info...
TunedQueryInfo currentFetch = tunedQueryInfoMap.get(queryPoint.getKey());
if (currentFetch == null) {
// its a new fetch plan, add it.
currentFetch = statistics.createTunedFetch(newFetchDetail);
tunedQueryInfoMap.put(queryPoint.getKey(), currentFetch);
} else if (!currentFetch.isSame(newFetchDetail)) {
// the fetch plan has changed, update it.