package com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import com.avaje.ebean.EbeanServer;
import com.avaje.ebean.Expression;
import com.avaje.ebean.ExpressionFactory;
import com.avaje.ebean.ExpressionList;
import com.avaje.ebean.FetchConfig;
import com.avaje.ebean.FutureIds;
import com.avaje.ebean.FutureList;
import com.avaje.ebean.FutureRowCount;
import com.avaje.ebean.OrderBy;
import com.avaje.ebean.OrderBy.Property;
import com.avaje.ebean.PagedList;
import com.avaje.ebean.PagingList;
import com.avaje.ebean.Query;
import com.avaje.ebean.QueryIterator;
import com.avaje.ebean.QueryResultVisitor;
import com.avaje.ebean.RawSql;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.BeanCollectionTouched;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.CallStack;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphNode;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphOrigin;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import com.avaje.ebean.event.BeanQueryRequest;
import com.avaje.ebean.text.PathProperties;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.BindParams;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.HashQuery;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.HashQueryPlan;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.HashQueryPlanBuilder;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.ManyWhereJoins;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpression;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiExpressionList;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.autofetch.AutoFetchManager;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DRawSqlSelect;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DeployNamedQuery;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.TableJoin;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.expression.SimpleExpression;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.query.CancelableQuery;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.util.DefaultExpressionList;
* Default implementation of an Object Relational query.
public class DefaultOrmQuery<T> implements SpiQuery<T> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6838006264714672460L;
private final Class<T> beanType;
private transient final EbeanServer server;
private transient BeanCollectionTouched beanCollectionTouched;
private transient final ExpressionFactory expressionFactory;
* Used to add beans to the PersistanceContext prior to query.
private transient ArrayList<EntityBean> contextAdditions;
* For lazy loading of ManyToMany we need to add a join to the intersection table. This is that
* join to the intersection table.
private transient TableJoin includeTableJoin;
private transient AutoFetchManager autoFetchManager;
private transient BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor;
private boolean cancelled;
private transient CancelableQuery cancelableQuery;
* The name of the query.
private String name;
private Type type;
private Mode mode = Mode.NORMAL;
* Holds query in structured form.
private OrmQueryDetail detail;
private int maxRows;
private int firstRow;
private int totalHits;
* The where clause from a parsed query string.
private String rawWhereClause;
private OrderBy<T> orderBy;
private String loadMode;
private String loadDescription;
private String generatedSql;
* Query language version of the query.
private String query;
private String additionalWhere;
private String additionalHaving;
private String lazyLoadProperty;
private String lazyLoadManyPath;
* Set to true by a user wanting a DISTINCT query (id property must be excluded).
private boolean distinct;
* Set to true internally by Ebean when it needs the DISTINCT keyword added to the query (id
* property still expected).
private boolean sqlDistinct;
* Set to true if this is a future fetch using background threads.
private boolean futureFetch;
private List<Object> partialIds;
private int timeout = -1;
* The property used to get the key value for a Map.
private String mapKey;
* Used for find by id type query.
private Object id;
* Bind parameters when using the query language.
private BindParams bindParams;
private DefaultExpressionList<T> whereExpressions;
private DefaultExpressionList<T> havingExpressions;
private int bufferFetchSizeHint;
private boolean usageProfiling = true;
private boolean loadBeanCache;
private Boolean useBeanCache;
private Boolean useQueryCache;
private Boolean readOnly;
private boolean sqlSelect;
* Allow for explicit on off or null for default.
private Boolean autoFetch;
* Allow to fetch a record "for update" which should lock it on read
private boolean forUpdate;
* Set to true if this query has been tuned by autoFetch.
private boolean autoFetchTuned;
private boolean logSecondaryQuery;
* The node of the bean or collection that fired lazy loading. Not null if profiling is on and
* this query is for lazy loading. Used to hook back a lazy loading query to the "original" query
* point.
private ObjectGraphNode parentNode;
private BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> lazyLoadForParentsProperty;
private List<Object> lazyLoadForParentsIds;
* Hash of final query after AutoFetch tuning.
private HashQueryPlan queryPlanHash;
private transient PersistenceContext persistenceContext;
private ManyWhereJoins manyWhereJoins;
private RawSql rawSql;
public DefaultOrmQuery(Class<T> beanType, EbeanServer server, ExpressionFactory expressionFactory, String query) {
this.beanType = beanType;
this.server = server;
this.expressionFactory = expressionFactory;
this.detail = new OrmQueryDetail(); = "";
if (query != null) {
* Additional supply a query which is parsed.
public DefaultOrmQuery(Class<T> beanType, EbeanServer server, ExpressionFactory expressionFactory,
DeployNamedQuery namedQuery) throws PersistenceException {
this.beanType = beanType;
this.server = server;
this.expressionFactory = expressionFactory;
this.detail = new OrmQueryDetail();
if (namedQuery == null) { = "";
} else { = namedQuery.getName();
this.sqlSelect = namedQuery.isSqlSelect();
if (sqlSelect) {
// potentially with where and having clause...
DRawSqlSelect sqlSelect = namedQuery.getSqlSelect();
additionalWhere = sqlSelect.getWhereClause();
additionalHaving = sqlSelect.getHavingClause();
} else if (namedQuery.isRawSql()) {
rawSql = namedQuery.getRawSql();
} else {
// parse the entire query...
public int getTotalHits() {
return totalHits;
public void setTotalHits(int totalHits) {
this.totalHits = totalHits;
public Query<T> apply(PathProperties pathProperties) {
return this;
* Set the BeanDescriptor for the root type of this query.
public void setBeanDescriptor(BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor) {
this.beanDescriptor = beanDescriptor;
* Return true if select all properties was used to ensure the property invoking a lazy load was
* included in the query.
public boolean selectAllForLazyLoadProperty() {
if (lazyLoadProperty != null) {
if (!detail.containsProperty(lazyLoadProperty)) {"*");
return true;
return false;
public RawSql getRawSql() {
return rawSql;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setRawSql(RawSql rawSql) {
this.rawSql = rawSql;
return this;
public String getLazyLoadProperty() {
return lazyLoadProperty;
public void setLazyLoadProperty(String lazyLoadProperty) {
this.lazyLoadProperty = lazyLoadProperty;
public String getLazyLoadManyPath() {
return lazyLoadManyPath;
public ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory() {
return expressionFactory;
* Return true if the where expressions contains a many property.
public boolean initManyWhereJoins() {
manyWhereJoins = new ManyWhereJoins();
if (whereExpressions != null) {
whereExpressions.containsMany(beanDescriptor, manyWhereJoins);
return !manyWhereJoins.isEmpty();
public ManyWhereJoins getManyWhereJoins() {
return manyWhereJoins;
public List<OrmQueryProperties> removeQueryJoins() {
List<OrmQueryProperties> queryJoins = detail.removeSecondaryQueries();
if (queryJoins != null) {
if (orderBy != null) {
// remove any orderBy properties that relate to
// paths of the secondary queries
for (int i = 0; i < queryJoins.size(); i++) {
OrmQueryProperties joinPath = queryJoins.get(i);
// loop through the orderBy properties and
// move any ones related to the query join
List<Property> properties = orderBy.getProperties();
Iterator<Property> it = properties.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
OrderBy.Property property =;
if (property.getProperty().startsWith(joinPath.getPath())) {
// remove this orderBy segment and
// add it to the secondary join
return queryJoins;
public List<OrmQueryProperties> removeLazyJoins() {
return detail.removeSecondaryLazyQueries();
public void setLazyLoadManyPath(String lazyLoadManyPath) {
this.lazyLoadManyPath = lazyLoadManyPath;
* Convert any many joins fetch joins to query joins.
public void convertManyFetchJoinsToQueryJoins(boolean allowOne, int queryBatch) {
detail.convertManyFetchJoinsToQueryJoins(beanDescriptor, lazyLoadManyPath, allowOne, queryBatch);
* Set the select clause to select the Id property.
public void setSelectId() {
// clear select and fetch joins..
public void convertWhereNaturalKeyToId(Object idValue) {
whereExpressions = new DefaultExpressionList<T>(this, null);
public NaturalKeyBindParam getNaturalKeyBindParam() {
NaturalKeyBindParam namedBind = null;
if (bindParams != null) {
namedBind = bindParams.getNaturalKeyBindParam();
if (namedBind == null) {
return null;
if (whereExpressions != null) {
List<SpiExpression> exprList = whereExpressions.internalList();
if (exprList.size() > 1) {
return null;
} else if (exprList.size() == 0) {
return namedBind;
} else {
if (namedBind != null) {
return null;
SpiExpression se = exprList.get(0);
if (se instanceof SimpleExpression) {
SimpleExpression e = (SimpleExpression) se;
if (e.isOpEquals()) {
return new NaturalKeyBindParam(e.getPropertyName(), e.getValue());
return null;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> copy() {
// Not including these in the copy:
// contextAdditions
// queryListener
// transactionContext
// autoFetchTuned
// autoFetchQueryPlanHash
// copy.generatedSql
DefaultOrmQuery<T> copy = new DefaultOrmQuery<T>(beanType, server, expressionFactory, (String) null); = name;
copy.includeTableJoin = includeTableJoin;
copy.autoFetchManager = autoFetchManager;
copy.query = query;
copy.additionalWhere = additionalWhere;
copy.additionalHaving = additionalHaving;
copy.distinct = distinct;
copy.sqlDistinct = sqlDistinct;
copy.timeout = timeout;
copy.mapKey = mapKey; = id;
copy.loadBeanCache = loadBeanCache;
copy.useBeanCache = useBeanCache;
copy.useQueryCache = useQueryCache;
copy.readOnly = readOnly;
copy.sqlSelect = sqlSelect;
if (detail != null) {
copy.detail = detail.copy();
copy.firstRow = firstRow;
copy.maxRows = maxRows;
copy.rawWhereClause = rawWhereClause;
if (orderBy != null) {
copy.orderBy = orderBy.copy();
if (bindParams != null) {
copy.bindParams = bindParams.copy();
if (whereExpressions != null) {
copy.whereExpressions = whereExpressions.copy(copy);
if (havingExpressions != null) {
copy.havingExpressions = havingExpressions.copy(copy);
copy.usageProfiling = usageProfiling;
copy.autoFetch = autoFetch;
copy.parentNode = parentNode;
copy.forUpdate = forUpdate;
copy.rawSql = rawSql;
copy.rawWhereClause = rawWhereClause;
return copy;
public Type getType() {
return type;
public void setType(Type type) {
this.type = type;
public String getLoadDescription() {
return loadDescription;
public String getLoadMode() {
return loadMode;
public void setLoadDescription(String loadMode, String loadDescription) {
this.loadMode = loadMode;
this.loadDescription = loadDescription;
* Return the TransactionContext.
* <p>
* If no TransactionContext is present on the query then the TransactionContext from the
* Transaction is used (transaction scoped persistence context).
* </p>
public PersistenceContext getPersistenceContext() {
return persistenceContext;
* Set an explicit TransactionContext (typically for a refresh query).
* <p>
* If no TransactionContext is present on the query then the TransactionContext from the
* Transaction is used (transaction scoped persistence context).
* </p>
public void setPersistenceContext(PersistenceContext persistenceContext) {
this.persistenceContext = persistenceContext;
public void setLazyLoadForParents(List<Object> parentIds, BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> many) {
this.lazyLoadForParentsIds = parentIds;
this.lazyLoadForParentsProperty = many;
public List<Object> getLazyLoadForParentIds() {
return lazyLoadForParentsIds;
public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> getLazyLoadForParentsProperty() {
return lazyLoadForParentsProperty;
* Return true if the query detail has neither select or joins specified.
public boolean isDetailEmpty() {
return detail.isEmpty();
public boolean isAutofetchTuned() {
return autoFetchTuned;
public void setAutoFetchTuned(boolean autoFetchTuned) {
this.autoFetchTuned = autoFetchTuned;
public Boolean isAutofetch() {
return sqlSelect ? Boolean.FALSE : autoFetch;
public boolean isForUpdate() {
return forUpdate;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setAutoFetch(boolean autoFetch) {
return setAutofetch(autoFetch);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setAutofetch(boolean autoFetch) {
this.autoFetch = autoFetch;
return this;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setForUpdate(boolean forUpdate) {
this.forUpdate = forUpdate;
return this;
public AutoFetchManager getAutoFetchManager() {
return autoFetchManager;
public void setAutoFetchManager(AutoFetchManager autoFetchManager) {
this.autoFetchManager = autoFetchManager;
public Mode getMode() {
return mode;
public void setMode(Mode mode) {
this.mode = mode;
public boolean isUsageProfiling() {
return usageProfiling;
public void setUsageProfiling(boolean usageProfiling) {
this.usageProfiling = usageProfiling;
public void setLogSecondaryQuery(boolean logSecondaryQuery) {
this.logSecondaryQuery = logSecondaryQuery;
public boolean isLogSecondaryQuery() {
return logSecondaryQuery;
private List<SpiQuery<?>> loggedSecondaryQueries;
public List<SpiQuery<?>> getLoggedSecondaryQueries() {
return loggedSecondaryQueries;
public void logSecondaryQuery(SpiQuery<?> query) {
if (loggedSecondaryQueries == null) {
loggedSecondaryQueries = new ArrayList<SpiQuery<?>>();
public void setParentNode(ObjectGraphNode parentNode) {
this.parentNode = parentNode;
public ObjectGraphNode getParentNode() {
return parentNode;
public ObjectGraphNode setOrigin(CallStack callStack) {
// create a 'origin' which links this query to the profiling information
ObjectGraphOrigin o = new ObjectGraphOrigin(calculateOriginQueryHash(), callStack, beanType.getName());
parentNode = new ObjectGraphNode(o, null);
return parentNode;
* Calculate a hash for use in determining the ObjectGraphOrigin.
* <p>
* This should be quite a stable hash as most uniqueness is determined by the CallStack, so we
* only use the bean type and overall query type.
* </p>
* <p>
* This stable hash allows the query to be changed (joins added etc) without losing the already
* collected usage profiling.
* </p>
private int calculateOriginQueryHash() {
int hc = beanType.getName().hashCode();
hc = hc * 31 + (type == null ? 0 : type.ordinal());
return hc;
* Calculate the query hash for either AutoFetch query tuning or Query Plan caching.
private HashQueryPlan calculateHash(BeanQueryRequest<?> request, HashQueryPlanBuilder builder) {
// exclude bind values and things unrelated to
// the sql being generated
if (builder == null) {
builder = new HashQueryPlanBuilder();
builder.add((type == null ? 0 : type.ordinal() + 1));
builder.add(id != null);
builder.add(rawSql == null ? 0 : rawSql.queryHash());
if (detail != null) {
detail.queryPlanHash(request, builder);
if (bindParams != null) {
if (request == null) {
// for AutoFetch...
if (whereExpressions != null) {
if (havingExpressions != null) {
} else {
// for query plan...
if (whereExpressions != null) {
whereExpressions.queryPlanHash(request, builder);
if (havingExpressions != null) {
havingExpressions.queryPlanHash(request, builder);
* Calculate a hash used by AutoFetch to identify when a query has changed (and hence potentially
* needs a new tuned query plan to be developed).
public HashQueryPlan queryAutofetchHash(HashQueryPlanBuilder builder) {
return calculateHash(null, builder);
* Calculate a hash that should be unique for the generated SQL across a given bean type.
* <p>
* This can used to enable the caching and reuse of a 'query plan'.
* </p>
* <p>
* This is calculated AFTER AutoFetch query tuning has occurred.
* </p>
public HashQueryPlan queryPlanHash(BeanQueryRequest<?> request) {
queryPlanHash = calculateHash(request, null);
return queryPlanHash;
* Calculate a hash based on the bind values used in the query.
* <p>
* Used with queryPlanHash() to get a unique hash for a query.
* </p>
public int queryBindHash() {
int hc = (id == null ? 0 : id.hashCode());
hc = hc * 31 + (whereExpressions == null ? 0 : whereExpressions.queryBindHash());
hc = hc * 31 + (havingExpressions == null ? 0 : havingExpressions.queryBindHash());
hc = hc * 31 + (bindParams == null ? 0 : bindParams.queryBindHash());
hc = hc * 31 + (contextAdditions == null ? 0 : contextAdditions.hashCode());
return hc;
* Return a hash that includes the query plan and bind values.
* <p>
* This hash can be used to identify if we have executed the exact same query (including bind
* values) before.
* </p>
public HashQuery queryHash() {
// calculateQueryPlanHash is called just after potential AutoFetch tuning
// so queryPlanHash is calculated well before this method is called
int hc = queryBindHash();
return new HashQuery(queryPlanHash, hc);
* Return the query name.
public String getName() {
return name;
public boolean isSqlSelect() {
return sqlSelect;
public boolean isRawSql() {
return rawSql != null;
* Return any additional where clauses.
public String getAdditionalWhere() {
return additionalWhere;
* Return the timeout.
public int getTimeout() {
return timeout;
* Return any additional having clauses.
public String getAdditionalHaving() {
return additionalHaving;
public boolean hasMaxRowsOrFirstRow() {
return maxRows > 0 || firstRow > 0;
public Boolean isReadOnly() {
return readOnly;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
this.readOnly = readOnly;
return this;
public Boolean isUseBeanCache() {
return useBeanCache;
public boolean isUseQueryCache() {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(useQueryCache);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setUseCache(boolean useBeanCache) {
this.useBeanCache = useBeanCache;
return this;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setUseQueryCache(boolean useQueryCache) {
this.useQueryCache = useQueryCache;
return this;
public boolean isLoadBeanCache() {
return loadBeanCache;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setLoadBeanCache(boolean loadBeanCache) {
this.loadBeanCache = loadBeanCache;
return this;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setTimeout(int secs) {
this.timeout = secs;
return this;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setQuery(String queryString) throws PersistenceException {
this.query = queryString;
OrmQueryDetailParser parser = new OrmQueryDetailParser(queryString);
return this;
protected void setOrmQueryDetail(OrmQueryDetail detail) {
this.detail = detail;
protected void setRawWhereClause(String rawWhereClause) {
this.rawWhereClause = rawWhereClause;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setProperties(String columns) {
return select(columns);
public void setDefaultSelectClause() {
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> select(String columns) {;
return this;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> fetch(String property) {
return fetch(property, null, null);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> fetch(String property, FetchConfig joinConfig) {
return fetch(property, null, joinConfig);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> fetch(String property, String columns) {
return fetch(property, columns, null);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> fetch(String property, String columns, FetchConfig config) {
detail.addFetch(property, columns, config);
return this;
public List<Object> findIds() {
// a copy of this query is made in the server
// as the query needs to modified (so we modify
// the copy rather than this query instance)
return server.findIds(this, null);
public int findRowCount() {
// a copy of this query is made in the server
// as the query needs to modified (so we modify
// the copy rather than this query instance)
return server.findRowCount(this, null);
public void findVisit(QueryResultVisitor<T> visitor) {
server.findVisit(this, visitor, null);
public QueryIterator<T> findIterate() {
return server.findIterate(this, null);
public List<T> findList() {
return server.findList(this, null);
public Set<T> findSet() {
return server.findSet(this, null);
public Map<?, T> findMap() {
return server.findMap(this, null);
public <K> Map<K, T> findMap(String keyProperty, Class<K> keyType) {
return (Map<K, T>) findMap();
public T findUnique() {
return server.findUnique(this, null);
public FutureIds<T> findFutureIds() {
return server.findFutureIds(this, null);
public FutureList<T> findFutureList() {
return server.findFutureList(this, null);
public FutureRowCount<T> findFutureRowCount() {
return server.findFutureRowCount(this, null);
public PagingList<T> findPagingList(int pageSize) {
return server.findPagingList(this, null, pageSize);
public PagedList<T> findPagedList(int pageIndex, int pageSize) {
return server.findPagedList(this, null, pageIndex, pageSize);
* Set an ordered bind parameter according to its position. Note that the position starts at 1 to
* be consistent with JDBC PreparedStatement. You need to set a parameter value for each ? you
* have in the query.
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setParameter(int position, Object value) {
if (bindParams == null) {
bindParams = new BindParams();
bindParams.setParameter(position, value);
return this;
* Set a named bind parameter. Named parameters have a colon to prefix the name.
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setParameter(String name, Object value) {
if (bindParams == null) {
bindParams = new BindParams();
bindParams.setParameter(name, value);
return this;
public OrderBy<T> getOrderBy() {
return orderBy;
* Return the order by clause.
public String getRawWhereClause() {
return rawWhereClause;
public OrderBy<T> orderBy() {
return order();
public OrderBy<T> order() {
if (orderBy == null) {
orderBy = new OrderBy<T>(this, null);
return orderBy;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setOrderBy(String orderByClause) {
return order(orderByClause);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> orderBy(String orderByClause) {
return order(orderByClause);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> order(String orderByClause) {
if (orderByClause == null || orderByClause.trim().length() == 0) {
this.orderBy = null;
} else {
this.orderBy = new OrderBy<T>(this, orderByClause);
return this;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setOrderBy(OrderBy<T> orderBy) {
return setOrder(orderBy);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setOrder(OrderBy<T> orderBy) {
this.orderBy = orderBy;
if (orderBy != null) {
return this;
* return true if user specified to use SQL DISTINCT (effectively excludes id property).
public boolean isDistinct() {
return distinct;
* Internally set to use SQL DISTINCT on the query but still have id property included.
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setDistinct(boolean distinct) {
this.distinct = distinct;
return this;
* Return true if this query uses SQL DISTINCT either explicitly by the user or internally defined
* by ebean.
public boolean isDistinctQuery() {
return distinct || sqlDistinct;
* Internally set to use SQL DISTINCT on the query but still have id property included.
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setSqlDistinct(boolean sqlDistinct) {
this.sqlDistinct = sqlDistinct;
return this;
public Class<T> getBeanType() {
return beanType;
public void setDetail(OrmQueryDetail detail) {
this.detail = detail;
public boolean tuneFetchProperties(OrmQueryDetail tunedDetail) {
return detail.tuneFetchProperties(tunedDetail);
public OrmQueryDetail getDetail() {
return detail;
* Return any beans that should be added to the persistence context prior to executing the query.
public final ArrayList<EntityBean> getContextAdditions() {
return contextAdditions;
* Add a bean to the context additions.
* <p>
* These are added to the persistence context before executing the query.
* </p>
public void contextAdd(EntityBean bean) {
if (contextAdditions == null) {
contextAdditions = new ArrayList<EntityBean>();
public String toString() {
return "Query [" + whereExpressions + "]";
public TableJoin getIncludeTableJoin() {
return includeTableJoin;
public void setIncludeTableJoin(TableJoin includeTableJoin) {
this.includeTableJoin = includeTableJoin;
public int getFirstRow() {
return firstRow;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setFirstRow(int firstRow) {
this.firstRow = firstRow;
return this;
public int getMaxRows() {
return maxRows;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setMaxRows(int maxRows) {
this.maxRows = maxRows;
return this;
public String getMapKey() {
return mapKey;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setMapKey(String mapKey) {
this.mapKey = mapKey;
return this;
public Object getId() {
return id;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> setId(Object id) {
if (id == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("The id is null");
} = id;
return this;
public BindParams getBindParams() {
return bindParams;
public String getQuery() {
return query;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> addWhere(String addToWhereClause) {
return where(addToWhereClause);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> addWhere(Expression expression) {
return where(expression);
public ExpressionList<T> addWhere() {
return where();
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> where(String addToWhereClause) {
if (additionalWhere == null) {
additionalWhere = addToWhereClause;
} else {
additionalWhere += " " + addToWhereClause;
return this;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> where(Expression expression) {
if (whereExpressions == null) {
whereExpressions = new DefaultExpressionList<T>(this, null);
return this;
public ExpressionList<T> where() {
if (whereExpressions == null) {
whereExpressions = new DefaultExpressionList<T>(this, null);
return whereExpressions;
public ExpressionList<T> filterMany(String prop) {
OrmQueryProperties chunk = detail.getChunk(prop, true);
return chunk.filterMany(this);
public void setFilterMany(String prop, ExpressionList<?> filterMany) {
if (filterMany != null) {
OrmQueryProperties chunk = detail.getChunk(prop, true);
chunk.setFilterMany((SpiExpressionList<?>) filterMany);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> addHaving(String addToHavingClause) {
return having(addToHavingClause);
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> addHaving(Expression expression) {
return having(expression);
public ExpressionList<T> addHaving() {
return having();
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> having(String addToHavingClause) {
if (additionalHaving == null) {
additionalHaving = addToHavingClause;
} else {
additionalHaving += " " + addToHavingClause;
return this;
public DefaultOrmQuery<T> having(Expression expression) {
if (havingExpressions == null) {
havingExpressions = new DefaultExpressionList<T>(this, null);
return this;
public ExpressionList<T> having() {
if (havingExpressions == null) {
havingExpressions = new DefaultExpressionList<T>(this, null);
return havingExpressions;
public SpiExpressionList<T> getHavingExpressions() {
return havingExpressions;
public SpiExpressionList<T> getWhereExpressions() {
return whereExpressions;
public String getGeneratedSql() {
return generatedSql;
public void setGeneratedSql(String generatedSql) {
this.generatedSql = generatedSql;
public Query<T> setBufferFetchSizeHint(int bufferFetchSizeHint) {
this.bufferFetchSizeHint = bufferFetchSizeHint;
return this;
public int getBufferFetchSizeHint() {
return bufferFetchSizeHint;
public void setBeanCollectionTouched(BeanCollectionTouched notify) {
this.beanCollectionTouched = notify;
public BeanCollectionTouched getBeanCollectionTouched() {
return beanCollectionTouched;
public List<Object> getIdList() {
return partialIds;
public void setIdList(List<Object> partialIds) {
this.partialIds = partialIds;
public boolean isFutureFetch() {
return futureFetch;
public void setFutureFetch(boolean backgroundFetch) {
this.futureFetch = backgroundFetch;
public void setCancelableQuery(CancelableQuery cancelableQuery) {
synchronized (this) {
this.cancelableQuery = cancelableQuery;
public void cancel() {
synchronized (this) {
cancelled = true;
if (cancelableQuery != null) {
public boolean isCancelled() {
synchronized (this) {
return cancelled;