package com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.autofetch;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.CallStack;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.NodeUsageCollector;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphNode;
import com.avaje.ebean.bean.ObjectGraphOrigin;
import com.avaje.ebean.config.AutofetchConfig;
import com.avaje.ebean.config.AutofetchMode;
import com.avaje.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.ClassUtil;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.querydefn.OrmQueryDetail;
* The manager of all the usage/query statistics as well as the tuned fetch
* information.
public class DefaultAutoFetchManager implements AutoFetchManager, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6826119882781771722L;
private final String statisticsMonitor = new String();
private final String fileName;
* Map of the usage and query statistics gathered.
private Map<String, Statistics> statisticsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Statistics>();
* Map of the tuned query details per profile query point.
private Map<String, TunedQueryInfo> tunedQueryInfoMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, TunedQueryInfo>();
private transient long defaultGarbageCollectionWait = 100;
* Left without synchronized for now.
private transient int tunedQueryCount;
* Converted from a 0-100 int to a double. Effectively a percentage rate at
* which to collect profiling information.
private transient double profilingRate = 0.1d;
private transient int profilingBase = 10;
private transient int profilingMin = 1;
private transient boolean profiling;
private transient boolean queryTuning;
private transient boolean queryTuningAddVersion;
private transient boolean garbageCollectionOnShutdown;
private transient AutofetchMode mode;
* Server that owns this Profile Listener.
private transient SpiEbeanServer server;
* The logger.
private transient DefaultAutoFetchManagerLogging logging;
public DefaultAutoFetchManager(String fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;
* Set up this profile listener before it is active.
public void setOwner(SpiEbeanServer server, ServerConfig serverConfig) {
this.server = server;
this.logging = new DefaultAutoFetchManagerLogging(serverConfig, this);
AutofetchConfig autofetchConfig = serverConfig.getAutofetchConfig();
garbageCollectionOnShutdown = autofetchConfig.isGarbageCollectionOnShutdown();
queryTuning = autofetchConfig.isQueryTuning();
queryTuningAddVersion = autofetchConfig.isQueryTuningAddVersion();
profiling = autofetchConfig.isProfiling();
profilingMin = autofetchConfig.getProfilingMin();
profilingBase = autofetchConfig.getProfilingBase();
defaultGarbageCollectionWait = (long) autofetchConfig.getGarbageCollectionWait();
// determine the mode to use when Query.setAutoFetch() was
// not explicitly set
mode = autofetchConfig.getMode();
if (profiling || queryTuning) {
// log the guts of the autoFetch setup
String msg = "AutoFetch queryTuning[" + queryTuning + "] profiling[" + profiling
+ "] mode[" + mode + "] profiling rate[" + profilingRate
+ "] min[" + profilingMin + "] base[" + profilingBase + "]";
logging.logInfo(msg, null);
// Register a periodic update of the profiling informations
public void clearQueryStatistics() {
* Return the number of queries tuned by AutoFetch.
public int getTotalTunedQueryCount(){
return tunedQueryCount;
* Return the size of the TuneQuery map.
public int getTotalTunedQuerySize(){
return tunedQueryInfoMap.size();
* Return the size of the profile map.
public int getTotalProfileSize(){
return statisticsMap.size();
public int clearTunedQueryInfo() {
// reset the rough count as well
tunedQueryCount = 0;
// clear the map...
int size = tunedQueryInfoMap.size();
return size;
public int clearProfilingInfo() {
int size = statisticsMap.size();
return size;
public void serialize() {
File autoFetchFile = new File(fileName);
try {
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(autoFetchFile);
ObjectOutputStream oout = new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Error serializing autofetch file";
logging.logError(msg, e);
* Return the current Tuned query info for a given origin key.
public TunedQueryInfo getTunedQueryInfo(String originKey) {
return tunedQueryInfoMap.get(originKey);
* Return the current Statistics for a given originKey key.
public Statistics getStatistics(String originKey) {
return statisticsMap.get(originKey);
public Iterator<TunedQueryInfo> iterateTunedQueryInfo() {
return tunedQueryInfoMap.values().iterator();
public Iterator<Statistics> iterateStatistics() {
return statisticsMap.values().iterator();
public boolean isProfiling() {
return profiling;
* When the application is running, BEFORE turning off profiling you
* probably should call collectUsageViaGC() as there is a delay (waiting for
* garbage collection) collecting usage profiling information.
public void setProfiling(boolean profiling) {
this.profiling = profiling;
public boolean isQueryTuning() {
return queryTuning;
public void setQueryTuning(boolean queryTuning) {
this.queryTuning = queryTuning;
public double getProfilingRate() {
return profilingRate;
public AutofetchMode getMode() {
return mode;
public void setMode(AutofetchMode mode) {
this.mode = mode;
public void setProfilingRate(double rate) {
if (rate < 0) {
rate = 0d;
} else if (rate > 1) {
rate = 1d;
profilingRate = rate;
public int getProfilingBase() {
return profilingBase;
public void setProfilingBase(int profilingBase) {
this.profilingBase = profilingBase;
public int getProfilingMin() {
return profilingMin;
public void setProfilingMin(int profilingMin) {
this.profilingMin = profilingMin;
* Shutdown the listener.
* <p>
* We should try to collect the usage statistics by calling a System.gc().
* This is necessary for use with short lived applications where garbage
* collection may not otherwise occur at all.
* </p>
public void shutdown() {
if (garbageCollectionOnShutdown) {
* Ask for a System.gc() so that we gather node usage information.
* <p>
* Really only want to do this sparingly but useful just prior to shutdown
* for short run application where garbage collection may otherwise not
* occur at all.
* </p>
* <p>
* waitMillis will do a thread sleep to give the garbage collection a little
* time to do its thing assuming we are shutting down the VM.
* </p>
* <p>
* If waitMillis is -1 then the defaultGarbageCollectionWait is used which
* defaults to 100 milliseconds.
* </p>
public String collectUsageViaGC(long waitMillis) {
try {
if (waitMillis < 0) {
waitMillis = defaultGarbageCollectionWait;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
String msg = "Error while sleeping after System.gc() request.";
logging.logError(msg, e);
return msg;
return updateTunedQueryInfo();
* Update the tuned fetch plans from the current usage information.
public String updateTunedQueryInfo() {
if (!profiling) {
// we are not collecting any profiling information at
// the moment so don't try updating the tuned query plans.
return "Not profiling";
synchronized (statisticsMonitor) {
Counters counters = new Counters();
Iterator<Statistics> it = statisticsMap.values().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Statistics queryPointStatistics =;
if (!queryPointStatistics.hasUsage()){
// no usage statistics collected yet...
} else {
updateTunedQueryFromUsage(counters, queryPointStatistics);
String summaryInfo = counters.toString();
if (counters.isInteresting()){
// only log it if its interesting
return summaryInfo;
private static class Counters {
int newPlan;
int modified;
int unchanged;
int noUsage;
void incrementNoUsage(){
void incrementNew(){
void incrementModified(){
void incrementUnchanged(){
boolean isInteresting() {
return newPlan > 0 || modified > 0;
public String toString() {
return "new["+newPlan+"] modified["+modified+"] unchanged["+unchanged+"] nousage["+noUsage+"]";
private void updateTunedQueryFromUsage(Counters counters, Statistics statistics) {
ObjectGraphOrigin queryPoint = statistics.getOrigin();
String beanType = queryPoint.getBeanType();
try {
Class<?> beanClass = ClassUtil.forName(beanType, this.getClass());
BeanDescriptor<?> beanDescriptor = server.getBeanDescriptor(beanClass);
if (beanDescriptor == null){
// previously was an entity but not longer
} else {
// Determine the fetch plan from the latest statistics.
// Use this to compare with current "tuned fetch plan".
OrmQueryDetail newFetchDetail = statistics.buildTunedFetch(beanDescriptor);
// get the current tuned fetch info...
TunedQueryInfo currentFetch = tunedQueryInfoMap.get(queryPoint.getKey());
if (currentFetch == null) {
// its a new fetch plan, add it.
currentFetch = statistics.createTunedFetch(newFetchDetail);
tunedQueryInfoMap.put(queryPoint.getKey(), currentFetch);
} else if (!currentFetch.isSame(newFetchDetail)) {
// the fetch plan has changed, update it.
logging.logChanged(currentFetch, newFetchDetail);
} else {
// the fetch plan has not changed...
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// expected after renaming/moving an entity bean
String msg = e.toString()+" updating autoFetch tuned query for " + beanType
+". It isLikely this bean has been renamed or moved";
logging.logInfo(msg, null);
* Return true if we should try to use autoFetch for this query.
private boolean useAutoFetch(SpiQuery<?> query) {
if (query.isLoadBeanCache()){
// when loading the cache don't tune the query
// as we want full objects loaded into the cache
return false;
Boolean autoFetch = query.isAutofetch();
if (autoFetch != null) {
// explicitly set...
return autoFetch.booleanValue();
} else {
// determine using implicit mode...
switch (mode) {
return true;
return false;
return query.isDetailEmpty();
throw new PersistenceException("Invalid autoFetchMode " + mode);
* Auto tune the query and enable profiling.
public boolean tuneQuery(SpiQuery<?> query) {
if (!queryTuning && !profiling) {
return false;
if (!useAutoFetch(query)) {
// not using autoFetch for this query
return false;
ObjectGraphNode parentAutoFetchNode = query.getParentNode();
if (parentAutoFetchNode != null) {
// This is a +lazy/+query query with profiling on.
// We continue to collect the profiling information.
return true;
// create a query point to identify the query
CallStack stack = server.createCallStack();
ObjectGraphNode origin = query.setOrigin(stack);
// get current "tuned fetch" for this query point
TunedQueryInfo tunedFetch = tunedQueryInfoMap.get(origin.getOriginQueryPoint().getKey());
// get the number of times we have collected profiling information
int profileCount = tunedFetch == null ? 0 : tunedFetch.getProfileCount();
if (profiling) {
// we want more profiling information?
if (tunedFetch == null) {
} else if (profileCount < profilingBase) {
} else if (tunedFetch.isPercentageProfile(profilingRate)) {
if (queryTuning) {
if (tunedFetch != null && profileCount >= profilingMin) {
// deemed to have enough profiling
// information for automatic tuning
if (tunedFetch.autoFetchTune(query)){
// tunedQueryCount++ not thread-safe, could use AtomicInteger.
// But I'm happy if this statistic is a little wrong
// and this is a VERY HOT method
return true;
return false;
* Gather query execution statistics. This could either be the originating
* query in which case the parentNode will be null, or a lazy loading query
* resulting from traversal of the object graph.
public void collectQueryInfo(ObjectGraphNode node, long beans, long micros) {
if (node != null){
ObjectGraphOrigin origin = node.getOriginQueryPoint();
if (origin != null){
Statistics stats = getQueryPointStats(origin);
stats.collectQueryInfo(node, beans, micros);
* Collect usage statistics from a node in the object graph.
* <p>
* This is sent to use from a EntityBeanIntercept when the finalise method
* is called on the bean.
* </p>
public void collectNodeUsage(NodeUsageCollector usageCollector) {
ObjectGraphOrigin origin = usageCollector.getNode().getOriginQueryPoint();
Statistics stats = getQueryPointStats(origin);
if (logging.isTraceUsageCollection()){
System.out.println("... NodeUsageCollector "+usageCollector);
if (logging.isTraceUsageCollection()){
private Statistics getQueryPointStats(ObjectGraphOrigin originQueryPoint) {
synchronized (statisticsMonitor) {
Statistics stats = statisticsMap.get(originQueryPoint.getKey());
if (stats == null) {
stats = new Statistics(originQueryPoint, queryTuningAddVersion);
statisticsMap.put(originQueryPoint.getKey(), stats);
return stats;
public String toString() {
synchronized (statisticsMonitor) {
return statisticsMap.values().toString();