* skip check
* @param data
public void run() {
StormClusterState clusterState = data.getStormClusterState();
try {
// Attetion, need first check Assignments
List<String> active_topologys = clusterState.assignments(null);
if (active_topologys == null) {
LOG.info("Failed to get active topologies");
for (String topologyid : active_topologys) {
LOG.debug("Check tasks " + topologyid);
// Attention, here don't check /ZK-dir/taskbeats/topologyid to
// get task ids
List<Integer> taskIds = clusterState.task_ids(topologyid);
if (taskIds == null) {
LOG.info("Failed to get task ids of " + topologyid);
Assignment assignment = clusterState.assignment_info(
topologyid, null);
boolean needReassign = false;
for (Integer task : taskIds) {
boolean isTaskDead = NimbusUtils.isTaskDead(data,
topologyid, task);
if (isTaskDead == true) {
LOG.info("Found " + topologyid + ",taskid:" + task
+ " is dead");
ResourceWorkerSlot resource = null;
if (assignment != null)
resource = assignment.getWorkerByTaskId(task);
if (resource != null) {
Date now = new Date();
String nowStr = TimeFormat.getSecond(now);
String errorInfo = "Task-" + task + " is dead on "
+ resource.getHostname() + ":"
+ resource.getPort() + ", " + nowStr;
clusterState.report_task_error(topologyid, task, errorInfo);
needReassign = true;
if (needReassign == true) {