public static void updateMetricsInfo(NimbusData data, String topologyId,
Assignment assignment) {
List<Integer> taskList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<String> workerList = new ArrayList<String>();
StormClusterState clusterState = data.getStormClusterState();
Set<ResourceWorkerSlot> workerSlotSet = assignment.getWorkers();
for (ResourceWorkerSlot workerSlot : workerSlotSet) {
String workerId = workerSlot.getHostname() + ":" + workerSlot.getPort();
try {
//Remove the obsolete tasks of metrics monitor in ZK
List<String> metricTaskList = clusterState.get_metric_taskIds(topologyId);
for (String task : metricTaskList) {
Integer taskId = Integer.valueOf(task);
if(taskList.contains(taskId) == false)
clusterState.remove_metric_task(topologyId, String.valueOf(taskId));
//Remove the obsolete workers of metrics monitor in ZK
List<String> metricWorkerList = clusterState.get_metric_workerIds(topologyId);
for (String workerId : metricWorkerList) {
if (workerList.contains(workerId) == false)
clusterState.remove_metric_worker(topologyId, workerId);
//Remove the obsolete user workers of metrics monitor in ZK
List<String> metricUserList = clusterState.get_metric_users(topologyId);
for (String workerId : metricUserList) {
if (workerList.contains(workerId) == false)
clusterState.remove_metric_user(topologyId, workerId);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to update metrics info when rebalance or reassignment, topologyId=" +
topologyId, e);