public void checkMandatoryConfs(Configuration conf) throws HIHOException {
if (inputPath == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided inputPath is empty, please specify inputPath");
if (conf.get(HIHOConf.ORACLE_FTP_USER) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The Oracle FTP UserName is not specified, please specify Oracle FTP UserName");
if (conf.get(HIHOConf.ORACLE_FTP_ADDRESS) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The Oracle FTP Address is not specified, please specify Oracle FTP Address");
if (conf.get(HIHOConf.ORACLE_FTP_PORT) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The Oracle FTP Port Number is not defined, please specify Oracle FTP Port Number");
if (conf.get(HIHOConf.ORACLE_FTP_PASSWORD) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The Oracle FTP Password is not defined, please specify Oracle FTP Password");
if (conf.get(HIHOConf.ORACLE_EXTERNAL_TABLE_DIR) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The Oracle External Table Directory is not specified, please specify Oracle External Table Directory");
if (conf.get(DBConfiguration.DRIVER_CLASS_PROPERTY) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The JDBC Driver is not specified, please specify JDBC Driver");
if (conf.get(DBConfiguration.URL_PROPERTY) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The JDBC URL is not specified, please specify JDBC URL");
if (conf.get(DBConfiguration.USERNAME_PROPERTY) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The JDBC USERNAME is not specified, please specify JDBC USERNAME");
if (conf.get(DBConfiguration.PASSWORD_PROPERTY) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The JDBC PASSWORD is not specified, please specify JDBC PASSWORD");
if (conf.get(HIHOConf.EXTERNAL_TABLE_DML) == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The query to create external table is not specified, please specify the create query for external table");