public void checkMandatoryConfs() throws HIHOException {
if (inputFormat == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided input format is empty, please specify inputFormat");
if (dedupBy == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided value of dedupBy is empty, please specify either key or value");
if ((!dedupBy.equals("key")) && (!dedupBy.equals("value"))) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided value of dedupBy is Incorrect, please specify either key or value");
if (inputKeyClassName == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided input key class name is empty, please specify inputKeyClassName");
if (inputValueClassName == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided input value class name is empty, please specify inputValueClassName");
if (inputPath == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided input path is empty, please specify inputPath");
if (outputPath == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided output path is empty, please specify outputPath");
if (outputFormat == null) {
throw new HIHOException(
"The provided output format is empty, please specify outputFormat");