Examples of ColorTimeline

Examples of com.esotericsoftware.spine.Animation.ColorTimeline

        for (int ii = 0; ii < itemCount; ii++) {
          int timelineType = input.readByte();
          int keyCount = input.readInt(true);
          switch (timelineType) {
          case TIMELINE_COLOR: {
            ColorTimeline timeline = new ColorTimeline(keyCount);
            for (int keyframeIndex = 0; keyframeIndex < keyCount; keyframeIndex++) {
              float time = input.readFloat();
              Color.rgba8888ToColor(tempColor, input.readInt());
              timeline.setFrame(keyframeIndex, time, tempColor.r, tempColor.g, tempColor.b, tempColor.a);
              if (keyframeIndex < keyCount - 1) readCurve(input, keyframeIndex, timeline);
            duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[keyCount * 5 - 5]);
            AttachmentTimeline timeline = new AttachmentTimeline(keyCount);
            for (int keyframeIndex = 0; keyframeIndex < keyCount; keyframeIndex++)
              timeline.setFrame(keyframeIndex, input.readFloat(), input.readString());
            duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[keyCount - 1]);
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid timeline type for a slot: " + timelineType + " (" + slotName + ")");
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Examples of com.esotericsoftware.spine.Animation.ColorTimeline

      int slotIndex = skeletonData.findSlotIndex(slotMap.name());

      for (JsonValue timelineMap = slotMap.child(); timelineMap != null; timelineMap = timelineMap.next()) {
        String timelineName = timelineMap.name();
        if (timelineName.equals(TIMELINE_COLOR)) {
          ColorTimeline timeline = new ColorTimeline(timelineMap.size());

          int frameIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue valueMap = timelineMap.child(); valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next()) {
            float time = valueMap.getFloat("time");
            Color color = Color.valueOf(valueMap.getString("color"));
            timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, time, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
            readCurve(timeline, frameIndex, valueMap);
          duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() * 5 - 5]);

        } else if (timelineName.equals(TIMELINE_ATTACHMENT)) {
          AttachmentTimeline timeline = new AttachmentTimeline(timelineMap.size());

          int frameIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue valueMap = timelineMap.child(); valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next()) {
            float time = valueMap.getFloat("time");
            timeline.setFrame(frameIndex++, time, valueMap.getString("name"));
          duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() - 1]);

        } else
          throw new RuntimeException("Invalid timeline type for a slot: " + timelineName + " (" + slotMap.name() + ")");
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Examples of com.esotericsoftware.spine.Animation.ColorTimeline

        for (int ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) {
          int timelineType = input.readByte();
          int frameCount = input.readInt(true);
          switch (timelineType) {
          case TIMELINE_COLOR: {
            ColorTimeline timeline = new ColorTimeline(frameCount);
            timeline.slotIndex = slotIndex;
            for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++) {
              float time = input.readFloat();
              Color.rgba8888ToColor(tempColor, input.readInt());
              timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, time, tempColor.r, tempColor.g, tempColor.b, tempColor.a);
              if (frameIndex < frameCount - 1) readCurve(input, frameIndex, timeline);
            duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[frameCount * 5 - 5]);
            AttachmentTimeline timeline = new AttachmentTimeline(frameCount);
            timeline.slotIndex = slotIndex;
            for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++)
              timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, input.readFloat(), input.readString());
            duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[frameCount - 1]);

      // Bone timelines.
      for (int i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) {
        int boneIndex = input.readInt(true);
        for (int ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) {
          int timelineType = input.readByte();
          int frameCount = input.readInt(true);
          switch (timelineType) {
          case TIMELINE_ROTATE: {
            RotateTimeline timeline = new RotateTimeline(frameCount);
            timeline.boneIndex = boneIndex;
            for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++) {
              timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, input.readFloat(), input.readFloat());
              if (frameIndex < frameCount - 1) readCurve(input, frameIndex, timeline);
            duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[frameCount * 2 - 2]);
          case TIMELINE_TRANSLATE:
          case TIMELINE_SCALE: {
            TranslateTimeline timeline;
            float timelineScale = 1;
            if (timelineType == TIMELINE_SCALE)
              timeline = new ScaleTimeline(frameCount);
            else {
              timeline = new TranslateTimeline(frameCount);
              timelineScale = scale;
            timeline.boneIndex = boneIndex;
            for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++) {
              timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, input.readFloat(), input.readFloat() * timelineScale, input.readFloat()
                * timelineScale);
              if (frameIndex < frameCount - 1) readCurve(input, frameIndex, timeline);
            duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[frameCount * 3 - 3]);
          case TIMELINE_FLIPX:
          case TIMELINE_FLIPY: {
            FlipXTimeline timeline = timelineType == TIMELINE_FLIPX ? new FlipXTimeline(frameCount) : new FlipYTimeline(
            timeline.boneIndex = boneIndex;
            for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++)
              timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, input.readFloat(), input.readBoolean());
            duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[frameCount * 2 - 2]);

      // IK timelines.
      for (int i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) {
        IkConstraintData ikConstraint = skeletonData.ikConstraints.get(input.readInt(true));
        int frameCount = input.readInt(true);
        IkConstraintTimeline timeline = new IkConstraintTimeline(frameCount);
        timeline.ikConstraintIndex = skeletonData.getIkConstraints().indexOf(ikConstraint, true);
        for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++) {
          timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, input.readFloat(), input.readFloat(), input.readByte());
          if (frameIndex < frameCount - 1) readCurve(input, frameIndex, timeline);
        duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[frameCount * 3 - 3]);

      // FFD timelines.
      for (int i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) {
        Skin skin = skeletonData.skins.get(input.readInt(true));
        for (int ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) {
          int slotIndex = input.readInt(true);
          for (int iii = 0, nnn = input.readInt(true); iii < nnn; iii++) {
            Attachment attachment = skin.getAttachment(slotIndex, input.readString());
            int frameCount = input.readInt(true);
            FfdTimeline timeline = new FfdTimeline(frameCount);
            timeline.slotIndex = slotIndex;
            timeline.attachment = attachment;
            for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frameCount; frameIndex++) {
              float time = input.readFloat();

              float[] vertices;
              int vertexCount;
              if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)
                vertexCount = ((MeshAttachment)attachment).getVertices().length;
                vertexCount = ((SkinnedMeshAttachment)attachment).getWeights().length / 3 * 2;

              int end = input.readInt(true);
              if (end == 0) {
                if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)
                  vertices = ((MeshAttachment)attachment).getVertices();
                  vertices = new float[vertexCount];
              } else {
                vertices = new float[vertexCount];
                int start = input.readInt(true);
                end += start;
                if (scale == 1) {
                  for (int v = start; v < end; v++)
                    vertices[v] = input.readFloat();
                } else {
                  for (int v = start; v < end; v++)
                    vertices[v] = input.readFloat() * scale;
                if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) {
                  float[] meshVertices = ((MeshAttachment)attachment).getVertices();
                  for (int v = 0, vn = vertices.length; v < vn; v++)
                    vertices[v] += meshVertices[v];

              timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, time, vertices);
              if (frameIndex < frameCount - 1) readCurve(input, frameIndex, timeline);
            duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[frameCount - 1]);

      // Draw order timeline.
      int drawOrderCount = input.readInt(true);
      if (drawOrderCount > 0) {
        DrawOrderTimeline timeline = new DrawOrderTimeline(drawOrderCount);
        int slotCount = skeletonData.slots.size;
        for (int i = 0; i < drawOrderCount; i++) {
          int offsetCount = input.readInt(true);
          int[] drawOrder = new int[slotCount];
          for (int ii = slotCount - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
            drawOrder[ii] = -1;
          int[] unchanged = new int[slotCount - offsetCount];
          int originalIndex = 0, unchangedIndex = 0;
          for (int ii = 0; ii < offsetCount; ii++) {
            int slotIndex = input.readInt(true);
            // Collect unchanged items.
            while (originalIndex != slotIndex)
              unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++;
            // Set changed items.
            drawOrder[originalIndex + input.readInt(true)] = originalIndex++;
          // Collect remaining unchanged items.
          while (originalIndex < slotCount)
            unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++;
          // Fill in unchanged items.
          for (int ii = slotCount - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
            if (drawOrder[ii] == -1) drawOrder[ii] = unchanged[--unchangedIndex];
          timeline.setFrame(i, input.readFloat(), drawOrder);
        duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[drawOrderCount - 1]);

      // Event timeline.
      int eventCount = input.readInt(true);
      if (eventCount > 0) {
        EventTimeline timeline = new EventTimeline(eventCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) {
          float time = input.readFloat();
          EventData eventData = skeletonData.events.get(input.readInt(true));
          Event event = new Event(eventData);
          event.intValue = input.readInt(false);
          event.floatValue = input.readFloat();
          event.stringValue = input.readBoolean() ? input.readString() : eventData.stringValue;
          timeline.setFrame(i, time, event);
        duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[eventCount - 1]);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new SerializationException("Error reading skeleton file.", ex);

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Examples of com.esotericsoftware.spine.Animation.ColorTimeline

      if (slotIndex == -1) throw new SerializationException("Slot not found: " + slotMap.name);

      for (JsonValue timelineMap = slotMap.child; timelineMap != null; timelineMap = timelineMap.next) {
        String timelineName = timelineMap.name;
        if (timelineName.equals("color")) {
          ColorTimeline timeline = new ColorTimeline(timelineMap.size);
          timeline.slotIndex = slotIndex;

          int frameIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue valueMap = timelineMap.child; valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next) {
            Color color = Color.valueOf(valueMap.getString("color"));
            timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, valueMap.getFloat("time"), color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
            readCurve(timeline, frameIndex, valueMap);
          duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() * 5 - 5]);

        } else if (timelineName.equals("attachment")) {
          AttachmentTimeline timeline = new AttachmentTimeline(timelineMap.size);
          timeline.slotIndex = slotIndex;

          int frameIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue valueMap = timelineMap.child; valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next)
            timeline.setFrame(frameIndex++, valueMap.getFloat("time"), valueMap.getString("name"));
          duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() - 1]);
        } else
          throw new RuntimeException("Invalid timeline type for a slot: " + timelineName + " (" + slotMap.name + ")");

    // Bone timelines.
    for (JsonValue boneMap = map.getChild("bones"); boneMap != null; boneMap = boneMap.next) {
      int boneIndex = skeletonData.findBoneIndex(boneMap.name);
      if (boneIndex == -1) throw new SerializationException("Bone not found: " + boneMap.name);

      for (JsonValue timelineMap = boneMap.child; timelineMap != null; timelineMap = timelineMap.next) {
        String timelineName = timelineMap.name;
        if (timelineName.equals("rotate")) {
          RotateTimeline timeline = new RotateTimeline(timelineMap.size);
          timeline.boneIndex = boneIndex;

          int frameIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue valueMap = timelineMap.child; valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next) {
            timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, valueMap.getFloat("time"), valueMap.getFloat("angle"));
            readCurve(timeline, frameIndex, valueMap);
          duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() * 2 - 2]);

        } else if (timelineName.equals("translate") || timelineName.equals("scale")) {
          TranslateTimeline timeline;
          float timelineScale = 1;
          if (timelineName.equals("scale"))
            timeline = new ScaleTimeline(timelineMap.size);
          else {
            timeline = new TranslateTimeline(timelineMap.size);
            timelineScale = scale;
          timeline.boneIndex = boneIndex;

          int frameIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue valueMap = timelineMap.child; valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next) {
            float x = valueMap.getFloat("x", 0), y = valueMap.getFloat("y", 0);
            timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, valueMap.getFloat("time"), x * timelineScale, y * timelineScale);
            readCurve(timeline, frameIndex, valueMap);
          duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() * 3 - 3]);

        } else if (timelineName.equals("flipX") || timelineName.equals("flipY")) {
          boolean x = timelineName.equals("flipX");
          FlipXTimeline timeline = x ? new FlipXTimeline(timelineMap.size) : new FlipYTimeline(timelineMap.size);
          timeline.boneIndex = boneIndex;

          String field = x ? "x" : "y";
          int frameIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue valueMap = timelineMap.child; valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next) {
            timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, valueMap.getFloat("time"), valueMap.getBoolean(field, false));
          duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() * 2 - 2]);

        } else
          throw new RuntimeException("Invalid timeline type for a bone: " + timelineName + " (" + boneMap.name + ")");

    // IK timelines.
    for (JsonValue ikMap = map.getChild("ik"); ikMap != null; ikMap = ikMap.next) {
      IkConstraintData ikConstraint = skeletonData.findIkConstraint(ikMap.name);
      IkConstraintTimeline timeline = new IkConstraintTimeline(ikMap.size);
      timeline.ikConstraintIndex = skeletonData.getIkConstraints().indexOf(ikConstraint, true);
      int frameIndex = 0;
      for (JsonValue valueMap = ikMap.child; valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next) {
        timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, valueMap.getFloat("time"), valueMap.getFloat("mix"),
          valueMap.getBoolean("bendPositive") ? 1 : -1);
        readCurve(timeline, frameIndex, valueMap);
      duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() * 3 - 3]);

    // FFD timelines.
    for (JsonValue ffdMap = map.getChild("ffd"); ffdMap != null; ffdMap = ffdMap.next) {
      Skin skin = skeletonData.findSkin(ffdMap.name);
      if (skin == null) throw new SerializationException("Skin not found: " + ffdMap.name);
      for (JsonValue slotMap = ffdMap.child; slotMap != null; slotMap = slotMap.next) {
        int slotIndex = skeletonData.findSlotIndex(slotMap.name);
        if (slotIndex == -1) throw new SerializationException("Slot not found: " + slotMap.name);
        for (JsonValue meshMap = slotMap.child; meshMap != null; meshMap = meshMap.next) {
          FfdTimeline timeline = new FfdTimeline(meshMap.size);
          Attachment attachment = skin.getAttachment(slotIndex, meshMap.name);
          if (attachment == null) throw new SerializationException("FFD attachment not found: " + meshMap.name);
          timeline.slotIndex = slotIndex;
          timeline.attachment = attachment;

          int vertexCount;
          if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)
            vertexCount = ((MeshAttachment)attachment).getVertices().length;
            vertexCount = ((SkinnedMeshAttachment)attachment).getWeights().length / 3 * 2;

          int frameIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue valueMap = meshMap.child; valueMap != null; valueMap = valueMap.next) {
            float[] vertices;
            JsonValue verticesValue = valueMap.get("vertices");
            if (verticesValue == null) {
              if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)
                vertices = ((MeshAttachment)attachment).getVertices();
                vertices = new float[vertexCount];
            } else {
              vertices = new float[vertexCount];
              int start = valueMap.getInt("offset", 0);
              System.arraycopy(verticesValue.asFloatArray(), 0, vertices, start, verticesValue.size);
              if (scale != 1) {
                for (int i = start, n = i + verticesValue.size; i < n; i++)
                  vertices[i] *= scale;
              if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) {
                float[] meshVertices = ((MeshAttachment)attachment).getVertices();
                for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                  vertices[i] += meshVertices[i];

            timeline.setFrame(frameIndex, valueMap.getFloat("time"), vertices);
            readCurve(timeline, frameIndex, valueMap);
          duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() - 1]);

    // Draw order timeline.
    JsonValue drawOrdersMap = map.get("drawOrder");
    if (drawOrdersMap == null) drawOrdersMap = map.get("draworder");
    if (drawOrdersMap != null) {
      DrawOrderTimeline timeline = new DrawOrderTimeline(drawOrdersMap.size);
      int slotCount = skeletonData.slots.size;
      int frameIndex = 0;
      for (JsonValue drawOrderMap = drawOrdersMap.child; drawOrderMap != null; drawOrderMap = drawOrderMap.next) {
        int[] drawOrder = null;
        JsonValue offsets = drawOrderMap.get("offsets");
        if (offsets != null) {
          drawOrder = new int[slotCount];
          for (int i = slotCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            drawOrder[i] = -1;
          int[] unchanged = new int[slotCount - offsets.size];
          int originalIndex = 0, unchangedIndex = 0;
          for (JsonValue offsetMap = offsets.child; offsetMap != null; offsetMap = offsetMap.next) {
            int slotIndex = skeletonData.findSlotIndex(offsetMap.getString("slot"));
            if (slotIndex == -1) throw new SerializationException("Slot not found: " + offsetMap.getString("slot"));
            // Collect unchanged items.
            while (originalIndex != slotIndex)
              unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++;
            // Set changed items.
            drawOrder[originalIndex + offsetMap.getInt("offset")] = originalIndex++;
          // Collect remaining unchanged items.
          while (originalIndex < slotCount)
            unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++;
          // Fill in unchanged items.
          for (int i = slotCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (drawOrder[i] == -1) drawOrder[i] = unchanged[--unchangedIndex];
        timeline.setFrame(frameIndex++, drawOrderMap.getFloat("time"), drawOrder);
      duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() - 1]);

    // Event timeline.
    JsonValue eventsMap = map.get("events");
    if (eventsMap != null) {
      EventTimeline timeline = new EventTimeline(eventsMap.size);
      int frameIndex = 0;
      for (JsonValue eventMap = eventsMap.child; eventMap != null; eventMap = eventMap.next) {
        EventData eventData = skeletonData.findEvent(eventMap.getString("name"));
        if (eventData == null) throw new SerializationException("Event not found: " + eventMap.getString("name"));
        Event event = new Event(eventData);
        event.intValue = eventMap.getInt("int", eventData.getInt());
        event.floatValue = eventMap.getFloat("float", eventData.getFloat());
        event.stringValue = eventMap.getString("string", eventData.getString());
        timeline.setFrame(frameIndex++, eventMap.getFloat("time"), event);
      duration = Math.max(duration, timeline.getFrames()[timeline.getFrameCount() - 1]);

    skeletonData.animations.add(new Animation(name, timelines, duration));
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