Examples of CollectionMapping

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

    protected void processManyToManyMapping() {
        // Create a M-M mapping and process common collection mapping metadata
        // first followed by specific metadata.
        // Allow for different descriptor types (EIS) to create different mapping types.
        CollectionMapping mapping = getDescriptor().getClassDescriptor().newManyToManyMapping();
        if (mapping instanceof ManyToManyMapping) {
            // 266912: If this 1:n accessor is different than the n:n mapping - track this
            ((ManyToManyMapping) mapping).setDefinedAsOneToManyMapping(true);
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

    public void process() {
        // Create a M-M mapping and process common collection mapping metadata.
        // Allow for different descriptor types (EIS) to create different mapping types.
        CollectionMapping mapping = getDescriptor().getClassDescriptor().newManyToManyMapping();

        if (hasMappedBy()) {
            // We are processing the non-owning side of a M-M relationship. Get
            // the owning mapping from the reference descriptor metadata and
            // process the keys from it.
            DatabaseMapping owningMapping = getOwningMapping();
            if (owningMapping.isManyToManyMapping()){
                ManyToManyMapping ownerMapping = (ManyToManyMapping) owningMapping;
                processMappedByRelationTable(ownerMapping.getRelationTableMechanism(), ((ManyToManyMapping) mapping).getRelationTableMechanism());
                // Set the mapping read-only.
            } else {
                // Invalid owning mapping type, throw an exception.
                throw ValidationException.invalidMapping(getJavaClass(), getReferenceClass());
        } else if (mapping instanceof ManyToManyMapping) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

     * has processed on the descriptor for the target so they can be checked as the descriptor initializes.
    public void processAdditionalWritableMapKeyFields(AbstractSession session) {
        if (!((DatabaseMapping)getKeyMapping()).isReadOnly()) {
            CollectionMapping mapping = (CollectionMapping)valueMapping;
            Iterator<DatabaseField> i = getIdentityFieldsForMapKey().iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()){
                DatabaseField field = i.next();
                if (mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().getMappingsByField().containsKey(field) || mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getAdditionalWritableMapKeyFields().contains(field)) { 
                    session.getIntegrityChecker().handleError(DescriptorException.multipleWriteMappingsForField(field.toString(), mapping));
                } else {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

            // get the expression that owns the mapping for the table entry
            Expression owningExpression = baseExpression.getBaseExpression();
            ClassDescriptor owningDescriptor = getLeafDescriptorFor(owningExpression, rootDescriptor);
            // Get the mapping that owns the table
            CollectionMapping mapping = (CollectionMapping)owningDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForAttributeName(baseExpression.getName());
            if (teExpression.shouldReturnMapEntry()){
                return mapping;
            if (mapping.getContainerPolicy().isMappedKeyMapPolicy()){
                MappedKeyMapContainerPolicy policy = (MappedKeyMapContainerPolicy)mapping.getContainerPolicy();
                return (DatabaseMapping)policy.getKeyMapping();
            return mapping;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

            // get the expression that owns the mapping for the table entry
            Expression owningExpression = ((QueryKeyExpression)baseExpression).getBaseExpression();
            ClassDescriptor owningDescriptor = getLeafDescriptorFor(owningExpression, rootDescriptor);
            // Get the mapping that owns the table
            CollectionMapping mapping = (CollectionMapping)owningDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForAttributeName(baseExpression.getName());
            return ((MapContainerPolicy)mapping.getContainerPolicy()).getDescriptorForMapKey();

        ClassDescriptor descriptor = null;
        String attributeName = expression.getName();

        DatabaseMapping mapping = baseDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForAttributeName(attributeName);

        if (mapping == null) {
            QueryKey queryKey = baseDescriptor.getQueryKeyNamed(attributeName);
            if (queryKey != null) {
                if (queryKey.isForeignReferenceQueryKey()) {
                    descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(((ForeignReferenceQueryKey)queryKey).getReferenceClass());
                } else// if (queryKey.isDirectQueryKey())
                    descriptor = queryKey.getDescriptor();
            if (descriptor == null) {
                throw QueryException.invalidExpressionForQueryItem(expression, this);
        } else if (mapping.isAggregateObjectMapping()) {
            descriptor = ((AggregateObjectMapping)mapping).getReferenceDescriptor();
        } else if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {
            descriptor = ((ForeignReferenceMapping)mapping).getReferenceDescriptor();
        return descriptor;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

            // get the expression that owns the mapping for the table entry
            Expression owningExpression = baseExpression.getBaseExpression();
            ClassDescriptor owningDescriptor = getLeafDescriptorFor(owningExpression, rootDescriptor);
            // Get the mapping that owns the table
            CollectionMapping mapping = (CollectionMapping)owningDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForAttributeName(baseExpression.getName());
            if (teExpression.shouldReturnMapEntry()){
                return mapping;
            if (mapping.getContainerPolicy().isMappedKeyMapPolicy()){
                MappedKeyMapContainerPolicy policy = (MappedKeyMapContainerPolicy)mapping.getContainerPolicy();
                return (DatabaseMapping)policy.getKeyMapping();
            return mapping;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

             * using the getMethodName on the accessor.  
            // Tie into the collection hierarchy at a lower level
            if (mapping instanceof CollectionMapping) {
                // Handle 1:m, n:m collection mappings
                CollectionMapping colMapping = (CollectionMapping) mapping;
                ContainerPolicy collectionContainerPolicy = colMapping.getContainerPolicy();
                if (collectionContainerPolicy.isMapPolicy()) {
                    // Handle the 3 Map type mappings (policy.isMappedKeyMapPolicy()) is handled by isMapPolicy())
                    member = new MapAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                    // check mapping.attributeAcessor.attributeField.type=Collection
                } else if (collectionContainerPolicy.isListPolicy()) {
                    // This seems very over complex...
                     * Handle lazy Collections and Lists and the fact that both return an IndirectList policy.
                     * We check the type on the attributeField of the attributeAccessor on the mapping
                    Class aType = null;
                    // 325699: AttributeAccessor is subclassed by both IntanceVariableAttributeAccessor (JPA) and ValuesAccessor (Dynamic JPA)
                    if(colMapping.getAttributeAccessor() instanceof ValuesAccessor) {
                        member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping);
                    } else if(colMapping.getAttributeAccessor() instanceof InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor) {
                        Field aField = ((InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeField();                       
                        // MappedSuperclasses need special handling to get their type from an inheriting subclass
                        if(null == aField) { // MappedSuperclass field will not be set
                            if(this.isMappedSuperclass()) {
                                // get inheriting subtype member (without handling @override annotations)
                                MappedSuperclassTypeImpl aMappedSuperclass = ((MappedSuperclassTypeImpl)this);
                                AttributeImpl inheritingTypeMember = aMappedSuperclass.getMemberFromInheritingType(colMapping.getAttributeName());
                                // 322166: If attribute is defined on this current ManagedType (and not on a superclass) - do not attempt a reflective call on a superclass
                                if(null != inheritingTypeMember) {
                                    // Verify we have an attributeAccessor
                                    aField = ((InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor)inheritingTypeMember.getMapping().getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeField();
                        // 322166: The attribute may be defined on the current ManagedType - not inherited
                        if(null == aField) {
                            // Check attributeName when the field is null
                            aType = this.getTypeClassFromAttributeOrMethodLevelAccessor(mapping);
                        } else {
                            aType = aField.getType();
                        // This attribute is declared as List
                        if((aType != null) && List.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {                   
                            member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                        } else if((aType != null) && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                            // This attribute is therefore declared as Collection
                            member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                        } else {
                            member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                    } else {
                        // handle variations of missing get/set methods - only for Collection vs List
                        if(colMapping.getAttributeAccessor() instanceof MethodAttributeAccessor) {
                             * The following call will perform a getMethod call for us.
                             * If no getMethod exists, we will secondarily check the getMethodName below.
                            aType = ((MethodAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeClass();
                            if((aType != null) && List.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                                member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                            } else if((aType != null) && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                                member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                            } else {
                                 * In this block we have the following scenario:
                                 * 1) The access type is "field"
                                 * 2) The get method is not set on the entity
                                 * 3) The get method is named differently than the attribute
                                // Type may be null when no getMethod exists for the class for a ManyToMany mapping
                                // Here we check the returnType on the declared method on the class directly
                                String getMethodName = ((MethodAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getGetMethodName();
                                if(null == getMethodName) {
                                    // Check declaredFields in the case where we have no getMethod or getMethodName
                                    try {
                                        Field field = null;
                                        if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
                                            try {
                                                field = (Field)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetDeclaredField(
                                                        this.getJavaType(), colMapping.getAttributeName(), false));
                                            } catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
                                                member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);                                           
                                        } else {
                                            field = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getDeclaredField(
                                                    this.getJavaType(), colMapping.getAttributeName(), false);
                                        if(null == field) {
                                            member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                                        } else {
                                            aType = field.getType();
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

    protected void setIndirectionPolicy(ContainerMapping mapping, String mapKey, boolean usesIndirection) {
        MetadataClass rawClass = getRawClass();
        if (usesIndirection && (mapping instanceof ForeignReferenceMapping)) {
            CollectionMapping collectionMapping = (CollectionMapping)mapping;
            if (rawClass.equals(Map.class)) {
                if (collectionMapping.isDirectMapMapping()) {
                    ((DirectMapMapping) mapping).useTransparentMap();
                } else {
            } else if (rawClass.equals(List.class)) {
            } else if (rawClass.equals(Collection.class)) {
            } else if (rawClass.equals(Set.class)) {
            } else {
                //bug221577: This should be supported when a transparent indirection class can be set through eclipseLink_orm.xml, or basic indirection is used
                getLogger().logWarningMessage(MetadataLogger.WARNING_INVALID_COLLECTION_USED_ON_LAZY_RELATION, getJavaClass(), getAnnotatedElement(), rawClass);
        } else {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

        // Will check for PROPERTY access
        if (mapping instanceof CollectionMapping) {
            CollectionMapping collectionMapping = (CollectionMapping)mapping;

            // Set the reference class name.
            // Process join fetch type.
            processJoinFetch(getJoinFetch(), collectionMapping);
            // Process the batch fetch if specified.
            processBatchFetch(getBatchFetch(), collectionMapping);
            // Process the collection table.
            // The spec. requires pessimistic lock to be extend-able to CollectionTable
            // Set the cascade on delete if specified.
        } else if (mapping instanceof AggregateMapping) {
            AggregateMapping aggregateMapping = (AggregateMapping)mapping;

            // Set the reference class name.
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping

     * has processed on the descriptor for the target so they can be checked as the descriptor initializes.
    public void processAdditionalWritableMapKeyFields(AbstractSession session) {
        if (!((DatabaseMapping)getKeyMapping()).isReadOnly() && (this.valueMapping instanceof CollectionMapping)) {
            CollectionMapping mapping = (CollectionMapping)valueMapping;
            Iterator<DatabaseField> i = getIdentityFieldsForMapKey().iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()){
                DatabaseField field = i.next();
                if (mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().getMappingsByField().containsKey(field) || mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getAdditionalWritableMapKeyFields().contains(field)) { 
                    session.getIntegrityChecker().handleError(DescriptorException.multipleWriteMappingsForField(field.toString(), mapping));
                } else {
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