* using the getMethodName on the accessor.
// Tie into the collection hierarchy at a lower level
if (mapping.isCollectionMapping()) {
// Handle 1:m, n:m collection mappings
CollectionMapping colMapping = (CollectionMapping) mapping;
ContainerPolicy collectionContainerPolicy = colMapping.getContainerPolicy();
if (collectionContainerPolicy.isMapPolicy() || collectionContainerPolicy.isDirectMapPolicy()) {
// Handle the 3 Map type mappings (policy.isMappedKeyMapPolicy()) is handled by isMapPolicy())
member = new MapAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
// check mapping.attributeAcessor.attributeField.type=Collection
} else if (collectionContainerPolicy.isListPolicy()) {
* Handle lazy Collections and Lists and the fact that both return an IndirectList policy.
* We check the type on the attributeField of the attributeAccessor on the mapping
Class aType = null;
if(colMapping.getAttributeAccessor() instanceof InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor) {
Field aField = ((InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeField();
// MappedSuperclasses need special handling to get their type from an inheriting subclass
if(null == aField) { // MappedSuperclass field will not be set
if(this.isMappedSuperclass()) {
// get inheriting subtype member (without handling @override annotations)
MappedSuperclassTypeImpl aMappedSuperclass = ((MappedSuperclassTypeImpl)this);
AttributeImpl inheritingTypeMember = aMappedSuperclass.getMemberFromInheritingType(colMapping.getAttributeName());
// Verify we have an attributeAccessor
aField = ((InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor)inheritingTypeMember.getMapping().getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeField();
if(null == aField) {
// Check attributeName when the field is null
aType = this.getTypeClassFromAttributeOrMethodLevelAccessor(mapping);
} else {
aType = aField.getType();
// This attribute is declared as List
if(aType == List.class) {
member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
} else {
if(aType == Collection.class) {
// This attribute is therefore declared as Collection
member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
} else {
member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
} else {
// handle variations of missing get/set methods - only for Collection vs List
if(colMapping.getAttributeAccessor() instanceof MethodAttributeAccessor) {
* The following call will perform a getMethod call for us.
* If no getMethod exists, we will secondarily check the getMethodName below.
aType = ((MethodAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeClass();
if(aType == Collection.class) {
member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
} else if(aType == List.class) {
member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
} else {
* In this block we have the following scenario:
* 1) The access type is "field"
* 2) The get method is not set on the entity
* 3) The get method is named differently than the attribute
// Type may be null when no getMethod exists for the class for a ManyToMany mapping
// Here we check the returnType on the declared method on the class directly
String getMethodName = ((MethodAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getGetMethodName();
if(null == getMethodName) {
// Check declaredFields in the case where we have no getMethod or getMethodName
try {
Field field = null;
if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
try {
field = (Field)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetDeclaredField(
this.getJavaType(), colMapping.getAttributeName(), false));
} catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
} else {
field = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getDeclaredField(
this.getJavaType(), colMapping.getAttributeName(), false);
if(null == field) {
member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
} else {
aType = field.getType();