Examples of CMapFormat4

Examples of com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.CMapFormat4

     * @param ttf the font
     * @param cmap the CMap table
     * @return true if the font was changed, or false if it was left as-is
    private boolean fixCMapTable (TrueTypeFont ttf, CmapTable cmap) {
        CMapFormat4 fourMap = null;
        CMapFormat0 zeroMap = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < mapIDs.length; i += 2) {
            CMap map = cmapTable.getCMap (mapIDs[i], mapIDs[i + 1]);
            if (map != null) {
                if (fourMap == null && map instanceof CMapFormat4) {
                    fourMap = (CMapFormat4) map;
                } else if (zeroMap == null && map instanceof CMapFormat0) {
                    zeroMap = (CMapFormat0) map;

        // if there were no maps, we could have problems.  Just try creating
        // an identity map
        if (zeroMap == null && fourMap == null) {
            fourMap = (CMapFormat4) CMap.createMap ((short) 4, (short) 0);
            fourMap.addSegment ((short) getFirstChar (),
                    (short) getLastChar (),
                    (short) 0);

        // create our map based on the type 0 map, since PDF seems
        // to prefer a type 0 map (Java prefers a unicode map)
        if (zeroMap != null) {
            fourMap = (CMapFormat4) CMap.createMap ((short) 4, (short) 0);

            // add the mappings from 0 to null and 1 to notdef
            fourMap.addSegment ((short) 0, (short) 1, (short) 0);

            for (int i = getFirstChar (); i <= getLastChar (); i++) {
                short value = (short) (zeroMap.map ((byte) i) & 0xff);
                if (value != 0) {
                    fourMap.addSegment ((short) i, (short) i,
                            (short) (value - i));

        // now that we have a type four map, remap control characters
        for (int i = 0; i < controlChars.length; i++) {
            short idx = (short) (0xf000 | controlChars[i]);
            short value = (short) fourMap.map (controlChars[i]);

            fourMap.addSegment (idx, idx, (short) (value - idx));

        // create a whole new table with just our map
        cmap = (CmapTable) TrueTypeTable.createTable (ttf, "cmap");
        cmap.addCMap ((short) 3, (short) 1, fourMap);
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Examples of com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.CMapFormat4

     * @param ttf the font
     * @param cmap the CMap table
     * @return true if the font was changed, or false if it was left as-is
    private boolean fixCMapTable (TrueTypeFont ttf, CmapTable cmap) {
        CMapFormat4 fourMap = null;
        CMapFormat0 zeroMap = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < mapIDs.length; i += 2) {
            CMap map = this.cmapTable.getCMap (mapIDs[i], mapIDs[i + 1]);
            if (map != null) {
                if (fourMap == null && map instanceof CMapFormat4) {
                    fourMap = (CMapFormat4) map;
                } else if (zeroMap == null && map instanceof CMapFormat0) {
                    zeroMap = (CMapFormat0) map;

        // if there were no maps, we could have problems.  Just try creating
        // an identity map
        if (zeroMap == null && fourMap == null) {
            fourMap = (CMapFormat4) CMap.createMap ((short) 4, (short) 0);
            fourMap.addSegment ((short) getFirstChar (),
                    (short) getLastChar (),
                    (short) 0);

        // create our map based on the type 0 map, since PDF seems
        // to prefer a type 0 map (Java prefers a unicode map)
        if (zeroMap != null) {
            fourMap = (CMapFormat4) CMap.createMap ((short) 4, (short) 0);

            // add the mappings from 0 to null and 1 to notdef
            fourMap.addSegment ((short) 0, (short) 1, (short) 0);

            for (int i = getFirstChar (); i <= getLastChar (); i++) {
                short value = (short) (zeroMap.map ((byte) i) & 0xff);
                if (value != 0) {
                    fourMap.addSegment ((short) i, (short) i,
                            (short) (value - i));

        // now that we have a type four map, remap control characters
        for (int i = 0; i < controlChars.length; i++) {
            short idx = (short) (0xf000 | controlChars[i]);
            short value = (short) fourMap.map (controlChars[i]);

            fourMap.addSegment (idx, idx, (short) (value - idx));

        // create a whole new table with just our map
        cmap = (CmapTable) TrueTypeTable.createTable (ttf, "cmap");
        cmap.addCMap ((short) 3, (short) 1, fourMap);
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