* Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle,
* Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package com.sun.pdfview.font;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontFormatException;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import java.awt.font.OpenType;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import com.sun.pdfview.PDFObject;
import com.sun.pdfview.PDFParseException;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.CMap;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.CMapFormat0;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.CMapFormat4;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.CmapTable;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.HeadTable;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.HmtxTable;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.NameTable;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.PostTable;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.TrueTypeFont;
import com.sun.pdfview.font.ttf.TrueTypeTable;
* a font object derived from a true type font.
* @author Mike Wessler
public class NativeFont extends OutlineFont {
/** Control characters to filter out of the underlying font */
protected static final char[] controlChars = {0x9, 0xa, 0xd};
/** the ids of our favorite CMaps */
protected static final short[] mapIDs = {
3, 1, /* Microsoft Unicode */
0, 0, /* unicode default */
0, 3, /* unicode 2.0 map */
1, 0 /* macintosh */};
/** the actual font in use */
private Font f;
/** the font render context */
private FontRenderContext basecontext =
new FontRenderContext (new AffineTransform (),
true, true);
/** the cmap table from a TrueType font */
private CmapTable cmapTable;
/** the post table from a TrueType font */
private PostTable postTable;
/** the number of font units in one em */
private int unitsPerEm;
/** the hmtx table from the TrueType font */
private HmtxTable hmtxTable;
* create a new NativeFont object based on a description of the
* font from the PDF file. If the description happens to contain
* an in-line true-type font file (under key "FontFile2"), use the
* true type font. Otherwise, parse the description for key information
* and use that to generate an appropriate font.
public NativeFont (String baseFont, PDFObject fontObj,
PDFFontDescriptor descriptor)
throws IOException {
super (baseFont, fontObj, descriptor);
String fontName = descriptor.getFontName ();
PDFObject ttf = descriptor.getFontFile2 ();
if (ttf != null) {
byte[] fontdata = ttf.getStream ();
try {
setFont (fontdata);
} catch (FontFormatException ffe) {
throw new PDFParseException ("Font format exception: " + ffe);
} else {
int flags = descriptor.getFlags ();
int style = ((flags & PDFFontDescriptor.FORCEBOLD) != 0) ? Font.BOLD : Font.PLAIN;
if (fontName.indexOf ("Bold") > 0) {
style |= Font.BOLD;
if (descriptor.getItalicAngle () != 0) {
style |= Font.ITALIC;
if ((flags & PDFFontDescriptor.FIXED_PITCH) != 0) { // fixed width
setFont (new Font ("Monospaced", style, 1));
} else if ((flags & PDFFontDescriptor.SERIF) != 0) { // serif font
setFont (new Font ("Serif", style, 1));
} else {
setFont (new Font ("Sans-serif", style, 1));
* Get a glyph outline by name
* @param name the name of the desired glyph
* @return the glyph outline, or null if unavailable
protected GeneralPath getOutline (String name, float width) {
if (this.postTable != null && this.cmapTable != null) {
// map this character name to a glyph ID
short glyphID = this.postTable.getGlyphNameIndex (name);
if (glyphID == 0) {
// no glyph -- try by index
return null;
// the mapped character
char mappedChar = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mapIDs.length; i += 2) {
CMap map = this.cmapTable.getCMap (mapIDs[i], mapIDs[i + 1]);
if (map != null) {
mappedChar = map.reverseMap (glyphID);
// we found a character
if (mappedChar != 0) {
return getOutline (mappedChar, width);
// no maps found, hope the font can deal
return null;
* Get a glyph outline by character code
* Note this method must always return an outline
* @param src the character code of the desired glyph
* @return the glyph outline
protected GeneralPath getOutline (char src, float width) {
// some true type fonts put characters in the undefined
// region of Unicode instead of as normal characters.
if (!this.f.canDisplay (src) && this.f.canDisplay ((char) (src + 0xf000))) {
src += 0xf000;
// filter out control characters
for (int i = 0; i < controlChars.length; i++) {
if (controlChars[i] == src) {
src = (char) (0xf000 | src);
char[] glyph = new char[1];
glyph[0] = src;
GlyphVector gv = this.f.createGlyphVector (this.basecontext, glyph);
GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath (gv.getGlyphOutline (0));
// this should be gv.getGlyphMetrics(0).getAdvance(), but that is
// broken on the Mac, so we need to read the advance from the
// hmtx table in the font
CMap map = this.cmapTable.getCMap (mapIDs[0], mapIDs[1]);
int glyphID = map.map (src);
float advance = (float) this.hmtxTable.getAdvance (glyphID) / (float) this.unitsPerEm;
float widthfactor = width / advance;
gp.transform (AffineTransform.getScaleInstance (widthfactor, -1));
return gp;
* Set the font
* @param f the font to use
protected void setFont (Font f) {
this.f = f;
// if it's an OpenType font, parse the relevant tables to get
// glyph name to code mappings
if (f instanceof OpenType) {
OpenType ot = (OpenType) f;
byte[] cmapData = ot.getFontTable (OpenType.TAG_CMAP);
byte[] postData = ot.getFontTable (OpenType.TAG_POST);
TrueTypeFont ttf = new TrueTypeFont (0x10000);
this.cmapTable =
(CmapTable) TrueTypeTable.createTable (ttf, "cmap",
ByteBuffer.wrap (cmapData));
ttf.addTable ("cmap", this.cmapTable);
this.postTable =
(PostTable) TrueTypeTable.createTable (ttf, "post",
ByteBuffer.wrap (postData));
ttf.addTable ("post", this.postTable);
* Set the font
* @param fontdata the font data as a byte array
protected void setFont (byte[] fontdata)
throws FontFormatException, IOException {
// System.out.println("Loading " + getBaseFont());
// FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/" + getBaseFont() + ".ttf");
// fos.write(fontdata);
// fos.close();
try {
// read the true type information
TrueTypeFont ttf = TrueTypeFont.parseFont (fontdata);
// System.out.println(ttf.toString());
// get the cmap, post, and hmtx tables for later use
this.cmapTable = (CmapTable) ttf.getTable ("cmap");
this.postTable = (PostTable) ttf.getTable ("post");
this.hmtxTable = (HmtxTable) ttf.getTable ("hmtx");
// read the units per em from the head table
HeadTable headTable = (HeadTable) ttf.getTable ("head");
this.unitsPerEm = headTable.getUnitsPerEm ();
/* Find out if we have the right info in our name table.
* This is a hack because Java can only deal with fonts that
* have a Microsoft encoded name in their name table (PlatformID 3).
* We'll 'adjust' the font to add it if not, and take our chances
* with our parsing, since it wasn't going to work anyway.
NameTable nameTable = null;
try {
nameTable = (NameTable) ttf.getTable ("name");
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println ("Error reading name table for font " +
getBaseFont () + ". Repairing!");
boolean nameFixed = fixNameTable (ttf, nameTable);
/* Figure out if we need to hack the CMap table. This might
* be the case if we use characters that Java considers control
* characters (0x9, 0xa and 0xd), that have to be re-mapped
boolean cmapFixed = fixCMapTable (ttf, this.cmapTable);
// use the parsed font instead of the original
if (nameFixed || cmapFixed) {
// System.out.println("Using fixed font!");
// System.out.println(ttf.toString());
fontdata = ttf.writeFont ();
// FileOutputStream fos2 = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/" + getBaseFont() + ".fix");
// fos2.write(fontdata);
// fos2.close();
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println ("Error parsing font : " + getBaseFont ());
ex.printStackTrace ();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream (fontdata);
this.f = Font.createFont (Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, bais);
bais.close ();
* Fix a broken font name table for a TrueType font. Some fonts do not
* have Microsoft-specific name information, but Java won't work without
* it (grrr.). This method takes a font and adds the Microsoft data into
* it.
* @param ttf the font
* @param name the font's name table
* @return true if the table was fixed, or false if it was left as is
private boolean fixNameTable (TrueTypeFont ttf, NameTable name) {
// if we didn't find the table, or there was an exception,
// just create a new one
if (name == null) {
name = (NameTable) TrueTypeTable.createTable (ttf, "name");
ttf.addTable ("name", name);
// first, figure out some info about the font
String fName = this.getBaseFont ();
String style = "Regular";
if (fName.indexOf ("Italic") > -1 || fName.indexOf ("italic") > -1) {
style = "Italic";
} else if (fName.indexOf ("Bold") > -1 || fName.indexOf ("bold") > -1) {
style = "Bold";
if (fName.indexOf ('-') > -1) {
fName = fName.substring (0, fName.indexOf ('-'));
short platID = NameTable.PLATFORMID_MICROSOFT;
short encID = 1;
short langID = 1033;
short[] nameIDs = {
String[] defaultValues = {
"No copyright",
fName + " " + style,
fName + " " + style,
"1.0 (Fake)",
"No Trademark"
boolean changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < nameIDs.length; i++) {
if (name.getRecord (platID, encID, langID, nameIDs[i]) == null) {
name.addRecord (platID, encID, langID, nameIDs[i],
changed = true;
return changed;
* Fix the CMap table. This can be necessary if characters are mapped to
* control characters (0x9, 0xa, 0xd) Java will not render them, even
* though they are valid.
* Also, Java tends to not like it when there is only a Format 0 CMap,
* which happens frequently when included Format 4 CMaps are broken.
* Since PDF prefers the Format 0 map, while Java prefers the Format 4 map,
* it is generally necessary to re-write the Format 0 map as a Format 4 map
* to make most PDFs work.
* @param ttf the font
* @param cmap the CMap table
* @return true if the font was changed, or false if it was left as-is
private boolean fixCMapTable (TrueTypeFont ttf, CmapTable cmap) {
CMapFormat4 fourMap = null;
CMapFormat0 zeroMap = null;
for (int i = 0; i < mapIDs.length; i += 2) {
CMap map = this.cmapTable.getCMap (mapIDs[i], mapIDs[i + 1]);
if (map != null) {
if (fourMap == null && map instanceof CMapFormat4) {
fourMap = (CMapFormat4) map;
} else if (zeroMap == null && map instanceof CMapFormat0) {
zeroMap = (CMapFormat0) map;
// if there were no maps, we could have problems. Just try creating
// an identity map
if (zeroMap == null && fourMap == null) {
fourMap = (CMapFormat4) CMap.createMap ((short) 4, (short) 0);
fourMap.addSegment ((short) getFirstChar (),
(short) getLastChar (),
(short) 0);
// create our map based on the type 0 map, since PDF seems
// to prefer a type 0 map (Java prefers a unicode map)
if (zeroMap != null) {
fourMap = (CMapFormat4) CMap.createMap ((short) 4, (short) 0);
// add the mappings from 0 to null and 1 to notdef
fourMap.addSegment ((short) 0, (short) 1, (short) 0);
for (int i = getFirstChar (); i <= getLastChar (); i++) {
short value = (short) (zeroMap.map ((byte) i) & 0xff);
if (value != 0) {
fourMap.addSegment ((short) i, (short) i,
(short) (value - i));
// now that we have a type four map, remap control characters
for (int i = 0; i < controlChars.length; i++) {
short idx = (short) (0xf000 | controlChars[i]);
short value = (short) fourMap.map (controlChars[i]);
fourMap.addSegment (idx, idx, (short) (value - idx));
// create a whole new table with just our map
cmap = (CmapTable) TrueTypeTable.createTable (ttf, "cmap");
cmap.addCMap ((short) 3, (short) 1, fourMap);
// replace the table in the font
ttf.addTable ("cmap", cmap);
// change the stored table
this.cmapTable = cmap;
return true;