// ???
// create a Cf record based upon cfRule info
} else if (tnm.equals("cfRule")) { // one or more
CfRule cfRule= (CfRule) CfRule.parseOOXML(xpp).cloneElement();
Cf cf = bs.createCf(condfmt); // creates a new cf rule and links to the current condfmt
cf.setOperator(Cf.translateOperator(cfRule.getOperator())); // set the cf rule operator (greater than, equals ...)
cf.setType(Cf.translateOOXMLType(cfRule.getType())); // set the cf rule type (cell is, exrpression ...)
if (cf.getType()==3)// containsText
if (cfRule.getFormula1()!=null)
if (cfRule.getFormula2()!=null)
int dxfId= cfRule.getDxfId();
if (dxfId>-1) { // it's not required to have a dxf
Dxf dxf= (Dxf) dxfs.get(dxfId); // dxf= differential format, contains the specific styles to define this cf rule
Cf.setStylePropsFromDxf(dxf, cf);
// String dxfStyleString= dfx.getStyleProps(); // returns a string representation of the dxf or differential styles
// Cf.setStylePropsFromString(dxfStyleString,cf); // set the dxf styles to the cf rule