* --------- BEGIN COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------
* Copyright 2002-2012 Extentech Inc.
* Copyright 2013 Infoteria America Corp.
* This file is part of OpenXLS.
* OpenXLS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXLS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with OpenXLS. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ---------- END COPYRIGHT NOTICE ----------
package com.extentech.formats.XLS;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.CfRule;
import com.extentech.formats.OOXML.Dxf;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.*;
import com.extentech.ExtenXLS.WorkBook;
import com.extentech.toolkit.ByteTools;
import com.extentech.toolkit.Logger;
import com.extentech.toolkit.StringTool;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
/** <b>Condfmt: Conditional Formatting Range Information 0x1B0</b><br>
* This record stores a conditional format, including conditions and formatting info.
* And, no it does not just point to an Xf record because that would be easy.
* -----
* 4 ccf 2 Number of Conditional formats
* 6 grbit 2 Option flags (not a byte?) [1 = Conditionally formatted cells need recalculation or redraw]
* 8 rwFirst 2 First row to conditionally format (0 based)
* 10 rwLast 2 Last row to conditionally format (0 based)
* 12 colFirst 2 First column to conditionally format (0 based)
* 14 colLast 2 Last column to conditionally format (0 based)
* 16 sqrefCount 2 Count of sqrefs *
* 18 rgbSqref var Array of sqref structures
* Sqref Structures
* -----
* 0 rwFirst 2 First row in reference
* 2 rwLast 2 Last row in reference
* 4 colFirst 2 First column in reference
* 6 colLast 2 Last column in reference
* @see Cf
public final class Condfmt extends com.extentech.formats.XLS.XLSRecord {
private FormatHandle formatHandle = null;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7923448634000437926L;
short grbit = 0; // Option flags (not a byte?)
private int ccf;
DiscontiguousRefStruct refs = null;
private ArrayList cfRules= new ArrayList(); // 2003-version Cf recs OR OOXML cfRules TODO: eventually will generate Cf records instead
private int cfxe = -1; // a fake ixfe for use by ExtenXLS to track formats
boolean isdirty= false; // if any changes to underlying record is made, set to true
* set dirty flag to rebuild condfmt record
* used when updated the underlying ranges wit
public void setDirty() { isdirty= true; }
* initialize the condfmt record
* Please note that the sqref structure is not initialized in this location, but is required for cfmt functionality.
* It happens on parse after worksheet is set
public void init(){
rw= 0;
ccf = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(0),this.getByteAt(1)); // SHOULD BE # cf's but appears to be 1+ ??
grbit = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(2),this.getByteAt(3)); // SHOULD BE 1 to recalc but has been 3, 5, ...??
* As the init() call occurs before worksheet is set upon this conditionalformat record,
* we have to initialze the references after init in order for referenceTracker to work correctly
public void initializeReferences() {
data = this.getData();
int sqrefCount = ByteTools.readShort(this.getByteAt(12),this.getByteAt(13));
byte[] sqrefdata = new byte[sqrefCount*8];
System.arraycopy(data, 14, sqrefdata, 0, sqrefdata.length);
refs = new DiscontiguousRefStruct(sqrefdata, this);
* default constructor
public Condfmt(){
* @return Returns the formatHandle.
public FormatHandle getFormatHandle() {
return formatHandle;
* @param formatHandle The formatHandle to set.
public void setFormatHandle(FormatHandle formatHandle) {
this.formatHandle = formatHandle;
* This is an overall not ideal situation where we want a formatid that we can use in sheetster
* to identify this conditional format
* // TODO: Perfect this algorithm!! :) cfxe should be constant for this Condfmt
// ... if address changes? if sheet # changes
* @return Returns the cfxe.
public int getCfxe() {
int[] rc= refs.getRowColBounds();
cfxe= 50000 + (this.getSheet().getSheetNum()*10000) + ByteTools.readShort(rc[0], rc[1]); // base cxfe on cell address
return cfxe;
* @param cfxe The cfxe to set.
public void setCfxe(int c) {
this.cfxe = c;
* returns the rules associated with this record
* @return
public ArrayList getRules() {
return cfRules;
* add a new CF rule to this conditional format
public void addRule(Cf c) {
if(cfRules.indexOf(c)==-1) {
* Return all ranges as strings
* @return
public String[] getAllRanges() {
return refs.getRefs();
* Returns the entire range this conditional format refers to in Row[0]Col[0]Row[n]Col[n] format.
* @return
public int[] getEncompassingRange() {
return refs.getRowColBounds();
* update data for streaming
* @param loc
private void updateRecord() {
if (!isdirty) return;
// get the size of our output
byte[] outdata = new byte[(refs.getNumRefs()*8)+14];
byte[] tmp = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) (this.getRules().size()));
int offset = 0;
outdata[offset++] = tmp[0];
outdata[offset++] = tmp[1];
tmp = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) grbit);
outdata[offset++] = tmp[0];
outdata[offset++] = tmp[1];
int[] rowcols = refs.getRowColBounds();
tmp = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) rowcols[0]);
outdata[offset++] = tmp[0];
outdata[offset++] = tmp[1];
tmp = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) rowcols[2]);
outdata[offset++] = tmp[0];
outdata[offset++] = tmp[1];
tmp = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) rowcols[1]);
outdata[offset++] = tmp[0];
outdata[offset++] = tmp[1];
tmp = ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) rowcols[3]);
outdata[offset++] = tmp[0];
outdata[offset++] = tmp[1];
tmp= ByteTools.shortToLEBytes((short) refs.getNumRefs());
outdata[offset++] = tmp[0];
outdata[offset++] = tmp[1];
byte[] sqrefbytes = refs.getRecordData();
System.arraycopy(sqrefbytes, 0, outdata, offset, sqrefbytes.length);
* Add a location to the conditional format record, this
* is a string representation that can be either a cell, ie "A1", or a range
* ie "A1:A12";
* @param location string representing the added range
public void addLocation(String location) {
isdirty= true;
* get the bounding range of this conditional format
* @return
public String getBoundingRange() {
int[] rowcols = refs.getRowColBounds();
return ExcelTools.formatRangeRowCol(rowcols);
* Set this cf to a new enclosing cell range
* This should only be used for inital creation of a conditional format
* record or when all other internal ranges should be cleared as it removes
* all others
* @param range
public void resetRange(String range) {
refs = new DiscontiguousRefStruct(range, this);
isdirty= true;
private byte[] PROTOTYPE_BYTES = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
* Create a Condfmt record & populate with prototype bytes
* @return
protected static XLSRecord getPrototype() {
Condfmt cf= new Condfmt();
return cf;
/** update the bytes
public void preStream(){
* OOXML conditionalFormatting (Conditional Formatting)
* A Conditional Format is a format, such as cell shading or font color,
* that a spreadsheet application can
* automatically apply to cells if a specified condition is true.
* This collection expresses conditional formatting rules
* applied to a particular cell or range.
* parent: worksheet
* children: cfRule (1 or more)
* attributes: pivot (flag indicating this cf is assoc with a pivot table), sqref
* create one or more Data Validation records based on OOXML input
// TODO: finish pivot option, create Cf recs on each cfRule
public static Condfmt parseOOXML(XmlPullParser xpp, WorkBookHandle wb, Boundsheet bs) {
Condfmt condfmt= null;
ArrayList dxfs= wb.getWorkBook().getDxfs();
if (dxfs==null) dxfs= new ArrayList(); // shouldn't!
try {
int eventType = xpp.getEventType();
while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
if(eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
String tnm = xpp.getName();
if (tnm.equals("conditionalFormatting")) { // get attributes
for (int i= 0; i < xpp.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String n= xpp.getAttributeName(i);
String v= xpp.getAttributeValue(i);
if (n.equals("sqref")) { // series of references
condfmt= bs.createCondfmt("", wb); //(Condfmt) Condfmt.getPrototype();
String[] ranges= StringTool.splitString(v, " ");
for (int z= 0; z < ranges.length; z++) {
condfmt.addCellRange(bs.getSheetName() + "!" + ranges[z]);
} else if (n.equals("pivot")) {
// ???
// create a Cf record based upon cfRule info
} else if (tnm.equals("cfRule")) { // one or more
CfRule cfRule= (CfRule) CfRule.parseOOXML(xpp).cloneElement();
Cf cf = bs.createCf(condfmt); // creates a new cf rule and links to the current condfmt
cf.setOperator(Cf.translateOperator(cfRule.getOperator())); // set the cf rule operator (greater than, equals ...)
cf.setType(Cf.translateOOXMLType(cfRule.getType())); // set the cf rule type (cell is, exrpression ...)
if (cf.getType()==3)// containsText
if (cfRule.getFormula1()!=null)
if (cfRule.getFormula2()!=null)
int dxfId= cfRule.getDxfId();
if (dxfId>-1) { // it's not required to have a dxf
Dxf dxf= (Dxf) dxfs.get(dxfId); // dxf= differential format, contains the specific styles to define this cf rule
Cf.setStylePropsFromDxf(dxf, cf);
// String dxfStyleString= dfx.getStyleProps(); // returns a string representation of the dxf or differential styles
// Cf.setStylePropsFromString(dxfStyleString,cf); // set the dxf styles to the cf rule
// original code that didn't input CfRules into Cf's just stored CfRule objects ... condfmt.cfRules.add((CfRule.parseOOXML(xpp).cloneElement()));
} else if (eventType== XmlPullParser.END_TAG) {
String endTag= xpp.getName();
if (endTag.equals("conditionalFormatting")) {
eventType = xpp.next();
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.logErr("Condfmt.parseOOXML: " + e.toString());
if (condfmt!=null)
bs.addConditionalFormat(condfmt); // add this conditional format to the sheet
return condfmt;
* Add a cell range to this conditional format.
* @param string
private void addCellRange(String range) {
isdirty= true;
* returns EXML for the Conditional Format
<Format Style='color:#002060;font-weight:700;text-line-through:none;
border:.5pt solid windowtext;background:#00B0F0'/>
* @return XML string for this record
public String getXML(){
return getXML(false);
* returns XMLSS for the Conditional Format
<ConditionalFormatting xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
<Format Style='color:#002060;font-weight:700;text-line-through:none;
border:.5pt solid windowtext;background:#00B0F0'/>
* @return XML string for this record
public String getXMLSS(){
return getXML(true);
* returns EXML (XMLSS) for the Conditional Format
<ConditionalFormatting xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
<Format Style='color:#002060;font-weight:700;text-line-through:none;
border:.5pt solid windowtext;background:#00B0F0'/>
* @return
public String getXML(boolean useXMLSSNameSpace){
String ns = "";
ns = "xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\"";
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer("<ConditionalFormatting"+ns+">");
// cf's
Iterator its = this.getRules().iterator();
while(its.hasNext()) {
Cf c = (Cf)its.next();
return xml.toString();
* generate the proper OOXML to define this set of Conditional Formatting
* @return
public String getOOXML(WorkBookHandle bk, int[] priority) {
StringBuffer ooxml= new StringBuffer();
if (this.refs!=null) {
ooxml.append(" sqref=\"");
String[] refStrs = refs.getRefs();
for (int i=0;i<refStrs.length;i++) {
if (i>0) ooxml.append(" ");
// cf's
// NOTE: cf.getDxfId/setDxfId links this conditional formatting rule with the proper incremental style
// NOTE: cfRules must have a valid dxfId or the output file will open with errors
// NOTE: for now, dxfs can only be saved from the original styles.xml;
ArrayList dxfs= this.getWorkBook().getDxfs();
if (dxfs==null) {
dxfs= new ArrayList();
if (cfRules!=null) {
for (int i= 0; i < cfRules.size(); i++) {
ooxml.append(((Cf) cfRules.get(i)).getOOXML(bk, priority[0]++, dxfs));
return ooxml.toString();
* Checks if the conditional format contains the row/col passed in
* @param rowColFromString
* @return
public boolean contains(int[] rowColFromString) {
return refs.containsReference(rowColFromString);
* clear out object referencse
public void close() {
refs= null;
if (cfRules!=null) {
for (int i= 0; i < cfRules.size(); i++) {
Cf cf= (Cf) cfRules.get(i);
cf= null;