CommandOption.Double(Vectors2FeatureConstraints.class, "majority-prob", "DOUBLE",
false, 0.9, "Probability for majority labels when using heuristic target estimation.", null);
public static void main(String[] args) {
CommandOption.process(Vectors2FeatureConstraints.class, args);
InstanceList list = InstanceList.load(vectorsFile.value);
// Here we will assume that we use all labeled data available.
ArrayList<Integer> features = null;
HashMap<Integer,ArrayList<Integer>> featuresAndLabels = null;
// if a features file was specified, then load features from the file
if (featuresFile.wasInvoked()) {
if (fileContainsLabels(featuresFile.value)) {
// better error message from
if (targets.value.equals("oracle")) {
throw new RuntimeException("with --targets oracle, features file must be unlabeled");
featuresAndLabels = readFeaturesAndLabelsFromFile(featuresFile.value, list.getDataAlphabet(), list.getTargetAlphabet());
else {
features = readFeaturesFromFile(featuresFile.value, list.getDataAlphabet());
// otherwise select features using specified method
else {
if (featureSelection.value.equals("infogain")) {
features = FeatureConstraintUtil.selectFeaturesByInfoGain(list,numConstraints.value);
else if (featureSelection.value.equals("lda")) {
try {
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(ldaFile.value));
ParallelTopicModel lda = (ParallelTopicModel)ois.readObject();
features = FeatureConstraintUtil.selectTopLDAFeatures(numConstraints.value, lda, list.getDataAlphabet());
catch (Exception e) {
else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported value for feature selection: " + featureSelection.value);
// If the target method is oracle, then we do not need feature "labels".
HashMap<Integer,double[]> constraints = null;
if (targets.value.equals("none")) {
constraints = new HashMap<Integer,double[]>();
for (int fi : features) {
constraints.put(fi, null);
else if (targets.value.equals("oracle")) {
constraints = FeatureConstraintUtil.setTargetsUsingData(list, features);
else {
// For other methods, we need to get feature labels, as
// long as they haven't been already loaded from disk.
if (featuresAndLabels == null) {
featuresAndLabels = FeatureConstraintUtil.labelFeatures(list,features);
for (int fi : featuresAndLabels.keySet()) { + ": ");
for (int li : featuresAndLabels.get(fi)) { + " ");
if (targets.value.equals("heuristic")) {
constraints = FeatureConstraintUtil.setTargetsUsingHeuristic(featuresAndLabels,list.getTargetAlphabet().size(),majorityProb.value);
else if (targets.value.equals("voted")) {
constraints = FeatureConstraintUtil.setTargetsUsingFeatureVoting(featuresAndLabels,list);
else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported value for targets: " + targets.value);