/* Copyright (C) 2003 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further
information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */
package cc.mallet.extract.test;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import java.io.*;
import cc.mallet.extract.CRFExtractor;
import cc.mallet.extract.Extraction;
import cc.mallet.extract.LatticeViewer;
import cc.mallet.fst.CRF;
import cc.mallet.fst.CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood;
import cc.mallet.fst.MEMM;
import cc.mallet.fst.MEMMTrainer;
import cc.mallet.fst.TokenAccuracyEvaluator;
import cc.mallet.fst.TransducerEvaluator;
import cc.mallet.fst.tests.TestCRF;
import cc.mallet.fst.tests.TestMEMM;
import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe;
import cc.mallet.pipe.SerialPipes;
import cc.mallet.pipe.iterator.ArrayIterator;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
* Created: Oct 31, 2004
* @author <A HREF="mailto:casutton@cs.umass.edu>casutton@cs.umass.edu</A>
* @version $Id: TestLatticeViewer.java,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:38:02 mccallum Exp $
public class TestLatticeViewer extends TestCase {
public TestLatticeViewer (String name)
super (name);
private static File htmlFile = new File ("errors.html");
private static File latticeFile = new File ("lattice.html");
private static File htmlDir = new File ("html/");
public void testSpaceViewer () throws FileNotFoundException
Pipe pipe = TestMEMM.makeSpacePredictionPipe ();
String[] data0 = { TestCRF.data[0] };
String[] data1 = { TestCRF.data[1] };
InstanceList training = new InstanceList (pipe);
training.addThruPipe (new ArrayIterator (data0));
InstanceList testing = new InstanceList (pipe);
testing.addThruPipe (new ArrayIterator (data1));
CRF crf = new CRF (pipe, null);
crf.addFullyConnectedStatesForLabels ();
CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood crft = new CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood (crf);
crft.trainIncremental (training);
CRFExtractor extor = hackCrfExtor (crf);
Extraction extration = extor.extract (new ArrayIterator (data1));
PrintStream out = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (htmlFile));
LatticeViewer.extraction2html (extration, extor, out);
out = new PrintStream (new FileOutputStream (latticeFile));
LatticeViewer.extraction2html (extration, extor, out, true);
static CRFExtractor hackCrfExtor (CRF crf)
Pipe[] newPipes = new Pipe [3];
SerialPipes pipes = (SerialPipes) crf.getInputPipe ();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Pipe p0 = pipes.getPipe (0);
//pipes.removePipe (0); TODO Fix me
//p0.setParent (null);
newPipes[i] = p0;
Pipe tokPipe = new SerialPipes (newPipes);
CRFExtractor extor = new CRFExtractor (crf, (Pipe)tokPipe);
return extor;
public void testDualSpaceViewer () throws IOException
Pipe pipe = TestMEMM.makeSpacePredictionPipe ();
String[] data0 = { TestCRF.data[0] };
String[] data1 = TestCRF.data;
InstanceList training = new InstanceList (pipe);
training.addThruPipe (new ArrayIterator (data0));
InstanceList testing = new InstanceList (pipe);
testing.addThruPipe (new ArrayIterator (data1));
CRF crf = new CRF (pipe, null);
crf.addFullyConnectedStatesForLabels ();
CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood crft = new CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood (crf);
TokenAccuracyEvaluator eval = new TokenAccuracyEvaluator (new InstanceList[] {training, testing}, new String[] {"Training", "Testing"});
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
crft.train (training, 1);
CRFExtractor extor = hackCrfExtor (crf);
Extraction e1 = extor.extract (new ArrayIterator (data1));
Pipe pipe2 = TestMEMM.makeSpacePredictionPipe ();
InstanceList training2 = new InstanceList (pipe2);
training2.addThruPipe (new ArrayIterator (data0));
InstanceList testing2 = new InstanceList (pipe2);
testing2.addThruPipe (new ArrayIterator (data1));
MEMM memm = new MEMM (pipe2, null);
memm.addFullyConnectedStatesForLabels ();
MEMMTrainer memmt = new MEMMTrainer (memm);
TransducerEvaluator memmeval = new TokenAccuracyEvaluator (new InstanceList[] {training2, testing2}, new String[] {"Training2", "Testing2"});
memmt.train (training2, 5);
CRFExtractor extor2 = hackCrfExtor (memm);
Extraction e2 = extor2.extract (new ArrayIterator (data1));
if (!htmlDir.exists ()) htmlDir.mkdir ();
LatticeViewer.viewDualResults (htmlDir, e1, extor, e2, extor2);
public static Test suite ()
return new TestSuite (TestLatticeViewer.class);
public static void main (String[] args) throws Throwable
TestSuite theSuite;
if (args.length > 0) {
theSuite = new TestSuite ();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
theSuite.addTest (new TestLatticeViewer (args[i]));
} else {
theSuite = (TestSuite) suite ();
junit.textui.TestRunner.run (theSuite);