for (int j = parameters.weights[i].numLocations()-1; j >= 0; j--)
weightsPresent[i].set (parameters.weights[i].indexAtLocation(j));
// Put in the weights in the training set
for (int i = 0; i < trainingData.size(); i++) {
Instance instance = trainingData.get(i);
FeatureVectorSequence input = (FeatureVectorSequence) instance.getData();
FeatureSequence output = (FeatureSequence) instance.getTarget();
// gsc: trainingData can have unlabeled instances as well
if (output != null && output.size() > 0) {
// Do it for the paths consistent with the labels...
sumLatticeFactory.newSumLattice (this, input, output, new Transducer.Incrementor() {
public void incrementTransition (Transducer.TransitionIterator ti, double count) {
State source = (CRF.State)ti.getSourceState();
FeatureVector input = (FeatureVector)ti.getInput();
int index = ti.getIndex();
int nwi = source.weightsIndices[index].length;
for (int wi = 0; wi < nwi; wi++) {
int weightsIndex = source.weightsIndices[index][wi];
for (int i = 0; i < input.numLocations(); i++) {
int featureIndex = input.indexAtLocation(i);
if ((globalFeatureSelection == null || globalFeatureSelection.contains(featureIndex))
&& (featureSelections == null
|| featureSelections[weightsIndex] == null
|| featureSelections[weightsIndex].contains(featureIndex)))
weightsPresent[weightsIndex].set (featureIndex);
public void incrementInitialState (Transducer.State s, double count) { }
public void incrementFinalState (Transducer.State s, double count) { }
// ...and also do it for the paths selected by the current model (so we will get some negative weights)
if (useSomeUnsupportedTrick && this.getParametersAbsNorm() > 0) {
if (i == 0) ("CRF: Incremental training detected. Adding weights for some unsupported features...");
// (do this once some training is done)
sumLatticeFactory.newSumLattice (this, input, null, new Transducer.Incrementor() {
public void incrementTransition (Transducer.TransitionIterator ti, double count) {
if (count < 0.2) // Only create features for transitions with probability above 0.2
return; // This 0.2 is somewhat arbitrary -akm
State source = (CRF.State)ti.getSourceState();
FeatureVector input = (FeatureVector)ti.getInput();
int index = ti.getIndex();
int nwi = source.weightsIndices[index].length;
for (int wi = 0; wi < nwi; wi++) {
int weightsIndex = source.weightsIndices[index][wi];
for (int i = 0; i < input.numLocations(); i++) {
int featureIndex = input.indexAtLocation(i);
if ((globalFeatureSelection == null || globalFeatureSelection.contains(featureIndex))
&& (featureSelections == null
|| featureSelections[weightsIndex] == null
|| featureSelections[weightsIndex].contains(featureIndex)))
weightsPresent[weightsIndex].set (featureIndex);