Package cc.mallet.fst.semi_supervised

Source Code of cc.mallet.fst.semi_supervised.GECriteria$FeatureLabelExpExecutor$FeatureExpectationHandler

package cc.mallet.fst.semi_supervised;

import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

import cc.mallet.fst.SumLattice;
import cc.mallet.fst.Transducer;

import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVector;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVectorSequence;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
import cc.mallet.types.MatrixOps;

import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;
import cc.mallet.util.Maths;

* Represents GE criteria specified in the form of feature-label associations.
* @author Gaurav Chandalia
* @author Gregory Druck
public abstract class GECriteria {
  private static Logger logger =

  // number of states in the lattice
  protected int numStates;
  // mapping of states to labels (when using a custom FST in the transducer)
  protected StateLabelMap stateLabelMap;

  // key: feature index, value: FeatureInfo object that will hold for each
  // feature: the prior distribution over labels, gamma value, model's
  // expectation over labels, feature count across all instances
  protected Map<Integer, GECriterion> constraints;

  // number of bits == number of instances, a bit is set if the instance
  // contains at least one feature constraint
  protected BitSet constraintBits;

  // thread handler to calculate label expectations
  protected transient FeatureLabelExpExecutor labelExpExecutor;

   * Initializes the feature-label association constraints. <p>
   * @param numStates Number of states in the lattice.
   * @param stateLabelMap Mapping of states to labels (used when a custom FST
   *        is used to train a CRF).
   * @param constraints Map, key: feature index, value: FeatureInfo object.
  public GECriteria(int numStates, StateLabelMap stateLabelMap,
    Map<Integer, GECriterion> constraints) {
    this.numStates = numStates;
    this.stateLabelMap = stateLabelMap;
    this.constraints = constraints;
    // will be set later
    this.constraintBits = null;
    this.labelExpExecutor = new FeatureLabelExpExecutor();

   * Returns the state-label mapping. <p>
  public StateLabelMap getStateLabelMap() {
    return stateLabelMap;

   * Returns the <tt>FeatureInfo</tt> object mapped to the feature index.
   * <b>Note:</b> No check is performed to make sure feature index is valid.
   * Method can return <tt>null</tt>.
  public GECriterion getConstraint(int featureIndex) {
    return constraints.get(featureIndex);

   * Returns an iterator to the indices of the feature constraints.
  public Iterator<Integer> getFeatureIndexIterator() {
    return constraints.keySet().iterator();

   * Returns bits for all instances, each set if instance has at least one
   * feature constraint.
  public BitSet getConstraintBits() {
    return constraintBits;

   * Sets a bit for each instance if it has at least one feature constraint
   * (anywhere in the sequence).
   * <tt>start, end</tt> indicate range of indices that will be used for semisup
   * computations.
  public void setConstraintBits(InstanceList ilist, int start, int end) {"Setting bits for instances...");
    constraintBits = new BitSet(ilist.size());
    // feature indices
    Set<Integer> indices = constraints.keySet();
    // true if at least on feature constraint is present anywhere in the
    // *instance*
    boolean featurePresent = false;
    for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
      FeatureVectorSequence fvs =
          (FeatureVectorSequence) ilist.get(i).getData();
      featurePresent = false;
      for (int ip = 0; ip < fvs.size(); ++ip) {
        FeatureVector fv = fvs.getFeatureVector(ip);
        // set flag and bit if any constraint is present
        for (int index : indices) {
          if (fv.value(index) > 0.0) {
            featurePresent = true;
        if (featurePresent) {
    }"Number of instances with at least one GE constraint: " +

   * Returns bits for an instance, each bit corresponds to a feature index and
   * is set if the feature is present in the instance.
   * @return Constraint bits, size == number of feature constraints
  public final BitSet getConstraintBitsForInstance(FeatureVectorSequence fvs) {
    BitSet constraintBits = new BitSet();
    // feature indices
    Set<Integer> indices = constraints.keySet();
    for (int index : indices) {
      for (int ip = 0; ip < fvs.size(); ++ip) {
        if (fvs.getFeatureVector(ip).value(index) > 0.0) {
    return constraintBits;

   * Returns the number of times the feature occurred in the sequence (an
   * instance). <p>
   * Also updates the expectation of a feature in one instance.
   * @param featureIndex Feature to look for.
   * @param fvs Observation sequence.
   * @param gammas Log probability of being in state 'i' at input position 'j'.
   * @param expectation Model expectation (filled by this method).
   * @return Number of times the feature occurred in the input sequence.
   * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If an invalid feature index is specified.
  protected final int getExpectationForInstance(
      int featureIndex, FeatureVectorSequence fvs, double[][] gammas,
      double[] expectation) {
    int featureCount = 0;
    for (int ip = 0; ip < fvs.size(); ++ip) {
      if (fvs.getFeatureVector(ip).value(featureIndex) > 0.0) {

        for (int s = 0; s < numStates; ++s) {
          int labelIndex = stateLabelMap.getLabelIndex(s);
          expectation[labelIndex] += Math.exp(gammas[ip+1][s]);
    return featureCount;

   * Returns the expectation of a feature in one instance. <p>
   * *Note*: These expectations are not normalized.
  public final double[] getExpectationForInstance(
      int featureIndex, FeatureVectorSequence fvs, double[][] gammas) {
    double[] expectation = new double[stateLabelMap.getNumLabels()];
    this.getExpectationForInstance(featureIndex, fvs, gammas, expectation);
    return expectation;

   * Calculates the model expectation of all feature constraints. <p>
   * <tt>lattices</tt> contains the SumLattice objects of instances to be used
   * for semisup computations.
  public void calculateExpectations(InstanceList ilist, Transducer transducer,
                                Map<Integer, SumLattice> lattices) {
    labelExpExecutor.calculateLabelExp(ilist, transducer, lattices);

   * Computes sum of GE constraint values. <p>
   * <b>Note:</b> Label expectations are <b>not</b> re-computed here. If
   * desired, then make a call to <tt>calculateLabelExp</tt>.
  public abstract double getGEValue();

  protected void assertLabelExpNonNull() {
    Iterator<Integer> iter = constraints.keySet().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      int fi =;
      assert(constraints.get(fi).getExpectation() != null)
          : "model exp null, fi: " + fi;

   * Prints the constraints.
  public void print(Alphabet targetAlphabet) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(constraints.size() * 50);
    sb.append("Printing feature-label constraints...\n");
    Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, GECriterion>> featureIter =
    while (featureIter.hasNext()) {
      Map.Entry<Integer, GECriterion> entry =;

      int fi = entry.getKey();
      GECriterion constraint = entry.getValue();

      sb.append("index: " + fi + ", name: " + constraint.getName() +
                ", gamma: " + constraint.getWeight() +
                ", count: " + constraint.getCount() + "\n");

      double[] target = constraint.getTarget();
      for (int li = 0; li < target.length; ++li){
        sb.append("\t ");
        if (targetAlphabet != null) {
          sb.append(targetAlphabet.lookupObject(li) + "--");
        sb.append(String.format("%1.4f", target[li]));
      double[] expectation = constraint.getExpectation();
      if (expectation != null) {
        for (int li = 0; li < expectation.length; ++li){
          sb.append("\t ");
          if (targetAlphabet != null) {
            sb.append(targetAlphabet.lookupObject(li) + "--");
          sb.append(String.format("%1.4f", expectation[li]));
        sb.append("\n\t" + Maths.klDivergence(target, expectation) + "\n");

   * Executes threads to calculate model expectations of all feature
   * constraints.
  private class FeatureLabelExpExecutor {
    // key: instance index, value: already computed Lattice
    private Map<Integer, SumLattice> lattices;
    private InstanceList ilist;

    // all indices of feature constraints, used for multi-threading, initialized
    // in caclulateLabelExp
    private Set<Integer> featureIndices;

    // number of threads == number of feature constraints
    private int numThreads;
    // thread pool, each thread computes a feature constraint's label
    // expectations
    private ThreadPoolExecutor executor;

    // milliseconds
    public static final int SLEEP_TIME = 100;

    public FeatureLabelExpExecutor() {
      lattices = null;
      ilist = null;
      featureIndices = null;

      numThreads = constraints.size();"Creating " + numThreads +
                   " threads for calculating label expectations...");
      executor =
          (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads);

    public void calculateLabelExp(InstanceList ilist, Transducer transducer,
                                  Map<Integer, SumLattice> lattices) {
      this.lattices = lattices;
      this.ilist = ilist;

      featureIndices = new HashSet<Integer>(constraints.size());"Calculating label expectations...");
      long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
      for (int fi : constraints.keySet()) {
        executor.execute(new FeatureExpectationHandler(fi));

      // wait for all constraints to finish
      int numConstraints = -1;
      while (numConstraints != constraints.size()) {
        synchronized(this) {
          numConstraints = featureIndices.size();
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
      time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000; + " secs.");

      lattices = null;
      ilist = null;
      featureIndices = null;

     * Calculates the model expectation of the feature in a new thread.
    private class FeatureExpectationHandler implements Runnable {
      // feature constraint whose label expectations are to be computed
      private int fi;

       * Initializes the handler.
       * @param fi Index of feature constraint whose expectations are to be
       *        computed
      public FeatureExpectationHandler(int fi) { = fi;

       * Calculates the model expectation of the feature.
      public void run() {
        int numLabels = stateLabelMap.getNumLabels();
        double[] expectation = new double[numLabels];
        int featureCount = 0;
        SumLattice lattice = null;
        for (int i : lattices.keySet()) {
          // skip if the instance doesn't have any constraints
          if (!constraintBits.get(i)) {
          FeatureVectorSequence fvs = (FeatureVectorSequence) ilist.get(i).getData();
          lattice = lattices.get(i);
          assert(lattice != null)
              : "Lattice is null:: " + i + ", size: " + lattices.size();

          // update the number of times this feature occurred in the sequence
          // and the label expectations due to this sequence
          featureCount += getExpectationForInstance(
              fi, fvs, lattice.getGammas(), expectation);
        if (MatrixOps.isNonZero(expectation)) {
          // normalizing label expectations
          MatrixOps.timesEquals(expectation, 1/MatrixOps.sum(expectation));
          GECriterion constraint = constraints.get(fi);
        else {
          throw new RuntimeException("Feature " + fi + " does not occur!");
        synchronized(FeatureLabelExpExecutor.this) {

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