// create a STREAM ASSERTION to validate the input data
Pipe tweetPipe = new Pipe( "tweet" ); // name branch
AssertMatches assertMatches = new AssertMatches( ".{6,150}" );
tweetPipe = new Each( tweetPipe, AssertionLevel.STRICT, assertMatches );
// create an OPERATION split the text into a token stream
RegexSplitGenerator splitter = new RegexSplitGenerator( new Fields( "token" ), " " );
Fields outputSelector = new Fields( "uid", "token" );
tweetPipe = new Each( tweetPipe, new Fields( "text" ), splitter, outputSelector );
tweetPipe = new Unique( tweetPipe, Fields.ALL );
RegexFilter filter = new RegexFilter( "^\\S\\S+$" );
tweetPipe = new Each( tweetPipe, new Fields( "token" ), filter );
// create PIPEs for left join on the stop words
Pipe stopPipe = new Pipe( "stop" ); // name branch
Pipe joinPipe = new HashJoin( tweetPipe, new Fields( "token" ), stopPipe, new Fields( "stop" ), new LeftJoin() );
joinPipe = new Each( joinPipe, new Fields( "stop" ), new RegexFilter( "^$" ) );
joinPipe = new Retain( joinPipe, new Fields( "uid", "token" ) );
flow part #2
create SINK tap to measure token frequency, which will need to be used to adjust
stop words -- based on an R script
Pipe tokenPipe = new Pipe( "token", joinPipe ); // name branch
tokenPipe = new GroupBy( tokenPipe, new Fields( "token" ) );
tokenPipe = new Every( tokenPipe, Fields.ALL, new Count(), Fields.ALL );
flow part #3
generate an inverted index for ((uid1,uid2), token) to avoid having to perform
a cross-product, which would impose a bottleneck in the parallelism
Pipe invertPipe = new Pipe( "inverted index", joinPipe );
invertPipe = new CoGroup( invertPipe, new Fields( "token" ), 1, new Fields( "uid1", "ignore", "uid2", "token" ) );
Fields filterArguments = new Fields( "uid1", "uid2" );
String uidFilter = "uid1.compareToIgnoreCase( uid2 ) >= 0";
invertPipe = new Each( invertPipe, filterArguments, new ExpressionFilter( uidFilter, String.class ) );
Fields ignore = new Fields( "ignore" );
invertPipe = new Discard( invertPipe, ignore );
flow part #4
count the number of tokens in common for each uid pair and apply a threshold
Pipe commonPipe = new GroupBy( new Pipe( "uid common", invertPipe ), new Fields( "uid1", "uid2" ) );
commonPipe = new Every( commonPipe, Fields.ALL, new Count( new Fields( "common" ) ), Fields.ALL );
String commonFilter = String.format( "common < %d", MIN_COMMON_TOKENS );
commonPipe = new Each( commonPipe, new Fields( "common" ), new ExpressionFilter( commonFilter, Integer.TYPE ) );
flow part #5
count the number of tokens overall for each uid, then join to calculate
the vector length for uid1
Fields tokenCount = new Fields( "token_count" );
Pipe countPipe = new GroupBy( "count", joinPipe, new Fields( "uid" ) );
countPipe = new Every( countPipe, Fields.ALL, new Count( tokenCount ), Fields.ALL );
joinPipe = new CoGroup( countPipe, new Fields( "uid" ), commonPipe, new Fields( "uid1" ) );
joinPipe = new Pipe( "common", joinPipe );
joinPipe = new Discard( joinPipe, new Fields( "uid" ) );
joinPipe = new Rename( joinPipe, tokenCount, new Fields( "token_count1" ) );
flow part #6 join to be able to calculate the vector length for
uid2, remove instances where one uid merely retweets another,
then calculate an Ochiai similarity metric to find the nearest
"neighbors" for each uid -- as recommended users to "follow"
joinPipe = new CoGroup( "similarity", countPipe, new Fields( "uid" ), joinPipe, new Fields( "uid2" ) );
joinPipe = new Rename( joinPipe, tokenCount, new Fields( "token_count2" ) );
// use a DEBUG to check the values in the tuple stream; turn off in the FLOWDEF below
joinPipe = new Each( joinPipe, DebugLevel.VERBOSE, new Debug( true ) );
Fields expressionArguments = new Fields( "token_count1", "token_count2", "common" );
commonFilter = "( token_count1 == common ) || ( token_count2 == common )";
joinPipe = new Each( joinPipe, expressionArguments, new ExpressionFilter( commonFilter, Integer.TYPE ) );
Fields ochiaiArguments = new Fields( "uid1", "token_count1", "uid2", "token_count2", "common" );
Fields resultFields = new Fields( "uid", "recommend_uid", "similarity" );
joinPipe = new Each( joinPipe, ochiaiArguments, new OchiaiFunction( resultFields ), Fields.RESULTS );
flow part #7
apply thresholds to filter out poor recommendations
Fields similarityArguments = new Fields( "similarity" );
commonFilter = String.format(Locale.US, "similarity < %f || similarity > %f", MIN_SIMILARITY, MAX_SIMILARITY );
joinPipe = new Each( joinPipe, similarityArguments, new ExpressionFilter( commonFilter, Double.TYPE ) );
connect up all the flow, generate a flow diagram, then run the flow.
results for recommended users get stored in the "similarityPath" sink tap.