* Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Concurrent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Project and contact information: http://www.cascading.org/
* This file is part of the Cascading project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package cascading.pattern.pmml;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import cascading.flow.AssemblyPlanner;
import cascading.flow.FlowDescriptors;
import cascading.flow.planner.PlannerException;
import cascading.pattern.PatternException;
import cascading.pattern.datafield.ContinuousDataField;
import cascading.pattern.ensemble.EnsembleSpec;
import cascading.pattern.ensemble.ParallelEnsembleAssembly;
import cascading.pattern.ensemble.selection.SelectionStrategy;
import cascading.pattern.model.ModelSchema;
import cascading.pattern.model.ModelScoringFunction;
import cascading.pattern.model.clustering.ClusteringFunction;
import cascading.pattern.model.clustering.ClusteringSpec;
import cascading.pattern.model.clustering.measure.EuclideanMeasure;
import cascading.pattern.model.clustering.measure.SquaredEuclideanMeasure;
import cascading.pattern.model.generalregression.CategoricalRegressionFunction;
import cascading.pattern.model.generalregression.GeneralRegressionSpec;
import cascading.pattern.model.generalregression.LinkFunction;
import cascading.pattern.model.generalregression.PredictionRegressionFunction;
import cascading.pattern.model.generalregression.RegressionTable;
import cascading.pattern.model.tree.Tree;
import cascading.pattern.model.tree.TreeFunction;
import cascading.pattern.model.tree.TreeSpec;
import cascading.pipe.Each;
import cascading.pipe.Pipe;
import cascading.pipe.assembly.Coerce;
import cascading.pipe.assembly.Retain;
import cascading.scheme.util.FieldTypeResolver;
import cascading.tap.Tap;
import cascading.tuple.Fields;
import cascading.util.Util;
import org.dmg.pmml.Cluster;
import org.dmg.pmml.ClusteringModel;
import org.dmg.pmml.ComparisonMeasure;
import org.dmg.pmml.DataField;
import org.dmg.pmml.DataType;
import org.dmg.pmml.Euclidean;
import org.dmg.pmml.FieldName;
import org.dmg.pmml.FieldUsageType;
import org.dmg.pmml.GeneralRegressionModel;
import org.dmg.pmml.Measure;
import org.dmg.pmml.MiningField;
import org.dmg.pmml.MiningFunctionType;
import org.dmg.pmml.MiningModel;
import org.dmg.pmml.Model;
import org.dmg.pmml.OpType;
import org.dmg.pmml.PMML;
import org.dmg.pmml.RegressionModel;
import org.dmg.pmml.Segment;
import org.dmg.pmml.SquaredEuclidean;
import org.dmg.pmml.TreeModel;
import org.dmg.pmml.True;
import org.jpmml.model.ImportFilter;
import org.jpmml.model.JAXBUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import static cascading.pattern.pmml.DataFields.createDataFields;
import static cascading.pattern.pmml.TreeUtil.createTree;
* Class PMMLPlanner is an implementation of a Cascading {@link AssemblyPlanner} that will convert a PMML document into
* a Cascading {@link cascading.flow.Flow} instance.
* <p/>
* Predictive Model Markup Language (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictive_Model_Markup_Language">PMML</a>)
* is an XML format use to share common machine learning model parameters between applications. PMML documents are
* typically exported from tools such as R after a model has been created..
* <p/>
* PMML is very flexible, but sometimes it doesn't declare defaults for missing elements. For example, the
* "predicted" field is optional (the output field), but Cascading requires it for obvious reasons.
* <p/>
* So methods on this class help set sensible defaults if values are missing in the PMML document.
* <p/>
* PMMLPlanner in essence maps the PMML elements to Pattern model classes and populates those models with the
* given parameters. There may not always be a 1 to 1 correlation of elements to Pattern models, for example PMML
* regression is mapped to Pattern's {@link GeneralRegressionSpec}.
* <p/>
* To use, hand PMMLPlanner an PMML XML file, and pass the PMMLPlanner instance to
* {@link cascading.flow.FlowDef#addAssemblyPlanner(cascading.flow.AssemblyPlanner)}. Use the FlowDef as usual from
* there. The {@link cascading.flow.FlowConnector#connect(cascading.flow.FlowDef)} will then return a
* {@link cascading.flow.Flow} that will score your data.
* <p/>
* Optionally {@link #resolveAssembly(cascading.pipe.Pipe)} can be used directly, but requires more Cascading
* experience.
public class PMMLPlanner implements AssemblyPlanner
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( PMMLPlanner.class );
File pmmlFile;
InputStream pmmlStream;
String branchName = "pmml";
String headName;
String tailName;
private PMML pmml;
private PMMLModel pmmlModel;
private Fields retainIncomingFields;
private Fields defaultPredictedField;
* Instantiates a new PMML planner.
* @param pmmlFile the pmml file
public PMMLPlanner( File pmmlFile )
this.pmmlFile = pmmlFile;
* Instantiates a new PMML planner.
* @param pmmlStream the pmml stream
public PMMLPlanner( InputStream pmmlStream )
this.pmmlStream = pmmlStream;
/** Instantiates a new PMML planner. */
public PMMLPlanner()
public File getPMMLFile()
return pmmlFile;
public PMMLPlanner setPMMLInput( File pmmlFile )
this.pmmlFile = pmmlFile;
return this;
public InputStream getPMMLStream()
return pmmlStream;
public PMMLPlanner setPMMLInput( InputStream pmmlStream )
this.pmmlStream = pmmlStream;
return this;
* If a predicted data field is not declared, use this field name.
* @param defaultPredictedField
* @return
public PMMLPlanner setDefaultPredictedField( Fields defaultPredictedField )
this.defaultPredictedField = defaultPredictedField;
return this;
public Fields getDefaultPredictedField()
return defaultPredictedField;
* Gets head name.
* @return the head name
public String getHeadName()
return headName;
* Sets incoming source head name to use.
* <p/>
* If not set, will use the only available input source Tap name. If more than one
* source was declared, the planner will throw an exception.
* <p/>
* Cascading binds heads of the pipe assembly to the corresponding named source Tap.
* @param headName the head name
* @return the head name
public PMMLPlanner setHeadName( String headName )
this.headName = headName;
return this;
public String getBranchName()
return branchName;
* Sets branch name to use for the resulting pipe assembly.
* @param branchName the branch name
* @return the branch name
public PMMLPlanner setBranchName( String branchName )
this.branchName = branchName;
return this;
public String getTailName()
return tailName;
* Sets the outgoing tail name to use.
* <p/>
* If not set, will use the only available input sink Tap name. If more than one
* sink was declared, the planner will throw an exception.
* <p/>
* Cascading binds tails of the pipe assembly to the corresponding named sink Tap.
* @param tailName the tail name
* @return the tail name
public PMMLPlanner setTailName( String tailName )
this.tailName = tailName;
return this;
public Fields getRetainIncomingFields()
return retainIncomingFields;
* Sets the incoming fields that should be retained, by default all incoming fields
* are passed through the assembly from the source Tap.
* <p/>
* This must include the fields required by the underlying models.
* <p/>
* Use {@link #retainOnlyActiveIncomingFields()} to dynamically limit the result to
* those required.
* @param retainIncomingFields the retain incoming fields
* @return the retain incoming fields
public PMMLPlanner setRetainIncomingFields( Fields retainIncomingFields )
if( retainIncomingFields.isNone() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "may not retain Fields.NONE" );
this.retainIncomingFields = retainIncomingFields;
return this;
* Retain only active incoming fields as declared by the PMML. All other fields
* in the incoming source Tap will be discarded.
* @return the pMML planner
public PMMLPlanner retainOnlyActiveIncomingFields()
return setRetainIncomingFields( getActiveFields() );
protected PMMLModel getPMMLModel()
if( pmmlModel == null )
this.pmmlModel = new PMMLModel( getPMML() );
return pmmlModel;
private PMML getPMML()
if( pmml == null )
InputStream stream = getPMMLStream();
if( stream == null )
stream = getFileInputStream();
pmml = parse( stream );
return pmml;
private FileInputStream getFileInputStream()
return new FileInputStream( getPMMLFile() );
catch( FileNotFoundException exception )
throw new PatternException( "could not find pmml file: " + getPMMLFile(), exception );
private void setPMML( PMML pmml )
this.pmml = pmml;
private static PMML parse( InputStream inputStream )
InputSource source = new InputSource( inputStream );
SAXSource transformedSource = ImportFilter.apply( source );
return JAXBUtil.unmarshalPMML( transformedSource );
catch( Exception exception )
throw new PatternException( "could not read inputStream: " + inputStream, exception );
* Returns the "active" fields declared in the PMML document.
* @return the active fields
public Fields getActiveFields()
return getPMMLModel().getActiveFields();
* Returns predicted fields declared in the PMML document.
* @return the predicted fields
public Fields getPredictedFields()
return getPMMLModel().getPredictedFields();
public PMMLPlanner addDataTypes( Fields fields )
for( Comparable field : fields )
if( field instanceof Number )
addDataType( (String) field, fields.getType( fields.getPos( field ) ) );
return this;
public PMMLPlanner addDataType( String name, Type type )
FieldName fieldName = new FieldName( name );
if( getPMMLModel().getDataField( fieldName ) != null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "field name already in dictionary" );
DataType dataType = DataTypes.getTypeToPmml( type );
if( dataType == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "no data type mapping from: " + Util.getTypeName( type ) );
getPMMLModel().addDataField( fieldName, OpType.CONTINUOUS, dataType );
return this;
public FieldTypeResolver getFieldTypeResolver()
return new PMMLTypeResolver( this );
public List<Pipe> resolveTails( Context context )
if( context.getTails().size() > 1 )
throw new PlannerException( "assembly can only accept one inbound branch, got: " + context.getTails().size() );
if( context.getTails().size() == 1 && getHeadName() != null )
throw new PlannerException( "cannot specify a head name if there are incoming branches" );
Pipe tail = null;
String headName = findHeadName( context );
if( context.getTails().size() == 0 && headName != null )
tail = new Pipe( headName );
else if( context.getTails().size() == 1 )
tail = context.getTails().get( 0 );
tail = applyCoercion( tail, context.getFlow().getSource( headName ) );
tail = resolveAssembly( tail ); // branch name is applied
tail = new Pipe( findTailName( context ), tail ); // bind the tail to the sink tailName
return Arrays.asList( tail );
public Map<String, String> getFlowDescriptor()
if( getPMMLFile() == null )
return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put( "pmml-resource", getPMMLFile().toString() );
return map;
private Pipe applyCoercion( Pipe tail, Tap source )
Fields sourceFields = source.getSourceFields();
FieldTypeResolver fieldTypeResolver = getFieldTypeResolver();
Fields coercedFields = Fields.NONE;
int count = 0;
for( Comparable sourceField : sourceFields )
Type incoming = sourceFields.getType( sourceField );
Type outgoing = fieldTypeResolver.inferTypeFrom( count++, sourceField.toString() );
if( incoming != outgoing )
coercedFields = coercedFields.append( new Fields( sourceField, outgoing ) );
if( coercedFields.isNone() )
return tail;
return new Coerce( tail, coercedFields );
private String findHeadName( Context context )
String headName;
if( getHeadName() != null )
headName = getHeadName();
else if( context.getFlow().getSources().size() == 1 )
headName = (String) context.getFlow().getSourceNames().get( 0 );
throw new IllegalStateException( "too man sources to choose from, found: " + context.getFlow().getSources().size() + ", use setHeadName" );
return headName;
private String findTailName( Context context )
String tailName;
if( getTailName() != null )
tailName = getTailName();
else if( context.getFlow().getSinks().size() == 1 )
tailName = (String) context.getFlow().getSinkNames().get( 0 );
throw new IllegalStateException( "too man sinks to choose from, found: " + context.getFlow().getSinks().size() + ", use setTailName" );
return tailName;
* Resolve assembly can be used if the give PMML needs to be extended beyond the capability of a Flow created
* by a FlowConnector and FlowDef.
* <p/>
* The models will be appended to the given head Pipe instance, the final tail Pipe will be returned.
* @param pipe the pipe
* @return the pipe
public Pipe resolveAssembly( Pipe pipe )
Pipe tail;
if( pipe == null )
tail = new Pipe( getBranchName() );
tail = new Pipe( getBranchName(), pipe );
if( getRetainIncomingFields() != null )
tail = new Retain( tail, getRetainIncomingFields() );
for( Model model : getPMMLModel().getModels() )
if( !model.isScorable() )
LOG.info( "skipping non-scoreable model: " + model.getModelName() );
if( model instanceof MiningModel )
tail = handleMiningModel( tail, (MiningModel) model );
else if( model instanceof ClusteringModel )
tail = handleClusteringModel( tail, (ClusteringModel) model );
else if( model instanceof RegressionModel )
tail = handleRegressionModel( tail, (RegressionModel) model );
else if( model instanceof GeneralRegressionModel )
tail = handleGeneralRegressionModel( tail, (GeneralRegressionModel) model );
else if( model instanceof TreeModel )
tail = handleTreeModel( tail, (TreeModel) model );
throw new PatternException( "unsupported model type: " + model.getClass().getName() );
return tail;
private Pipe handleTreeModel( Pipe tail, TreeModel model )
ModelSchema modelSchema = createModelSchema( model );
Tree tree = createTree( model, modelSchema );
TreeSpec treeSpec = new TreeSpec( modelSchema, tree );
return create( tail, modelSchema, new TreeFunction( treeSpec ) );
private Pipe handleGeneralRegressionModel( Pipe tail, GeneralRegressionModel model )
ModelSchema modelSchema = createModelSchema( model );
Set<String> parameterList = GeneralRegressionUtil.createParameters( model );
Set<String> covariateList = GeneralRegressionUtil.createCovariates( model );
Set<String> factorsList = GeneralRegressionUtil.createFactors( model );
RegressionTable regressionTable = GeneralRegressionUtil.createPPMatrix( model, parameterList, factorsList, covariateList );
LinkFunction linkFunction = LinkFunction.getFunction( model.getLinkFunction().value() );
GeneralRegressionSpec modelParam = new GeneralRegressionSpec( modelSchema, regressionTable, linkFunction );
return create( tail, modelSchema, new PredictionRegressionFunction( modelParam ) );
private Pipe handleRegressionModel( Pipe tail, RegressionModel model )
if( model.getFunctionName() == MiningFunctionType.REGRESSION )
return handlePredictionRegressionModel( tail, model );
if( model.getFunctionName() == MiningFunctionType.CLASSIFICATION )
return handleCategoricalRegressionModel( tail, model );
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "unsupported mining type, got: " + model.getFunctionName() );
private Pipe handleCategoricalRegressionModel( Pipe tail, RegressionModel model )
ModelSchema modelSchema = createModelSchema( model );
List<String> predictedCategories = new ArrayList<String>( modelSchema.getPredictedCategories( modelSchema.getPredictedFieldNames().get( 0 ) ) );
if( predictedCategories.isEmpty() )
throw new PatternException( "no categories specified" );
GeneralRegressionSpec regressionSpec = new GeneralRegressionSpec( modelSchema );
regressionSpec.setNormalization( RegressionUtil.getNormalizationMethod( model ) );
for( org.dmg.pmml.RegressionTable regressionTable : model.getRegressionTables() )
regressionSpec.addRegressionTable( RegressionUtil.createTable( regressionTable ) );
return create( tail, modelSchema, new CategoricalRegressionFunction( regressionSpec ) );
private Pipe handlePredictionRegressionModel( Pipe tail, RegressionModel model )
if( model.getRegressionTables().size() != 1 )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "regression model only supports a single regression table, got: " + model.getRegressionTables().size() );
ModelSchema modelSchema = createModelSchema( model );
org.dmg.pmml.RegressionTable regressionTable = model.getRegressionTables().get( 0 );
GeneralRegressionSpec regressionSpec = new GeneralRegressionSpec( modelSchema );
regressionSpec.setLinkFunction( LinkFunction.NONE );
regressionSpec.addRegressionTable( RegressionUtil.createTable( regressionTable ) );
return create( tail, modelSchema, new PredictionRegressionFunction( regressionSpec ) );
private Pipe handleClusteringModel( Pipe tail, ClusteringModel model )
ModelSchema modelSchema = createModelSchema( model );
if( model.getModelClass() != ClusteringModel.ModelClass.CENTER_BASED )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "unsupported model class, got: " + model.getModelClass() );
ComparisonMeasure comparisonMeasure = model.getComparisonMeasure();
if( comparisonMeasure.getKind() != ComparisonMeasure.Kind.DISTANCE )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "unsupported comparison kind, got: " + comparisonMeasure.getKind() );
ClusteringSpec clusteringSpec = new ClusteringSpec( modelSchema );
Measure measure = comparisonMeasure.getMeasure();
if( measure instanceof Euclidean )
clusteringSpec.setComparisonMeasure( new EuclideanMeasure() );
else if( measure instanceof SquaredEuclidean )
clusteringSpec.setComparisonMeasure( new SquaredEuclideanMeasure() );
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "unsupported comparison measure: " + comparisonMeasure );
clusteringSpec.setDefaultCompareFunction( ClusteringUtil.setComparisonFunction( model ) );
for( Cluster cluster : model.getClusters() )
List<Double> exemplar = (List<Double>) PMMLUtil.parseArray( cluster.getArray() );
LOG.debug( "exemplar: {}", exemplar );
clusteringSpec.addCluster( new cascading.pattern.model.clustering.Cluster( cluster.getName(), exemplar ) );
return create( tail, modelSchema, new ClusteringFunction( clusteringSpec ) );
private Pipe handleMiningModel( Pipe tail, MiningModel model )
ModelSchema modelSchema = createModelSchema( model );
List<TreeSpec> models = new LinkedList<TreeSpec>();
for( Segment segment : model.getSegmentation().getSegments() )
if( !segment.getPredicate().getClass().equals( True.class ) )
throw new PatternException( "segment predicates currently not supported, got: " + segment.getPredicate() );
Model segmentModel = segment.getModel();
if( segmentModel instanceof TreeModel )
models.add( new TreeSpec( modelSchema, createTree( (TreeModel) segmentModel, modelSchema ) ) );
throw new PatternException( "ensemble model currently not supported, got: " + segmentModel );
EnsembleSpec<TreeSpec> miningSpec = new EnsembleSpec<TreeSpec>( modelSchema, models );
LOG.debug( "creating: {}, input: {}, output: {}", new Object[]{miningSpec, modelSchema.getInputFields(),
modelSchema.getDeclaredFields()} );
SelectionStrategy strategy = PMMLUtil.getSelectionStrategy( model );
miningSpec.setSelectionStrategy( strategy );
tail = new ParallelEnsembleAssembly( tail, miningSpec );
return tail;
private Pipe create( Pipe tail, ModelSchema schemaParam, ModelScoringFunction function )
Fields inputFields = schemaParam.getInputFields();
Fields declaredFields = schemaParam.getDeclaredFields();
LOG.debug( "creating: {}, input: {}, output: {}", new Object[]{schemaParam, inputFields, declaredFields} );
return new Each( tail, inputFields, function, Fields.ALL );
private ModelSchema createModelSchema( Model model )
ModelSchema modelSchema = new ModelSchema();
for( MiningField miningField : model.getMiningSchema().getMiningFields() )
DataField dataField = getPMMLModel().getDataField( miningField.getName() );
if( miningField.getUsageType() == FieldUsageType.ACTIVE )
modelSchema.addExpectedField( createDataFields( dataField ) );
else if( miningField.getUsageType() == FieldUsageType.PREDICTED )
modelSchema.setPredictedFields( createDataFields( dataField ) );
if( modelSchema.getPredictedFieldNames().isEmpty() && defaultPredictedField == null )
throw new PatternException( "no predicted field name provided in PMML model, use setDefaultPredictedField() method" );
if( modelSchema.getPredictedFieldNames().isEmpty() )
modelSchema.setPredictedFields( new ContinuousDataField( defaultPredictedField ) );
return modelSchema;