IIcon secondIcon = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( channelsOnSide[of.ordinal()], true ).getIcon(), -0.2f );
if ( of == ForgeDirection.EAST || of == ForgeDirection.WEST )
AEBaseBlock blk = (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock();
FlippableIcon ico = blk.getRendererInstance().getTexture( ForgeDirection.EAST );
ico.setFlip( false, true );
Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 15 << 20 | 15 << 4 );
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().blackVariant );
rh.setTexture( firstIcon, firstIcon, firstIcon, firstIcon, firstIcon, firstIcon );
renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer );
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().whiteVariant );
rh.setTexture( secondIcon, secondIcon, secondIcon, secondIcon, secondIcon, secondIcon );
renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer );
renderer.uvRotateBottom = renderer.uvRotateEast = renderer.uvRotateNorth = renderer.uvRotateSouth = renderer.uvRotateTop = renderer.uvRotateWest = 0;
rh.setTexture( getTexture( getCableColor() ) );
if ( sides.size() != 2 || !nonLinear( sides ) || hasBuses )
for (ForgeDirection of : connections)
renderSmartConnection( x, y, z, rh, renderer, channelsOnSide[of.ordinal()], of );
rh.setTexture( getCoveredTexture( getCableColor() ) );
rh.setBounds( 5, 5, 5, 11, 11, 11 );
rh.renderBlock( x, y, z, renderer );
ForgeDirection selectedSide = ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
for (ForgeDirection of : connections)
selectedSide = of;
int channels = channelsOnSide[selectedSide.ordinal()];
IIcon def = getTexture( getCableColor() );
IIcon off = new OffsetIcon( def, 0, -12 );
IIcon firstTaughtIcon = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( channels, false ).getIcon(), -0.2f );
IIcon firstOffsetIcon = new OffsetIcon( firstTaughtIcon, 0, -12 );
IIcon secondTaughtIcon = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( channels, true ).getIcon(), -0.2f );
IIcon secondOffsetIcon = new OffsetIcon( secondTaughtIcon, 0, -12 );
switch (selectedSide)
case DOWN:
case UP:
renderer.setRenderBounds( 5 / 16.0, 0, 5 / 16.0, 11 / 16.0, 16 / 16.0, 11 / 16.0 );
rh.setTexture( def, def, off, off, off, off );
rh.renderBlockCurrentBounds( x, y, z, renderer );
renderer.uvRotateTop = 0;
renderer.uvRotateBottom = 0;
renderer.uvRotateSouth = 3;
renderer.uvRotateEast = 3;
Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 15 << 20 | 15 << 4 );
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().blackVariant );
rh.setTexture( firstTaughtIcon, firstTaughtIcon, firstOffsetIcon, firstOffsetIcon, firstOffsetIcon, firstOffsetIcon );
renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer );
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().whiteVariant );
rh.setTexture( secondTaughtIcon, secondTaughtIcon, secondOffsetIcon, secondOffsetIcon, secondOffsetIcon, secondOffsetIcon );
renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer );
case EAST:
case WEST:
rh.setTexture( off, off, off, off, def, def );
renderer.uvRotateEast = 2;
renderer.uvRotateWest = 1;
renderer.uvRotateBottom = 2;
renderer.uvRotateTop = 1;
renderer.uvRotateSouth = 0;
renderer.uvRotateNorth = 0;
AEBaseBlock blk = (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock();
FlippableIcon ico = blk.getRendererInstance().getTexture( ForgeDirection.EAST );
ico.setFlip( false, true );
renderer.setRenderBounds( 0, 5 / 16.0, 5 / 16.0, 16 / 16.0, 11 / 16.0, 11 / 16.0 );
rh.renderBlockCurrentBounds( x, y, z, renderer );
Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 15 << 20 | 15 << 4 );
FlippableIcon fpA = new FlippableIcon( firstTaughtIcon );
FlippableIcon fpB = new FlippableIcon( secondTaughtIcon );
fpA = new FlippableIcon( firstTaughtIcon );
fpB = new FlippableIcon( secondTaughtIcon );
fpA.setFlip( true, false );
fpB.setFlip( true, false );
Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().blackVariant );
rh.setTexture( firstOffsetIcon, firstOffsetIcon, firstOffsetIcon, firstOffsetIcon, firstTaughtIcon, fpA );
renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer );