Certain conventions are followed when an AMX provides access to other AMX instances; when a single item is returned, the return type is strongly-typed. When a Map or Set is returned, the values found in the Map or Set must be cast appropriately. The context should make it obvious what the appropriate cast is. It is always safe to cast to AMX, since this is base interface.
Additional information, such as {@link javax.management.MBeanInfo} for the target MBean,may be obtained via {@link Util#getExtra}
All AMX that emit Notifications place a Map within the userData field of a standard {@link javax.management.Notification}which may be obtained via {@link javax.management.Notification#getUserData}. Within the Map are zero or more items, which vary with the Notification type. Each Notification type, and data available within the Notification, is defined in its respective MBean or in an appropriate place. @see Util#getExtra @see com.sun.appserv.management.base.Extra @see com.sun.appserv.management.base.Container @see com.sun.appserv.management.base.StdAttributesAccess @see com.sun.appserv.management.config.PropertiesAccess @see com.sun.appserv.management.monitor.MonitoringStats @see com.sun.appserv.management.j2ee.J2EEDomain