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package com.sun.appserv.management.base;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.Notification;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMX;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.JMXUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.MapUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.GSetUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.misc.TypeCast;
Utility routines pertinent to the MBean API.
public final class Util
private Util() {}
Create a new ObjectName, caller is guaranteeing that the name is
well-formed (a RuntimeException will be thrown if not). This avoids
having to catch all sorts of JMX exceptions.<br>
<b>NOTE:</b> Do not call this method if there is not certainty of a well-formed name.
@param name
public static ObjectName
newObjectName( String name )
return( JMXUtil.newObjectName( name ) );
Build an ObjectName. Calls newObjectName( domain + ":" + props )
@param domain the JMX domain
@param props properties of the ObjectName
public static ObjectName
newObjectName( String domain, String props )
return( newObjectName( domain + ":" + props ) );
Build an ObjectName pattern.
@param domain the JMX domain
@param props properties of the ObjectName
public static ObjectName
final String domain,
final String props )
return( JMXUtil.newObjectNamePattern( domain, props ) );
Build an ObjectName pattern.
@param objectName
public static ObjectName
newObjectNamePattern( ObjectName objectName )
final String props = objectName.getKeyPropertyListString();
return( newObjectNamePattern( objectName.getDomain(), props) );
Make an ObjectName property of the form <i>name</i>=<i>value</i>.
@param name
@param value
public static String
final String name,
final String value )
return( JMXUtil.makeProp( name, value ) );
Make an ObjectName property of the form j2eeType=<i>value</i>.
@param value
public static String
makeJ2EETypeProp( final String value )
return( makeProp( AMX.J2EE_TYPE_KEY, value ) );
Make an ObjectName property of the form name=<i>value</i>.
@param value
public static String
makeNameProp( final String value )
return( makeProp( AMX.NAME_KEY, value ) );
@param j2eeType
@param name
public static String
final String j2eeType,
final String name )
final String j2eeTypeProp = Util.makeJ2EETypeProp( j2eeType );
final String nameProp = Util.makeNameProp( name );
final String props = Util.concatenateProps( j2eeTypeProp, nameProp );
return( props );
Extract the j2eeType and name properties and return it as a single property
@param objectName
public static String
getSelfProp( final ObjectName objectName )
final String j2eeType = objectName.getKeyProperty( AMX.J2EE_TYPE_KEY );
final String name = objectName.getKeyProperty( AMX.NAME_KEY );
return( Util.makeProp( j2eeType, name ) );
Get properties corresponding to the FullType of this ObjectName.
Its j2eeType/name are included as <i>j2eeType</i>=<i>name</i>, <b>not</b>
as j2eeType=<i>j2eeType</i>,name=<i>name</i>.
@param objectName
@param fullType
@return String of relevant ObjectName properties
public static String
final ObjectName objectName,
final String fullType )
final String selfProp = Util.getSelfProp( objectName );
// now add properties for ancestors; skip the last type; it's
// present in the j2eeType/name properties (selfProp)
String ancestorProps = "";
final String[] types = Util.getTypeArray( fullType );
for( int i = 0; i < types.length - 1; ++i )
final String key = types[ i ];
final String value = objectName.getKeyProperty( key );
final String prop = Util.makeProp( key, value );
ancestorProps = Util.concatenateProps( ancestorProps, prop );
final String props = Util.concatenateProps( selfProp, ancestorProps );
return( props );
Get the value of the AMX.NAME_KEY property within the ObjectName
or AMX.NO_NAME if not present.
@return the name
public static String
getName( final ObjectName objectName )
String name = objectName.getKeyProperty( AMX.NAME_KEY );
if ( name == null )
name = AMX.NO_NAME;
return( name );
public static String
getJ2EEType( final ObjectName objectName )
return( objectName.getKeyProperty( AMX.J2EE_TYPE_KEY ) );
Get the FullType as a String[], last element being the j2eeType.
@param fullType as returned from {@link AMX#getFullType}
public static String[]
getTypeArray( final String fullType )
if ( fullType == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
assert( AMX.FULL_TYPE_DELIM.equals( "." ) );
return( fullType.split( "\\." ) );
Minimal ObjectName properties required for an ObjectName pattern
to uniquely identify an MBean. See {@link #getObjectNamePattern}.
private static final Set<String> PATTERN_PROPS =
Get all keys required for an ObjectName pattern which uniquely
identifies the MBean.
public static Set<String>
final String fullType )
final Set<String> requiredKeys = GSetUtil.copySet( PATTERN_PROPS );
// omit the last one, it is the simple type of this MBean, which we've
// already included
final String[] types = Util.getTypeArray( fullType );
for( int i = 0; i < types.length - 1; ++i )
requiredKeys.add( types[ i ] );
return TypeCast.checkedStringSet( requiredKeys );
public static String
final String props1,
final String props2 )
return( JMXUtil.concatenateProps( props1, props2 ) );
public static String
final String props1,
final String props2,
final String props3 )
return( concatenateProps( concatenateProps( props1, props2), props3) );
@return a Set of ObjectNames from a Set of AMX.
public static Set<ObjectName>
toObjectNames( final Set<? extends AMX> amxs )
final Set<ObjectName> objectNames = new HashSet<ObjectName>();
for( final AMX next : amxs )
objectNames.add( getObjectName( next ) );
return( Collections.checkedSet(objectNames, ObjectName.class) );
@return a Map of ObjectNames from a Map whose values are AMX.
public static Map<String,ObjectName>
toObjectNames( final Map<String,? extends AMX> amxMap )
final Map<String,ObjectName> m = new HashMap<String,ObjectName>();
for( final String key : amxMap.keySet() )
final AMX value = amxMap.get( key );
m.put( key, getExtra( value ).getObjectName() );
return( Collections.checkedMap( m, String.class, ObjectName.class) );
@return an ObjectName[] from an AMX[]
public static ObjectName[]
toObjectNames( final AMX[] amx )
final ObjectName[] objectNames = new ObjectName[ amx.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < objectNames.length; ++i )
objectNames[ i ] = amx[ i ] == null ? null : getExtra( amx[ i ] ).getObjectName();
return( objectNames );
Extract the names from all ObjectNames. The name is the value of the
property NAME_KEY (See {@link AMX}). Note that if two or more ObjectNames
share the same name, the resulting Set will be of smaller size() than
the original.
@return Set
public static Set<String>
getNames( final Set<? extends AMX> amxs )
return getNamesSet( Util.toObjectNames( amxs ) );
Extract the names from all ObjectNames. The name is the value of the
property NAME_KEY (See {@link AMX}). Note that if two or more ObjectNames
share the same name, the resulting Set will be of smaller size() than
the original.
@return Set
public static Set<String>
getNamesSet( final Set<ObjectName> objectNames )
return TypeCast.checkedStringSet(
JMXUtil.getKeyPropertySet( AMX.NAME_KEY, objectNames ) );
Extract the names from all ObjectNames.
@return String[] of names from the ObjectNames
public static String[]
getNamesArray( final Set<ObjectName> objectNames )
return( JMXUtil.getKeyProperty( AMX.NAME_KEY, objectNames ) );
Create a Map keyed by the value of the AMX.NAME_KEY with
value the ObjectName. Note that if two or more ObjectNames
share the same name, the resulting Map will contain only
one of the original ObjectNames.
@param objectNames Set of ObjectName
public static final Map<String,ObjectName>
createObjectNameMap( final Set<ObjectName> objectNames )
final Map<String,ObjectName> m = new HashMap<String,ObjectName>();
for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
final String name = getName( objectName );
assert( ! m.containsKey( name ) ) :
"createObjectNameMap: key already present: " + name + " in " + objectName;
m.put( name, objectName );
assert( m.keySet().size() == objectNames.size() );
return( Collections.checkedMap(m, String.class, ObjectName.class) );
Create a Map keyed by the value of the AMX.NAME_KEY with
value the AMX item.
@param amxs Set of AMX
public static <T extends AMX> Map<String,T>
createNameMap( final Set<T> amxs )
final Map<String,T> m = new HashMap<String,T>();
for( final T amx : amxs )
final String name = amx.getName();
m.put( name, amx );
return( m );
Get extra information about this {@link AMX}.
'Extra' is not an MBean Attribute; it exists only in the {@link AMX}.
@param proxy an AMX
public static Extra
getExtra( final AMX proxy )
return( (Extra)Proxy.getInvocationHandler( proxy ) );
Get the ObjectName targeted by this {@link AMX}.
@param proxy an AMX
public static <T extends AMX> ObjectName
getObjectName( final T proxy )
return( getExtra( proxy ).getObjectName() );
Get an ObjectName from a Map of ObjectName where the
values are keyed by name.
@param candidates
@param name
@return ObjectName
@throws IllegalArgumentException if not found
public static ObjectName
final Map<String,ObjectName> candidates,
final String name )
final Object item = candidates.get( name );
if ( item == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not found: " + name );
return (ObjectName)item;
All Notifications emitted by AMX MBeans which are not
standard types defined by JMX place a Map
into the userData field of the Notification. This call
retrieves that Map, which may be null if no additional
data is included.
public static Map<String,Serializable>
getAMXNotificationData( final Notification notif )
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(
JMXUtil.getUserDataMapString_Serializable( notif ) );
Use of generic type form taking Class<T> is preferred.
public static Serializable
getAMXNotificationValue( final Notification notif, final String key )
final Map<String,Serializable> data =
getAMXNotificationData( notif );
if ( data == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( notif.toString() );
if ( ! data.containsKey( key ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Value not found for " + key +
" in " + notif );
return data.get( key );
Retrieve a particular value associated with the specified
key from an AMX Notification.
@see #getAMXNotificationData
public static <T extends Serializable> T
final Notification notif,
final String key,
final Class<T> theClass)
final Serializable value = getAMXNotificationValue( notif, key );
return theClass.cast( value );
public static void
sleep( final long millis )
Thread.sleep( millis );
catch( InterruptedException e )
A safe way to cast to AMX.
public static AMX
asAMX( final Object o)
return AMX.class.cast( o );