new Thread(this).start();
public void run() {
Game game = Game.getInstance();
while (game.isRunning()) {
// We get the current time at the beginning of the main loop
long currentTime1 = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - initialTime;
while(!commands.isEmpty()) {
//This is the "defilage"
synchronized(this) {
Command command = commands.remove();
// The towers attack !!
for(Tower tower: game.getTowerManager().getTowers()) {
// we loop on each agent in the game
for(GroupAgent agent: game.getAgentManager().getAgents()) {
//if the agent is in the area of the tower
if(tower.canShot(agent)) {
// if the agent is attacking a base of the owner of the base
if (tower.getOwner().equals(agent.getBaseDestination().getPlayer()) && !tower.getOwner().equals(agent.getBaseOrigin().getPlayer())) {
long currentTime2 = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - initialTime;
if (currentTime2 - tower.getMomentOfLastShot() >= tower.getCadence()) {
System.out.println("Tower Attack !!!!");
AttackAgent shotCommand = new AttackAgent(agent, tower.getMight());
// We get again the current time at the end of the defilage
long currentTime3 = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - initialTime;
// We run through all the Collection of Bases
for(Base baseCurrent : game.getBaseManager().getBases()) {
// We display the data for the agents for each base.
baseCurrent.setForeground(new Color(255,255,255));
//Test for generation
float periodOfGeneration = 10000/(baseCurrent.getMight()); // on peut modifier, c'est empirique...
if((currentTime3 - baseCurrent.getMomentOfTheLastGeneration()) < periodOfGeneration) {
// if the elapsed time between the moment of the last generation and the current time is inferior
// to the period of generation, we do nothing for the bases
else {
// else we can generate agents
if(baseCurrent.hasPlayer()) {
// Neutral bases don't generate agents until they are taken
// We set the new moment of the last generation which is the current time now
baseCurrent.setMomentOfTheLastGeneration(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - initialTime);
} else {
// The Real Player die if he has 0 base.
if(!Launcher.modeSpectateur) {
try {
if(Game.getInstance().getPlayerManager().getRealPlayer().getIsDead()) {
System.out.println("La partie est terminée, vous êtes éliminé !");
// Les autres joueurs ne continuent pas la partie tout seul.
for(Player p : Game.getInstance().getPlayerManager().getPlayers()) {
} catch (RealPlayerException e1) {
// Move and handle units
for(Iterator<GroupAgent> it = game.getAgentManager().getAgents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
GroupAgent groupAgent =;
// Players get progressively more money
// The game is updated with 30 fps
long waiting = 1000/30 - ((Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()-initialTime) - currentTime1);
if(waiting > 0) {
try {