params.put( "node", new ParameterHolder(((JListView)pControl).getCurrentNode()) );
params.put( "row", new ParameterHolder(0) );
params.put( "column", new ParameterHolder(0) );
else if (pControl != null && pControl instanceof ListView) {
ListView list = (ListView)pControl;
params.put( "node", new ParameterHolder(((ListView)pControl).getCurrentNode()) );
// TF:27/9/07:Made the row and column 1-based indexes instead of 0-based
// TF:26/3/08:getSelectedRow has changed to be 1-based itself, so we need to change this back to remove the +1
params.put( "row", new ParameterHolder(list.getSelectedRow()));
// qq_Params.put( "column", new ParameterHolder(0) );
params.put( "column", new ParameterHolder(list.getTable().getSelectedColumn()+1) );//CONV_REM:dq Need the column that was selected, not a 0.
else if (pControl != null && pControl instanceof JTable)
JTable table = (JTable)pControl;
if (table.getModel() instanceof TableSorter) {