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o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
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o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
o This jcTOOL Helper Class software, whether in binary or source form may not be used within,
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package DisplayProject;
import java.awt.AWTEvent;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.SystemColor;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp;
import java.awt.image.ByteLookupTable;
import java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp;
import java.awt.image.LookupOp;
import java.beans.Expression;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
import javax.swing.InputMap;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JScrollBar;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import javax.swing.JViewport;
import javax.swing.JWindow;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.MenuElement;
import javax.swing.RepaintManager;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.ToolTipManager;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
import javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor;
import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter;
import javax.swing.text.NumberFormatter;
import javax.swing.text.TextAction;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import DisplayProject.actions.ActionMgr;
import DisplayProject.actions.AppletConnectionInfo;
import DisplayProject.actions.BooleanValue;
import DisplayProject.actions.Caption;
import DisplayProject.actions.ColourChange;
import DisplayProject.actions.Column;
import DisplayProject.actions.ElementList;
import DisplayProject.actions.Enabled;
import DisplayProject.actions.ExitOnTab;
import DisplayProject.actions.FloatOverText;
import DisplayProject.actions.Focusable;
import DisplayProject.actions.Height;
import DisplayProject.actions.IntegerValue;
import DisplayProject.actions.MaxCharacters;
import DisplayProject.actions.MenuText;
import DisplayProject.actions.MoveAbove;
import DisplayProject.actions.MoveBelow;
import DisplayProject.actions.NodeInsert;
import DisplayProject.actions.ObjectValue;
import DisplayProject.actions.Parent;
import DisplayProject.actions.PendingAction;
import DisplayProject.actions.Row;
import DisplayProject.actions.TableRow;
import DisplayProject.actions.TextValue;
import DisplayProject.actions.UserWindow;
import DisplayProject.actions.Visible;
import DisplayProject.actions.WidgetState;
import DisplayProject.actions.Width;
import DisplayProject.actions.WindowDisplayState;
import DisplayProject.binding.BindingManager;
import DisplayProject.controls.ArrayField;
import DisplayProject.controls.AutoResizingComboBox;
import DisplayProject.controls.FillInField;
import DisplayProject.controls.Graphic;
import DisplayProject.controls.ListView;
import DisplayProject.controls.MenuList;
import DisplayProject.controls.OutlineField;
import DisplayProject.controls.Panel;
import DisplayProject.controls.TextGraphic;
import DisplayProject.events.ClientEventManager;
import DisplayProject.factory.MenuFactory;
import DisplayProject.plaf.Win32LookAndFeel;
import DisplayProject.table.ArrayFieldCellHelper;
import DisplayProject.table.ArrayFieldCellRenderer;
import DisplayProject.table.FormattedCellRenderer;
import DisplayProject.table.GenericCellEditor;
import DisplayProject.table.ArrayFieldCellEditor.EditorLayoutPanel;
import Framework.Array_Of_ListElement;
import Framework.CancelException;
import Framework.CloneHelper;
import Framework.DynamicArray;
import Framework.ErrorMgr;
import Framework.EventHandle;
import Framework.EventManager;
import Framework.ForteKeyboardFocusManager;
import Framework.FrameworkUtils;
import Framework.ImageData;
import Framework.ListElement;
import Framework.MsgCatalog;
import Framework.NumericFormat;
import Framework.ParameterHolder;
import Framework.Task;
import Framework.TextData;
import Framework.UsageException;
* This is a collection of common routines relating to the GUI
public class UIutils {
private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(UIutils.class);
private static final String NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPERATOR = ".";
* There is a difference on colour definition between
* Forte and Java. Essentially where A "Bright" colour is used
* in Forte the ordinary colour is used in Java
public static final Color Black = java.awt.Color.black;
public static final Color Blue = new Color(64, 64, 255);
public static final Color BrightBlue = java.awt.Color.blue;
public static final Color BrightBrown = new Color(85, 64, 44);
public static final Color BrightCyan = java.awt.Color.cyan;
public static final Color BrightGreen = java.awt.Color.green;
public static final Color BrightMagenta = java.awt.Color.magenta;
public static final Color BrightRed = java.awt.Color.red;
public static final Color BrightYellow = java.awt.Color.yellow;
public static final Color Brown = new Color(103, 64, 21);
public static final Color Cyan = new Color(85, 255, 255);
public static final Color Gray1 = new Color(224, 224, 224);
public static final Color Gray2 = new Color(192, 192, 192);
public static final Color Gray3 = new Color(160, 160, 160);
public static final Color Gray4 = new Color(128, 128, 128);
public static final Color Gray5 = new Color(96, 96, 96);
public static final Color Gray6 = new Color(64, 64, 64);
public static final Color Gray7 = new Color(32, 32, 32);
public static final Color Green = new Color(64, 255, 64);
public static final Color Inherit = null;
public static final Color Magenta = new Color(255, 85, 255);
public static final Color PaleBlue = new Color(128, 128, 255);
public static final Color PaleBrown = new Color(128, 64, 0);
public static final Color PaleCyan = new Color(170, 255, 255);
public static final Color PaleMagenta = new Color(255, 170, 255);
public static final Color PaleRed = new Color(255, 128, 128);
public static final Color PaleGreen = new Color(128, 255, 128);
public static final Color PaleYellow = new Color(255, 255, 170);
public static final Color Red = new Color(255, 64, 64);
public static final Color White = java.awt.Color.white;
public static final Color Yellow = new Color(255, 255, 85);
* In Forte, the number of columns of a control could be set for several controls. This is mimiced in Java,
* but the number of columns appears to be wrong. This constant is a scaling factor that when applied to the
* number of columns in Forte, gives a result that is approximately the same width
public static final double FORTE_COLUMNS_SCALING_FACTOR = 0.7;
private UIutils() {
* This method procesed all the pending GUI actions in the correct order and
* in the EDT. This work is deligated to the ActionMgr class
public static void processGUIActions() {
* Process GUI actions on a specific object, and runs on the EDT
* @param target
public static void processGUIActions(Component target) {
* registers a new color and provides an index to it.
* @param red
* @param green
* @param blue
* @return
public static int registerColor(int red, int green, int blue) {
return WindowSystem.registerColor(red, green, blue);
* deregisters the Custom Forte colour
* @param index
public static void unregisterColor(int index) {
* The size of the screen in pixels
private static Dimension screenSizePixels = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
* The number of pixels per mil
private static double screenRatioPixelsPerMil = ((double) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution()) / 1000.0;
* Gets the Width of the screen in mils
* @return int
public static int getWidthInMils() {
return (int) (screenSizePixels.width / screenRatioPixelsPerMil);
* Gets the Height of the screen in mils
* @return int
public static int getHeightInMils() {
return (int) (screenSizePixels.height / screenRatioPixelsPerMil);
* Converts Mils to Pixels using the current screen resolution
* @param pMils
* @return int
public static int milsToPixels(int pMils) {
// NB -- if you're willing to assume pMils > 0, you can use the first
// one, which is maginally faster.
// return (int)(pMils * screenRatioPixelsPerMil + 0.5);
return (int) (pMils * screenRatioPixelsPerMil + (pMils < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5));
* Converts Pixels to Mils using the current screen resolution
* @param pPix
* @return
public static int pixelsToMils(int pPix) {
return (int) (pPix / screenRatioPixelsPerMil);
* Converts columns to Pixels using the average width of characters in the
* control's font
* @param pCols
* @param pWidget
* @return int
public static int colsToPixels(int pCols, JComponent pWidget) {
// TF:26/9/07: We need to add in the spacing between the columns
return (int) (pCols * (averageCharacter(pWidget)+1));
* Get average character width based on a component
* @param component
* @return
public static int averageCharacter(JComponent component) {
FontMetrics fm = component.getFontMetrics(component.getFont());
int[] wds = fm.getWidths();
float av = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < wds.length; i++)
av += wds[i];
av /= wds.length;
av *= 0.92;
// TF:26/9/07: Allowed this number to round up or down
return (int)(av+0.5);
* Get average character width based on a font
* @param font
* @return
public static int averageCharacter(Font font){
JLabel label = new JLabel();
return averageCharacter(label);
* Converts Pixels to Columns using the average width of characters in the
* control's font
* @param pPixels
* @param pWidget
* @return
public static int pixelsToCols(int pPixels, JComponent pWidget) {
// TF:19/06/2008:Changed this to mirror the colsToPixels function for consistency
int avgSize = averageCharacter(pWidget) + 1;
// Round up
return (int)((pPixels + avgSize - 1) / avgSize);
* Converts rows to Pixels using the height of the control's font.
* @param pRows
* @param pWidget
* @return
public static int rowsToPixels(int pRows, JComponent pWidget) {
FontMetrics fm = pWidget.getFontMetrics(pWidget.getFont());
return pRows * fm.getHeight();//(fm.getMaxAscent() + fm.getMaxDescent());
* Converts the Forte colour constant to an equivelant java COLOR. Not all
* Forte colours translate perfectly.
* @param colour
* @return
public static Color forteToJavaColor(int colour) {
Color target = null;
switch (colour) {
case Constants.C_BLACK:
target = UIutils.Black;
case Constants.C_BLUE:
target = UIutils.Blue;
case Constants.C_BRIGHTBLUE:
target = UIutils.BrightBlue;
case Constants.C_BRIGHTBROWN:
target = UIutils.BrightBrown;
case Constants.C_BRIGHTCYAN:
target = UIutils.BrightCyan;
case Constants.C_BRIGHTGREEN:
target = UIutils.BrightGreen;
case Constants.C_BRIGHTMAGENTA:
target = UIutils.BrightMagenta;
case Constants.C_BRIGHTRED:
target = UIutils.BrightRed;
case Constants.C_BRIGHTYELLOW:
target = UIutils.BrightYellow;
case Constants.C_BROWN:
target = UIutils.Brown;
case Constants.C_CYAN:
target = UIutils.Cyan;
case Constants.C_GRAY1:
target = UIutils.Gray1;
case Constants.C_GRAY2:
target = UIutils.Gray2;
case Constants.C_GRAY3:
target = UIutils.Gray3;
case Constants.C_GRAY4:
target = UIutils.Gray4;
case Constants.C_GRAY5:
target = UIutils.Gray5;
case Constants.C_GRAY6:
target = UIutils.Gray6;
case Constants.C_GRAY7:
target = UIutils.Gray7;
case Constants.C_GREEN:
target = UIutils.Green;
case Constants.C_MAGENTA:
target = UIutils.Magenta;
case Constants.C_PALEBLUE:
target = UIutils.PaleBlue;
case Constants.C_PALEBROWN:
target = UIutils.PaleBrown;
case Constants.C_PALECYAN:
target = UIutils.PaleCyan;
case Constants.C_PALEMAGENTA:
target = UIutils.PaleMagenta;
case Constants.C_PALERED:
target = UIutils.PaleRed;
case Constants.C_PALEGREEN:
target = UIutils.PaleGreen;
case Constants.C_PALEYELLOW:
target = UIutils.PaleYellow;
case Constants.C_RED:
target = UIutils.Red;
case Constants.C_WHITE:
target = UIutils.White;
case Constants.C_YELLOW:
target = UIutils.Yellow;
case Constants.C_DEFAULT:
target = SystemColor.control;
case Constants.C_INHERIT:
target = null;
if (colour < WindowSystem.cREG_COL_OFFSET)
target = null;
target = WindowSystem.registeredJavaColor(colour);
return target;
public static int getAlphaValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol) {
return (pImage.getRGB(pCol, pRow) & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
public static int getRedValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol) {
return (pImage.getRGB(pCol, pRow) & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
public static int getGreenValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol) {
return (pImage.getRGB(pCol, pRow) & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
public static int getBlueValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol) {
return (pImage.getRGB(pCol, pRow) & 0x000000FF) >> 0;
public static void setRedValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol, int pValue) {
pImage.setRGB(pCol, pRow, (pImage.getRGB(pCol, pRow) & 0xFF00FFFF) | ((pValue & 0xFF) << 16));
public static void setGreenValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol, int pValue) {
pImage.setRGB(pCol, pRow, (pImage.getRGB(pCol, pRow) & 0xFFFF00FF) | ((pValue & 0xFF) << 8));
public static void setBlueValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol, int pValue) {
pImage.setRGB(pCol, pRow, (pImage.getRGB(pCol, pRow) & 0xFFFFFF00) | ((pValue & 0xFF) << 0));
public static void setAlphaValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol, int pValue) {
pImage.setRGB(pCol, pRow, (pImage.getRGB(pCol, pRow) & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((pValue & 0xFF) << 24));
public static void setRGBValue(BufferedImage pImage, int pRow, int pCol, int pRed, int pGreen, int pBlue) {
pImage.setRGB(pCol, pRow, ((pRed & 0xFF) << 16) | ((pGreen & 0xFF) << 8) | (pBlue & 0xFF));
* Resizes a JLabel based on the Font, number of lines and line widths
* @author Duncan Meyer
* @param label
public static Dimension labelWidth(JLabel label) {
return labelWidth(label, false);
public static Dimension labelWidth(JLabel label, boolean validateUP) {
// TF:22/11/07:Made the TextGraphic have a good idea how to lay itself out,
// meaning that this method is no longer needed.
if (label instanceof TextGraphic) {
return label.getMinimumSize();
// Remove the trailing "\n" character.
String labelTxt = label.getText();
if (labelTxt == null)
return label.getSize();
int p = labelTxt.indexOf("\n");
if (p >= 0) {
if (labelTxt.lastIndexOf("\n") == labelTxt.length() - 1) {
label.setText(labelTxt.substring(0, labelTxt.length() - 1));
final String labelText = label.getText();
final JLabel lab = label;
// Insert html tags in labels where appropriate and resize labels from
// metrics.
Font f = lab.getFont();
FontMetrics fm = lab.getFontMetrics(f);
p = labelText.indexOf("\n");
StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(labelText, "\n");
int width = 0;
int lines = 0;
// If the string contains \n characters and doesn't have html tags
// already.
if (s.hasMoreTokens() && (p != -1) && ((labelText.length() < 6) || !(labelText.substring(0, 6).equals("<html>")))) {
StringBuilder target = new StringBuilder("<html>");//PM:7 oct. 2008:changed to StringBuilder
// obtain number of lines and insert html <r> tags into label.
// obtain the dimensions of the label from this data.
while (s.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = s.nextToken();
int newWidth = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm, token);
if (newWidth > width)
width = newWidth;
if (s.hasMoreTokens())
// Label does not need html tags because it contains no \n
// characters..
else {
// It's possible we've already processed this text, or it was sent
// as HTML, so we need
// to look for HTML line terminators, eg <br>, <p>. However, we must
// search case insensitive
String lowerLabelText = labelText.toLowerCase();
List<String> allLines = new ArrayList<String>();
int index = 0;
do {
int breakIndex = lowerLabelText.indexOf("<br>", index);
int paraIndex = lowerLabelText.indexOf("<p>", index);
int newIndex = Math.min(breakIndex < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : breakIndex, paraIndex < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : paraIndex);
if (newIndex < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// There's at least one more token. Copy the normal case
// text.
String thisLine = labelText.substring(index, newIndex);
// Reset the search index, ensuring we skip over the
// remainder of this tag
index = labelText.indexOf(">", newIndex + 1) + 1;
else {
// no more tokens, just copy what we currently have
String thisLine = labelText.substring(index);
index = -1;
} while (index >= 0);
// Now we have the lines in the array list, find their widths
width = 0;
for (String thisLine : allLines) {
int thisLineWidth = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm, thisLine);
if (thisLineWidth > width) {
width = thisLineWidth;
int height = (fm.getHeight() + fm.getDescent()) * lines;
Dimension sz = new Dimension(width + 1, height);
// TF:21/9/07:If we're explicitly sized, keep these dimensions the same. If we're sized to parent,
// set the size to be the larger of the calculated (minimum) size and the current size
GridCell cell = GridField.getConstraints(lab);
if (cell.getWidthPolicy() == Constants.SP_EXPLICIT) {
sz.width = lab.getWidth();
else if (cell.getWidthPolicy() == Constants.SP_TO_PARENT) {
sz.width = Math.max(sz.width, lab.getWidth());
if (cell.getHeightPolicy() == Constants.SP_EXPLICIT) {
sz.height = lab.getHeight();
else if (cell.getHeightPolicy() == Constants.SP_TO_PARENT) {
sz.height = Math.max(sz.height, lab.getHeight());
boolean sizeChanged = false;
if (!lab.isPreferredSizeSet() || !lab.getPreferredSize().equals(sz)) {
sizeChanged = true;
if (!lab.isMinimumSizeSet() || !lab.getMinimumSize().equals(sz)) {
sizeChanged = true;
if (lab.getWidth() != sz.width || lab.getHeight() != sz.height) {
sizeChanged = true;
if (validateUP && sizeChanged) {
Component target = lab;
while (target.getParent() != null) {
target = target.getParent();
return sz;
public static int columnWidthForTable(JComponent comp, String text) {
int result;
Font f = comp.getFont();
FontMetrics fm = comp.getFontMetrics(f);
result = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm, text) + 16;
return result;
* Displays a dialog indicating that the field contains invalid characters
* @param fieldName
* @param fieldValue
public static void invalidCharsDialog(String fieldName, String fieldValue) {
Object[] data = { fieldName, fieldValue };
String msg = MessageFormat.format("Invalid characters encounted in field {0}: {1}", data);
WindowManager.showMessageDialog(null, msg, "Invalid Characters", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
// Note that this works for mouse events - but does not stop the user using
// shortcuts
// to, for example, close the window whilst we are waiting on a query
// response. Will
// raise new issue for this.
private static final MouseAdapter mouseAdapterWait = new MouseAdapter() {
private static final KeyListener kl = new KeyListener() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) {
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke) {
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ke) {
* Forte Windows displayed the 'Hour Glass' cursor and disabled the window
* while processing the body of an event handler. This method changes the
* cursor and disables the window.
* @deprecated use CursorMgr.startEvent() instead
public static void startWaitCursor(JComponent component) {
* Forte Windows displayed the 'Hour Glass' cursor and disabled the window
* while processing the body of an event handler. This method changes the
* cursor and disables the window.
* @deprecated use CursorMgr.startEvent() instead
public static void startWaitCursor(JWindow win) {
* Forte Windows displayed the 'Hour Glass' cursor and disabled the window
* while processing the body of an event handler. This method changes the
* cursor and disables the window.
* @deprecated use startWaitCursor() instead
public static void startWaitCursor(Object o) {
* Forte Windows displayed the 'Hour Glass' cursor and disabled the window
* while processing the body of an event handler. This method changes the
* cursor and disables the window.
public static void startWaitCursor() {
* @deprecated use startWaitCursor() instead
protected static void startWaitCursorGP(final Component glass) {
UIutils.invokeOnGuiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Forte Windows displayed the 'Hour Glass' cursor and disabled the window
* while processing the body of an event handler. This method changes the
* cursor and enables the window.
* @deprecated use CursorMgr.endEvent() instead
public static void stopWaitCursor(JComponent component) {
* Forte Windows displayed the 'Hour Glass' cursor and disabled the window
* while processing the body of an event handler. This method changes the
* cursor and enables the window.
* @deprecated use CursorMgr.endEvent() instead
public static void stopWaitCursor(JWindow win) {
* Forte Windows displayed the 'Hour Glass' cursor and disabled the window
* while processing the body of an event handler. This method changes the
* cursor and enables the window.
* @deprecated use CursorMgr.endEvent() instead
public static void stopWaitCursor(Object o) {
* Retrieve the glass pane associate with the passed component if one exists.
* @param component
* the component of which to get the glass pane
* @return the glass pane, or null if not possible to determine
protected static GlassPaneWithEvents getGlassPane(Component component) {
if (component instanceof JDialog) {
Component comp = ((JDialog)component).getGlassPane();
// Install our customised glass pane if not already installed. CraigM: 31/03/2008
if (comp instanceof GlassPaneWithEvents == false) {
comp = new GlassPaneWithEvents(((JDialog)component).getContentPane());
return (GlassPaneWithEvents)comp;
else if (component instanceof JFrame) {
Component comp = ((JFrame)component).getGlassPane();
// Install our customised glass pane if not already installed. CraigM: 31/03/2008
if (comp instanceof GlassPaneWithEvents == false) {
comp = new GlassPaneWithEvents(((JFrame)component).getContentPane());
return (GlassPaneWithEvents)comp;
else {
return null;
* Forte Windows displayed the 'Hour Glass' cursor and disabled the window
* while processing the body of an event handler. This method changes the
* cursor and enables the window.
public static void stopWaitCursor() {
protected static void stopWaitCursorGP(final Component component) {
UIutils.invokeOnGuiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// UIutils.processGUIActions();
* This method sets the Enabled state on a compound widget and its children
public static void setEnabled(java.awt.Component comp, boolean value) {
Enabled.set(comp, value);
* This method enables a column in an ArrayField (JTable) by setting a flag
* in the CellEditor
* @param comp
* @param value
public static void setEnabled(GenericCellEditor comp, boolean value) {
Enabled.set(comp, value);
* This method sets the Visible state on a compound widget and its children
public static void setVisible(Component comp, boolean value) {
Visible.set(comp, value);
* sets the Visible state on a column in a ListView or ArrayField (JTable)
* @param comp
* @param value
public static void setVisible(GenericCellEditor comp, boolean value) {
Visible.set(comp, value);
* This method sets the Focus state on a compound widget and its children
public static void setFocusable(Component comp, boolean value) {
Focusable.set(comp, value);
* This method emulates the state attribute and gets the state on the
* ArrayColumn base on the forte constanr
* @param comp
* @param state
* @deprecated - use WidgetState.set(comp, state) instead
public static void setState(ArrayColumn comp, int state) {
if (comp == null)
switch (state) {
case Constants.FS_UPDATE:
Enabled.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), true);
Visible.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), true);
case Constants.FS_DISABLED:
Enabled.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), false);
Visible.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), true);
case Constants.FS_INVISIBLE:
Enabled.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), false);
Visible.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), false);
case Constants.FS_VIEWONLY:
Enabled.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), true);
Visible.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), true);
case Constants.FS_INACTIVE:
Enabled.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), true);
Visible.set((GenericCellEditor) comp.getEditor(), true);
* This method emulates the forte state attribute and gets the state on the
* selected ButtonGroup base on the forte constant
* @param comp
* @param state
public static void setState(ButtonGroup comp, int state) {
if (comp == null)
Enumeration<AbstractButton> enum1 = comp.getElements();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
UIutils.setState((Component) enum1.nextElement(), state);
* sets the Forte state on a Menu
* @param comp
* @param state
public static void setState(MenuElement comp, int state) {
if (comp == null)
if (comp instanceof JMenuItem) {
setState((JMenuItem) comp, state);
if (comp instanceof JMenu) {
setState((JMenu) comp, state);
* sets the forte state on a Menu.
* @param mi
* @param state
public static void setState(JMenuItem mi, int state) {
switch (state) {
case Constants.MS_ENABLED:
setEnabled(mi, true);
setVisible(mi, true);
case Constants.MS_DISABLED:
setEnabled(mi, false);
setVisible(mi, true);
case Constants.MS_INVISIBLE:
setEnabled(mi, true);
setVisible(mi, false);
* sets the Forte state on a Menu
* @param comp
* @param state
public static void setState(JMenu comp, int state) {
switch (state) {
case Constants.MS_ENABLED:
setEnabled(comp, true);
setVisible(comp, true);
case Constants.MS_DISABLED:
setEnabled(comp, false);
setVisible(comp, true);
case Constants.MS_INVISIBLE:
setEnabled(comp, true);
setVisible(comp, false);
* sets the Forte state on a popup menu
* @param comp
* @param state
public static void setState(JPopupMenu comp, int state) {
switch (state) {
case Constants.MS_ENABLED:
setEnabled(comp, true);
setVisible(comp, true);
case Constants.MS_DISABLED:
setEnabled(comp, false);
setVisible(comp, true);
case Constants.MS_INVISIBLE:
setEnabled(comp, true);
setVisible(comp, false);
* This method emulates the forte state attribute and gets the state on the
* selected component base on the forte constant
* @param comp
* @param state
public static void setState(Component comp, int state) {
if (comp == null)
WidgetState.set(comp, state);
* This method emulates the forte state attribute on a menu, it return the
* state as the forte constant
* @param comp
* @param state
public static int getState(JMenuItem comp) {
return getState((Component) comp);
* This method emulates the forte state attribute on a menu, it return the
* state as the forte constant
* @param comp
* @param state
public static int getState(MenuElement comp) {
if (comp instanceof JMenuItem)
return getState((Component) comp);
// default
RuntimeException errorVar = new RuntimeException("Menu state not supported for: " + comp.getClass().getName());
throw errorVar;
* Returns the State of a Widget as a Forte State
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getState(Component comp) {
if (comp instanceof JMenuItem) {
boolean isEnabled = Enabled.is(comp);
boolean isVisible = Visible.is(comp);
if (isEnabled && isVisible)
return Constants.MS_ENABLED;
if (!isEnabled && isVisible)
return Constants.MS_DISABLED;
if (isEnabled && !isVisible)
return Constants.MS_INVISIBLE;
// default
RuntimeException errorVar = new RuntimeException("Menu state not supported for: " + comp.getName());
throw errorVar;
else {
if ((comp instanceof JPanel) && (comp.getParent() != null && comp.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane)) {
return Constants.FS_VIEWONLY;
else {
boolean isEnabled = Enabled.is(comp);
boolean isVisible = Visible.is(comp);
boolean isFocusable = Focusable.is(comp);
if (!isVisible)
return Constants.FS_INVISIBLE;
if (isEnabled && isFocusable)
return Constants.FS_UPDATE;
if (!isEnabled && !isFocusable)
return Constants.FS_DISABLED;
if (!isEnabled && isFocusable)
return Constants.FS_VIEWONLY;
if (isEnabled && !isFocusable)
return Constants.FS_INACTIVE;
// default
RuntimeException errorVar = new RuntimeException("Widget state not supported for: " + comp.getName());
throw errorVar;
* The GetStateForUsage method retrieves the state setting information for a
* widget in a given usage. You can use GetStateForUsage as a convenient way
* to dynamically determine a widget�s state for any usage its parent window
* can take. The GetStateForUsage method returns an integer that identifies
* the state of the widget in the particular usage.
* CraigM:23/06/2008 - Just call the WidgetState.getForUsage method.
* @param comp
* @param usage
* @return
public static int getStateForUsage(JComponent comp, int usage) {
return WidgetState.getForUsage(comp, usage);
* sets the forte state on a column in an ArrayField or ListView (JTable)
* @param comp
* @param state
public static void setState(GenericCellEditor comp, int state) {
switch (state) {
case Constants.FS_UPDATE:
setEnabled(comp, true);
setVisible(comp, true);
case Constants.FS_DISABLED:
setEnabled(comp, false);
setVisible(comp, true);
case Constants.FS_INVISIBLE:
setEnabled(comp, false);
setVisible(comp, false);
case Constants.FS_VIEWONLY:
setEnabled(comp, false);
setVisible(comp, true);
case Constants.FS_VISIBLE:
setEnabled(comp, false);
setVisible(comp, true);
* provides the equivelant of the Forte HasDataChanged for widgets.
* @param comp
* @return
public static boolean hasDataChanged(JComponent comp) {
boolean hasit = false;
Object o = comp.getClientProperty("HasDataChanged");
if ((o != null) && (o instanceof Boolean)) {
hasit = ((Boolean) o).booleanValue();
return hasit;
* provides the equivelant of the Forte HasDataChanged for windows.
* @param comp
* @return
public static boolean hasDataChanged(JFrame frame) {
boolean hasit = false;
Object o = null;
try {
Method m = frame.getClass().getMethod("getForm", (Class[])null);
JPanel form = ((JPanel) m.invoke(frame, (Object[])null));
o = form.getClientProperty("HasDataChanged");
catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Unhandled exception", e);
if ((o != null) && (o instanceof Boolean)) {
hasit = ((Boolean) o).booleanValue();
return hasit;
* used to indicate that data has changed in a window
* @param frame
* @param value
public static void setDataChanged(JFrame frame, boolean value) {
try {
Method m = frame.getClass().getMethod("getForm", (Class[])null);
JPanel form = ((JPanel) m.invoke(frame, (Object[])null));
form.putClientProperty("HasDataChanged", Boolean.valueOf(value));
catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Unhandled exception", e);
* used to indicate that the data has changed in a component
* @param comp
* @param value
public static void setDataChanged(JComponent comp, boolean value) {
JComponent c = comp;
while (c != null) {
c.putClientProperty("HasDataChanged", Boolean.valueOf(value));
if (c.getParent() instanceof JComponent)
c = ((JComponent) c.getParent());
c = null;
* This method is a helper that returns the current node in a ListView
* (JTable). This hides the complexity of accessing the current node
* @author Peter
public static DisplayNode currentNode(JTree treeView) {
DisplayNode dn = (DisplayNode) treeView.getSelectionPath().getLastPathComponent();
return dn;
* This method is a helper that returns the current node in a ListView
* (JTable). This hides the complexity of accessing the current node
* @author Peter
public static DisplayNode currentNode(JTable listView) {
if (listView.getModel() instanceof TableSorter) {
DisplayNode dn = ((((ArrayFieldModel) ((TableSorter) listView.getModel()).getTableModel()).getCurrentRow()));
return dn;
return null;
* Returns the currently selected node in OutlineField
* @param outlineField
* @return DisplayNode
public static DisplayNode currentNode(OutlineField outlineField) {
return outlineField.getCurrentNode();
* returns the current node of the JListView emulating the Forte ListView
* @param listView
* @return DisplayNode
* @deprecated the JListView type should not be used, use a ListView instead
public static DisplayNode currentNode(JListView listView) {
DisplayNode dn = (DisplayNode) listView.getCurrentNode();
return dn;
* This method is a helper that refreshes the data in a ListView (JTable).
* This hides the complexity of accessing the model
* @author Peter
public static void updateFieldFromData(JTable listView) {
if (listView.getModel() instanceof TableSorter) {
((ArrayFieldModel) ((TableSorter) listView.getModel()).getTableModel()).fromData();
* The updateFieldFromData method refreshes a widget�s data display
* immediately, according to the current values for any data mapped to a
* widget.
* Widgets mapped directly to data attributes update their data displays
* automatically. You use the UpdateFieldFromData method to update the data
* displays of widgets mapped to virtual attributes, which do not update
* their data displays.
* If you use this method to update a compound field, it also updates all
* the child widgets of the compound field. To refresh all widgets in a
* window, invoke the UpdateFieldFromData method on the window, referring to
* the window�s Form attribute.
* @param component - Any window component
public static void updateFieldFromData(Component component) {
// get the related Window for the component
JFrame frame = getDeclaredFrame(component);
if (frame != null) {
try {
// Get the window binding Manager
Method bindingManagerMethod;
bindingManagerMethod = frame.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getBindingManager", new Class[0]);
BindingManager bindingManager = (BindingManager)bindingManagerMethod.invoke(frame, new Object[0]);
if (bindingManager != null) {
updateFieldFromData(component, frame, bindingManager);
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore the error, no binding Manager
private static void updateFieldFromData(Component component, JFrame frame, BindingManager bindingManager) {
if (component instanceof JComponent) {
JComponent jComponent = (JComponent) component;
// Get the component's related data if it is a JComponent
Object data = bindingManager.getDataObject(jComponent);
if (data != null) {
Object propertyChangeHolder;
String dataObjectPath = BindingManager.getDataObjectPath(jComponent);
if (dataObjectPath != null && dataObjectPath.indexOf(NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPERATOR) != -1) {
String parentObjectPath = dataObjectPath.substring(0, dataObjectPath.lastIndexOf(NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPERATOR));
// get the parent object
propertyChangeHolder = bindingManager.getDataObject(parentObjectPath);
} else {
// Use the from propertyChangeSupport
propertyChangeHolder = frame;
// Get the window listeners
try {
Field field = propertyChangeHolder.getClass().getField("qq_Listeners");
PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport = (PropertyChangeSupport)field.get(propertyChangeHolder);
if (propertyChangeSupport != null) {
// if there is data then fire a Property Change to force a re-binding
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(getPropertyNameForComponent(jComponent), null, data);
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore the error, no listener
} else {
if (component instanceof CompoundField) {
// if no data and a CompoundField then loop thru all the child components
CompoundField compoundField = (CompoundField) component;
Component[] componentArray = compoundField.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < componentArray.length; i++) {
updateFieldFromData(componentArray[i], frame, bindingManager);
} else if (component instanceof JFrame) {
// if a window then use the Form panel as the component
updateFieldFromData(getForm((JFrame)component), frame, bindingManager);
private static String getPropertyNameForComponent(JComponent jComponent) {
//AD:14/12/2008: FTL-1 Fixed the jcomponent name to deal with nested component names
String propertyName = jComponent.getName();
int index = propertyName.lastIndexOf(NESTED_PROPERTY_SEPERATOR);
if (index != -1) {
// if there is nesting to the name the only use the final part
propertyName = propertyName.substring(index+1);
return FrameworkUtils.getPropertyName(propertyName);
* getTabPages facilitates the creation of a collection of JPanels from a
* tab layout It is intended that this method is used in a 'get' mode only
public static List<JPanel> getTabPages(JTabbedPane tp) {
DynamicArray<JPanel> pages = new DynamicArray<JPanel>(JPanel.class);
int numberOfTabs = tp.getTabCount();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTabs; i++) {
Component tmpPanel = tp.getComponentAt(i);
if (tmpPanel instanceof JPanel)
return pages;
* getTobPage facilitates the return of Top the JPanel from a tab layout It
* is intended that this method is used in a 'get' mode only
public static JPanel getTopPage(JTabbedPane tp) {
// Khon Chau 07032007 original code
// this code was OK if all tabs are visible, but since certain tabs are
// added/removed depending on status and product, etc, their order in
// tp.Components does not remain the same although they are display in
// the correct
// order on the window
// JPanel top = ((JPanel)tp.getComponent(tp.getSelectedIndex()+3));
// just use the java method to get the selected component
JPanel top = (JPanel) tp.getSelectedComponent();
return top;
* A ButtonGroup (converted from a MenuList) is processed to return and
* array of ListElements representing the menu Items.
* @param bg
* @return
public static Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> getMenuElementList(ButtonGroup bg) {
Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> les = new Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement>();
Enumeration<AbstractButton> enum1 = bg.getElements();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
Object element = enum1.nextElement();
if (element instanceof JRadioButtonMenuItem) {
les.add(new ListElement(((JRadioButtonMenuItem) element).getText(), ((Integer) ((JRadioButtonMenuItem) element)
if (element instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) {
les.add(new ListElement(((JCheckBoxMenuItem) element).getText(), ((Integer) ((JCheckBoxMenuItem) element)
return les;
* adds entries to the ButtonGroup (formally a MenuList)
* @param bg
* @param les
public static void setMenuElementList(ButtonGroup bg, Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> les) {
Enumeration<AbstractButton> enum1 = bg.getElements();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
bg.remove((AbstractButton) enum1.nextElement());
Iterator<ListElement> it = les.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ListElement le = (ListElement) it.next();
MenuFactory.newRadioMenuItem(le.toString(), bg, le.getIntegerValue());
* The SetViewNodes method assigns an array of DisplayNode objects to the
* list view field. Because a list view field displays non-hierarchical
* data, you do not need to create a node hierarchy to provide the data for
* the field. You can simply construct an array of DisplayNode objects and
* then use the SetViewNodes method to assign the array to the list view
* field.
* @param lv
* @param nodes
public static void setViewNodes(JTable lv, Array_Of_DisplayNode<DisplayNode> nodes) {
((ArrayFieldModel) ((TableSorter) lv.getModel()).getTableModel()).setViewNodes(nodes);
* The SetViewNodes method assigns an array of DisplayNode objects to the
* list view field. Because a list view field displays non-hierarchical
* data, you do not need to create a node hierarchy to provide the data for
* the field. You can simply construct an array of DisplayNode objects and
* then use the SetViewNodes method to assign the array to the list view
* field.
* @param lv
* @param nodes
* @deprecated the type JListView is deprecated, use ListView instead
public static void setViewNodes(JListView lv, DynamicArray nodes) {
* The SetViewNodes method assigns an array of DisplayNode objects to the
* list view field. Because a list view field displays non-hierarchical
* data, you do not need to create a node hierarchy to provide the data for
* the field. You can simply construct an array of DisplayNode objects and
* then use the SetViewNodes method to assign the array to the list view
* field.
* @param lv
* @param nodes
public static void setViewNodes(ListView lv, Array_Of_DisplayNode<DisplayNode> nodes) {
* sets the caption on a Panel (JPanel)
* @param panel
* @param caption
public static void setCaption(JPanel panel, TextData caption) {
setCaption(panel, caption.toString());
* sets the caption on a Panel (JPanel)
* @param panel
* @param caption
public static void setCaption(final JPanel panel, final String caption) {
if (panel == null)
final Border border = panel.getBorder();
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (border != null) {
if (border instanceof TitledBorder) {
((TitledBorder) border).setTitle(caption);
else {
panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(border, caption, TitledBorder.LEFT, TitledBorder.TOP));
else {
if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
else {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
CancelException errorVar = new CancelException(e);
throw errorVar;
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
* Returns the caption of a JPanel, emulating a Forte Panel, as a String
* @param panel
* @return
public static String getCaption(JPanel panel) {
if (panel == null)
return "";
Border border = panel.getBorder();
if ((border != null) && (border instanceof TitledBorder)) {
return ((TitledBorder) border).getTitle();
else {
return "";
* get the caption from and array or listview
* @param panel
* @return
public static String getCaption(JTable table) {
if (table == null)
return "";
Border border = table.getBorder();
if ((border != null) && (border instanceof TitledBorder)) {
return ((TitledBorder) border).getTitle();
else {
return "";
public static Component getFieldByName(TextData pName, Component pWidget) {
return getFieldByName(pName.toString(), pWidget);
* This method returns a specified child widget of a compound field. If the
* widget is not found, it returns null.
* @param pName -
* the name of the child widget to be retrieved. For an array
* field, this is the name of a template field.
* @param pRootPane -
* the widget at which to begin searching.
* @return
public static Component getFieldByName(String pName, Component pWidget) {
// First, translate the forte name into a java type name. We prefix with "qq_",
// replace any "." with "_" and if we come across [*] we strip it and terminate
// the name here.
// TF:8/11/07:Most of the time names no longer are prefixed with "qq_" as this
// stops some customers' searches working. However, to maintain compatibility
// with older code (which are prefixed with qq_) we need to check both.
if (pName == null || pName.length()==0) return null; //PM:7 oct. 2008:performance
StringBuilder newName = new StringBuilder();
int index = newName.indexOf(".");
while (index >= 0) {
newName.replace(index, index + 1, "_");
index = newName.indexOf(".");
index = newName.indexOf("[*]");
if (index >= 0) {
// newName.setLength(index);
newName.delete(0, index + 4);
Component result;
if (pWidget instanceof MenuElement) {
result = UIutils._getMenuByName(newName.toString(),
(MenuElement) pWidget, 0);
if (result == null) {
newName.insert(0, "qq_");
result = UIutils._getMenuByName(newName.toString(),
(MenuElement) pWidget, 0);
} else {
result = UIutils._getFieldByName(newName.toString(), pWidget);
if (result == null) {
newName.insert(0, "qq_");
result = UIutils._getFieldByName(newName.toString(), pWidget);
return result;
* _getFieldByName: private method used by getFieldByName to recurse down a
* component hierarchy to see if the widget with the given name exists in
* the hierarchy.
* @param pName -
* the name of the widget
* @param pWidget -
* the current widget under test
* @return the widget that is a descendent of the passed widget with the
* passed name, or null if none can be found to satisfy this
* criteria
private static Component _getFieldByName(String pName, Component pWidget) {
Component targetWidget = pWidget;
if (pName == null || targetWidget == null) {
return null;
if (targetWidget instanceof JFrame) {
targetWidget = getForm((JFrame) targetWidget);
// UIutils.processGUIActions();
String name = targetWidget.getName();
if (name != null && (pName.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || pName.substring(3).equalsIgnoreCase(name))) { // extra
return targetWidget;
if (targetWidget instanceof ArrayField) {
ArrayField aContainer = (ArrayField) targetWidget;
ArrayColumnModel acm = (ArrayColumnModel)aContainer.getColumnModel();
int colCount = acm.getRealColumnCount();
for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
ArrayColumn ac = (ArrayColumn)acm.getRealColumn(i);
TableCellEditor tce = ac.getCellEditor();
JComponent comp = (JComponent)tce.getTableCellEditorComponent(aContainer, null, true, -1, -1);
if (comp == null) { // then find the cell renderer
ArrayFieldCellRenderer afcr = (ArrayFieldCellRenderer) ac
comp = (JComponent) afcr.getTableCellRendererComponent(
aContainer, null, false, true, -1, -1);
comp = (JComponent) comp.getComponent(0);
String compName = (comp == null) ? "" : comp.getName();
if (compName.endsWith(pName)) {
return comp;
} else if (comp instanceof EditorLayoutPanel
&& comp.getComponent(0) != null) {
comp = (JComponent) comp.getComponent(0);
String compName = (comp == null) ? "" : comp.getName();
if (compName.endsWith(pName)) {
return comp;
} else if (targetWidget instanceof Container) {
Container aContainer = (Container) targetWidget;
Component[] children = aContainer.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Component result = UIutils._getFieldByName(pName, children[i]);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
* _getMenuByName: private method used by getFieldByName to recurse down a
* menu hierarchy to see if the widget with the given name exists in the
* hierarchy.
* @param pName -
* the name of the widget
* @param pWidget -
* the current widget under test
* @return the widget that is a descendent of the passed widget with the
* passed name, or null if none can be found to satisfy this
* criteria
private static Component _getMenuByName(String pName, MenuElement pWidget,
int indent) {
// TF:8/11/07:Optimised this method
Component targetWidget = (Component) pWidget;
if (pName == null || targetWidget == null) {
return null;
// UIutils.processGUIActions();
String name = targetWidget.getName();
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuilder pad = new StringBuilder(64);//PM:7 oct. 2008:changed to StringBuilder
for (int x = 0; x < indent; x++)
pad.append(" ");
if (name != null
&& (pName.endsWith(name) || pName.substring(3).endsWith(name)))
return targetWidget;
// TF:8/11/07:Changed this method to recurse a menu hierarchy instead of
// a component hierarchy
for (MenuElement me : pWidget.getSubElements()) {
Component result = UIutils._getMenuByName(pName, me, indent);
if (result != null) {
return result;
// if (targetWidget instanceof Container) {
// Container aContainer = (Container) targetWidget;
// Component[] children = aContainer.getComponents();
// for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Component result = UIutils._getMenuByName(pName, children[i],
// indent);
// if (result != null) {
// return result;
// }
// }
// }
return null;
public static Component getFieldByName1(String pName, Component pWidget) {
int firstDotIndex = pName.indexOf('.');
// String nameToFind = pName;
String widgetName = pWidget.getName();
if (widgetName == null || (widgetName.length() >= 3 && widgetName.substring(0, 3).equals("qq_"))) {
// This widget was unnamed in Forte so cannot take part in the name
// chain
// we'll just traverse our children looking
if (pWidget instanceof Container) {
Container aContainer = (Container) pWidget;
Component[] children = aContainer.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Component result = UIutils.getFieldByName(pName,
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
} else if (pWidget instanceof JFrame) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We've been passed the actual window, we need to look at all our
// children
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Container aContainer = (Container) pWidget;
Component[] children = aContainer.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Component result = UIutils.getFieldByName(pName, children[i]);
if (result != null) {
return result;
} else if (widgetName.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the exact widget, even if it contains a dot, like
// "R_MortgageNew.eCCCPurpose"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return pWidget;
else {
// This is a widget with a name so must exist in the name chain
if (firstDotIndex >= 0) {
String firstPart = pName.substring(0, firstDotIndex);
// Drop off the dot between the last section and this section
String trailingPart = pName.substring(firstDotIndex + 1);
// See if we are in an array list (should have [*] in the name)
boolean isInArrayList = false;
if (firstPart.indexOf("[*]") >= 0) {
// This must be the last 3 characters in the string
firstPart = firstPart.substring(0, firstPart.length() - 3);
isInArrayList = true;
// At the moment, we don't need this attribute, as columns
// in a JTable have
// no equivalent in java. Thus, we'll just return the
// JTable.
if (widgetName.equalsIgnoreCase(firstPart)) {
if (isInArrayList) {
return pWidget;
// This is the actual widget, and we must be a container
Container aContainer = (Container) pWidget;
Component[] children = aContainer.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Component result = UIutils.getFieldByName(trailingPart, children[i]);
if (result != null) {
return result;
else {
return null;
else {
// See if this is looking for us
if (widgetName.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
return pWidget;
else {
return null;
return null;
* Provides the inner width in mils of the component passed in
* @param comp -
* JComponent
* @return int - inner width in mils
public static int getInnerWidthInMils(Component comp) {
Insets ins = ((JComponent) comp).getInsets();
int innerWidth = Width.get(comp, false) - ins.left - ins.right;
return pixelsToMils(innerWidth);
* Provides the inner width in mils of the JFrame passed in
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getInnerWidthInMils(JFrame comp) {
Insets ins = comp.getInsets();
int innerWidth = comp.getWidth() - ins.left - ins.right;
return pixelsToMils(innerWidth);
* Provides the inner height in mils of the component passed in
* @param comp -
* JComponent
* @return int - inner height in mils
public static int getInnerHeightInMils(JComponent comp) {
Insets ins = comp.getInsets();
// Border bdr = comp.getBorder();
int innerHeight = 0;
innerHeight = Height.get(comp, false) - ins.top - ins.bottom;
return pixelsToMils(innerHeight);
public static int getInnerHeightInMils(Container comp) {
Insets ins = comp.getInsets();
int innerHeight = 0;
innerHeight = comp.getHeight() - ins.top - ins.bottom;
return pixelsToMils(innerHeight);
public static class SelectAllAction extends TextAction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4323798519981286912L;
* Create this action with the appropriate identifier.
* @param nm
* the name of the action, Action.NAME.
* @param select
* whether to extend the selection when changing the caret
* position.
public SelectAllAction() {
/** The operation to perform when this action is triggered. */
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JTextComponent target = getTextComponent(e);
if (target != null) {
Document doc = target.getDocument();
* @param comp
* @return the current window usage state this component is in.
* CraigM: 24/04/2008.
public static int getWindowUsage(JComponent comp) {
try {
JFrame frame = UIutils.getWindowForComponent(comp);
if (frame == null) {
return Constants.FS_UPDATE;
return UIutils.getWindowUsage((JFrame)frame);
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
UsageException errorVar = new UsageException("getWindowUsage() cannot locate the usage table, check that this JFrame was generated from jcTOOL", e);
throw errorVar;
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
UsageException errorVar = new UsageException("getWindowUsage() cannot locate the usage table, check that this JFrame was generated from jcTOOL", e);
throw errorVar;
catch (Throwable e) {
UsageException errorVar = new UsageException("getWindowUsage() failure", e);
throw errorVar;
* @param window
* @return the current usage state for the window.
* CraigM: 24/04/2008.
* @throws NoSuchMethodException
* @throws SecurityException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public static int getWindowUsage(JFrame window) throws
InvocationTargetException {
Method currUsageMethod = window.getClass().getMethod("getUsage", (Class[]) null);
return ((Integer)currUsageMethod.invoke(window, (Object[]) null)).intValue();
public static void setBackground(Component pComponent, Color pColour) {
ColourChange.setBackground(pComponent, pColour);
* sets the foreground colour of a component using the EDT
* @param pComponent
* @param pColour
public static void setForeground(Component pComponent, Color pColour) {
ColourChange.setForeground(pComponent, pColour);
private static void _setWidthPartnership(JComponent[] pComponents) {
// This method MUST be called from the GUI thread!
int width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pComponents.length; i++) {
JComponent thisComp = pComponents[i];
JComponent[] property = (JComponent[]) thisComp.getClientProperty("widthPartnership");
if (property == null) {
thisComp.putClientProperty("widthPartnership", pComponents);
if (thisComp.getWidth() > width) {
width = thisComp.getWidth();
for (int i = 0; i < pComponents.length; i++) {
JComponent thisComp = pComponents[i];
Dimension d = new Dimension(width, thisComp.getHeight());
if (thisComp.getWidth() != width) {
* sets the width partnership on a set of components. All components width's
* will be made as lard as the largest component
* @param pComponents
public static void setWidthPartnership(final JComponent[] pComponents) {
try {
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Unhandled exception in setWidthPartnership", e);
for (int i = 0; i < pComponents.length; i++) {
final JComponent thisComp = pComponents[i];
thisComp.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
JComponent[] property = (JComponent[]) thisComp.getClientProperty("widthPartnership");
if (property != null) {
* The GetColumnCoordinates method returns the coordinates of the rectangle
* around a column within an array field.
* @param table -
* the subject
* @param column -
* You use GetColumnCoordinates to get the specific coordinates,
* relative to the ArrayField, of the rectangle that surrounds
* the column specified with the column parameter. The column
* parameter is given as the number of the column within the
* ArrayField, numbered from 1 as the first column on the left.
* @param xLeft
* @param yTop
* @param xRight
* @param yBottom
* This returns the coordinates in the four output parameters
* xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom. These are measured in mils,
* relative to the top left corner of the ArrayField, without any
* enclosing frame (it is the inner corner). The column is
* considered to contain the cells containing the data only, and
* does not include the column header.
* @return This returns a value of TRUE always.
public static boolean getColumnCoordinates(JTable table, int column, ParameterHolder xLeft, ParameterHolder yTop, ParameterHolder xRight,
ParameterHolder yBottom) {
boolean vis = true;
// int rows = 0;
int left = 0;
int top = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < (column - 1); col++) {
left += table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).getWidth();
int right = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(column - 1).getWidth() + left;
int bottom = 0;
if (table.getParent() instanceof JViewport) {
JViewport sp = (JViewport) table.getParent();
bottom = sp.getHeight();
else {
bottom = table.getHeight();
if (table.getTableHeader() != null) {
bottom -= table.getTableHeader().getHeight();
top += table.getTableHeader().getHeight();
return vis;
* The GetRowCoordinates method returns the coordinates of the rectangle
* around a row within an array field
* @param table
* @param row -
* You use GetRowCoordinates to get the specific coordinates,
* relative to the ArrayField, of the rectangle that surrounds
* the row specified with the row parameter. The row parameter is
* given as the number of the row within the data associated with
* the ArrayField, numbered from 1 as the first row in the array.
* @param xLeft
* @param yTop
* @param xRight
* @param yBottom
* This returns the coordinates in the four output parameters
* xLeft, yTop, xRight, yBottom. These are measured in mils,
* relative to the top left corner of the ArrayField, without any
* enclosing frame (it is the inner corner). The row is
* considered to contain the cells containing the data, without
* any separator lines associated with the row.
* @return
public static boolean getRowCoordinates(JTable table, int row, ParameterHolder xLeft, ParameterHolder yTop, ParameterHolder xRight,
ParameterHolder yBottom) {
boolean vis = true;
ArrayColumnModel cm = (ArrayColumnModel) table.getColumnModel();
Enumeration<TableColumn> cols = cm.getColumns();
int width = 0;
while (cols.hasMoreElements()) {
width += ((ArrayColumn) cols.nextElement()).getWidth();
Rectangle top = table.getCellRect(row - 1, 0, true);
xRight.setInt(UIutils.pixelsToMils(top.x + width));
yBottom.setInt(UIutils.pixelsToMils(top.height + top.y));
return vis;
* sets the elements in a ListField
* @param comp
* @param les
* @deprecated
public static void setElementList(ListField comp, Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> les) {
ElementList.set(comp, les);
* sets the elements in a FillInField or DropList (both are emulated using a
* AutoResizingComboBox)
* AD:26/6/2008 Change JComboBox to AutoResizingComboBox to reduce casting later
* @param comp
* @param les
public static void setElementList(AutoResizingComboBox comp, Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> les) {
ElementList.set(comp, les);
* sets the elements in a ScrollList (JList)
* @param comp
* @param les
public static void setElementList(JList comp, Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> les) {
ElementList.setOnJList(comp, les);
* Returns an Array_Of_ListElement containing the elements from a AutoResizingComboBox
* emulating a FOrte DropList or FillInField
* AD:26/6/2008 Change JComboBox to AutoResizingComboBox to reduce casting later
* @param comp
* @return
public static Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> getElementList(AutoResizingComboBox comp) {
return ElementList.get(comp);
* Returns an Array_Of_ListElement containin the elements from a ListField
* @param comp
* @return
public static Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> getElementList(ListField comp) {
if (comp instanceof AutoResizingComboBox)
return ElementList.get((AutoResizingComboBox) comp);
else if (comp instanceof RadioList)
return ElementList.get((RadioList) comp);
else if (comp instanceof JList)
return ElementList.get((JList) comp);
return null;
* Returns an Array_Of_ListElement containing the elements from a JList
* emulating a Forte ScrollList
* @param comp
* @return
public static Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> getElementList(JList comp) {
return ElementList.get(comp);
* Returns an Array_Of_ListElement containing the elements from a JList
* emulating a Forte RadiolList
* @param comp
* @return
public static Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> getElementList(RadioList comp) {
return ElementList.get(comp);
* The ExtractListElement method clones the specified list element from a
* list field�s element list, returning the clone as a ListElement object.
* @param comp -
* the target component
* @param value -
* ExtractListElement uses the type of the value parameter to
* specify the list element it should clone. You can specify that
* the method search an element list by any list element
* attribute. ExtractListElement searches the list until it finds
* the match specified by the value parameter, and returns only
* the first match.
* @return ListElement
public static ListElement extractListElement(ListField comp, Object value) {
ListElement le = null;
Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> les = getElementList(comp);
for (ListElement local : les) {
if (local.getObjectValue() != null && local.getObjectValue().equals(value)) {
// TF:27/8/07:Made a clone of the result as this is what Forte did.
le = CloneHelper.clone(local, false);
return le;
* Extracts a ListElement from the JList emulating a Forte ScrollList
* @param comp -
* the target component
* @param value -
* the TextValue of the ListElement, as a TextData
* @return
public static ListElement extractListElement(ListField comp, TextData value) {
return extractListElement(comp, value.getValue());
* Extracts a ListElement from the ListField by searching it's elements for the first one
* that has the passed value as it's TextValue and returning this element.
* @param comp -
* the target component
* @param value -
* the TextValue of the ListElement
* @return
public static ListElement extractListElement(ListField comp, String value) {
ListElement le = null;
Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> les = getElementList(comp);
for (ListElement local : les) {
if (local.getTextValue() != null && local.getTextValue().isEqual(value).getValue()) {
// TF:27/8/07:Made a clone of the result as this is what Forte did.
le = CloneHelper.clone(local, false);
return le;
* Extracts a ListElement from the JList emulating a Forte ScrollList
* @param comp -
* the target component
* @param value -
* the IntegerValue of the ListElement
* @return
public static ListElement extractListElement(ListField comp, int value) {
ListElement le = null;
Array_Of_ListElement<ListElement> les = getElementList(comp);
for (ListElement local : les) {
if (local.getIntegerValue() == value) {
// TF:27/8/07:Made a clone of the result as this is what Forte did.
le = CloneHelper.clone(local, false);
return le;
* Sets the column of a widged based from 1
* @param comp
* @param value
public static void setColumn(JComponent comp, int value) {
Column.set(comp, value);
* Sets the row of a widged based from 1
* @param comp
* @param value
public static void setRow(JComponent comp, int value) {
Row.set(comp, value);
* sets the parent of a widget
* @param comp
* @param parent
public static void setParent(JComponent comp, JComponent parent) {
Parent.set(comp, parent);
* Returns the column of a widget, based from 1
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getColumn(JComponent comp) {
return Column.get(comp);
* Returns the Row of a Widget, based from 1
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getRow(JComponent comp) {
return Row.get(comp);
* Returns the Parent of a Widget
* @param comp
* @return
public static Component getParent(JComponent comp) {
return Parent.get(comp);
* sets the TextValue of a component
* @param comp
* @param value
public static void setTextValue(JTextComponent comp, String value) {
setTextValue(comp, new TextData(value));
public static void setTextValue(ListField comp, String value) {
setTextValue(comp, new TextData(value));
* sets the TextValue of a component
* @deprecated
* @param comp
* @param value
public static void setTextValue(JTextComponent comp, TextData value) {
TextValue.set(comp, value);
* @deprecated
* @param comp
* @param value
public static void setTextValue(ListField comp, TextData value) {
TextValue.set(comp, value);
* Returns the text value of the component
* @param comp
* @return
* @deprecated
public static TextData getTextValue(JTextComponent comp) {
return TextValue.get(comp);
* @deprecated
public static TextData getTextValue(ListField comp) {
return TextValue.get(comp);
* sets the IntegerValue of AutoResizingComboBox emulating a Forte DropList or
* FillInField
* @param comp
* @return
* @deprecated
public static void setIntegerValue(Component comp, int value) {
if (comp instanceof ListField)
IntegerValue.set((ListField) comp, value);
* sets the IntegerValue of ListField
* @param comp
* @return
* @deprecated
public static void setIntegerValue(ListField comp, int value) {
IntegerValue.set(comp, value);
* Returns the IntegerValue of AutoResizingComboBox emulating a Forte DropList or
* FillInField
* @param comp
* @return
* @deprecated
public static int getIntegerValue(JComponent comp) {
return IntegerValue.get((ListField) comp);
* set ObjectValue on lists
* @author Peter
public static void setObjectValue(Component comp, Object value) {
ObjectValue.set(comp, value);
* Returns the ObjectValue of a AutoResizingComboBox emulating a Forte DropList or
* FillInField
* @param comp
* @return
public static Object getObjectValue(JComponent comp) {
return ObjectValue.get(comp);
// set BooleanValue on Toggles
* @author Peter
public static void setBooleanValue(Component comp, boolean value) {
BooleanValue.set(comp, value);
* Gets the BooleanValue of JCheckBox emulating a Forte ToggleField
* @param comp -
* target component
* @return
public static boolean getBooleanValue(JComponent comp) {
return BooleanValue.get(comp);
* getDisplayState() provides translation of the Frame's extended state to
* the Forte display state.
* @param frame
* @return
public static int getDisplayState(Frame frame) {
return WindowDisplayState.get(frame);
* setDisplayState() provides translation of the Frame's extended state to
* the Forte display state.
* @param frame
* @param DisplayState
public static void setDisplayState(Frame frame, int DisplayState) {
WindowDisplayState.set(frame, DisplayState);
* this emulates the request finalize method in forte by posting the
* AfterFinalize event on the window
* @param win
public static void requestFinalize(JFrame win) {
requestFinalize(win, 0);
* this emulates the request finalize method in forte by posting the
* AfterFinalize event on the window
* @param win
* @param reasonCode
public static void requestFinalize(JFrame win, int reasonCode) {
// CraigM:22/04/2008:Don't do a glass pane check.
FocusHelper.requestFinalizeNoCheck(win, reasonCode);
public static void requestFinalize(JFrame win, String evt) {
ClientEventManager.postEvent(win, evt);
public static void requestFinalize(JFrame win, EventHandle evt) {
// TF:24/04/2008: Changed this to use the client event manager to get the right order for events
* inserts a node into a parent. This is usually used for building a tree of
* DisplayNodes and informing the mapped TreeView (JTree) of the change.
* @param comp
* @param pParent
* @param pChild
* @param index
public static void nodeInserted(Component comp, DisplayNode pParent, DisplayNode pChild, int index) {
// UIutils.addAction(new NodeInserted(comp, pParent, pChild, index));
new NodeInsert(comp, pParent, pChild, index).performAction();
* this is used to notify the TreeView (JTree) that a DisplayNode has been
* removed
* @param comp
* @param pChild
public static void nodeRemoved(Component comp, DisplayNode pChild) {
new NodeRemoved(comp, pChild).performAction();
private static class NodeRemoved extends PendingAction {
private DisplayNode kid;
public NodeRemoved(Component pComponent, DisplayNode pChild) {
this.kid = pChild;
public DisplayNode getChild() {
return this.kid;
public void performAction() {
if (this._component instanceof OutlineField) {
else if (this._component instanceof JTree) {
DefaultTreeModel tm = ((TreeViewModel) ((JTree) this._component).getModel());
if (kid.getParent() != null)
else if (this._component instanceof JTable) {
else if (this._component instanceof JListView) {
else if (this._component instanceof ListView) {
((ListView) this._component).removeNode(this.kid);
* Reload the text of the underlying widget if the message set or
* the message number has been set.
* @param comp
private static void reloadTextIfNecessary(JComponent comp) {
// TF:22/04/2008:Check to see if we need to alter the text of the passed
// widget based on the message catalog
// TF:Mar 8, 2010:Re-used methods to reduce dependency on hard-coded strings
int msgNum = getMsgNumber(comp);
int msgSet = getMsgSet(comp);
if (msgNum > 0 && msgSet > 0) {
MsgCatalog catalog = MsgCatalog.getInstance();
if (catalog != null) {
if (comp instanceof JTextComponent) {
TextData value = TextValue.get((JTextComponent)comp);
String text = catalog.getString(msgSet, msgNum, value == null ? null : value.toString());
TextValue.set((JTextComponent)comp, text);
else if (comp instanceof JLabel) {
TextData value = TextValue.get((JLabel)comp);
String text = catalog.getString(msgSet, msgNum, value == null ? null : value.toString());
TextValue.set((JLabel)comp, text);
else if (comp instanceof JMenuItem) {
TextData value = MenuText.get((JMenuItem)comp);
String text = catalog.getString(msgSet, msgNum, value == null ? null : value.toString());
MenuText.set((JMenuItem)comp, text);
else if (comp instanceof JButton) {
TextData value = TextValue.get((JButton)comp);
String text = catalog.getString(msgSet, msgNum, value == null ? null : value.toString());
TextValue.set((JButton)comp, text);
//PM:24/4/08 added support for Panel and GridField
else if (comp instanceof Panel) {
TextData value = Caption.get((Panel)comp);
String text = catalog.getString(msgSet, msgNum, value == null ? null : value.toString());
Caption.set((Panel)comp, text);
else if (comp instanceof GridField) {
TextData value = Caption.get((GridField)comp);
String text = catalog.getString(msgSet, msgNum, value == null ? null : value.toString());
Caption.set((GridField)comp, text);
// CraigM:28/04/2008: Added support for check boxes
else if (comp instanceof JCheckBox) {
String value = ((JCheckBox)comp).getText();
String text = catalog.getString(msgSet, msgNum, value);
// TF:26/06/2008:Added support for radio lists
else if (comp instanceof JCheckBox) {
String value = ((JCheckBox)comp).getText();
String text = catalog.getString(msgSet, msgNum, value);
* Added support for Floatover text in the message catalog
Integer floatOverMsgNum = (Integer)comp.getClientProperty("qq_FloatOverMsgNum");
Integer floatOverMsgSet = (Integer)comp.getClientProperty("qq_FloatOverSetNum");
if (floatOverMsgNum != null && floatOverMsgSet != null && floatOverMsgNum.intValue() != 0 && floatOverMsgSet != 0) {
String text = MsgCatalog.getInstance().getString(floatOverMsgSet, floatOverMsgNum.intValue());
FloatOverText.set(comp, text);
* sets the title set on a given window
* @param comp
* @param msgSet
public static void reloadTitle(JFrame frame, int titleSet, int titleNum) {
if (titleSet != 0 && titleNum != 0) {
MsgCatalog catalog = MsgCatalog.getInstance();
if (catalog != null) {
String value = frame.getTitle();
String text = catalog.getString(titleSet, titleNum, value);
* sets the float over help message number on a component
* @param comp
* @param msgNumber
public static void setFloatOverMsgNumber(JComponent comp, int msgNumber) {
comp.putClientProperty("qq_FloatOverMsgNum", new Integer(msgNumber));
* sets the float over help set number on a component
* @param comp
* @param msgNumber
public static void setFloatOverSetNumber(JComponent comp, int setNumber) {
comp.putClientProperty("qq_FloatOverSetNum", new Integer(setNumber));
* sets both the float over help set and msg number on a component
* @param comp
* @param msgNumber
* @param setNumber
public static void setFloatOverMsgAndSetNumber(JComponent comp, int msgNumber, int setNumber) {
comp.putClientProperty("qq_FloatOverSetNum", new Integer(setNumber));
comp.putClientProperty("qq_FloatOverMsgNum", new Integer(msgNumber));
* sets the message set on a given component
* @param comp
* @param msgSet
public static void setMsgSet(JComponent comp, int msgSet) {
comp.putClientProperty("qq_msgSet", new Integer(msgSet));
* sets the message number on a given component
* @param comp
* @param msgNumber
public static void setMsgNumber(JComponent comp, int msgNumber) {
comp.putClientProperty("qq_msgNumber", new Integer(msgNumber));
* Retrieves the message set number from a component. Returns 0 if it does
* not exist
* @param comp
* @return int
public static int getMsgSet(JComponent comp) {
Integer msgSet = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_msgSet");
if (msgSet != null) {
return msgSet.intValue();
else {
return 0;
* Retrieves the message set number from a menu. Returns 0 if it does not
* exist
* @param comp
* @return int
public static int getMsgSet(MenuElement comp) {
int result = 0;
if (comp instanceof JMenuItem) {
JMenuItem jmi = (JMenuItem) comp;
Integer msgSet = (Integer) jmi.getClientProperty("qq_msgSet");
if (msgSet != null) {
result = msgSet.intValue();
return result;
* Retrieves the message number from a component Returns 0 if it does not
* exist.
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getMsgNumber(JComponent comp) {
Integer msgNumber = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_msgNumber");
if (msgNumber != null) {
return msgNumber.intValue();
else {
return 0;
* Retrieves the message number from a Menu Returns 0 if it does not exist.
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getMsgNumber(MenuElement comp) {
int result = 0;
if (comp instanceof JMenuItem) {
JMenuItem jmi = (JMenuItem) comp;
Integer msgNumber = (Integer) jmi.getClientProperty("qq_msgNumber");
if (msgNumber != null) {
result = msgNumber.intValue();
return result;
* The ReloadLabelText method loads text from the specified message catalog
* to replace the text in the widget and all child widgets. Use this method
* to load the messages from the message file. Typically, you call
* ReloadLabelText before invoking the Open method for a window.
* @param win
public static void reloadLabelText(JFrame win) {
try {
reloadLabelText(win, MsgCatalog.getInstance());
catch (MissingResourceException e) {
// use defaults
* The ReloadLabelText method loads text from the specified message catalog
* to replace the text in the widget and all child widgets. If one set
* number is used for all widgets on the window, you can simply invoke
* ReloadLabelText on the Window object. Otherwise, you must invoke the
* method on the individual child widgets. Use this method to load the
* messages from the message file. Typically, you call ReloadLabelText
* before invoking the Open method for a window.
* @param win
* @param mcat
public static void reloadLabelText(final JFrame win, final MsgCatalog mcat) {
int defaultSet = -1;
if (win == null || mcat == null) {
Method gForm;
// Method msgSet;
// Method msgNumber;
Field[] fields = null;
JPanel form = null;
try {
gForm = win.getClass().getMethod("getForm", new Class[] {});
// msgSet = win.getClass().getMethod("getqq_msgSet", new Class[] {});
// msgNumber = win.getClass().getMethod("getqq_msgNumber", new Class[] {});
catch (SecurityException e) {
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
if (gForm == null) {
int mset, num;
Expression expr;
try {
expr = new Expression(win, "getTitleSetNum", new Object[0]);
mset = ((Integer) expr.getValue()).intValue();
expr = new Expression(win, "getTitleMsgNum", new Object[0]); //$NON-NLS-1$
num = ((Integer) expr.getValue()).intValue();
expr = new Expression(win, "getSetNum", new Object[0]);
defaultSet = ((Integer) expr.getValue()).intValue();
expr = new Expression(win, "getForm", new Object[0]); //$NON-NLS-1$
form = ((JPanel) expr.getValue());
if ((mset < 1) && (defaultSet > 0)) {
mset = defaultSet;
if ((mset > 0) && (num > 0)) {
win.setTitle(mcat.getString(mset, num, win.getTitle()));
fields = win.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
catch (Exception e) {
// do nothing
finally {
// TF:Mar 9, 2010:Changed this to perform its actions on the EDT
final int defSet = defaultSet;
final JPanel theForm = form;
final Field[] theFields = fields;
ActionMgr.addAction(new PendingAction(null) {
public void performAction() {
JMenuBar jmb = (JMenuBar) win.getJMenuBar();
if (jmb != null) {
MenuElement[] kids = jmb.getSubElements();
for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
if (kids[i] instanceof JMenuItem) {
// TF:Mar 8, 2010:Added in the default set parameter
reloadLabelText((JMenuItem) kids[i], mcat, defSet);
else if (kids[i] instanceof JPopupMenu) {
// TF:Mar 8, 2010:Added in the default set parameter
reloadLabelText((JPopupMenu) kids[i], mcat, defSet);
if (theForm != null) {
Component[] kids = theForm.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
if (kids[i] instanceof JComponent) {
// TF:Mar 8, 2010:Added in the default set parameter
reloadLabelText((JComponent) kids[i], mcat, defSet);
if (theFields != null) {
for (int f = 0; f < theFields.length; f++) {
try {
if ((theFields[f].get(win) != null) && (theFields[f].get(win) instanceof JPopupMenu)) {
// TF:Mar 8, 2010:Added in the default set parameter
reloadLabelText((JPopupMenu) theFields[f].get(win), mcat, defSet);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// do nothing
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// do nothing
public String toString() {
return "reloadLabelText(" + win + ", " + mcat + ")";
* Return the default message set for the component. This is the message set for
* the window to which the control is currently parented. If there is no default
* set, then this method returns -1
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getDefaultMessageSet(JComponent comp) {
// TF:Mar 2, 2010:Changed this to use the getSetNum method
int defaultSet = -1;
try {
Expression expr = new Expression(comp.getRootPane().getParent(), "getSetNum", new Object[0]);
defaultSet = ((Integer) expr.getValue()).intValue();
catch (Exception e) {
return defaultSet;
* The ReloadLabelText method loads text from the specified message catalog
* to replace the text in the widget and all child widgets. Use this method
* to load the messages from the message file. Typically, you call
* ReloadLabelText before invoking the Open method for a window.
* @param comp
* @param mcat
public static void reloadLabelText(JComponent comp, MsgCatalog mcat) {
int defaultSet = getDefaultMessageSet(comp);
reloadLabelText(comp, mcat, defaultSet);
* The ReloadLabelText method loads text from the specified message catalog
* to replace the text in the widget and all child widgets. Use this method
* to load the messages from the message file. Typically, you call
* ReloadLabelText before invoking the Open method for a window.
* @param comp
* @param mcat
public static void reloadLabelText(final JComponent comp, final MsgCatalog mcat, final int defaultSet) {
if (comp == null || mcat == null) {
// if (mcat == null) {
// mcat = MsgCatalog.getInstance();
// }
// TF:Mar 9, 2010:Changed this to process it on the EDT
ActionMgr.addAction(new PendingAction(null) {
public void performAction() {
// TF:Mar 8, 2010:Re-used methods to reduce dependency on hard-coded strings
int msgSet = getMsgSet(comp);
int msgNumber = getMsgNumber(comp);
if (msgSet <= 0 && defaultSet > 0) {
msgSet = defaultSet;
// DropList
// AD:26/6/2008 Change JComboBox to AutoResizingComboBox to reduce casting later
if (comp instanceof AutoResizingComboBox) {
Integer tvSet = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_TextValueSet");
if ((tvSet == null) || (tvSet.intValue() < 1)) {
tvSet = Integer.valueOf(defaultSet);
if (tvSet.intValue() < 1) {
AutoResizingComboBox rl = (AutoResizingComboBox) comp;
for (int i = 0; i < rl.getItemCount(); i++) {
ListElement le = (ListElement) rl.getItemAt(i);
le.reloadLabelText(mcat, tvSet.intValue());
// ScrollList
if ((comp instanceof JList) && !(comp instanceof RadioList) && !(comp instanceof JListView)) {
Integer tvSet = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_TextValueSet");
if ((tvSet == null) || (tvSet.intValue() < 1)) {
tvSet = Integer.valueOf(defaultSet);
if (tvSet.intValue() < 1) {
JList rl = (JList) comp;
for (int i = 0; i < rl.getModel().getSize(); i++) {
ListElement le = (ListElement) rl.getModel().getElementAt(i);
le.reloadLabelText(mcat, tvSet.intValue());
if (msgSet > 0 && msgNumber > 0) {
if (comp instanceof JLabel) {
JLabel jl = (JLabel) comp;
jl.setText(mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber, jl.getText()));
else if (comp instanceof JButton) {
JButton jb = (JButton) comp;
jb.setText(mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber, jb.getText()));
else if (comp instanceof JTabbedPane) {
JTabbedPane jtp = (JTabbedPane) comp;
for (int i = 0; i < jtp.getComponentCount(); i++) {
if (jtp.getComponentAt(i) instanceof JPanel) {
JPanel kid = (JPanel) jtp.getComponentAt(i);
int s = UIutils.getMsgSet(kid);
int n = UIutils.getMsgNumber(kid);
jtp.setTitleAt(i, mcat.getString(s, n, jtp.getTitleAt(i)));
else if (comp instanceof GridField) {
GridField gf = (GridField) comp;
TextData cap = gf.getCaption();
if (cap != null) {
gf.setCaption(new TextData(mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber, gf.getCaption().asString())));
else {
gf.setCaption(new TextData(mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber)));
else if (comp instanceof JPanel) {
JPanel gf = (JPanel) comp;
String cap = getCaption(gf);
if (cap != null) {
// TF:Mar 11, 2010:Changed this to use Caption.set instead of setCaption
// setCaption(gf, mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber, getCaption(gf)));
Caption.set(gf, mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber, getCaption(gf)));
else {
// TF:Mar 11, 2010:Changed this to use Caption.set instead of setCaption
// setCaption(gf, mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber));
Caption.set(gf, mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber));
if ((gf.getParent() != null) && (gf.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane)) {
JTabbedPane jt = (JTabbedPane) comp.getParent();
int index = jt.indexOfComponent(comp);
if (index != -1) {
jt.setTitleAt(index, mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber, jt.getTitleAt(index)));
else if (comp instanceof JCheckBox) {
JCheckBox jtb = (JCheckBox) comp;
jtb.setText(mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber, jtb.getText()));
else {
_log.debug("UIutils.reloadLabelText() is not implemented for " + comp.getClass().getName());
if (comp instanceof RadioList) {
Integer tvSet = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_TextValueSet");
if ((tvSet == null) || (tvSet.intValue() < 1)) {
tvSet = Integer.valueOf(defaultSet);
if (tvSet.intValue() < 1) {
RadioList rl = (RadioList) comp;
if (msgNumber > 0) {
rl.setCaption(mcat.getString(msgSet, msgNumber, TextData.valueOf(rl.getCaption())));
for (ListElement le : rl.getElementList()) {
le.reloadLabelText(mcat, tvSet.intValue());
// rl.update();
else if (comp instanceof ListView){ //PM:23/4/08 added support for ListView
ListView lv = (ListView)comp;
// TF:Mar 9, 2010:Corrected this for the default set
int titleSetNum = lv.getTitleSetNum();
if (titleSetNum <= 0 && defaultSet > 0) {
titleSetNum = defaultSet;
lv.loadColumnHeadings(titleSetNum, mcat);
else if (comp instanceof OutlineField) {
OutlineField of = (OutlineField)comp;
of.setDefaultSet(defaultSet, mcat);
else if (comp instanceof JTable) {
JTable jt = (JTable) comp;
ArrayColumnModel acm = (ArrayColumnModel) jt.getColumnModel();
for (int col = 0; col < acm.allColumns.size(); col++) {
ArrayColumn ac = (ArrayColumn) acm.allColumns.get(col);
String header = (String) ac.getHeaderValue();
msgSet = ac.getTitleSetNumber();
if (msgSet <= 0 && defaultSet > 0) {
msgSet = defaultSet;
ac.setHeaderValue(mcat.getString(msgSet, ac.getTitleMsgNumber(), header));
Component[] kids = comp.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
if (kids[i] instanceof JComponent) {
reloadLabelText((JComponent) kids[i], mcat, defaultSet);
public String toString() {
return "reloadLabelText(" + comp + ", " + mcat + ", " + defaultSet +")";
* The ReloadLabelText method loads text from the specified message catalog
* to replace the text in the widget and all child widgets. Use this method
* to load the messages from the message file. Typically, you call
* ReloadLabelText before invoking the Open method for a window.
* @param comp
* @param mcat
public static void reloadLabelText(JMenuItem comp, MsgCatalog mcat) {
int defaultSet = getDefaultMessageSet(comp);
reloadLabelText(comp, mcat, defaultSet);
* The ReloadLabelText method loads text from the specified message catalog
* to replace the text in the widget and all child widgets. Use this method
* to load the messages from the message file. Typically, you call
* ReloadLabelText before invoking the Open method for a window.
* @param comp
* @param mcat
public static void reloadLabelText(final JMenuItem comp, final MsgCatalog mcat, final int defaultSet) {
if (comp == null || mcat == null) {
// TF:Mar 9, 2010:Changed this to process it on the EDT
ActionMgr.addAction(new PendingAction(null) {
public void performAction() {
Integer msgSet, msgNumber = null;
msgSet = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_msgSet");
msgNumber = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_msgNumber");
if (((msgSet == null) || (msgSet.intValue() < 1)) && (defaultSet > -1)) {
msgSet = Integer.valueOf(defaultSet);
if ((msgSet != null) && (msgNumber != null) && msgNumber.intValue() > 0) {
String value = mcat.getString(msgSet.intValue(), msgNumber.intValue(), comp.getText());
MenuElement[] kids = comp.getSubElements();
for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
if (kids[i] instanceof JMenuItem) {
reloadLabelText((JMenuItem) kids[i], mcat, defaultSet);
else if (kids[i] instanceof JPopupMenu) {
reloadLabelText((JPopupMenu) kids[i], mcat, defaultSet);
public String toString() {
return "reloadLabelText(" + comp + ", " + mcat + ", " + defaultSet + ")";
* processes the Menu text, detects the presence of '&', removes this and
* takes the next char and sets it as the Mnemonic
* @param menu
public static void processMnemonic(JMenuItem menu) {
String value = menu.getText();
int amp = value.indexOf("&");
if (amp != -1) {
menu.setMnemonic(value.charAt(amp + 2));
// WARNING: The assignment to variable value has no effect
// value =
value = value.replaceAll("&", "");
public static void processMnemonic(JButton jb) {
String value = jb.getText();
int amp = value.indexOf("&");
if (amp != -1) {
jb.setMnemonic(value.charAt(amp + 2));
// WARNING: The assignment to variable value has no effect
// value =
value = value.replaceAll("&", "");
* The ReloadLabelText method loads text from the specified message catalog
* to replace the text in the widget and all child widgets. Use this method
* to load the messages from the message file. Typically, you call
* ReloadLabelText before invoking the Open method for a window.
* @param comp
* @param mcat
public static void reloadLabelText(JPopupMenu comp, MsgCatalog mcat) {
int defaultSet = getDefaultMessageSet(comp);
reloadLabelText(comp, mcat, defaultSet);
* The ReloadLabelText method loads text from the specified message catalog
* to replace the text in the widget and all child widgets. Use this method
* to load the messages from the message file. Typically, you call
* ReloadLabelText before invoking the Open method for a window.
* @param comp
* @param mcat
public static void reloadLabelText(final JPopupMenu comp, final MsgCatalog mcat, final int defaultSet) {
if (comp == null || mcat == null) {
// TF:Mar 9, 2010:Changed this to process it on the EDT
ActionMgr.addAction(new PendingAction(null) {
public void performAction() {
Integer msgSet, msgNumber = null;
msgSet = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_msgSet");
msgNumber = (Integer) comp.getClientProperty("qq_msgNumber");
if ((msgSet != null) && (msgNumber != null)) {
String value = mcat.getString(msgSet.intValue(), msgNumber.intValue(), comp.getLabel());
// int amp = value.indexOf("&");
// if (amp != -1){
// comp.setMnemonic(value.charAt(amp+2));
// value = value.replace("&", "");
// }
MenuElement[] kids = comp.getSubElements();
for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
if (kids[i] instanceof JMenuItem) {
reloadLabelText((JMenuItem) kids[i], mcat, defaultSet);
else if (kids[i] instanceof JPopupMenu) {
reloadLabelText((JPopupMenu) kids[i], mcat, defaultSet);
public String toString() {
return "reloadLabelText(" + comp+", " + mcat + ", " + defaultSet + ")";
* Deletes the selected text in the JTextComponent
* @param comp
* @deprecated this method is not thread-safe, use DeleteSelection action instead
public static void deleteSelection(JTextComponent comp) {
try {
comp.getDocument().remove(comp.getSelectionStart(), comp.getSelectionEnd());
catch (BadLocationException e) {
_log.error("Error deleting selection", e);
* sets the numeric template on a DataField
* @param dataField
* @param template
public static void setNumericTemplate(DataField dataField, TextData template) {
setNumericTemplate(dataField, template.getAsString());
* sets the numeric template on a DataField
* @param dataField
* @param template
public static void setNumericTemplate(DataField dataField, String template) {
if (dataField == null)
if (template == null) {
NumericFormat nf = new NumericFormat(template, NumericFormat.qq_Resolver.cTEMPLATE);
DefaultFormatterFactory factory = new DefaultFormatterFactory(new NumberFormatter(nf.getFormatter()), // default
new NumberFormatter(nf.getFormatter()), // display
new NumberFormatter(nf.getFormatter()), // edit
null); // null value
if (dataField.getTable() != null) {
JTable table = dataField.getTable();
ArrayColumn ac = (ArrayColumn) table.getColumnModel().getColumn(dataField.getTableColumn());
ac.setCellRenderer(new FormattedCellRenderer(nf, SwingUtilities.LEFT));
* Implements the moveAbove Forte capability for components in a container
* @param moveTarget
* @param aboveTarget
public static void moveAbove(JComponent moveTarget, JComponent aboveTarget) {
MoveAbove.set(moveTarget, aboveTarget);
* Implements the moveBelow Forte Capability for components in a container
* @param moveTarget
* @param aboveTarget
public static void moveBelow(JComponent moveTarget, JComponent belowTarget) {
MoveBelow.set(moveTarget, belowTarget);
* The SetAsFunctionKey method allows you to assign any key on the keyboard
* to be a function key.
* @param win
* @param key
* @param isFunction -
* The isFunction parameter specifies whether or not the key
* specified in the key parameter is a function key. To turn on a
* function key, set isFunction to TRUE. To turn off a function
* key, set isFunction to FALSE.
* @return The return value for the SetAsFunctionKey method is an integer
* that represents a use count for the number of times the code for
* the window declared a particular key code as a function key. The
* count starts at zero. Every time you invoke SetAsFunctionKey for
* a particular key code with the isFunction parameter set to TRUE,
* UDS increments the use count by one. Every time you invoke
* SetAsFunctionKey for the particular key code with the isFunction
* parameter set to FALSE, UDS decrements the use count by one. The
* key is treated as a function key only when the count is greater
* than zero. Normally, you can ignore this return value.
public static int setAsFunctionKey(JFrame win, int key, boolean isFunction) {
return UIutils.setAsFunctionKey(win, key, isFunction, false);
* @see UIutils.setAsFunctionKey(JFrame, int, boolean)
* @param includeAltKey Only set to true if the key is not used as a menu hot key. If it
* is used as a menu hot key, then the menu hot key will no longer function.
public static int setAsFunctionKey(JFrame win, int key, boolean isFunction, boolean includeAltKey) {
try {
Expression expr = new Expression(win, "getForm", new Object[0]);
JPanel form = ((JPanel) expr.getValue());
Integer count = (Integer) form.getClientProperty("qq_FNkeyCount");
if (count == null) {
count = new Integer(0);
int changedKey = convertFunctionKeySymbol(key);
InputMap im = form.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
// In forte we have a virtual key, such as VK_K which we can say map to a button. It's not until the
// key is pressed that we can test the modifiers, whereas in Java we can just register on say Ctrl-K.
// Hence, we have to register for every combination of keystroke and then set up the modifiers later.
if (isFunction){
String keyVal = Integer.toString(changedKey);
// Iterate through, setting up every combination of keystroke. We'll ignore ALT_GRAPH mask for now,
// because most applications don't use them, and it halves the number of keystrokes to trap.
// for (int i = 0; i <= (InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK | InputEvent.META_MASK); i++) {
// im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, i), keyVal );
// }
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, 0), keyVal );
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), keyVal );
if (includeAltKey) {
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.ALT_MASK), keyVal );
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK), keyVal );
// im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.ALT_MASK|InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), keyVal );
// im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.ALT_MASK|InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK), keyVal );
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK|InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK), keyVal );
// im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.ALT_MASK|InputEvent.CTRL_MASK|InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK), keyVal );
form.getActionMap().put(Integer.toString(changedKey), new FunctionKeyAction(key, win));
count = new Integer(count.intValue() + 1);
} else {
// Iterate through, removing every combination of keystroke
// for (int i = 0; i <= (InputEvent.CTRL_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_MASK | InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK | InputEvent.META_MASK); i++) {
// im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, i), null);
// }
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, 0), null );
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), null );
if (includeAltKey) {
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.ALT_MASK), null );
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK), null );
// im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.ALT_MASK|InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), null );
// im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.ALT_MASK|InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK), null );
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK|InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK), null );
// im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(changedKey, InputEvent.ALT_MASK|InputEvent.CTRL_MASK|InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK), null );
form.getActionMap().put(Integer.toString(changedKey), null);
count = new Integer(Math.min(count.intValue() - 1, 0));
form.putClientProperty("qq_FNkeyCount", count);
return count.intValue();
catch (NullPointerException e) {
UsageException errorVar = new UsageException("NullPointerException on getForm() in window " + win.getName(), e);
throw errorVar;
catch (Exception e) {
UsageException errorVar = new UsageException("The JFrame: " + win.getName() + " dose not have a Form property", e);
throw errorVar;
* Converts the Forte Function Key constants to the equivelant Java Function
* Key constants
* @param key
* @return
public static int convertFunctionKeySymbol(int key) {
int functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_0;
switch (key) {
case Constants.FN_F1:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F1;
case Constants.FN_F2:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F2;
case Constants.FN_F3:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F3;
case Constants.FN_F4:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F4;
case Constants.FN_F5:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F5;
case Constants.FN_F6:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F6;
case Constants.FN_F7:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F7;
case Constants.FN_F8:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F8;
case Constants.FN_F9:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F9;
case Constants.FN_F10:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F10;
case Constants.FN_F11:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F11;
case Constants.FN_F12:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F12;
case Constants.FN_F13:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F13;
case Constants.FN_F14:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F14;
case Constants.FN_F15:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F15;
case Constants.FN_F16:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F16;
case Constants.FN_F17:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F17;
case Constants.FN_F18:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F18;
case Constants.FN_F19:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F19;
case Constants.FN_F20:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F20;
case Constants.FN_F21:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F21;
case Constants.FN_F22:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F22;
case Constants.FN_F23:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F23;
case Constants.FN_F24:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F24;
case Constants.VK_0:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_0;
case Constants.VK_1:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_1;
case Constants.VK_2:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_2;
case Constants.VK_3:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_3;
case Constants.VK_4:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_4;
case Constants.VK_5:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_5;
case Constants.VK_6:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_6;
case Constants.VK_7:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_7;
case Constants.VK_8:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_8;
case Constants.VK_9:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_9;
case Constants.VK_A:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_A;
case Constants.VK_B:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_B;
case Constants.VK_C:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_C;
case Constants.VK_D:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_D;
case Constants.VK_E:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_E;
case Constants.VK_F:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_F;
case Constants.VK_G:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_G;
case Constants.VK_H:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_H;
case Constants.VK_I:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_I;
case Constants.VK_J:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_J;
case Constants.VK_K:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_K;
case Constants.VK_L:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_L;
case Constants.VK_M:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_M;
case Constants.VK_N:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_N;
case Constants.VK_O:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_O;
case Constants.VK_P:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_P;
case Constants.VK_Q:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_Q;
case Constants.VK_R:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_R;
case Constants.VK_S:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_S;
case Constants.VK_T:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_T;
case Constants.VK_U:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_U;
case Constants.VK_V:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_V;
case Constants.VK_W:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_W;
case Constants.VK_X:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_X;
case Constants.VK_Y:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_Y;
case Constants.VK_Z:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_Z;
case Constants.VK_ADD:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_ADD;
case Constants.VK_BACKSPACE:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE;
case Constants.VK_CANCEL:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_CANCEL;
case Constants.VK_DECIMAL:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_DECIMAL;
case Constants.VK_DELETE:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_DELETE;
case Constants.VK_DIVIDE:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_DIVIDE;
case Constants.VK_DOWN:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_DOWN;
case Constants.VK_END:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_END;
case Constants.VK_ENTER:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_ENTER;
case Constants.VK_ESCAPE:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE;
case Constants.VK_HOME:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_HOME;
case Constants.VK_INSERT:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_INSERT;
case Constants.VK_LEFT:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_LEFT;
case Constants.VK_MULTIPLY:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_MULTIPLY;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD0:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD0;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD1:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD1;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD2:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD2;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD3:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD3;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD4:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD4;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD5:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD5;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD6:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD6;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD7:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD7;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD8:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD8;
case Constants.VK_NUMPAD9:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD9;
case Constants.VK_PGDN:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN;
case Constants.VK_PGUP:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP;
case Constants.VK_PRINTSCREEN:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_PRINTSCREEN;
case Constants.VK_RETURN:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_ENTER;
case Constants.VK_RIGHT:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT;
case Constants.VK_SPACE:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_SPACE;
case Constants.VK_SUBTRACT:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_SUBTRACT;
case Constants.VK_TAB:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_TAB;
case Constants.VK_UP:
functionKey = KeyEvent.VK_UP;
return functionKey;
* Converts the java COLOR to an equivelant Forte colour constant.
* @param colour
* @return
public static int javaToForteColor(Color colour) {
int target = Constants.C_INHERIT;
if (colour == null)
return target;
if (colour.equals(UIutils.Black))
target = Constants.C_BLACK;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Blue))
target = Constants.C_BLUE;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.BrightBlue))
target = Constants.C_BRIGHTBLUE;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.BrightBrown))
target = Constants.C_BRIGHTBROWN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.BrightCyan))
target = Constants.C_BRIGHTCYAN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.BrightGreen))
target = Constants.C_BRIGHTGREEN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.BrightMagenta))
target = Constants.C_BRIGHTMAGENTA;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.BrightRed))
target = Constants.C_BRIGHTRED;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.BrightYellow))
target = Constants.C_BRIGHTYELLOW;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Brown))
target = Constants.C_BROWN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Cyan))
target = Constants.C_CYAN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Gray1))
target = Constants.C_GRAY1;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Gray2))
target = Constants.C_GRAY2;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Gray3))
target = Constants.C_GRAY3;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Gray4))
target = Constants.C_GRAY4;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Gray5))
target = Constants.C_GRAY5;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Gray6))
target = Constants.C_GRAY6;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Gray7))
target = Constants.C_GRAY7;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Green))
target = Constants.C_GREEN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Magenta))
target = Constants.C_MAGENTA;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.PaleBlue))
target = Constants.C_PALEBLUE;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.PaleBrown))
target = Constants.C_PALEBROWN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.PaleCyan))
target = Constants.C_PALECYAN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.PaleMagenta))
target = Constants.C_PALEMAGENTA;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.PaleRed))
target = Constants.C_PALERED;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.PaleGreen))
target = Constants.C_PALEGREEN;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.PaleYellow))
target = Constants.C_PALEYELLOW;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Red))
target = Constants.C_RED;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.White))
target = Constants.C_WHITE;
else if (colour.equals(UIutils.Yellow))
target = Constants.C_YELLOW;
else {
int index = WindowSystem.getRegisteredColour(colour);
if (index > 0) {
return index;
return target;
* returns the Form widget of the Window.
* @param win
* @return JPanel
//PM:13/6/08 changed to return type of Panel to unsure it is a compound field
public static Panel getForm(JFrame win) {
try {
Expression expr = new Expression(win, "getForm", new Object[0]);
Panel form = ((Panel)expr.getValue());
return form;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* this is a simple stub to aid in printing
* @param printForm
* @return
public static JPanel getForm(JPanel printForm) {
return printForm;
* gets the value of the Maximum characters allowed in the field. Zero means
* there is no limit
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getMaxCharacters(JTextComponent comp) {
return MaxCharacters.get(comp);
* gets the value of the Maximum characters allowed in the field. Zero means
* there is no limit
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getMaxCharacters(FillInField comp) {
return MaxCharacters.get(comp);
* gets the caret position in a text component
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getCursorPosition(JTextComponent comp) {
int pos = comp.getCaret().getDot();
return pos;
* gets the caret position in a AutoResizingComboBox emulating a Forte FIllinField
* AD:26/6/2008 Change JComboBox to AutoResizingComboBox to reduce casting later
* @param comp
* @return
public static int getCursorPosition(AutoResizingComboBox comp) {
int pos = 0;
if (comp.isEditable() && comp.getEditor() instanceof JTextComponent) {
JTextComponent df = ((JTextComponent) comp.getEditor());
pos = df.getCaret().getDot();
return pos;
// /**
// * returns the data object attached to the panel
// *
// * @param panel
// * @return
// *
// * TF:15/3/08:Removed in preference for using getDataObject(JComponent), as this relies
// * on using object maps which are obsolete
// */
// public static Object getDataObject(JPanel panel) {
// Object data = null;
// if (panel instanceof GridField)
// data = ((GridField) panel).getDataObject();
// else
// data = panel.getClientProperty("qq_DataObject");
// return data;
// }
* invoked a Runnable on the EDT
* @param pAction
public static void invokeOnGuiThread(Runnable pAction) {
if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
else {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
* emulates the Forte PurgeEvents method to aid in validation. It is only
* implemented for DataFields.
* Any other "creative" (or wierd) usage of PurgeEvents is not supported.
public static void purgeEvents() {
// EventHandle eh = (EventHandle) EventManager.CurrentEvent.get();
// if (eh != null) {
// ReEditCell.edit(eh);
// }
* returns the current row from a JTable, while considering a current event;
* @param table
* @return
public static int getCurrentRow(JTable table) {
Integer current = currentRow.get();
return current.intValue();
public static void setCurrentRow(JTable table, int row) {
currentRow.set(new Integer(row));
TableRow.set(table, row);
* Store the current row for the focused table on this thread. This current row is 1-based as
* per forte arrays, not 0-based as per Java
public static ThreadLocal<Integer> currentRow = new ThreadLocal<Integer>() {
protected Integer initialValue() {
return new Integer(0);
private static final Pattern fillCharacter = Pattern.compile("([^\\\\]|^)<(.)>");
private static final Pattern optionalCharacters = Pattern.compile("([^\\\\]|^)\\[(.*)\\]");
private static final Pattern repititionCount = Pattern.compile("([^\\\\]|^)\\((\\d+)\\)");
* Translate a forte-style character template into a java-style character
* template.
* <p>
* The following table lists the codes for a data field�s character format.
* To force the literal interpretation of any character, precede the
* character with a backslash. <table >
* <tr>
* <th>Code</th>
* <th>Definition</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>?</td>
* <td>Any single character.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>#</td>
* <td>Any single-digit number (0-9).</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>a</td>
* <td>A lower case alphabetic character (a-z).</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>A</td>
* <td>An upper case alphabetic character (A-Z).</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>@</td>
* <td>Any upper or lower case alphabetic character (a-Z).</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>k</td>
* <td>Any single Kanji character.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>n</td>
* <td>A lower case alphanumeric character (a-z, 0-9).</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>N</td>
* <td>An upper case alphanumeric character (A-Z, 0-9).</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>&</td>
* <td>Any single alphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>[a-fQj]</td>
* <td>Any characters, range of characters, or combination of the two.
* The example to the left specifies a range extending from a to f and
* the characters Q and j.This code is case sensitive.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>(n)</td>
* <td>Repeating specification for any of the other codes. To repeat
* any code, precede the code with a number enclosed in parentheses to
* specify the number of repetitions.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td><_></td>
* <td>Fills positions for which no value has been entered. Enter any
* character to override the default character, an underscore.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>!</td>
* <td>Indicates that the end-user can exit a field after having
* entered only partial data required by a template.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>\</td>
* <td>Forces the literal interpretation of any character. Spaces,
* slashes, colons, dashes, pluses, periods, and commas do not require
* the backslash for literal interpretation.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* @param pForteCharacterTemplate
* The template in forte style
public static void setCharacterTemplate(final DataField pField, final String pForteCharacterTemplate) {
String placeHolderChar = "_";
boolean allowPartial = false;
StringBuilder aBuffer = new StringBuilder(pForteCharacterTemplate);
int index = aBuffer.indexOf("!");
while (index >= 0) {
if (index == 0 || aBuffer.charAt(index - 1) != '\\') {
allowPartial = true;
index = aBuffer.indexOf("!", index);
Matcher m = fillCharacter.matcher(aBuffer.toString());
while (m.find()) {
// we cannot use Matcher.replaceAll as this would remove the
// preceeding character to the group too
placeHolderChar = m.group(2);
aBuffer.delete(m.start(2) - 1, m.end(2) + 1);
m = fillCharacter.matcher(aBuffer.toString());
// See if there are character ranges (eg [0-9]) which are legal in
// Forte but not in java
m = optionalCharacters.matcher(aBuffer.toString());
if (m.find()) {
_log.debug("Java templates have no equivalent to character ranges in Forte (" + m.group(2) + " entered)");
UsageException errorVar = new UsageException("Java templates have no equivalent to character ranges in Forte (" + m.group(2) + " entered)");
throw errorVar;
// Look for any unescaped brackets
m = repititionCount.matcher(aBuffer.toString());
while (m.find()) {
int count = Integer.parseInt(m.group(2));
int end = m.end(2);
char c = aBuffer.charAt(end + 1);
char[] repeatingChar = new char[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
repeatingChar[i] = c;
aBuffer.replace(m.start(2) - 1, end + 2, new String(repeatingChar));
m = repititionCount.matcher(aBuffer.toString());
// Now search through the string, looking for characters to
// translate and removing escapre characters
for (index = 0; index < aBuffer.length(); index++) {
switch (aBuffer.charAt(index)) {
case '\\':
// If the next character doesn't need escaping in the new
// mask then remove
// the escaping, else replace with the java escape character
// (')
switch (aBuffer.charAt(index + 1)) {
case '\\':
case 'a':
case '@':
case ')':
case '(':
case 'k':
case 'n':
case 'N':
case '&':
case '!':
aBuffer.setCharAt(index, '\'');
case '?':
aBuffer.setCharAt(index, '*');
case 'a':
aBuffer.setCharAt(index, 'L');
case 'A':
aBuffer.setCharAt(index, 'U');
case '@':
aBuffer.setCharAt(index, '?');
case '&':
aBuffer.setCharAt(index, 'A');
case 'k':
UsageException errorVar = new UsageException("Java templates have no equivalent to the 'k' template character in Forte");
throw errorVar;
case 'n':
// n isn't really an A, but it's pretty close
_log.warn("Translated forte template character n to A which isn't an exact match");
aBuffer.setCharAt(index, 'A');
case 'N':
// n isn't really an A, but it's pretty close
_log.warn("Translated forte template character N to A which isn't an exact match");
aBuffer.setCharAt(index, 'A');
case '\'':
case 'H':
case 'U':
case '*':
// These characters require escaping in java, but not in
// Forte
aBuffer.insert(index, '\'');
try {
MaskFormatter aFormatter = new MaskFormatter(aBuffer.toString());
pField.setFormatterFactory(new DefaultFormatterFactory(aFormatter));
catch (Exception e) {
_log.error("Could not set mask formatter to \"" + pForteCharacterTemplate + "\"", e);
* Sets the template for the appropriate data field
* @see #setCharacterTemplate(DataField, String)
* @param pField
* The data field to set the template of
* @param pForteCharacterTemplate
* the character template to use
public static void setCharacterTemplate(final DataField pField, final TextData pForteCharacterTemplate) {
UIutils.setCharacterTemplate(pField, pForteCharacterTemplate.getValue());
* Return the root node of the passed in tree as a display node. If the root
* node is null or is not a display node, null will be returned.
* @param pTree -
* The tree whose root node is to be returned
* @return the root node of the tree
public static DisplayNode getRootNode(final JTree pTree) {
final ParameterHolder rootNode = new ParameterHolder();
UIutils.invokeOnGuiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
TreeModel aModel = pTree.getModel();
if (aModel != null) {
Object anObj = rootNode.getObject();
if (anObj != null && anObj instanceof DisplayNode) {
return (DisplayNode) anObj;
else {
return null;
* Return the root node of the passed in Outline as a display node. If the
* root node is null or is not a display node, null will be returned.
* @param pField -
* The tree whose root node is to be returned
* @return the root node of the tree
public static DisplayNode getRootNode(final OutlineField pField) {
return pField.getRoot(true);
* @param comp
* @return the window that comp in currently in. Null for none.
* CraigM: 24/04/2008
public static JFrame getWindowForComponent(JComponent comp) {
Container win = comp.getTopLevelAncestor();
if (win == null) {
JTable t = ArrayFieldCellHelper.getArrayField(comp);
if (t != null) {
// TF:25/9/07: Not sure why this is here -- if we leave this in, we
// get the usage of the table, not the individual column if we passed in an individual column
// comp = t;
win = t.getTopLevelAncestor();
// CraigM:24/06/2008 - PopupMenus do not have JFrames as parents.
return win instanceof JFrame ? (JFrame)win : null;
public static JFrame getWindowForComponent(Component container) {
//PM: added case for JComponent that is a container
if (container instanceof JComponent){
return getWindowForComponent((JComponent)container);
} else {
while (container != null && container instanceof JFrame == false) {
container = container.getParent();
return (JFrame)container;
* Implements the RenderAsImage method on Forte/UDS Widgets
* @param win
* @return
public static ImageData renderAsImage(Component win, boolean includeFrame) {
Dimension componentSize = win.getSize(); // Changed from getPreferredSize. CraigM: 06/02/2008.
Border oldBorder = null;
if (!includeFrame){
oldBorder = ((JComponent)win).getBorder();
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(componentSize.width, componentSize.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D grap = img.createGraphics();
grap.fillRect(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight());
ImageData id = new ImageData(img);
if (!includeFrame){
return id;
public static ImageData renderAsImage(Component win) {
return renderAsImage(win, true);
* returns the format string for the default curency
* @return
public static String getCurrencyPattern() {
DecimalFormat df = ((DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance());
String pattern = df.getDecimalFormatSymbols().getCurrencySymbol() + df.toPattern().substring(1);
return pattern;
public static int getLineWeightInPixels(int pWeight) {
switch (pWeight) {
case Constants.W_NONE:
return 0;
case Constants.W_DEFAULT:
return 1;
case Constants.W_ONEPIXEL:
return 1;
case Constants.W_TWOPIXELS:
return 2;
case Constants.W_THREEPIXELS:
return 3;
case Constants.W_VERYTHIN:
return 1;
case Constants.W_THIN:
return 2;
case Constants.W_MEDIUM:
return 3;
case Constants.W_HEAVY:
return 4;
case Constants.W_VERYHEAVY:
return 13;
if (pWeight > 0) {
// Value explicitly in mils, use it.
return UIutils.milsToPixels(pWeight);
else {
return 1;
private static int maxWeight = 0;
* Obtain the maximum weight any line can have, in pixels.
* @return the maximum weight
public static int getMaxLineWeightInPixels() {
if (maxWeight > 0)
return maxWeight;
return (maxWeight = UIutils.getLineWeightInPixels(Constants.W_VERYHEAVY));
* Creates a stroke used for line rendering
* @param weight
* @param style
* @return
public static BasicStroke makeStroke(int weight, int style) {
return UIutils.makeStroke(weight, style, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT);
* Creates a stroke used for line rendering
* @param weight
* @param style
* @return
public static BasicStroke makeStroke(int weight, int style, int capStyle) {
BasicStroke stroke = null;
int lineWidth = 1;
float[] dashPat = { 10f };
switch (style) {
case Constants.LS_SOLID:
case Constants.LS_DEFAULT:
dashPat = null;
// TF:Mar 4, 2010:Tests with Forte showed that default lines are solid
// case Constants.LS_DEFAULT:
// dashPat = new float[] { 10f, 10f };
// break;
case Constants.LS_DASH:
dashPat = new float[] { 25f, 10f };
case Constants.LS_DASHDOT:
dashPat = new float[] { 14f, 8f, 4f, 8f };
case Constants.LS_DASHDOTDOT:
dashPat = new float[] { 14f, 4f, 4f, 4f, 4f, 4f };
case Constants.LS_DOT:
dashPat = new float[] { 4f, 4f };
lineWidth = UIutils.getLineWeightInPixels(weight);
stroke = new BasicStroke(lineWidth, capStyle, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 1.0f, dashPat, 5f);
return stroke;
* Determines whether the passed jTextArea tabs to the next control upon
* receiving the TAB keystroke, or if it uses this as part of it's input.
* @param pTextArea
* The text area on which to effect the change
* @param pDoExit
* True if the field should change the focus to the next control
* on receiving a TAB, or false if it should consume the tab
* itself and treat it as the tab character
* @deprecated Use ExitOnTab.set instead
public static void setExitOnTab(final JTextArea pTextArea, final boolean pDoExit) {
ExitOnTab.set(pTextArea, pDoExit);
public static void traceWidget(Component comp) {
_log.debug("===== Trace Widget =====");
traceWidget(comp, 0);
public static void traceWidget(Component comp, int indent) {
String tabs = "";
for (int t = 0; t < indent; t++)
tabs += "\t";
_log.debug(tabs + "---- Name: " + comp.getName() + " Type: " + FrameworkUtils.getClassName(comp.getClass()));
_log.debug(tabs + "Visable: " + comp.isVisible());
_log.debug(tabs + "Enabled: " + comp.isEnabled());
_log.debug(tabs + "Focasable: " + comp.isFocusable());
_log.debug(tabs + "Back Color: " + comp.getBackground());
_log.debug(tabs + "Fore Color: " + comp.getForeground());
_log.debug(tabs + "Size: " + comp.getSize());
_log.debug(tabs + "Min Size: " + comp.getMinimumSize());
_log.debug(tabs + "Prefered Size: " + comp.getPreferredSize());
_log.debug(tabs + "Location: " + comp.getLocation());
if (comp instanceof JComponent)
_log.debug(tabs + "Layout: " + ((JComponent) comp).getLayout());
_log.debug(tabs + "---- ");
if (comp instanceof JComponent) {
JComponent jcomp = (JComponent) comp;
for (int k = 0; k < jcomp.getComponentCount(); k++) {
traceWidget(jcomp.getComponent(k), indent + 1);
* Resizes a button to the Button text
* @param but
* @return
public static Dimension packButton(JButton but) {
Dimension size = but.getSize();
String text = but.getText();
Font f = but.getFont();
FontMetrics fm = but.getFontMetrics(f);
Insets ins = but.getInsets();
int width = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm, text);
but.setSize(ins.left + ins.right + width, size.height);
return but.getSize();
* Resizes a Check Box to the text
* @param but
* @return
public static Dimension packCheck(JCheckBox but) {
Dimension size = but.getSize();
String text = but.getText();
Font f = but.getFont();
FontMetrics fm = but.getFontMetrics(f);
Insets ins = but.getInsets();
int width = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm, text);
int checkWidth = 15; // but.getComponent(0).getWidth();
but.setSize(ins.left + ins.right + width + checkWidth, size.height);
return but.getSize();
* causes all parent containers to relayout their components
public static void validateUp(Component comp) {
if (comp == null)
Component mum = comp.getParent();
while (mum != null) {
mum = mum.getParent();
* this method is undocumented in Forte, but seems to return the next
* display node in a tree irrespective of whether the node is visible or
* expanded or not.
* @param pNode
* @return
public static DisplayNode getNextLine(DisplayNode pNode) {
DisplayNode result;
if (pNode == null) {
return null;
else if (pNode.getChildCount() > 0) {
return (DisplayNode) pNode.getFirstChild();
else if ((result = (DisplayNode) pNode.getNextSibling()) != null) {
return result;
else {
// Ok, it's nothing we know about. Scan up our parents for siblings.
DisplayNode aNode = (DisplayNode) pNode.getParent();
while (aNode != null) {
if ((result = (DisplayNode) aNode.getNextSibling()) != null) {
return result;
aNode = (DisplayNode) aNode.getParent();
return null;
public static void setDataChangedFlag(Component comp) {
if (comp == null)
// CraigM:31/07/2008 - If the data changed flag was set due to a programatic data change, we don't actually want to set the flag
if (EventManager.isPostingEnabled() == false) {
if (comp instanceof JComponent) {
JComponent jc = (JComponent) comp;
jc.putClientProperty("HasDataChanged", Boolean.valueOf(true));
// TF:13/01/2009:Added in the posting of the hasDataChanged property to allow after value change events to be performed on grid fields
jc.firePropertyChange("hasDataChanged", false, true);
while ((jc.getParent() != null) && (jc.getParent() instanceof JComponent)) {
jc = (JComponent) jc.getParent();
jc.putClientProperty("HasDataChanged", Boolean.valueOf(true));
// TF:13/01/2009:Added in the posting of the hasDataChanged property to allow after value change events to be performed on grid fields
jc.firePropertyChange("hasDataChanged", false, true);
// CraigM:05/01/2009 - Flag that the data has changed in the row.
if (jc instanceof ArrayField) {
public static int forteAlignmentToJava(int pAlignment) {
// Translate the Forte Alignment into a java-valued alignment
switch (pAlignment) {
case Constants.TA_LEFT:
return SwingConstants.LEFT;
case Constants.TA_RIGHT:
return SwingConstants.RIGHT;
case Constants.TA_BOTTOM:
return SwingConstants.BOTTOM;
case Constants.TA_TOP:
return SwingConstants.TOP;
case Constants.TA_CENTER:
return SwingConstants.CENTER;
return SwingConstants.LEFT;
public static int javaAlignementToForte(int pAlignment) {
// Translate the Java Alignment into a forte-valued alignment
switch (pAlignment) {
case SwingConstants.LEFT:
return Constants.TA_LEFT;
case SwingConstants.RIGHT:
return Constants.TA_RIGHT;
case SwingConstants.BOTTOM:
return Constants.TA_BOTTOM;
case SwingConstants.TOP:
return Constants.TA_TOP;
case SwingConstants.CENTER:
return Constants.TA_CENTER;
return Constants.TA_DEFAULT;
* Convenience method to obtain the component at a given cell in the passed
* table
* @param table
* @param row
* @param col
* @return
public static Component getTableCellRenderer(JTable table, int row, int col) {
TableCellRenderer renderer = table.getCellRenderer(row, col);
Object o = null;
try {
o = table.getValueAt(row, col);
catch (Exception e) {
// Leave the value as null
return renderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, o, false, false, row, col);
* Bring the passed window to the front of the hierarchy, incluing restoring
* it from an iconized state if applicable. This is always done on the GUI
* thread and all pending actions are processed as a consequence of this
* method.
* @param pWindow
* The window to bring to the front.
public static void toFront(final Frame pWindow) {
// Process the pending actions. This cannot be done inside the
// invokeOnGuiThread (unfortunately)
// because processGUIActions processes the actions only for the current
// thread (and there will
// never be any pending actions on the EDT!)
UIutils.invokeOnGuiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (WindowDisplayState.get(pWindow) == Constants.DS_ICONIZED) {
WindowDisplayState.set(pWindow, Constants.DS_NORMAL);
* scrollToRow scroll the JTable to a particular row
* @param table
* The JTable
* @param row
* the row to scroll to
* @return
public static void scrollToRow(JTable t, int r) {
JViewport viewport = (JViewport) t.getParent();
viewport.setViewPosition(new java.awt.Point(0, t.getRowHeight() * r));
* This method returns the Window System Type
* @return
public static int getWindowSystemType() {
int osType = FrameworkUtils.getOSType();
switch (osType){
case Framework.Constants.OS_OT_WIN95:
return Constants.WT_MSWINDOWS95;
case Framework.Constants.OS_OT_NT:
return Constants.WT_MSWINDOWS;
case Framework.Constants.OS_OT_MACOS:
return Constants.WT_MACINTOSH;
case Framework.Constants.OS_OT_SOLARIS:
return Constants.WT_XMOTIF;
case Framework.Constants.OS_OT_HPUX:
return Constants.WT_XMOTIF;
case Framework.Constants.OS_OT_VMS:
return Constants.WT_XMOTIF;
case Framework.Constants.OS_OT_OSF1:
return Constants.WT_XMOTIF;
return Constants.WT_MSWINDOWS;
* Converts a number of pixels to a number of rows based on
* a components font metrics
* @param pixels
* @param comp
* @return
public static int pixelsToRows(int pixels, JComponent pWidget) {
FontMetrics fm = pWidget.getFontMetrics(pWidget.getFont());
return pixels / fm.getHeight();//(fm.getMaxAscent() + fm.getMaxDescent());
* converts a KeyStroke to a string
* @param key
* @return
public static String keyStroke2String(KeyStroke key) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(50);
int m = key.getModifiers();
if ((m & (InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK|InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) != 0) {
s.append("shift ");
if ((m & (InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK|InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)) != 0) {
s.append("ctrl ");
if ((m & (InputEvent.META_DOWN_MASK|InputEvent.META_MASK)) != 0) {
s.append("meta ");
if ((m & (InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK|InputEvent.ALT_MASK)) != 0) {
s.append("alt ");
if ((m & (InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK|InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK)) != 0) {
s.append("button1 ");
if ((m & (InputEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK|InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK)) != 0) {
s.append("button2 ");
if ((m & (InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK|InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK)) != 0) {
s.append("button3 ");
switch (key.getKeyEventType()) {
case KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED:
s.append("typed ");
s.append(key.getKeyChar() + " ");
case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED:
s.append("pressed ");
s.append(getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()) + " ");
case KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED:
s.append("released ");
s.append(getKeyText(key.getKeyCode()) + " ");
s.append("unknown-event-type ");
return s.toString();
* Converts a key code to a string
* @param keyCode
* @return
public static String getKeyText(int keyCode) {
if (keyCode >= KeyEvent.VK_0 && keyCode <= KeyEvent.VK_9 ||
keyCode >= KeyEvent.VK_A && keyCode <= KeyEvent.VK_Z) {
return String.valueOf((char)keyCode);
switch(keyCode) {
case KeyEvent.VK_COMMA: return "COMMA";
case KeyEvent.VK_PERIOD: return "PERIOD";
case KeyEvent.VK_SLASH: return "SLASH";
case KeyEvent.VK_SEMICOLON: return "SEMICOLON";
case KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS: return "EQUALS";
case KeyEvent.VK_OPEN_BRACKET: return "OPEN_BRACKET";
case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SLASH: return "BACK_SLASH";
case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER: return "ENTER";
case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE: return "BACK_SPACE";
case KeyEvent.VK_TAB: return "TAB";
case KeyEvent.VK_CANCEL: return "CANCEL";
case KeyEvent.VK_CLEAR: return "CLEAR";
case KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT: return "SHIFT";
case KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL: return "CONTROL";
case KeyEvent.VK_ALT: return "ALT";
case KeyEvent.VK_PAUSE: return "PAUSE";
case KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK: return "CAPS_LOCK";
case KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE: return "ESCAPE";
case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: return "SPACE";
case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP: return "PAGE_UP";
case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN: return "PAGE_DOWN";
case KeyEvent.VK_END: return "END";
case KeyEvent.VK_HOME: return "HOME";
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: return "LEFT";
case KeyEvent.VK_UP: return "UP";
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: return "RIGHT";
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: return "DOWN";
// numpad numeric keys handled below
case KeyEvent.VK_MULTIPLY: return "MULTIPLY";
case KeyEvent.VK_ADD: return "ADD";
case KeyEvent.VK_SEPARATOR: return "SEPARATOR";
case KeyEvent.VK_SUBTRACT: return "SUBTRACT";
case KeyEvent.VK_DECIMAL: return "DECIMAL";
case KeyEvent.VK_DIVIDE: return "DIVIDE";
case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE: return "DELETE";
case KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK: return "NUM_LOCK";
case KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK: return "SCROLL_LOCK";
case KeyEvent.VK_F1: return "F1";
case KeyEvent.VK_F2: return "F2";
case KeyEvent.VK_F3: return "F3";
case KeyEvent.VK_F4: return "F4";
case KeyEvent.VK_F5: return "F5";
case KeyEvent.VK_F6: return "F6";
case KeyEvent.VK_F7: return "F7";
case KeyEvent.VK_F8: return "F8";
case KeyEvent.VK_F9: return "F9";
case KeyEvent.VK_F10: return "F10";
case KeyEvent.VK_F11: return "F11";
case KeyEvent.VK_F12: return "F12";
case KeyEvent.VK_F13: return "F13";
case KeyEvent.VK_F14: return "F14";
case KeyEvent.VK_F15: return "F15";
case KeyEvent.VK_F16: return "F16";
case KeyEvent.VK_F17: return "F17";
case KeyEvent.VK_F18: return "F18";
case KeyEvent.VK_F19: return "F19";
case KeyEvent.VK_F20: return "F20";
case KeyEvent.VK_F21: return "F21";
case KeyEvent.VK_F22: return "F22";
case KeyEvent.VK_F23: return "F23";
case KeyEvent.VK_F24: return "F24";
case KeyEvent.VK_INSERT: return "INSERT";
case KeyEvent.VK_HELP: return "HELP";
case KeyEvent.VK_META: return "META";
case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_QUOTE: return "BACK_QUOTE";
case KeyEvent.VK_QUOTE: return "QUOTE";
case KeyEvent.VK_KP_UP: return "KP_UP";
case KeyEvent.VK_KP_DOWN: return "KP_DOWN";
case KeyEvent.VK_KP_LEFT: return "KP_LEFT";
case KeyEvent.VK_KP_RIGHT: return "KP_RIGHT";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_GRAVE: return "DEAD_GRAVE";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_ACUTE: return "DEAD_ACUTE";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_TILDE: return "DEAD_TILDE";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_MACRON: return "DEAD_MACRON";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_BREVE: return "DEAD_BREVE";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_CARON: return "DEAD_CARON";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_CEDILLA: return "DEAD_CEDILLA";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_OGONEK: return "DEAD_OGONEK";
case KeyEvent.VK_DEAD_IOTA: return "DEAD_IOTA";
case KeyEvent.VK_AMPERSAND: return "AMPERSAND";
case KeyEvent.VK_ASTERISK: return "ASTERISK";
case KeyEvent.VK_QUOTEDBL: return "QUOTEDBL";
case KeyEvent.VK_LESS: return "LESS";
case KeyEvent.VK_GREATER: return "GREATER";
case KeyEvent.VK_BRACELEFT: return "BRACELEFT";
case KeyEvent.VK_BRACERIGHT: return "BRACERIGHT";
case KeyEvent.VK_AT: return "AT";
case KeyEvent.VK_COLON: return "COLON";
case KeyEvent.VK_CIRCUMFLEX: return "CIRCUMFLEX";
case KeyEvent.VK_DOLLAR: return "DOLLAR";
case KeyEvent.VK_EURO_SIGN: return "EURO_SIGN";
case KeyEvent.VK_NUMBER_SIGN: return "NUMBER_SIGN";
case KeyEvent.VK_MINUS: return "MINUS";
case KeyEvent.VK_PLUS: return "PLUS";
case KeyEvent.VK_UNDERSCORE: return "UNDERSCORE";
case KeyEvent.VK_FINAL: return "FINAL";
case KeyEvent.VK_CONVERT: return "CONVERT";
case KeyEvent.VK_NONCONVERT: return "NONCONVERT";
case KeyEvent.VK_ACCEPT: return "ACCEPT";
case KeyEvent.VK_MODECHANGE: return "MODECHANGE";
case KeyEvent.VK_KANA: return "KANA";
case KeyEvent.VK_KANJI: return "KANJI";
case KeyEvent.VK_KATAKANA: return "KATAKANA";
case KeyEvent.VK_HIRAGANA: return "HIRAGANA";
case KeyEvent.VK_FULL_WIDTH: return "FULL_WIDTH";
case KeyEvent.VK_HALF_WIDTH: return "HALF_WIDTH";
case KeyEvent.VK_CODE_INPUT: return "CODE_INPUT";
case KeyEvent.VK_KANA_LOCK: return "KANA_LOCK";
case KeyEvent.VK_AGAIN: return "AGAIN";
case KeyEvent.VK_UNDO: return "UNDO";
case KeyEvent.VK_COPY: return "COPY";
case KeyEvent.VK_PASTE: return "PASTE";
case KeyEvent.VK_CUT: return "CUT";
case KeyEvent.VK_FIND: return "FIND";
case KeyEvent.VK_PROPS: return "PROPS";
case KeyEvent.VK_STOP: return "STOP";
case KeyEvent.VK_COMPOSE: return "COMPOSE";
case KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH: return "ALT_GRAPH";
if (keyCode >= KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD0 && keyCode <= KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD9) {
char c = (char)(keyCode - KeyEvent.VK_NUMPAD0 + '0');
return "NUMPAD"+c;
return "unknown(0x" + Integer.toString(keyCode, 16) + ")";
* List key bindings
* @param map
* @param keys
public static void listKeyBinding(InputMap map, KeyStroke[] keys) {
if (keys == null) {
System.out.println("Key Bindings:");
for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
// This method is defined in e859 Converting a KeyStroke to a String
// String keystrokeStr = keyStroke2String(keys[i]);
// Get the action name bound to this keystroke
while (map.get(keys[i]) == null) {
map = map.getParent();
if (map.get(keys[i]) instanceof String) {
String actionName = (String)map.get(keys[i]);
} else {
Action action = (Action)map.get(keys[i]);
* Sometimes it is critical that we delay until the EDT has finished processing actions. This can be to
* avoid race conditions where there are multiple events on the event queue which can affect the state
* of variables. For example, gaining focus in a table via a mouse click will set the current row to
* the correct row from the initial mouse click, 0 from the focus event, and then back to the correct
* row. Obviously this has race condition implications if another thread tries to read this value whilst
* the EDT is still adjusting it. <p>
* <p>
* This method halts the current thread until the EDT is idle and has finished processing all events in
* it's stack.<p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:<b>If multiple windows invoke this method simultaneously, they will push their events onto the
* queue, which will prevent the other thread from releasing, so it pushes another waiting event onto the EDT
* preventing the first thread from leaving, etc. Hence, the delay should be long enough to reasonably allow
* the EDT to finish processing all "are you waiting" requests from all threads. (The peekEvent must be
* done on the EDT to ensure the EDT is not in the middle of processing an event with nothing in the queue)
public static void waitForEDTToBeIdle() {
// CraigM:25/06/2008 - If we are already on the EDT, we can't wait for it to be idle.
if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
final ParameterHolder holder = new ParameterHolder();
do {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
UIutils.invokeOnGuiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
AWTEvent e = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().peekEvent();
holder.setBoolean(e != null);
} while (holder.getBoolean());
* This converience method finds the JFrame a widget is defined in.
* When a Window is running naturally the return value will be the same
* as the top level ancestor.
* When the JFrame is nested in another window, the return value will be
* the JFrame the widget is defined on;
* @param name
* @param comp
* @return
public static JFrame getDeclaredFrame(Component comp) {
if(comp == null)
return null;
if (comp instanceof MenuElement) {
return getFrame((MenuElement)comp);
Container parent = comp.getParent();
JFrame frame = null;
while(parent != null){
if (parent instanceof JComponent){
frame = (JFrame)((JComponent)parent).getClientProperty("qq_DeclaredWindow");
if (frame != null){
parent = parent.getParent();
if (frame == null)
return UIutils.getWindowForComponent(comp);
return frame;
* returns the JFrame ancestor to this menu item
* @param menu
* @return
public static JFrame getFrame(MenuElement menu) {
Component target = menu.getComponent();
// TF:07/01/2010:Added in a test to see if the declared frame has been explicitly set
if (target instanceof JComponent) {
JFrame frame = (JFrame)((JComponent)target).getClientProperty("qq_DeclaredWindow");
if (frame != null){
return frame;
Container parent = menuParent(target);
while(parent != null){
parent = menuParent(parent);
if (parent != null)
target = parent;
if (target instanceof JFrame) {
return (JFrame)target;
else {
// TF:20/6/08:This is an unparented menu element, return null
return null;
private static Container menuParent(Component menu){
Container parent = null;
if (menu.getParent() instanceof JPopupMenu) {
parent = (JMenu)((JPopupMenu)menu.getParent()).getInvoker();
else {
parent = menu.getParent();
return parent;
private static void _setUsage(JComponent comp, int pState) {
if (comp != null) {
WidgetState.set(comp, pState);
Component[] children = comp.getComponents();
for (Component child : children) {
_setUsage((JComponent)child, pState);
* The setUsage metho sets the State attribute for all a window�s child
* widgets at once, providing collective widget State changes on a
* predefined basis. A widget�s State attribute determines how the
* widget reacts to mouse actions and how it displays itself. A widget
* is always in some state. <p>
* <p>
* @param frame
* @param pState
public static void setUsage(JFrame frame, int pState) {
Container container = frame.getContentPane();
_setUsage((JComponent)container, pState);
* A utility method to produce invert {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage} to a negative
* @param buff
* @return negative {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
public static BufferedImage invert(BufferedImage buff){
// create 256 color array and invert colors
byte[] invertArray = new byte[ 256 ];
for ( int counter = 0; counter < 256; counter++ )
invertArray[ counter ] = ( byte )( 255 - counter );
// create filter to invert colors
BufferedImageOp invertFilter = new LookupOp(
new ByteLookupTable( 0, invertArray ), null );
// apply filter to displayImage
return invertFilter.filter( buff, null );
* A utility method to produce a gray scale {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
* @param buff
* @return gray scale {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
public static BufferedImage grayScale(BufferedImage buff){
ColorConvertOp op = new ColorConvertOp(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), null);
BufferedImage grayImage = op.filter(buff, null);
return grayImage;
* A utility method to produce a transparent {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
* @param buff
* @return transparent {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
public static BufferedImage transparentImage(BufferedImage buff){
int transparentColour = buff.getRGB(0, 0);
return transparentImage(buff, transparentColour);
* A utility method to produce a transparent {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
* @param buff
* @param transparent {@link java.awt.Colour} value
* @return transparent {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
public static BufferedImage transparentImage(BufferedImage buff, Color transparentColour){
return transparentImage(buff, transparentColour.getRGB());
* A utility method to produce a transparent {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
* @param buff
* @param transparent Colour incoded RGB integer value
* @return transparent {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage}
public static BufferedImage transparentImage(BufferedImage buff, int transparentColour){
for (int y = 0; y < buff.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < buff.getWidth(); x++) {
int target = buff.getRGB(x, y);
if (target == transparentColour) {
target &= 0x00FFFFFF; // set the alpha value to 0x00
buff.setRGB(x, y, target);
return buff;
* Get the data object for any component. This method is primarily for use with compound fields
* (panels, grid fields, tab folders, etc) but should be able to be called for any component that
* has been bound with the binding manager
* @param component
* @return
public static Object getDataObject(JComponent component) {
// CraigM:14/01/2009 - Handle nested windows
// Container owner = UIutils.getWindowForComponent(component);
Container owner = UIutils.getDeclaredFrame(component);
Method bindingManagerMethod; //PM:5 Nov 2008:changed to used the method in place of the field
try {
bindingManagerMethod = owner.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getBindingManager", new Class[0]);
BindingManager bindingManager = (BindingManager)bindingManagerMethod.invoke(owner, new Object[0]);
return bindingManager.getDataObject(component);
catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* Get the data object for any component. This method is primarily for use with compound fields
* (panels, grid fields, tab folders, etc) but should be able to be called for any component that
* has been bound with the binding manager
* @param component
* @return
public static Object getDataObject(CompoundField component) {
return getDataObject((JComponent)component);
* Determine whether the passed object is an instance of a "simple field" as
* defined by Forte. A simple field maps to scalar data and simple data types
* such as date, integer, float and string.
* @param object
* @return true if this object is a simple field, false otherwise
public static boolean isSimpleField(Object object) {
return object instanceof CharacterField ||
object instanceof JTextComponent ||
object instanceof ListField ||
((object instanceof JList) && !(object instanceof MenuList)) ||
object instanceof PictureField ||
object instanceof JScrollBar ||
object instanceof JCheckBox ||
object instanceof JComboBox ||
object instanceof OutlineField ||
object instanceof JTree ||
object instanceof ListView;
* Determine whether the passed object is an instance of a "variable field" as
* defined by Forte. A sVariableField is an abstract class that defines all widgets
* that can be associated with underlying data, such as text fields and array fields.
* @param object
* @return true if this object is a variable field, false otherwise
public static boolean isVariableField(Object object) {
return isSimpleField(object) || object instanceof CompoundField;
* Determine whether the passed object is an instance of a "static field" as
* defined by Forte. A static field is an abstract class representing all
* static fields. Static fields are not associated with underlying data.
* @param object
* @return true if this object is a static field, false otherwise
public static boolean isStaticField(Object object) {
return object instanceof Graphic || object instanceof JButton;
* This method installs a bunch of defaults that are required to make the converted
* application look and behave like the original Forte system
* @throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException
public static AppletConnectionInfo initialiseGuiSystem() throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException {
// Install our own focus manager. MUST be done prior to setting the
// UIManager, otherwise you'll run into issues like things have the wrong focus.
KeyboardFocusManager.setCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(new ForteKeyboardFocusManager());
RepaintManager.setCurrentManager(new ForteRepaintManager());
// CONV:TF:Check the type of the operating system before loading the look and feel
int type = FrameworkUtils.getOSType();
if (type == Framework.Constants.OS_OT_NT ||
type == Framework.Constants.OS_OT_WIN95) {
UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new Win32LookAndFeel());
// TF:20/11/2009:Load the glassPane so it attaches itself to the event queue
// Forte never dismissed tool tips, so mirror this.
return UserWindow.postAPPLETStarted();
* Display the popup menu in a thread-safe manner. This method will also process the GUI
* actions prior to showing the popup to ensure that the menu is in the correct state.
* @param menu - the menu to display
* @param parent - the component that will own the menu
* @param xPos - the x position of the menu, in the parent's coordinate system in mils
* @param yPos - the y position of the menu, in the parent's coordinate system in mils
public static void showPopupMenu(final JPopupMenu menu, final Component parent, final int xPos, final int yPos) {
if (menu != null) {
UIutils.invokeOnGuiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
menu.show(parent, UIutils.milsToPixels(xPos), UIutils.milsToPixels(yPos));
* Gets all focusable components of the component including all the child components.
* Recurcivelly checks isFocusable flag for all the child components.
* @param component component to be checked.
* @return list of focusable components or empty list.
public static List<Component> getFocusableChildren(Component component) {
ArrayList<Component> result = new ArrayList<Component>();
if (component.isFocusable()) {
if (component instanceof Container) {
for (Component c : ((Container)component).getComponents()) {
return result;
* Gets all cild components of the component including themself.
* @param component a component to be looked for child components.
* @return list of child components or list with only one omponent if the component do not have child components.
public static List<Component> getAllChildren(Component component) {
ArrayList<Component> result = new ArrayList<Component>();
if (component instanceof Container) {
for (Component c : ((Container)component).getComponents()) {
return result;
* Adds th mouse listener to all child components including the incoming component.
* @param component a component
* @param mouseListener mouse listener to be added
public static void addMouseListenerToAllChildren(Component component, MouseListener mouseListener) {
List<Component> children = getAllChildren(component);
for (Component c : children) {
* Adjusts location of the component to take into account of the
* desktop bounds, taskbar and multi-monitor configuration.
* @param component a component to be adjusted
public static void adjustComponentLocationToFitScreen(Component component) {
Point p = component.getLocation();
Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
Rectangle screenBounds;
Insets screenInsets;
GraphicsConfiguration gc = null;
// Try to find GraphicsConfiguration, that includes the component top left corner.
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice[] gd = ge.getScreenDevices();
for(int i = 0; i < gd.length; i++) {
if(gd[i].getType() == GraphicsDevice.TYPE_RASTER_SCREEN) {
GraphicsConfiguration dgc = gd[i].getDefaultConfiguration();
if(dgc.getBounds().contains(p)) {
gc = dgc;
// If not found comonent about his gc
if(gc == null) {
gc = component.getGraphicsConfiguration();
if(gc != null) {
// If we have GraphicsConfiguration use it to get
// screen bounds and insets
screenInsets = toolkit.getScreenInsets(gc);
screenBounds = gc.getBounds();
} else {
// If we don't have GraphicsConfiguration use primary screen
// and empty insets
screenInsets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
screenBounds = new Rectangle(toolkit.getScreenSize());
int scrWidth = screenBounds.width - Math.abs(screenInsets.left+screenInsets.right);
int scrHeight = screenBounds.height - Math.abs(screenInsets.top+screenInsets.bottom);
Dimension size = component.getSize();
// Use long variables to prevent overflow
long pw = (long) p.x + (long) size.width;
long ph = (long) p.y + (long) size.height;
if( pw > screenBounds.x + scrWidth )
p.x = screenBounds.x + scrWidth - size.width;
if( ph > screenBounds.y + scrHeight)
p.y = screenBounds.y + scrHeight - size.height;
// Change is made to the desired (X,Y) values, when the
// component is too tall OR too wide for the screen
if( p.x < screenBounds.x )
p.x = screenBounds.x ;
if( p.y < screenBounds.y )
p.y = screenBounds.y;
* Get the background colour of the parent of the passed component. This is necessary in case the component does not actually
* have the background colour set, we need to find out the background colour of the parent. If the parent of the component
* does not have a background color set we need the background colour of the parent's parent, and so on. If none of the ancestors
* of the components have a background colour set, this method will return null, a signal for the underlying component to return
* the default colour it wants to appear.
* @param comp
* @return
public static Color getParentBackgroundColor(final JComponent comp) {
if (comp == null) {
return null;
Component oldComponent = comp;
Container parent = comp.getParent();
// TF:10/01/2010:DET-140:Made this array-field aware
while (true) {
// Keep going up until we find a parent with the background set. We don't care about
// JScrollPanes or JViewports, because these should derive their colour from the control,
// not the other way around
while (parent != null && (!parent.isBackgroundSet() || parent instanceof JScrollPane || parent instanceof JViewport)) {
// TF:19/01/2010:DET-140:If our parent is an array field EditorLayoutPanel then set the parent to null
if (parent instanceof EditorLayoutPanel) {
parent = null;
else {
oldComponent = parent;
parent = parent.getParent();
if (parent == null && ArrayFieldCellHelper.isInArrayField(oldComponent)) {
parent = ArrayFieldCellHelper.getArrayField(oldComponent);
else {
if (parent != null && !(parent instanceof Window)) {
return parent.getBackground();
return null;
* Instantiate a window class on the EDT and invoke any init method it has going. The instantiation is done
* on the EDT, but the init method is called from the thread that called this method. Note that in order to
* simulate normal constructor behaviour, the init methods must call
* @param <T>
* @param pClassType
* @return
public <T extends JFrame> T instantiateWindow(final Class<T> pClassType) {
final ParameterHolder ph = new ParameterHolder();
UIutils.invokeOnGuiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
if (ph.getObject() instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException)ph.getObject();
else {
return (T)ph.getObject();