package com.mobiletheatertech.plot;
import mockit.Mocked;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertNull;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: dhs Date: 11/28/13 Time: 5:32 PM To change this template use
* File | Settings | File Templates.
* Test {@code ScaffoldTower}.
* @author dhs
* @since 0.0.3
public class ScaffoldTowerTest {
Element element = null;
Element elementP = null;
public ScaffoldTowerTest() {
public void isMinderDom() throws Exception {
Table table = new Table(element);
assert MinderDom.class.isInstance(table);
public void storesAttributes() throws Exception {
Table table = new Table(element);
assertEquals(TestHelpers.accessInteger(table, "width"), (Integer) 288);
assertEquals(TestHelpers.accessInteger(table, "depth"), (Integer) 144);
assertEquals(TestHelpers.accessInteger(table, "x"), (Integer) 56);
assertEquals(TestHelpers.accessInteger(table, "y"), (Integer) 16);
assertEquals(TestHelpers.accessInteger(table, "z"), (Integer) 16);
assertEquals(TestHelpers.accessInteger(table, "height"), (Integer) 12);
// Until such time as I properly implement this class' use of id.
public void idUnused() throws Exception {
Table table = new Table(element);
assertEquals(TestHelpers.accessString(table, "id"), "");
public void storesSelf() throws Exception {
Table table = new Table(element);
ArrayList<ElementalLister> thing = ElementalLister.List();
assert thing.contains(table);
* This is to ensure that no exception is thrown if data is OK.
public void justFine() throws Exception {
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = AttributeMissingException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Table instance is missing required 'width' attribute.")
public void noWidth() throws Exception {
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = AttributeMissingException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Table instance is missing required 'depth' attribute.")
public void noDepth() throws Exception {
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = AttributeMissingException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Table instance is missing required 'x' attribute.")
public void noX() throws Exception {
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = AttributeMissingException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Table instance is missing required 'y' attribute.")
public void noY() throws Exception {
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = AttributeMissingException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Table instance is missing required 'z' attribute.")
public void noZ() throws Exception {
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = AttributeMissingException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Table instance is missing required 'height' attribute.")
public void noHeight() throws Exception {
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooLargeWidth() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("width", "495");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooLargeDepth() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("depth", "401");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooLargeX() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("x", "263");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooLargeY() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("y", "401");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooLargeZ() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("z", "229");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooLargeHeight() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("height", "225");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SizeException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should have a positive width.")
public void tooSmallWidth() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("width", "-1");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SizeException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should have a positive depth.")
public void tooSmallDepth() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("depth", "-1");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = SizeException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should have a positive height.")
public void tooSmallHeight() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("height", "-1");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooSmallX() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("x", "-1");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooSmallY() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("y", "-1");
new Table(element);
@Test(expectedExceptions = LocationException.class,
expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp =
"Table should not extend beyond the boundaries of the venue.")
public void tooSmallZ() throws Exception {
element.setAttribute("z", "-1");
new Table(element);
public void parse() throws Exception {
String xml = "<plot>" +
"<table width=\"72\" depth=\"30\" x=\"3\" y=\"6\" z=\"0\" height=\"36\" />" +
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
// TODO Takes too long
// new Parse(stream);
ArrayList<ElementalLister> list = ElementalLister.List();
assertEquals(list.size(), 1);
public void parseMultiple() throws Exception {
String xml = "<plot>" +
"<table width=\"72\" depth=\"30\" x=\"3\" y=\"6\" z=\"0\" height=\"36\" />" +
"<table width=\"72\" depth=\"30\" x=\"3\" y=\"6\" z=\"0\" height=\"36\" />" +
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
// TODO Takes too long
// new Parse(stream);
ArrayList<ElementalLister> list = ElementalLister.List();
assertEquals(list.size(), 2);
Graphics2D mockCanvas;
// @Test
// public void draw() throws Exception {
// Table table = new Table( elementOnPipe );
// new Expectations() {
// {
// mockCanvas.setPaint( );
// mockCanvas.draw( new Rectangle( 56, 16, 288, 144 ) );
// }
// };
// table.drawPlan( mockCanvas );
// }
public void domPlan() throws Exception {
Draw draw = new Draw();
Table table = new Table(element);
NodeList existingGroups = draw.root().getElementsByTagName("rect");
assertEquals(existingGroups.getLength(), 0);
table.dom(draw, View.PLAN);
// NodeList createdGroups = draw.root().getElementsByTagName( "g" );
// assertEquals( createdGroups.getLength(), 2 );
NodeList rectangles = draw.root().getElementsByTagName("rect");
assertEquals(rectangles.getLength(), 1);
Node groupNode = rectangles.item(0);
assertEquals(groupNode.getNodeType(), Node.ELEMENT_NODE);
Element tableElement = (Element) groupNode;
assertEquals(tableElement.getAttribute("class"), Table.LAYERTAG);
assertEquals(tableElement.getAttribute("x"), "56");
assertEquals(tableElement.getAttribute("y"), "16");
assertEquals(tableElement.getAttribute("width"), "288");
assertEquals(tableElement.getAttribute("height"), "144");
assertEquals(tableElement.getAttribute("fill"), "none");
assertEquals(tableElement.getAttribute("stroke"), "brown");
// String expectedX = Integer.toString( X + CHAIRWIDTH / 2 + 2 );
// String expectedY = Integer.toString( Y + CHAIRDEPTH / 2 + FOOTSPACE );
// assert (count > 0);
// NodeList list = groupElement.getElementsByTagName( "use" );
// assertEquals( list.getLength(), count );
// Node node = list.item( 0 );
// assertEquals( node.getNodeType(), Node.ELEMENT_NODE );
// Element elementOnPipe = (Element) node;
// assertEquals( elementOnPipe.attribute( "xlink:href" ), "#chair" );
// assertEquals( elementOnPipe.attribute( "x" ), expectedX );
// assertEquals( elementOnPipe.attribute( "y" ), expectedY );
public void domSectionUndrawn() throws Exception {
Draw draw = new Draw();
Table table = new Table(element);
NodeList existingGroups = draw.root().getElementsByTagName("rect");
assertEquals(existingGroups.getLength(), 0);
table.dom(draw, View.SECTION);
NodeList rectangles = draw.root().getElementsByTagName("rect");
assertEquals(rectangles.getLength(), 0);
public void domFrontUndrawn() throws Exception {
Draw draw = new Draw();
Table table = new Table(element);
NodeList existingGroups = draw.root().getElementsByTagName("rect");
assertEquals(existingGroups.getLength(), 0);
table.dom(draw, View.FRONT);
NodeList rectangles = draw.root().getElementsByTagName("rect");
assertEquals(rectangles.getLength(), 0);
// @Test
// public void tablesCreatesMultiple() {
//// fail( "Table does not yet support multiples" );
// throw new SkipException( "Table does not yet support multiples" );
// }
public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {
public void setUpMethod() throws Exception {
Element venueElement = new IIOMetadataNode();
venueElement.setAttribute("room", "Test Name");
venueElement.setAttribute("width", "550");
venueElement.setAttribute("depth", "400");
venueElement.setAttribute("height", "240");
new Venue(venueElement);
element = new IIOMetadataNode("table");
element.setAttribute("width", "288");
element.setAttribute("depth", "144");
element.setAttribute("x", "56");
element.setAttribute("y", "16");
element.setAttribute("z", "16");
element.setAttribute("height", "12");
// elementP = new IIOMetadataNode( "table" );
// elementP.setAttribute( "proscenium-width", "330" );
// elementP.setAttribute( "proscenium-height", "250" );
// elementP.setAttribute( "proscenium-depth", "22" );
// elementP.setAttribute( "apron-depth", "56" );
// elementP.setAttribute( "apron-width", "440" );
public void tearDownMethod() throws Exception {