* @param o the object that is serialized into XML
* @throws Exception if post-processing fails
protected void writePostProcess(Object o) throws Exception {
Element root;
NodeList list;
Element conns;
Element child;
int i;
// since not all BeanConnections get saved to XML (e.g., MetaBeans in the
// UserToolBar) if one saves a layout, the numbering in the Vector of the
// BeanConnections is not correct. The "name" attribute of the nodes has
// to be modified
if (getDataType() == DATATYPE_LAYOUT) {
root = m_Document.getDocument().getDocumentElement();
conns = (Element) root.getChildNodes().item(INDEX_BEANCONNECTIONS);
list = conns.getChildNodes();
for (i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
child = (Element) list.item(i);
child.setAttribute(ATT_NAME, "" + i);