// $Header: /usr/local/cvs/bpcss/app/com/bitpass/css/wrapper/BitPassAdapter.java,v 1.72 2005/07/27 01:49:35 ebuswell Exp $
package com.bitpass.css.wrapper;
import com.bitpass.css.hibernate.DataAccount;
import com.bitpass.css.misc.Initable;
import com.bitpass.css.misc.InitableException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientLite;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Random;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
* Handles all communication with the BitPass API XML-RPC server.
public class BitPassAdapter implements Initable {
/////////////////////////////// CONSTANTS /////////////////////////////////////////
* The name of the properties files for this class; default location is the class's directory.
private final static String PROPERTIES_FILENAME = "BitPassAdapter.properties";
private final static String PROP_USE_LITE_CLIENT = "USE_LITE_CLIENT";
private final static String PROP_SERVER_URL = "SERVER_URL";
* Form constants.
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SHOW_ALL = "ALL";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SHOW_PUBLISHED = "PUBLISHED";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SHOW_PREVIEW = "PREVIEW";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SHOW_ENABLED = "ENABLED";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SHOW_DISABLED = "DISABLED";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SORT_REGTIME = "REGTIME";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SORT_MODTIME = "MODTIME";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SORT_PRICE = "PRICE";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SORT_EXPIRES = "EXPIRES";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SORT_PATH = "PATH";
public final static String LIST_CONTENT_SORT_LINK_TXT = "LINK_TXT";
public final static Integer LIST_CONTENT_ORDER_ASC = new Integer( 0 );
public final static Integer LIST_CONTENT_ORDER_DESC = new Integer( 1 );
/////////////////////////////// Properties /////////////////////////////////////////
* Whether or not to use the lite version of the XmlRpcClient.
private boolean P_USE_LITE_CLIENT = false;
* The BitPass server URL.
private String P_SERVER_URL;
/////////////////////////////// MEMBERS /////////////////////////////////////////
* The Logger instance.
protected static Logger logger;
* The XML-RPC client.
protected XmlRpcClient client;
/////////////////////////////// CONSTRUCTORS /////////////////////////////////////////
* The singleton instance.
public static final BitPassAdapter instance = new BitPassAdapter();
* Singleton constructor.
private BitPassAdapter() {
// Set the logger for this class.
logger = Logger.getLogger( this.getClass() );
/////////////////////////////// Initable Interface ////////////////////////////////////////
public void init() throws InitableException {
String tmpS;
// Load the properties from a file.
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
props.load( BitPassAdapter.class.getResourceAsStream( PROPERTIES_FILENAME ) );
} catch( NullPointerException e ) {
logger.error( "Could not find properties file " + PROPERTIES_FILENAME );
} catch( IOException e ) {
logger.error( "Error reading properties file " + PROPERTIES_FILENAME + ": " + e.toString() );
// Set the property values as constants on the object.
tmpS = props.getProperty( PROP_USE_LITE_CLIENT );
P_USE_LITE_CLIENT = tmpS != null && tmpS.trim().equals( "1" );
try {
P_SERVER_URL = props.getProperty( PROP_SERVER_URL ).trim();
} catch( NullPointerException e ) {
logger.error( "No SERVER_URL property set in " + PROPERTIES_FILENAME );
throw new InitableException( "No SERVER_URL property set in " + PROPERTIES_FILENAME );
// Get the XML-RPC client.
try {
client = new XmlRpcClientLite( P_SERVER_URL );
} else {
client = new XmlRpcClient( P_SERVER_URL );
} catch( MalformedURLException e ) {
logger.error( "Could not connect to " + P_SERVER_URL + ": " + e.toString() );
throw new InitableException( "Could not connect to " + P_SERVER_URL + ": " + e.toString() );
// Done.
logger.info( "BitPassAdapter initialized successfully." );
public void kill() throws InitableException {
////////////////////// list items in the registry /////////////////////////////////////////
public Object[] listcnt( String account ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("list-contents", args);
Object ret[] = new Object[2];
ret[0] = toInteger(result.get("count"));
List items = new ArrayList();
ret[1] = items;
for(int i = 1; result.containsKey("item" + String.valueOf(i)); i++) {
Hashtable obj;
obj = (Hashtable) result.get("item" + String.valueOf(i));
ContentItem item = parseContentItem(obj);
////////////////////// list items in the registry for Pagination //////////////////////////
class ListcntComp implements Comparator {
public final int REGTIME = 0;
public final int MODTIME = 1;
public final int PRICE = 3;
public final int EXPIRES = 4;
public final int PATH = 5;
public final int LINK_TXT = 6;
int method;
int reverse = 0;
public ListcntComp(String sort, boolean reverse) {
this.reverse = reverse ? -1 : 1;
if(sort.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SORT_MODTIME)) {
method = MODTIME;
} else if(sort.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SORT_PRICE)) {
method = PRICE;
} else if(sort.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SORT_EXPIRES)) {
method = EXPIRES;
} else if(sort.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SORT_PATH)) {
method = PATH;
} else if(sort.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SORT_LINK_TXT)) {
method = LINK_TXT;
} else { //if(sort.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SORT_REGTIME)) {
//regtime is default
method = REGTIME;
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
int ret = 0;
switch(method) {
case PRICE:
return(((ContentItem) o1).get_price().compareTo(((ContentItem) o2).get_price()) * reverse);
ret = ((ContentItem) o1).get_exp_d().compareTo(((ContentItem) o2).get_exp_d());
if(ret == 0) { ret = ((ContentItem) o1).get_exp_h().compareTo(((ContentItem) o2).get_exp_h()); }
else { return(ret * reverse); }
if(ret == 0) { ret = ((ContentItem) o1).get_exp_m().compareTo(((ContentItem) o2).get_exp_m()); }
return(ret * reverse);
case PATH:
return(((ContentItem) o1).get_path().compareTo(((ContentItem) o2).get_path()) * reverse);
case LINK_TXT:
return(((ContentItem) o1).get_linktxt().compareTo(((ContentItem) o2).get_linktxt()) * reverse);
return ret;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return false;
* Returns an empty array if start is beyond end.
* Returns entire list if either start or numrecords is less than 0 or NULL.
public Object[] listcnt( String account, String show, String sort, Integer dir, Integer start, Integer numrecords ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
Object[] ret = listcnt( account );
List items = (List) ret[1];
// sort:
Object[] temp = new Object[items.size()];
Arrays.sort(temp, new ListcntComp(sort, LIST_CONTENT_ORDER_DESC.equals(dir)));
items = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++)
if(LIST_CONTENT_ORDER_ASC.equals(dir) &&
// we can't do these, so we have to do a manual reverse
List newitems = new ArrayList();
for(int i = items.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
items = (List) newitems;
// remove everything which is not shown:
Iterator i = items.iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
ContentItem item = (ContentItem) i.next();
if(item.get_stat().intValue() < 1) {
} else if(show.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SHOW_PREVIEW)) {
Iterator i = items.iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
ContentItem item = (ContentItem) i.next();
if(item.get_stat().intValue() > 0) {
} else if(show.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SHOW_ENABLED)) {
Iterator i = items.iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
ContentItem item = (ContentItem) i.next();
if(item.get_available().intValue() < 1) {
} else if(show.equals(LIST_CONTENT_SHOW_DISABLED)) {
Iterator i = items.iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
ContentItem item = (ContentItem) i.next();
if(item.get_available().intValue() > 0) {
// otherwise show all
Integer count = new Integer(items.size());
try {
int beg = start.intValue();
if( beg >= count.intValue() ) return new Object[] { count, new ArrayList() }; // Return an empty array if start is beyond end.
int end = beg + numrecords.intValue();
if( beg < 0 || end < beg ) return new Object[] { count, items }; // Return entire array if either start or numrecords is less than 0.
if( end > count.intValue() ) end = count.intValue();
// Done.
return new Object[] { count, new ArrayList( items.subList( beg, end ) ) };
} catch( NullPointerException e ) {
return new Object[] { count, items };
// This is the version we should eventually be using:
public Object[] listcnt( Account account, String show, String sort, Integer dir, Integer start, Integer numrecords ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return listcnt(s_account, show, sort, dir, start, numrecords);
////////////////////// list Reference items in the registry ///////////////////////////////
// public ArrayList listref( String pubid, String passwd ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// args.addElement( struct );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( "listref", args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// //
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// logger.debug( result.toString() );
// Object obj;
// ReferralItem item;
// String key;
// for( Iterator i = ( (Hashtable)result ).values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
// obj = i.next();
// if( obj instanceof Hashtable ) {
// item=new ReferralItem();
// ret.add( item );
// for( Iterator j = ( (Hashtable)obj ).keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
// key = (String)j.next();
// if( key.equals( "MAX_CLK" ) ) {
// item.set_max_clk( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// } else if( key.equals( "PRICE" ) ) {
// item.set_price( toDouble( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// } else if( key.equals( "I_ID" ) ) {
// item.set_i_id( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "REF_URL" ) ) {
// item.set_ref( toString( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "ICON_SET" ) ) {
// item.set_iconset( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "LINK_TXT" ) ) {
// item.set_linktxt( toString( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "EXPIRES" ) ) {
// int time = toInteger(((Hashtable) obj).get(key)).intValue(); // Total Minutes
// item.set_exp_m(new Integer(time % 60));
// time -= time % 60;
// time /= 60; // Total Hours
// item.set_exp_h(new Integer(time % 24));
// time -= time % 24;
// time /= 24; // Total Days
// item.set_exp_d(new Integer(time));
// }else if( key.equals( "IDSTR" ) ) {
// item.set_idstr( toString( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "ENABLED" ) ) {
// item.set_available( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "STATUS" ) ) {
// item.set_stat( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in listref." );
// }
// // Done.
// return ret;
// }
////////////////////// list Donation items in the registry ///////////////////////////////
// public ArrayList listdnt( String pubid, String passwd ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// args.addElement( struct );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( "listdnt", args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// //
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// logger.debug( result.toString() );
// Object obj;
// DonationItem item;
// String key;
// for( Iterator i = ( (Hashtable)result ).values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
// obj = i.next();
// if( obj instanceof Hashtable ) {
// item = new DonationItem();
// ret.add( item );
// for( Iterator j = ( (Hashtable)obj ).keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
// key = (String)j.next();
// if( key.equals( "MAX_CLK" ) ) {
// item.set_max_clk( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// } else if( key.equals( "PRICE" ) ) {
// item.set_price( toDouble( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// } else if( key.equals( "I_ID" ) ) {
// item.set_i_id( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "PATH" ) ) {
// item.set_path( toString( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "ICON_SET" ) ) {
// item.set_iconset( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "LINK_TXT" ) ) {
// item.set_linktxt( toString( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "EXPIRES" ) ) {
// int time = toInteger(((Hashtable) obj).get(key)).intValue(); // Total Minutes
// item.set_exp_m(new Integer(time % 60));
// time -= time % 60;
// time /= 60; // Total Hours
// item.set_exp_h(new Integer(time % 24));
// time -= time % 24;
// time /= 24; // Total Days
// item.set_exp_d(new Integer(time));
// }else if( key.equals( "TOTAL" ) ) {
// item.set_total( toDouble( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "ENABLED" ) ) {
// item.set_available( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "STATUS" ) ) {
// item.set_stat( toInteger( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "GOAL" ) ) {
// item.set_goal( toString( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "MIN_AMOUNT" ) ) {
// item.set_min_amount( toDouble( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "MAX_AMOUNT" ) ) {
// item.set_max_amount( toDouble( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "DESTINATION" ) ) {
// item.set_desturl( toString( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }else if( key.equals( "MULTIPLE" ) ) {
// item.set_multi( toString( ( (Hashtable)obj ).get( key ) ) );
// }
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in listdnt." );
// }
// // Done.
// return ret;
// }
////////////////////// view items in the registry ////////////////////////////////////////
public ContentItem viewcnt( String account, String i_id ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "i_id", i_id );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("view-content", args);
// remove the RESULT key
ContentItem item = parseContentItem(result);
public ContentItem viewcnt( Account account, String i_id ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + ":" + "" + ":::" + "";
return viewcnt(s_account, i_id);
////////////////////// view Reference items in the registry ///////////////////////////////
// public ArrayList viewref( String pubid, String passwd, String i_id ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// struct.put( "i_id", i_id );
// args.addElement( struct );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( "viewref", args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// //
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// logger.debug( result.toString() );
// Object obj;
// ReferralItem item;
// item = new ReferralItem();
// ret.add( item );
// int j= 0;
// for( Iterator i = ( (Hashtable)result ).values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); j++) {
// obj = i.next();
// logger.error(obj.getClass().getName());
// switch( j ) {
// case 0: item.set_max_clk( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 1: item.set_price( toDouble( obj ) ); break;
// case 2: item.set_i_id( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 3: item.set_ref( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 4: item.set_iconset( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 5: item.set_linktxt( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 6: int time = toInteger(obj).intValue(); // Total Minutes
// item.set_exp_m(new Integer(time % 60));
// time -= time % 60;
// time /= 60; // Total Hours
// item.set_exp_h(new Integer(time % 24));
// time -= time % 24;
// time /= 24; // Total Days
// item.set_exp_d(new Integer(time));
// item.set_exp_h( toInteger( obj ) );
// break;
// case 7: item.set_idstr( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 8: item.set_available( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 9: item.set_stat( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// }
// }
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in viewref." );
// }
// // Done.
// return ret;
// }
////////////////////// list Donation items in the registry ///////////////////////////////
// public ArrayList viewdnt( String pubid, String passwd, String i_id ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// struct.put( "i_id", i_id );
// args.addElement( struct );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( "viewdnt", args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// //
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// logger.debug( result.toString() );
// Object obj;
// DonationItem item;
// item = new DonationItem();
// ret.add( item );
// int j = 0;
// for( Iterator i = ( (Hashtable)result ).values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); j++) {
// obj = i.next();
// logger.error(obj.getClass().getName());
// switch( j ) {
// case 0: item.set_max_clk( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 1: item.set_price( toDouble( obj ) ); break;
// case 2: item.set_i_id( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 3: item.set_path( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 4: item.set_iconset( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 5: item.set_linktxt( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 6: int time = toInteger(obj).intValue(); // Total Minutes
// item.set_exp_m(new Integer(time % 60));
// time -= time % 60;
// time /= 60; // Total Hours
// item.set_exp_h(new Integer(time % 24));
// time -= time % 24;
// time /= 24; // Total Days
// item.set_exp_d(new Integer(time));
// item.set_exp_h( toInteger( obj ) );
// break;
// case 7: item.set_total( toDouble( obj ) ); break;
// case 8: item.set_available( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 9: item.set_stat( toInteger( obj ) ); break;
// case 10: item.set_goal( toString( obj )); break;
// case 11: item.set_min_amount( toDouble( obj )); break;
// case 12: item.set_max_amount( toDouble( obj )); break;
// case 13: item.set_desturl( toString( obj )); break;
// case 14: item.set_multi( toString( obj )); break;
// }
// }
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in viewdnt." );
// }
// // Done.
// return ret;
// }
////////////////////// delete the item from the registry ///////////////////////////////
public Integer delcnt( String account, String i_id ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "i_id", i_id );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("delete-item", args);
return (Integer) result.get("RESULT");
public Integer delcnt(Account account, String i_id) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return delcnt(s_account, i_id);
////////////////////// delete the Reference item from the registry ///////////////////////////////
// public Integer delref( String pubid, String passwd,String i_id ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// struct.put( "i_id", i_id );
// args.addElement( struct );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( "delref", args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// //
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// logger.debug( result.toString() );
// Object obj;
// ReferralItem item;
// item= new ReferralItem();
// ret.remove( item );
// return new Integer("1");
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in delref." );
// return new Integer("0");
// }
// // Done.
// //return ret;
// }
////////////////////// delete the Donation item from the registry ///////////////////////////////
// public Integer deldnt( String pubid, String passwd,String i_id ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// struct.put( "i_id", i_id );
// args.addElement( struct );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( "deldnt", args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// //
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// logger.debug( result.toString() );
// Object obj;
// DonationItem item;
// item= new DonationItem();
// ret.remove( item );
// return new Integer("1");
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in deldnt." );
// return new Integer("0");
// }
// // Done.
// //return ret;
// }
//////////////////////////// Add/edit item from the registry //////////////////////////////
public Integer addcnt( Account account, ContentItem item ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return addcnt(s_account, item);
public Integer addcnt( String account, ContentItem item ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
return addcnt(
toString( item.get_path(), null ),
toString( item.get_linktxt(), null ),
toString( item.get_name(), null ),
toString( item.get_price(), null ),
toString( item.get_iconset(), null ),
toString( item.get_icon_align(), null ),
toString( item.get_exp_d(), null ),
toString( item.get_exp_h(), null ),
toString( item.get_exp_m(), null ),
toString( item.get_max_clk(), null ),
toString( item.get_cssurl(), null ),
toString( item.get_preview(), null ),
toString( item.get_target(), null ),
toString( item.get_available(), null ),
toString( item.get_licensecode(), null ),
toString( item.get_incqstr(), null ),
toString( item.get_currency(), null )
public Integer updatecnt( Account account, ContentItem item ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return updatecnt(s_account, item);
public Integer updatecnt( String account, ContentItem item ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
return updatecnt(
toString( item.get_i_id(), null ),
toString( item.get_path(), null ),
toString( item.get_linktxt(), null ),
toString( item.get_name(), null ),
toString( item.get_price(), null ),
toString( item.get_iconset(), null ),
toString( item.get_icon_align(), null ),
toString( item.get_exp_d(), null ),
toString( item.get_exp_h(), null ),
toString( item.get_exp_m(), null ),
toString( item.get_max_clk(), null ),
toString( item.get_cssurl(), null ),
toString( item.get_preview(), null ),
toString( item.get_target(), null ),
toString( item.get_available(), null ),
toString( item.get_licensecode(), null ),
toString( item.get_stat(), null ),
toString( item.get_incqstr(), null ),
toString( item.get_currency(), null )
public Integer addcnt(
String account,
String path,
String linktxt,
String name,
String price,
String iconset,
String icon_align,
String exp_d,
String exp_h,
String exp_m,
String max_clk,
String cssurl,
String preview,
String target,
String available,
String licensecode,
String incqstr,
String currency
) throws BitPassAdapterException {
return _AddUpdateContent(
toString(available, "0"),
toString(incqstr, "0"),
public Integer updatecnt(
String account,
String i_id,
String path,
String linktxt,
String name,
String price,
String iconset,
String icon_align,
String exp_d,
String exp_h,
String exp_m,
String max_clk,
String cssurl,
String preview,
String target,
String available,
String licensecode,
String stat,
String incqstr,
String currency
) throws BitPassAdapterException {
return _AddUpdateContent(
toString(available, "0"),
toString(incqstr, "0"),
private Integer _AddUpdateContent(
String cmd,
String account,
String i_id,
String path,
String linktxt,
String name,
String price,
String iconset,
String icon_align,
String exp_d,
String exp_h,
String exp_m,
String max_clk,
String cssurl,
String preview,
String target,
String available,
String licensecode,
String stat,
String incqstr,
String currency
) throws BitPassAdapterException {
ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
if(i_id != null) args.put( "i_id", i_id );
if(path != null) args.put( "path", path );
if(linktxt != null) args.put( "linktxt", linktxt );
if(name != null) args.put( "name", name );
if(price != null) args.put( "price", price );
if(iconset != null) args.put( "iconset", iconset );
if(icon_align != null) args.put( "icon_align", icon_align );
if(exp_d != null) args.put( "exp_d", exp_d );
if(exp_h != null) args.put( "exp_h", exp_h );
if(exp_m != null) args.put( "exp_m", exp_m );
if(max_clk != null) args.put( "max_clk", max_clk );
if(cssurl != null) args.put( "cssurl", cssurl );
if(preview != null) args.put( "preview", preview );
if(target != null) args.put( "target", target );
if(available != null) args.put( "available", available );
if(licensecode != null) args.put( "licensecode", licensecode );
if(stat != null) args.put( "stat", stat );
if(incqstr != null) args.put( "incqstr", incqstr );
if(currency != null) args.put( "currency", currency );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc( cmd, args );
return((Integer) (((Hashtable) result).get("RESULT")));
//////////// Add / Edit the Referral item from the registry /////////////
// public Integer addref( String pubid, String passwd, ReferralItem item ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// return addref( pubid, passwd, toString( item.get_ref(), null ), toString( item.get_name(), null ), toString( item.get_price(), null ),
// toString( item.get_iconset(), null ), toString( item.get_icon_align(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_d(), null ),
// toString( item.get_exp_h(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_m(), null ), toString( item.get_max_clk(), null ),
// toString( item.get_linktxt(), null ), toString( item.get_cssurl(), null ), toString( item.get_target(), null ) );
// }
// public Integer updateref( String pubid, String passwd, ReferralItem item ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// return updateref( pubid, passwd, toString( item.get_i_id(), null ), toString( item.get_ref(), null ), toString( item.get_name(), null ),
// toString( item.get_price(), null ), toString( item.get_iconset(), null ), toString( item.get_icon_align(), null ),
// toString( item.get_exp_d(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_h(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_m(), null ),
// toString( item.get_max_clk(), null ), toString( item.get_linktxt(), null ), toString( item.get_cssurl(), null ),
// toString( item.get_target(), null ), toString( item.get_available(), null ), toString( item.get_stat(), null ) );
// }
// public Integer addref( String pubid, String passwd, String ref, String name, String price, String iconset, String icon_align, String exp_d, String exp_h, String exp_m, String max_clk, String linktxt, String cssurl, String target ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// return _AddUpdateContent( "addref", pubid, passwd, null, ref, name, price, iconset, icon_align, exp_d, exp_h, exp_m,
// max_clk, linktxt, cssurl, target, null, null );
// }
// public Integer updateref( String pubid, String passwd, String i_id, String ref, String name, String price, String iconset, String icon_align, String exp_d, String exp_h, String exp_m, String max_clk, String linktxt, String cssurl, String target, String available, String stat ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// return _AddUpdateContent( "updateref", pubid, passwd, i_id, ref, name, price, iconset, icon_align, exp_d, exp_h, exp_m,
// max_clk, linktxt, cssurl, target, available, stat );
// }
// private Integer _AddUpdateContent( String cmd, String pubid, String passwd, String i_id, String ref, String name, String price,
// String iconset, String icon_align, String exp_d, String exp_h, String exp_m, String max_clk, String linktxt, String cssurl, String target, String available, String stat ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// if(i_id != null) struct.put( "i_id", i_id );
// if(ref != null) struct.put( "ref", ref );
// if(name != null) struct.put( "name", name );
// if(price != null) struct.put( "price", price );
// if(iconset != null) struct.put( "iconset", iconset );
// if(icon_align != null) struct.put( "icon_align", icon_align );
// if(exp_d != null) struct.put( "exp_d", exp_d );
// if(exp_h != null) struct.put( "exp_h", exp_h );
// if(exp_m != null) struct.put( "exp_m", exp_m );
// if(max_clk != null) struct.put( "max_clk", max_clk );
// if(linktxt != null) struct.put( "linktxt", linktxt );
// if(cssurl != null) struct.put( "cssurl", cssurl );
// if(target != null) struct.put( "target", target );
// if(available != null) struct.put( "available", available ); else struct.put( "available", "0" );
// if(stat != null) struct.put( "stat", stat ); else struct.put( "stat", "0" );
// args.addElement( struct );
// logger.info( args );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( cmd, args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// Integer integer;
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// return((Integer) (((Hashtable) result).get("RESULT")));
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in addcnt." );
// return new Integer("0");
// }
// }
////////// Add /Edit the Donation item from the registry ///////////////
// public Integer adddnt( String pubid, String passwd, DonationItem item ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// return adddnt( pubid, passwd, toString( item.get_path(), null ), toString( item.get_linktxt(), null ), toString( item.get_amount(), null ), toString( item.get_goal(), null ), toString( item.get_min_amount(), null ), toString( item.get_max_amount(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_d(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_h(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_m(), null ), toString( item.get_max_clk(), null ),
// toString( item.get_desturl(), null ), toString( item.get_target(), null ), toString( item.get_multi(), null ), toString( item.get_available(), null ) );
// }
// public Integer updatednt( String pubid, String passwd, DonationItem item ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// return updatednt( pubid, passwd, toString( item.get_i_id(), null ), toString( item.get_path(), null ), toString( item.get_linktxt(), null ), toString( item.get_amount(), null ), toString( item.get_goal(), null ), toString( item.get_min_amount(), null ), toString( item.get_max_amount(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_d(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_h(), null ), toString( item.get_exp_m(), null ),
// toString( item.get_max_clk(), null ) );
// }
// public Integer adddnt( String pubid, String passwd, String path, String linktxt, String amount, String goal, String min_amount, String max_amount, String exp_d, String exp_h, String exp_m, String max_clk,String desturl, String target, String multi, String available ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// return _AddUpdateDonation( "addref", pubid, passwd, null, path, linktxt, amount, goal, min_amount, max_amount, exp_d, exp_h, exp_m, max_clk, desturl, target, multi, available );
// }
// public Integer updatednt( String pubid, String passwd, String i_id, String path, String linktxt, String amount, String goal, String min_amount, String max_amount, String exp_d, String exp_h, String exp_m, String max_clk ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// return _AddUpdateDonation( "updatednt", pubid, passwd, i_id, path, linktxt, amount, goal, min_amount, max_amount, exp_d, exp_h, exp_m, max_clk, null, null, null,null );
// }
// private Integer _AddUpdateDonation( String cmd, String pubid, String passwd, String i_id, String path, String linktxt, String amount, String goal, String min_amount, String max_amount, String exp_d, String exp_h, String exp_m, String max_clk, String desturl, String target, String multi, String available ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// if(i_id != null) struct.put( "i_id", i_id );
// if(path != null) struct.put( "path", path );
// if(linktxt != null) struct.put( "linktxt", linktxt );
// if(amount != null) struct.put( "amount", amount );
// if(goal != null) struct.put( "goal", goal );
// if(min_amount != null) struct.put( "min_amount", min_amount );
// if(max_amount != null) struct.put( "max_amount", max_amount );
// if(exp_d != null) struct.put( "exp_d", exp_d );
// if(exp_h != null) struct.put( "exp_h", exp_h );
// if(exp_m != null) struct.put( "exp_m", exp_m );
// if(max_clk != null) struct.put( "max_clk", max_clk );
// if(desturl != null) struct.put( "desturl", desturl );
// if(target != null) struct.put( "target", target );
// if(multi != null) struct.put( "multi", multi ); else struct.put( "multi", "0" );
// if(available != null) struct.put( "available", available ); else struct.put( "available", "0" );
// args.addElement( struct );
// logger.info( args );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( cmd, args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// Integer integer;
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// return((Integer) (((Hashtable) result).get("RESULT")));
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in addcnt." );
// return new Integer("0");
// }
// }
////////////////////////// List Complaints ////////////////////////////////////////////////
public String parseReasonCode(Integer code) {
switch (code.intValue()) {
case 0:
return "Didn't get the content";
case 1:
return "Copyright infringement";
case 2:
return "False advertisement";
case 3:
return "Not Satisfied";
case 4:
return "Didn't purchase";
case 10:
return "Other";
logger.info("Found unknown dispute reason code: " + code.toString());
return "Other";
public String parseStatusCode(Integer code) {
switch (code.intValue()) {
case 0:
return "PENDING";
case 1:
return "REFUNDED";
case 2:
return "RENEWED";
case 10:
return "REFUSED";
case 20:
return "CLOSED";
logger.info("Found unknown dispute status code: " + code.toString());
return "PENDING";
public Object[] getdisputes(String account, String status, String limit_offset, String limit, String from, String to, String sort, String direction) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "from", from );
args.put( "to", to );
args.put( "limit", limit );
args.put( "limit_offset", limit_offset );
args.put( "sortby", sort );
args.put( "sortdirection", direction );
if(status != null) args.put( "status", status );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("list-disputes", args);
List cplist = new ArrayList();
Vector items = (Vector) result.get("disputes");
for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
Hashtable obj;
obj = (Hashtable) items.get(i);
Complaint complaint = new Complaint();
complaint.set_txn(new Transaction());
complaint.set_item(new ContentItem());
((ContentItem) complaint.get_item()).set_name(toString(obj.get("NAME")));
// price really doesn't make sense any other way; still set it for compatability, though.
((ContentItem) complaint.get_item()).set_price(complaint.get_txn().get_amount());
((ContentItem) complaint.get_item()).set_currency(complaint.get_txn().get_currency());
((ContentItem) complaint.get_item()).set_linktxt(toString(((Hashtable) ((Hashtable) obj.get("CONTEXT")).get("ITEM")).get("LINK_TXT")));
return new Object[] { toInteger(result.get("total_disputes")), cplist };
public Object[] listcp(Account account, String show, String sort, Integer dir,
Integer start, Integer numrecords, String from, String to) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id() + "::::";
String s_show = null;
if(show.equals("pending")) {
s_show = "0";
} else if(show.equals("refunded")) {
s_show = "1";
} else if(show.equals("renewed")) {
s_show = "2";
} else if(show.equals("refused")) {
s_show = "10";
} else if(show.equals("closed")) {
s_show = "20";
} else if(show.equals("all")) {
s_show = null;
if(from.equals("")) from = "2003/06/23"; // Magic date
if(to.equals("")) {
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
calendar.setTime(new Date());
to = unparseDate(new Integer(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)),
new Integer(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1),
new Integer(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)));
return getdisputes(s_account, s_show, toString(start), toString(numrecords), from, to, sort, dir.intValue() > 0 ? "ASC" : "DESC" );
////////////////////////// View Complaint /////////////////////////////////////////////////
public Complaint viewcp(String account, String cpid) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "d_id", cpid );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("get-dispute", args);
result = (Hashtable) result.get("dispute");
Complaint complaint = new Complaint();
complaint.set_txn(new Transaction());
parseDate(toString(((Hashtable) ((Hashtable) result.get("CONTEXT")).get("OFFER")).get("TIME_CREATED")))
complaint.set_item(new ContentItem());
((ContentItem) complaint.get_item()).set_name(toString(result.get("NAME")));
((ContentItem) complaint.get_item()).set_price(
toDouble(((Hashtable) ((Hashtable) result.get("CONTEXT")).get("ITEM")).get("PRICE"))
((ContentItem) complaint.get_item()).set_currency(
toString(((Hashtable) ((Hashtable) result.get("CONTEXT")).get("ITEM")).get("CURRENCY"))
toInteger(((Hashtable) ((Hashtable) result.get("CONTEXT")).get("ITEM")).get("MAX_CLK"))
if(complaint.get_visit_number().intValue() > complaint.get_visit_allowed().intValue()) {
complaint.set_pass_expired(new Boolean(true));
} else if(parseDate(toString(result.get("TIME_EXPIRE"))).getTime() < (new Date()).getTime() ) {
complaint.set_pass_expired(new Boolean(true));
} else {
complaint.set_pass_expired(new Boolean(false));
if(! complaint.get_status().equals("PENDING")) {
complaint.get_txn().set_refunded(new Boolean(complaint.get_status().equals("REFUNDED")));
return complaint;
public Complaint viewcp(Account account, Integer cpid) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id() + "::::";
return viewcp(s_account, cpid.toString());
////////////////////////// Resolve Complaint //////////////////////////////////////////////
public Integer resolvecp(String account, String cpid, String action, String msg, String session) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "d_id", cpid );
args.put( "action", action );
args.put( "msg", msg );
args.put( "session", session );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("process-complaint", args);
public Integer resolvecp(Account account, Integer cpid, String action, String message) throws BitPassAdapterException {
logger.info("{ cpid = " + cpid.toString() + ", action = " + action + ", message = " + message + "}");
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
String i_action;
if(action.equals("CLOSE")) {
i_action = "20";
} else if(action.equals("REFUSE")) {
i_action = "10";
} else if(action.equals("REFUND")) {
i_action = "1";
} else {
throw new BitPassAdapterException("Value for action is invalid.");
return resolvecp(s_account, toString(cpid), i_action, message, "DUMMY SESSION");
////////////////////////// Site Information ///////////////////////////////////////////////
public Integer siteinfo( Account account, Site site ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id() + "::::";
return siteinfo(s_account,
public Integer siteinfo( String account, String name, String descr, String url, String available) throws BitPassAdapterException {
ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "name", name );
args.put( "descr", descr );
args.put( "url", url );
args.put( "available", available );
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("update-siteinfo", args);
return toInteger(result.get("RESULT"));
//////////////////////////////// Get Site Information /////////////////////////////////////
public Site getsiteinfo( String account ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
Site ret = new Site();
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc( "get-siteinfo", args );
for(Iterator j = result.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
String key = (String)j.next();
if(key.equals("url")) {
} else if(key.equals("name")) {
} else if(key.equals("available")) {
ret.set_available(toString(result.get(key)).equals("1") ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
} else if(key.equals("descr")) {
} else {
logger.info("Found unexpected key in site hash: " + key);
return ret;
public Site getsiteinfo(Account account) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return getsiteinfo(s_account);
//////////////////////////////// Get Earner Information ///////////////////////////////////
public Earner getearnerinfo( String account ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
Earner ret = new Earner();
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("get-contact", args);
for(Iterator j = result.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
String key = (String)j.next();
if(key.equals("country")) {
} else if(key.equals("first")) {
} else if(key.equals("mi")) {
} else if(key.equals("last")) {
} else if(key.equals("title")) {
} else if(key.equals("company")) {
} else if(key.equals("addr1")) {
} else if(key.equals("addr2")) {
} else if(key.equals("addr3")) {
} else if(key.equals("city")) {
} else if(key.equals("postal")) {
} else if(key.equals("province")) {
} else if(key.equals("country")) {
} else if(key.equals("phone")) {
} else {
logger.info("Found unexpected key in earner hash: " + key);
return ret;
public Earner getearnerinfo(Account account) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return getearnerinfo(s_account);
public Integer updatecontact(String account,
String name_f,
String name_l,
String name_m,
String title,
String company,
String addr1,
String addr2,
String city,
String state,
String zip,
String phone,
String country) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "name_f", name_f );
args.put( "name_l", name_l );
args.put( "name_m", name_m );
args.put( "title", title );
args.put( "company", company );
args.put( "addr1", addr1 );
args.put( "addr2", addr2 );
args.put( "city", city );
args.put( "state", state );
args.put( "zip", zip );
args.put( "phone", phone );
args.put( "country", country );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("update-contact", args);
return new Integer(toString(result.get("RESULT")));
public Integer earnerinfo(Account account, Earner earner) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return updatecontact(s_account,
//////////////////////////////// I18nInfo /////////////////////////////////////////////////
public I18nInfo getlocalinfo(String account) throws BitPassAdapterException {
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put("account", account);
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("get-locale", args);
I18nInfo ret = new I18nInfo();
return ret;
public Integer setlocalinfo(String account, String country, String language, String timezone) throws BitPassAdapterException {
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put("account", account);
args.put("country", country);
args.put("language", language);
args.put("timezone", timezone);
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("set-locale", args);
return toInteger(result.get("RESULT"));
public Integer setcurrency(String account, String currency) throws BitPassAdapterException {
return new Integer(1);
public String getcurrency(String account) throws BitPassAdapterException {
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put("account", account);
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("get-currency", args);
return toString(result.get("currency"));
public I18nInfo geti18ninfo(Account account) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
I18nInfo ret = getlocalinfo(s_account);
return ret;
public Integer seti18ninfo(Account account, I18nInfo info) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
Integer ret = setlocalinfo(s_account,
toString(info.get_timezone(), "US/Pacific")
if(ret.intValue() < 1) {
return ret;
return setcurrency(s_account, info.get_currency());
//////////////////////////////// New Earner ///////////////////////////////////////////////
public Integer newaccnt(String email, String password, String currency) throws BitPassAdapterException {
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put("email0", email);
args.put("email1", email);
args.put("pwd0", password);
args.put("pwd1", password);
args.put("type", "professional");
args.put("interface", "1");
args.put("currency", currency);
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("create-account", args);
return toInteger(result.get("RESULT"));
public Integer newcontact(String account,
String name_f,
String name_l,
String name_m,
String title,
String company,
String addr1,
String addr2,
String city,
String state,
String zip,
String phone,
String country) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "name_f", name_f );
args.put( "name_l", name_l );
args.put( "name_m", name_m );
args.put( "title", title );
args.put( "company", company );
args.put( "addr1", addr1 );
args.put( "addr2", addr2 );
args.put( "city", city );
args.put( "state", state );
args.put( "zip", zip );
args.put( "phone", phone );
args.put( "country", country );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("new-contact", args);
return new Integer(toString(result.get("RESULT")));
public Integer newearner(Site site, Earner earner, I18nInfo info) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// make a random password
String password;
Random random = new SecureRandom();
char bytestring[] = new char[7];
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
bytestring[i] = Character.forDigit(random.nextInt(Character.MAX_RADIX), Character.MAX_RADIX); // only 36. oh well.
password = new String(bytestring);
// first create the account
newaccnt(earner.get_email(), password, info.get_currency());
// now get the p_id (why is this not returned?!?!?!)
Integer p_id = authearner(earner.get_email(), password);
String s_account = ":" + p_id.toString() + "::::";
Account account = new Account();
siteinfo(account, site);
seti18ninfo(account, info);
return p_id;
//////////////////////////////// Get Earner Auth //////////////////////////////////////////
private static final int CSS_INTERFACE = 1;
public Integer authearner(String pubid, String passwd) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Vector args = new Vector();
Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
logger.info("authenticate-earner" + struct.toString());
args.addElement( struct );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = null;
try {
result = (Hashtable) client.execute( "authenticate-earner", args );
} catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
if(e.getMessage().equals("Incorrect password")) {
return(new Integer(0));
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
} catch( IOException e ) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
} catch( ClassCastException e ) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
if(result == null) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( "Null result from xmlrpc" );
Integer ret = new Integer(0);
for(Iterator j = result.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
String key = (String)j.next();
if(key.equals("interface")) {
if(Integer.parseInt(toString(result.get(key))) != CSS_INTERFACE) {
return(new Integer(0));
} else if(key.equals("p_id")) {
ret = new Integer(toString(result.get(key)));
} else if(key.equals("status")) {
// Bit field with the the following values:
// Trap - Hasn't agreed to TOS
// File Reg - BitPass Studios Customer
// RPC - Can use RPC
// Custom Banner - Can use a custom banner
// n/a
// n/a
// n/a
// n/a
// n/a
// n/a
// n/a
// n/a
// n/a
// Verified - Earner e-mail address has been verified
// Active - Earner account is active and can sell
// Login - Earner is allowed to Login
} else {
logger.info("Found unexpected key in authearner hash: " + key);
return ret;
//////////////////////////////// Gateway Information //////////////////////////////////////
// public Integer gwconfig( String pubid, String passwd, String script, String gate, String basedir, String indexfname, String p3p) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// struct.put( "script", script );
// struct.put( "gate", gate );
// struct.put( "basedir", basedir );
// struct.put( "indexfname", indexfname );
// struct.put( "p3p", p3p );
// args.addElement( struct );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( "gwconfig", args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// //
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// logger.debug( result.toString() );
// Gateway item;
// Object obj;
// item = new Gateway();
// ret.add( item );
// int j = 0;
// for( Iterator i = ( (Hashtable)result ).values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); j++) {
// obj = i.next();
// logger.error(obj.getClass().getName());
// switch( j ) {
// case 0: item.set_script( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 1: item.set_gate( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 2: item.set_basedir( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 3: item.set_indexfname( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 4: item.set_p3p( toString( obj ) ); break;
// }
// }
// return new Integer("1");
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in gwconfig." );
// return new Integer("0");
// }
// // Done.
// // return new Integer("1");
// }
//////////////////////////////// Get Gateway Information /////////////////////////////////////
// public ArrayList getgwconfig( String pubid, String passwd ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// // Package the args.
// Vector args = new Vector();
// Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
// struct.put( "pubid", pubid );
// struct.put( "passwd", passwd );
// args.addElement( struct );
// // Make the connection.
// Object result = null;
// try {
// result = client.execute( "getgwconfig", args );
// } catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// } catch( IOException e ) {
// logger.error( e.toString() );
// throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
// }
// //
// if( result != null && result instanceof Hashtable ) {
// logger.debug( result.toString() );
// Gateway item;
// Object obj;
// item = new Gateway();
// ret.add( item );
// int j = 0;
// for( Iterator i = ( (Hashtable)result ).values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); j++) {
// obj = i.next();
// logger.error(obj.getClass().getName());
// switch( j ) {
// case 0: item.set_script( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 1: item.set_gate( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 2: item.set_basedir( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 3: item.set_indexfname( toString( obj ) ); break;
// case 4: item.set_p3p( toString( obj ) ); break;
// }
// }
// } else {
// logger.warn( "Received null or non-hashtable result in getgwconfig." );
// }
// // Done.
// return ret;
// }
//////////////////////////////// Get Sales Summary ////////////////////////////////////////
// Returns object[0 -> count (Integer), 1->total sales (Double), 2->total transactions (Integer), 3->List (Items), 4->Currency (String)]
public Object[] fake_ssummary( Account account, String show, String sort, Integer dir, Integer start, Integer numrecords, String from, String to) throws BitPassAdapterException {
return new Object[] { new Integer( 0 ), new Double( 0.0 ), new Integer( 0 ), new ArrayList(), "USD" };
// Integer count = new Integer(4);
// Double total_amount = new Double(24.90);
// Integer total_count = new Integer(9);
// List items = new ArrayList();
// ContentItem item;
// item = new ContentItem();
// item.set_name("Scars");
// item.set_i_id(new Integer(136));
// item.set_price(new Double(0.50));
// item.set_s_amount(new Double(2.00));
// item.set_s_cnt(new Integer(4));
// item.set_deleted(new Boolean(true));
// items.add(item);
// item = new ContentItem();
// item.set_name("I am a content name");
// item.set_i_id(new Integer(122));
// item.set_price(new Double(2.88));
// item.set_s_amount(new Double(0.50));
// item.set_s_cnt(new Integer(2));
// item.set_deleted(new Boolean(true));
// items.add(item);
// item = new ContentItem();
// item.set_name("Ochun");
// item.set_i_id(new Integer(135));
// item.set_price(new Double(9.96));
// item.set_s_amount(new Double(19.90));
// item.set_s_cnt(new Integer(2));
// items.add(item);
// item = new ContentItem();
// item.set_name("bifurcation");
// item.set_i_id(new Integer(132));
// item.set_price(new Double(2.50));
// item.set_s_amount(new Double(2.50));
// item.set_s_cnt(new Integer(1));
// items.add(item);
// Object ret[] = { count, total_amount, total_count, items, "USD" };
// return ret;
// Returns object[0 -> count (Integer), 1->total sales (Double), 2->total transactions (Integer), 3->List (Items), 4->Currency (String)]
public Object[] ssummary(String account, String p_id, String start, String numrecords, String from, String to) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable struct = new Hashtable();
struct.put( "account", account );
struct.put( "p_id", p_id );
struct.put( "from", from );
struct.put( "to", to );
struct.put( "item_type", "1");
struct.put( "limit_offset", start );
struct.put( "limit", numrecords );
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("summary-account", struct);
Object[] ret = new Object[5];
Vector items = (Vector) result.get("summary");
List ret_items = new ArrayList();
int total_cnt = 0;
String currency = "USD";
for(int k = 0; k < items.size(); k++) {
Hashtable current = (Hashtable) items.get(k);
ContentItem item = new ContentItem();
item.set_price(new Double(0));
total_cnt += item.get_s_cnt().intValue();
item.set_deleted(new Boolean(toInteger(current.get("DELETED")).intValue() > 0));
currency = item.get_currency();
ret[0] = toInteger(result.get("total_count"));
ret[1] = toDouble(result.get("total_amount_summary"));
ret[2] = new Integer(total_cnt);
ret[3] = ret_items;
ret[4] = currency;
return ret;
public Object[] ssummary( Account account, String show, String sort, Integer dir, Integer start, Integer numrecords, String from, String to) throws BitPassAdapterException {
if(sort.equals("amount")) {
// use ssummary
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return ssummary(s_account, account.get_p_id().toString(), start.toString(), numrecords.toString(), from, to);
// return fake_ssummary( account, show, sort, dir, start, numrecords, from, to);
} else {
// use blah...
return fake_ssummary( account, show, sort, dir, start, numrecords, from, to);
//////////////////////////////// Get Transaction History //////////////////////////////////
public ArrayList txnhistory( String account, String from, String to, String ext, String sort, String direction ) throws BitPassAdapterException {
ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "from", from );
args.put( "to", to );
args.put( "ext", ext );
args.put( "sortby", sort );
args.put( "sortdirection", direction );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result;
String command = "history-transactions";
logger.info(command + args.toString());
Vector struct = new Vector();
struct.addElement( args );
// Make the connection.
result = null;
try {
result = (Hashtable) client.execute( command, struct );
} catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
if(e.code == 0) {
result = new Hashtable();
result.put("count", "0");
} else {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
} catch( IOException e ) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
} catch( ClassCastException e ) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
if(result == null) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException("Null result from xmlrpc");
Transaction item;
Vector header = (Vector) result.get("header");
String zerofill = "0";
int count = toInteger(result.get("count")).intValue();
count -= count % 10;
count /= 10;
while(count > 0) {
count -= count % 10;
count /= 10;
zerofill += "0";
for(int i = 1;
result.containsKey("line" + zerofill(String.valueOf(i), zerofill));
i++) {
Vector line = (Vector) result.get("line" + zerofill(String.valueOf(i), zerofill));
item = new Transaction();
item.set_item(new Item());
ret.add( item );
for(int k = 0; k < header.size(); k++) {
String current = (String) header.get(k);
if(current.equals("TYPE")) {
logger.info("TYPE = " + toString(line.elementAt(k)));
} else if(current.equals("RECEIPT_ID")) {
item.set_txn_id(new Integer(Integer.parseInt(toString(line.elementAt(k)).replaceAll("'", ""), 16))); // hex string
logger.info("RECEIPT_ID = " + item.get_txn_id().toString());
} else if(current.equals("SPENDER")) {
} else if(current.equals("TXNTIME")) {
logger.info("TXNTIME = " + toString(line.elementAt(k)));
} else if(current.equals("AMOUNT")) {
logger.info("AMOUNT = " + toDouble(line.elementAt(k)).toString());
} else if(current.equals("TXNFEE")) {
logger.info("TXNFEE = " + toDouble(line.elementAt(k)).toString());
} else if(current.equals("ITEM_ID")) {
logger.info("ITEM_ID = " + toInteger(line.elementAt(k)).toString());
} else if(current.equals("ITEM_TYPE")) {
if(item.get_item().get_type().equals("CONTENT")) {
item.set_item(new ContentItem(item.get_item()));
logger.info("ITEM_TYPE = " + toString(line.elementAt(k)));
} else if(current.equals("DELETED")) {
item.get_item().set_deleted(new Boolean(toInteger(line.elementAt(k)).intValue() > 0));
logger.info("DELETED = " + (new Boolean(toInteger(line.elementAt(k)).intValue() > 0)).toString());
} else if(current.equals("PATH")) {
} else if(current.equals("PARAM")) {
} else if(current.equals("ITR_ID")) {
} else if(current.equals("CURRENCY")) {
logger.info("CURRENCY = " + toString(line.elementAt(k)));
} else {
logger.info("Found unexpected key " + current + "in txnhistory header.");
item.set_settled(new Boolean(item.get_txnfee().doubleValue() > 0));
item.set_refunded(new Boolean(false));
// item.set_txn_id(new Integer(1234));
// Done.
return ret;
public Object[] txnhistory(Account account, String sort, Integer dir, Integer start,
Integer numrecords, String from, String to) throws BitPassAdapterException {
try {
logger.info("txnhistory: ( sort => " + sort + ", dir => " + dir.toString()
+ ", start => " + start.toString() + ", numrecords => " + numrecords.toString()
+ ", from => " + from + ", to => " + to + " )");
} catch(Exception e) {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
ArrayList hist = txnhistory(s_account, from, to, "1", sort, dir.intValue() > 0 ? "ASC" : "DESC");
Integer count = new Integer(hist.size());
try {
int beg = start.intValue();
if( beg >= count.intValue()) return new Object[] { count, new ArrayList() }; // Return an empty array if start is beyond end.
int end = beg + numrecords.intValue();
if( beg < 0 || end < beg ) return new Object[] { count, hist }; // Return entire array if either start or numrecords is less than 0.
if( end > count.intValue() ) end = count.intValue();
return new Object[] { count, hist.subList( beg, end ) };
} catch( NullPointerException e ) {
return new Object[] { count, hist };
/////////////////////////////// View Transaction Item //////////////////////////////////
public Item viewtxnitem(String account, String txn_id) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "r_id", txn_id );
args.put( "ext", "1" );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("details-receipt", args);
Vector header = (Vector) result.get("header");
Vector line = (Vector) result.get("line1");
Hashtable context = null;
Integer deleted = null;
for(int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) {
if(((String) header.get(i)).equals("CONTEXT")) {
context = (Hashtable) line.get(i);
} else if(((String) header.get(i)).equals("DELETED")) {
deleted = toInteger(line.get(i));
Hashtable htitem = (Hashtable) context.get("ITEM");
htitem.putAll((Hashtable) context.get("CONTENT"));
ContentItem item = parseContentItem(htitem);
// items involved in transactions must have been published and enabled.
item.set_stat(new Integer(1));
item.set_available(new Integer(1));
// iconset not included
// s_cnt not included
// target not included
((ContentItem) item).set_deleted(new Boolean(deleted.intValue() > 0));
return item;
public Item viewtxnitem(Account account, Integer txn_id) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id().toString() + "::::";
return viewtxnitem(s_account, toString(txn_id));
/////////////////////////////// View Transaction //////////////////////////////////
public Transaction viewtxn(String account, String txn_id) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "r_id", txn_id );
args.put( "ext", "1" );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("details-receipt", args);
Vector header = (Vector) result.get("header");
Vector line = (Vector) result.get("line1");
Transaction txn = new Transaction();
Hashtable context = null;
for(int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) {
if(((String) header.get(i)).equals("TYPE")) {
} else if(((String) header.get(i)).equals("TXNTIME")) {
} else if(((String) header.get(i)).equals("AMOUNT")) {
} else if(((String) header.get(i)).equals("CURRENCY")) {
} else if(((String) header.get(i)).equals("TXNFEE")) {
} else if(((String) header.get(i)).equals("CONTEXT")) {
context = (Hashtable) line.get(i);
txn.set_settled(new Boolean(txn.get_txnfee().doubleValue() > 0));
// need ?
txn.set_refunded(new Boolean(false));
// still assuming this is always true
Hashtable htitem = (Hashtable) context.get("ITEM");
htitem.putAll((Hashtable) context.get("CONTENT"));
return txn;
public Transaction viewtxn(Account account, Integer txn_id) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + account.get_p_id() + "::::";
return viewtxn(s_account, txn_id.toString());
/////////////////////////////// Map Acquirer ///////////////////////////////////////
public Integer mapacquirer(String account, String aq_id) throws BitPassAdapterException {
// Package the args.
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put( "account", account );
args.put( "aq_id", aq_id );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = callXmlRpc("set-acquirer", args);
return new Integer(toString(result.get("RESULT")));
public Integer mapacquirer(Integer p_id, Integer aq_id) throws BitPassAdapterException {
String s_account = ":" + p_id.toString() + "::::";
return mapacquirer(s_account, toString(aq_id));
/////////////////////////////// Util methods ///////////////////////////////////////
protected Hashtable callXmlRpc(String command, Hashtable args) throws BitPassAdapterException {
logger.info(command + args.toString());
Vector struct = new Vector();
struct.addElement( args );
// Make the connection.
Hashtable result = null;
try {
result = (Hashtable) client.execute( command, struct );
} catch( XmlRpcException e ) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
} catch( IOException e ) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
} catch( ClassCastException e ) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException( e );
if(result == null) {
throw new BitPassAdapterException("Null result from xmlrpc");
return result;
protected ContentItem parseContentItem(Hashtable obj) {
// this next line complains when I set the function to static. Makes no difference, so...
ContentItem item = new ContentItem();
for( Iterator j = obj.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
String key = (String)j.next();
if( key.equals( "MAX_CLK" ) ) {
item.set_max_clk( toInteger( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "PRICE" ) ) {
item.set_price( toDouble( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "I_ID" ) ) {
item.set_i_id( toInteger( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "STATUS" ) ) {
item.set_stat( toInteger( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "ICON_SET" ) ) {
int iconset = toInteger( obj.get( key ) ).intValue();
item.set_iconset( new Integer(iconset % 10));
item.set_icon_align(iconset >= 10 ? new Integer( 1 ) : new Integer( 0 ) );
} else if( key.equals( "LINK_TXT" ) ) {
item.set_linktxt( toString( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "EXPIRES" ) ) {
int time = toInteger(obj.get(key)).intValue(); // Total Minutes
item.set_exp_m(new Integer(time % 60));
time -= time % 60;
time /= 60; // Total Hours
item.set_exp_h(new Integer(time % 24));
time -= time % 24;
time /= 24; // Total Days
item.set_exp_d(new Integer(time));
} else if( key.equals( "S_CNT" ) ) {
item.set_s_cnt( toInteger( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "PATH" ) ) {
item.set_path( toString( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "ENABLED" ) ) {
item.set_available( toInteger( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "NAME" ) ) {
item.set_name( toString( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "TARGET" )) {
item.set_target( toString( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else if( key.equals( "CURRENCY" )) {
item.set_currency( toString( obj.get( key ) ) );
} else {
logger.info("Found unexpected key in item hash: " + key);
public static Integer toInteger( Object obj ) {
if( obj instanceof Integer ) {
return (Integer)obj;
return new Integer( obj.toString() );
catch(Exception e)
return new Integer( 0 );
public static Double toDouble( Object obj ) {
if( obj instanceof Double ) {
return (Double)obj;
return new Double( obj.toString() );
catch(Exception e)
return new Double( 0 );
public static String toString( Object obj ) {
return toString( obj, "" );
public static String toString( Boolean bool ) {
return toString( bool, "" );
public static String toString( Boolean bool, String def ) {
if( bool != null )
return bool.booleanValue() ? "1" : "0";
return def;
public static String toString( Object obj, String def ) {
String ret;
if( obj instanceof String ) {
ret = (String)obj;
} else if( obj != null ) {
ret = (String) obj.toString();
} else {
return def;
return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(ret);
public static Date parseDate(String date) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US);
date = trimquotes(date);
String val[] = date.split(" +");
String ymd[] = val[0].split("[/-]");
String hms[] = val[1].split(":");
if(hms.length < 3) {
hms = new String[] {hms[0], hms[1], "0"};
cal.set(Integer.parseInt(ymd[0]), Integer.parseInt(ymd[1]), Integer.parseInt(ymd[2]),
Integer.parseInt(hms[0]), Integer.parseInt(hms[1]), Integer.parseInt(hms[2]));
return cal.getTime();
public static String zerofill(String string, String zerofill) {
return zerofill.substring(0, zerofill.length() - string.length()) + string;
public static String unparseDate(Integer year, Integer month, Integer day) {
String zerofill = "00";
String year_s = year.toString();
String month_s = month.toString();
String day_s = day.toString();
month_s = zerofill(month_s, zerofill); //zerofill.substring(0, 2 - month_s.length()) + month_s;
day_s = zerofill(day_s, zerofill); //zerofill.substring(0, 2 - day_s.length()) + day_s;
return year_s + "/" + month_s + "/" + day_s;
public static String trimquotes(String string) {
// Stupid java doesn't do \A and \z even though it says it does
if(string.substring(0, 1).matches("['\"]")) {
string = string.substring(1, string.length());
if(string.substring(string.length() - 1, string.length()).matches("['\"]")) {
string = string.substring(0, string.length() - 1);
return string;
public static Account getEarnerAuth(DataAccount accountObj) {
Account account = new Account();
return account;
public static Account getAcquirerAuth(DataAccount accountObj) {
// TODO.
return null;
/////////////////////////////// Inner Class Beans ///////////////////////////////////////
public static class AdapterBean {
public AdapterBean() {
public static class Account extends AdapterBean {
public Account() {
private String m_pubid;
public String get_pubid() {
return m_pubid;
public void set_pubid( String pubid ) {
m_pubid = pubid;
private Integer m_p_id;
public Integer get_p_id() {
return m_p_id;
public void set_p_id( Integer p_id ) {
m_p_id = p_id;
private Integer m_aq_id;
public Integer get_aq_id() {
return m_aq_id;
public void set_aq_id( Integer aq_id ) {
m_aq_id = aq_id;
private String m_passwd;
public String get_passwd() {
return m_passwd;
public void set_passwd(String passwd) {
m_passwd = passwd;
public static class Site extends AdapterBean {
public Site() {
private String m_name;
public String get_name() {
return m_name;
public void set_name(String name) {
m_name = name;
private String m_description;
public String get_description() {
return m_description;
public void set_description(String description) {
m_description = description;
private String m_url;
public String get_url() {
return m_url;
public void set_url(String url) {
m_url = url;
private Boolean m_available;
public Boolean get_available() {
return m_available;
public void set_available(Boolean available) {
m_available = available;
public static class Earner extends AdapterBean {
public Earner() {
private String m_fname;
public String get_fname() {
return m_fname;
public void set_fname(String fname) {
m_fname = fname;
private String m_lname;
public String get_lname() {
return m_lname;
public void set_lname(String lname) {
m_lname = lname;
private String m_mi;
public String get_mi() {
return m_mi;
public void set_mi(String mi) {
m_mi = mi;
private String m_title;
public String get_title() {
return m_title;
public void set_title(String title) {
m_title = title;
private String m_company;
public String get_company() {
return m_company;
public void set_company(String company) {
m_company = company;
private String m_address1;
public String get_address1() {
return m_address1;
public void set_address1(String address1) {
m_address1 = address1;
private String m_address2;
public String get_address2() {
return m_address2;
public void set_address2(String address2) {
m_address2 = address2;
private String m_address3;
public String get_address3() {
return m_address3;
public void set_address3(String address3) {
m_address3 = address3;
private String m_city;
public String get_city() {
return m_city;
public void set_city(String city) {
m_city = city;
private String m_province;
public String get_province() {
return m_province;
public void set_province(String province) {
m_province = province;
private String m_postal;
public String get_postal() {
return m_postal;
public void set_postal(String postal) {
m_postal = postal;
private String m_country;
public String get_country() {
return m_country;
public void set_country(String country) {
m_country = country;
private String m_phone;
public String get_phone() {
return m_phone;
public void set_phone(String phone) {
m_phone = phone;
private String m_email;
public String get_email() {
return m_email;
public void set_email(String email) {
m_email = email;
public static class I18nInfo extends AdapterBean {
private String m_country;
public String get_country() {
return m_country;
public void set_country(String country) {
m_country = country;
private String m_timezone;
public String get_timezone() {
return m_timezone;
public void set_timezone(String timezone) {
m_timezone = timezone;
private String m_currency;
public String get_currency() {
return m_currency;
public void set_currency(String currency) {
m_currency = currency;
private String m_language;
public String get_language() {
return m_language;
public void set_language(String language) {
m_language = language;
// public class Gateway extends AdapterBean {
// public Gateway() {
// }
// private String m_script;
// public String get_script() {
// return m_script;
// }
// public void set_script( String script ) {
// m_script = script;
// }
// private String m_gate;
// public String get_gate() {
// return m_gate;
// }
// public void set_gate( String gate ) {
// m_gate = gate;
// }
// private String m_basedir;
// public String get_basedir() {
// return m_basedir;
// }
// public void set_basedir( String basedir ) {
// m_basedir = basedir;
// }
// private String m_indexfname;
// public String get_indexfname() {
// return m_indexfname;
// }
// public void set_indexfname( String indexfname ) {
// m_indexfname = indexfname;
// }
// private String m_p3p;
// public String get_p3p() {
// return m_p3p;
// }
// public void set_p3p( String p3p ) {
// m_p3p = p3p;
// }
// }
public static class Transaction extends AdapterBean {
public Transaction() {
private String m_type;
public String get_type() {
return m_type;
public void set_type(String type) {
m_type = type;
private Date m_txntime;
public Date get_txntime() {
return m_txntime;
public void set_txntime(Date txntime) {
m_txntime = txntime;
private Date m_original_time;
public Date get_original_time() {
return m_original_time;
public void set_original_time(Date original_time) {
m_original_time = original_time;
private Double m_amount;
public Double get_amount() {
return m_amount;
public void set_amount(Double amount) {
m_amount = amount;
private String m_currency = "USD";
public String get_currency() {
return m_currency;
public void set_currency(String currency) {
m_currency = currency;
private Double m_txnfee;
public Double get_txnfee() {
return m_txnfee;
public void set_txnfee(Double txnfee) {
m_txnfee = txnfee;
private Boolean m_settled;
public Boolean get_settled() {
return m_settled;
public void set_settled(Boolean settled) {
m_settled = settled;
private Boolean m_refunded;
public Boolean get_refunded() {
return m_refunded;
public void set_refunded(Boolean refunded) {
m_refunded = refunded;
private Integer m_txn_id;
public Integer get_txn_id() {
return m_txn_id;
public void set_txn_id(Integer txn_id) {
m_txn_id = txn_id;
private Integer m_original_txn_id;
public Integer get_original_txn_id() {
return m_original_txn_id;
public void set_original_txn_id(Integer original_txn_id) {
m_original_txn_id = original_txn_id;
private String m_purchase_type;
public String get_purchase_type() {
return m_purchase_type;
public void set_purchase_type(String purchase_type) {
m_purchase_type = purchase_type;
private Item m_item;
public Item get_item() {
return m_item;
public void set_item(Item item) {
m_item = item;
public static class Complaint extends AdapterBean {
public Complaint() {
private String m_s_email;
public String get_s_email() {
return m_s_email;
public void set_s_email(String s_email) {
m_s_email = s_email;
private String m_reason;
public String get_reason() {
return m_reason;
public void set_reason(String reason) {
m_reason = reason;
private Integer m_request;
public Integer get_request() {
return m_request;
public void set_request(Integer request) {
m_request = request;
private String m_message;
public String get_message() {
return m_message;
public void set_message(String message) {
m_message = message;
private Date m_request_time;
public Date get_request_time() {
return m_request_time;
public void set_request_time(Date request_time) {
m_request_time = request_time;
private String m_response;
public String get_response() {
return m_response;
public void set_response(String response) {
m_response = response;
private Date m_response_time;
public Date get_response_time() {
return m_response_time;
public void set_response_time(Date response_time) {
m_response_time = response_time;
private Item m_item;
public Item get_item() {
return m_item;
public void set_item(Item item) {
m_item = item;
private Transaction m_txn;
public Transaction get_txn() {
return m_txn;
public void set_txn(Transaction txn) {
m_txn = txn;
private Boolean m_pass_expired;
public Boolean get_pass_expired() {
return m_pass_expired;
public void set_pass_expired(Boolean pass_expired) {
m_pass_expired = pass_expired;
private Date m_pass_issued;
public Date get_pass_issued() {
return m_pass_issued;
public void set_pass_issued(Date pass_issued) {
m_pass_issued = pass_issued;
private Date m_visit_time;
public Date get_visit_time() {
return m_visit_time;
public void set_visit_time(Date visit_time) {
m_visit_time = visit_time;
private Integer m_visit_number;
public Integer get_visit_number() {
return m_visit_number;
public void set_visit_number(Integer visit_number) {
m_visit_number = visit_number;
private Integer m_visit_allowed;
public Integer get_visit_allowed() {
return m_visit_allowed;
public void set_visit_allowed(Integer visit_allowed) {
m_visit_allowed = visit_allowed;
private Integer m_cpid;
public Integer get_cpid() {
return m_cpid;
public void set_cpid(Integer cpid) {
m_cpid = cpid;
private String m_status;
public String get_status() {
return m_status;
public void set_status(String status) {
m_status = status;
public static class Item extends AdapterBean {
public Item() {
private Integer m_i_id;
public Integer get_i_id() {
return m_i_id;
public void set_i_id( Integer i_id ) {
m_i_id = i_id;
private String m_name;
public String get_name() {
return m_name;
public void set_name( String name ) {
m_name = name;
private String m_type;
public String get_type() {
return m_type;
public void set_type(String type) {
m_type = type;
private String m_path;
public String get_path() {
return m_path;
public void set_path( String path ) {
m_path = path;
// Total sales is only used for txn history stuff.
private Double m_s_amount;
public Double get_s_amount() {
return m_s_amount;
public void set_s_amount(Double s_amount) {
m_s_amount = s_amount;
private Integer m_s_cnt;
public Integer get_s_cnt() {
return m_s_cnt;
public void set_s_cnt( Integer s_cnt ) {
m_s_cnt = s_cnt;
private String m_currency = "USD";
public String get_currency() {
return m_currency;
public void set_currency( String currency ) {
m_currency = currency;
private Boolean m_deleted;
public Boolean get_deleted() {
return m_deleted;
public void set_deleted(Boolean deleted) {
m_deleted = deleted;
// Note that when we get an accurate API into other item types, we should abstract more from ContentItem into Item.
public static class ContentItem extends Item {
public ContentItem() {
public ContentItem(Item item) {
if(item.get_i_id() != null) {
if(item.get_name() != null) {
if(item.get_path() != null) {
if(item.get_s_amount() != null) {
if(item.get_s_cnt() != null) {
if(item.get_currency() != null) {
if(item.get_deleted() != null) {
private String m_linktxt;
public String get_linktxt() {
return m_linktxt;
public void set_linktxt( String linktxt ) {
m_linktxt = linktxt;
private Double m_price;
public Double get_price() {
return m_price;
public void set_price( Double price ) {
m_price = price;
private Integer m_iconset;
public Integer get_iconset() {
return m_iconset;
public void set_iconset( Integer iconset ) {
m_iconset = iconset;
private Integer m_icon_align;
public Integer get_icon_align() {
return m_icon_align;
public void set_icon_align( Integer icon_align ) {
m_icon_align = icon_align;
private Integer m_exp_d;
public Integer get_exp_d() {
return m_exp_d;
public void set_exp_d( Integer exp_d ) {
m_exp_d = exp_d;
private Integer m_exp_h;
public Integer get_exp_h() {
return m_exp_h;
public void set_exp_h( Integer exp_h ) {
m_exp_h = exp_h;
private Integer m_exp_m;
public Integer get_exp_m() {
return m_exp_m;
public void set_exp_m( Integer exp_m ) {
m_exp_m = exp_m;
private Integer m_max_clk;
public Integer get_max_clk() {
return m_max_clk;
public void set_max_clk( Integer max_clk ) {
m_max_clk = max_clk;
private Integer m_available;
public Integer get_available() {
return m_available;
public void set_available( Integer available ) {
m_available = available;
private String m_target;
public String get_target() {
return m_target;
public void set_target( String target ) {
m_target = target;
private String m_licensecode;
public String get_licensecode() {
return m_licensecode;
public void set_licensecode( String licensecode ) {
m_licensecode = licensecode;
private Boolean m_incqstr;
public Boolean get_incqstr() {
return m_incqstr;
public void set_incqstr( Boolean incqstr ) {
m_incqstr = incqstr;
private Integer m_stat;
public Integer get_stat() {
return m_stat;
public void set_stat( Integer stat ) {
m_stat = stat;
public String get_type() {
return "CONTENT";
public void set_type(String type) {
// These are passed in, but not back, and are broken anyway
private String m_cssurl;
public String get_cssurl() {
return m_cssurl;
public void set_cssurl( String cssurl ) {
m_cssurl = cssurl;
private String m_preview;
public String get_preview() {
return m_preview;
public void set_preview( String preview ) {
m_preview = preview;
// public class ReferralItem extends Item {
// public ReferralItem() {
// }
// private String m_ref;
// public String get_ref() {
// return m_ref;
// }
// public void set_ref( String ref ) {
// m_ref = ref;
// }
// private String m_idstr;
// public String get_idstr() {
// return m_idstr;
// }
// public void set_idstr( String idstr ) {
// m_idstr = idstr;
// }
// }
// public class DonationItem extends Item {
// public DonationItem() {
// }
// private Double m_amount;
// public Double get_amount() {
// return m_amount;
// }
// public void set_amount( Double amount ) {
// m_amount = amount;
// }
// private Double m_total;
// public Double get_total() {
// return m_total;
// }
// public void set_total( Double total ) {
// m_total = total;
// }
// private String m_goal;
// public String get_goal() {
// return m_goal;
// }
// public void set_goal( String goal ) {
// m_goal = goal;
// }
// private Double m_min_amount;
// public Double get_min_amount() {
// return m_min_amount;
// }
// public void set_min_amount( Double min_amount ) {
// m_min_amount = min_amount;
// }
// private Double m_max_amount;
// public Double get_max_amount() {
// return m_max_amount;
// }
// public void set_max_amount( Double max_amount ) {
// m_max_amount = max_amount;
// }
// private String m_desturl;
// public String get_desturl() {
// return m_desturl;
// }
// public void set_desturl( String desturl ) {
// m_desturl = desturl;
// }
// private String m_multi;
// public String get_multi() {
// return m_multi;
// }
// public void set_multi( String multi ) {
// m_multi = multi;
// }
// }
/* r.e. to create accessor methods.
private \1 m_\2;
public \1 get_\2() {
return m_\2;
public void set_\2(\1 \2) {
m_\2 = \2;
// $Log: BitPassAdapter.java,v $
// Revision 1.72 2005/07/27 01:49:35 ebuswell
// fixed next/prev bug; fixed api xml entity related bug
// Revision 1.71 2005/07/15 18:32:17 ebuswell
// added currency parameter to create-account
// Revision 1.70 2005/07/09 00:11:13 ebuswell
// fixed some integration problems; pointed to api.firesalt.com until dev server is updated.
// Revision 1.69 2005/07/06 23:00:00 ebuswell
// changed to new xmlrpc names
// Revision 1.68 2005/06/15 01:27:51 ebuswell
// sorting implemented on our side for listcnt
// Revision 1.67 2005/06/14 00:15:44 ebuswell
// reports now do pagination
// Revision 1.66 2005/05/18 00:33:45 ebuswell
// integrated completely! (did getdispute extra, fixed ssummary bug)
// Revision 1.65 2005/05/17 00:29:17 ebuswell
// completed integration
// Revision 1.64 2005/05/16 22:15:35 ebuswell
// integrated report sorting; fixed action.login bug
// Revision 1.63 2005/05/11 07:32:00 ebuswell
// able to create earners now
// Revision 1.62 2005/05/07 17:02:52 ebuswell
// integrated new dispute and ssummary functionality
// Revision 1.61 2005/05/03 23:02:00 ebuswell
// integrated i18n; fixed Rachel's bug
// Revision 1.60 2005/05/03 19:26:34 ebuswell
// integrated dispute handling
// Revision 1.59 2005/05/03 16:11:53 ebuswell
// integrated siteinfo
// Revision 1.58 2005/05/03 15:33:12 ebuswell
// integrated with api, moved to new xml-rpc server
// Revision 1.57 2005/04/28 03:07:30 ncheng
// got rid of stuff thats not available yet (bug 845, etc.)
// Revision 1.56 2005/04/27 17:06:49 ebuswell
// integrated a few things
// Revision 1.55 2005/04/17 18:36:30 ebuswell
// integrated earnerinfo and map_acquirer
// Revision 1.54 2005/04/15 02:06:42 ebuswell
// added a stubbed out mapacquirer
// Revision 1.53 2005/04/14 02:32:16 ebuswell
// made our earner info correspond with bitpass earner info
// Revision 1.52 2005/04/04 18:38:19 ebuswell
// cleaned up
// Revision 1.51 2005/04/01 22:50:54 ebuswell
// 1)Integration with new api.bitpassdemo.net api server.
// 2)Get Earner information from server
// 3)Migrate Earner functionality added
// 4)Permission checking now checks whether the permission requires there to be a currentBitPassAdapterAccount
// Revision 1.50 2005/03/22 06:28:37 ebuswell
// Alpha of reports finished
// Revision 1.49 2005/03/22 04:33:44 ebuswell
// Sales Summary and Transaction History work now
// Revision 1.48 2005/03/19 04:54:55 ebuswell
// Dispute History is bitchin' now
// Revision 1.47 2005/03/18 22:15:57 ebuswell
// preliminary reports
// Revision 1.46 2005/03/16 22:41:24 ebuswell
// dispute actions work now
// Revision 1.45 2005/03/16 00:35:33 ebuswell
// changed appropriate values to java.util.Date
// Revision 1.44 2005/03/15 22:42:01 ebuswell
// display currency and title correctly
// Revision 1.43 2005/03/15 21:54:33 ebuswell
// viewing complaints works now
// Revision 1.42 2005/03/15 20:29:58 ebuswell
// Stubbed out complaint handling
// Revision 1.41 2005/03/15 00:07:33 ebuswell
// content summary works now (bug 698)
// Revision 1.40 2005/03/11 21:10:17 ebuswell
// Made everything use proper BitPassAdapter functions
// Revision 1.39 2005/03/11 01:35:32 ncheng
// working on account listing;
// change some hardcoded vals to constants
// Revision 1.38 2005/03/09 23:26:47 ebuswell
// updated BitPassAdapter to reflect actual API
// Revision 1.37 2005/03/08 03:58:16 ichoudhury
// after modification in add/edit methods for ref and dnt
// Revision 1.36 2005/03/08 00:35:03 ncheng
// refactored add/update functionality;
// moved back to 0/1 for icon_align instead of r/l because we are not translating other fields and 0/1 or r/l is all the same to us--theyre just codes that have little semantic value to us
// Revision 1.35 2005/03/05 09:17:45 ncheng
// adding is now possible
// Revision 1.34 2005/03/05 04:53:07 ncheng
// editing works
// Revision 1.33 2005/03/05 00:51:53 ebuswell
// caused null parameters not to cause exceptions and do the Right Thing
// Revision 1.32 2005/03/04 22:17:40 ebuswell
// changed item.stat to Integer
// Revision 1.31 2005/03/04 22:00:13 ebuswell
// added an updatecnt that accepts a ContentItem
// Revision 1.30 2005/03/04 21:38:32 ebuswell
// added an addcnt that accepts an item
// Revision 1.29 2005/03/04 20:24:58 ebuswell
// unpacked ICON_SET returned by bitpass adapter
// Revision 1.28 2005/03/04 12:12:41 ncheng
// still a lot of errors
// Revision 1.27 2005/03/04 03:49:00 ebuswell
// abstracted out parsing item from listcnt and viewcnt
// Revision 1.26 2005/03/04 02:11:22 ebuswell
// fixed listcnt so it actually returns items correctly
// Revision 1.25 2005/03/03 03:24:00 ebuswell
// got listcnt to compile, but doesnt seem to be returning items
// Revision 1.24 2005/03/02 19:58:33 ncheng
// made the listcnt method return total items also;
// passing off wip...
// Revision 1.23 2005/03/02 01:56:13 ncheng
// moved things around a little while working on Object Manager
// Revision 1.22 2005/03/01 23:51:42 ebuswell
// turned "EXPIRES" into d/h/m
// Revision 1.21 2005/03/01 20:27:28 ncheng
// working on Object Manager concept
// Revision 1.20 2005/02/28 20:20:17 ichoudhury
// after pagination
// Revision 1.19 2005/02/25 22:48:53 ichoudhury
// after pagination
// Revision 1.18 2005/02/25 21:05:34 ichoudhury
// after pagination
// Revision 1.17 2005/02/17 03:10:50 ichoudhury
// on feb 16
// Revision 1.16 2005/02/15 23:32:07 ichoudhury
// on feb 15
// Revision 1.15 2005/02/15 22:15:01 ichoudhury
// on feb 15
// Revision 1.14 2005/02/15 03:00:00 ichoudhury
// on feb 14
// Revision 1.13 2005/02/15 01:12:00 ichoudhury
// fixed compile error
// Revision 1.12 2005/02/14 18:53:20 ichoudhury
// on feb 14
// Revision 1.11 2005/02/11 18:57:03 ichoudhury
// on feb 11
// Revision 1.10 2005/02/11 02:03:09 ichoudhury
// on thursday
// Revision 1.9 2005/02/10 22:34:03 eforce
// on thursday
// Revision 1.8 2005/02/09 19:02:30 eforce
// added inner classes
// Revision 1.7 2005/02/09 02:01:18 eforce
// demo ready
// Revision 1.6 2005/02/09 00:05:10 eforce
// makes call
// Revision 1.5 2005/02/08 23:54:31 eforce
// adapter inits ok
// Revision 1.4 2005/02/08 23:15:37 eforce
// loads props file;
// initializes adapater
// Revision 1.3 2005/02/08 23:06:45 eforce
// added logging
// Revision 1.2 2005/02/08 21:38:49 eforce
// placeholder class