// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: processdash-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
package pspdash;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import pspdash.data.DataRepository;
import pspdash.data.DataListener;
import pspdash.data.DataEvent;
import pspdash.data.SaveableData;
import pspdash.data.SimpleData;
import pspdash.data.NumberData;
import pspdash.data.NumberFunction;
import pspdash.data.DoubleData;
import pspdash.data.DateData;
public class EVTask implements DataListener {
public static final String PLAN_TIME_DATA_NAME = "Estimated Time";
public static final String ACT_TIME_DATA_NAME = "Time";
public static final String DATE_COMPLETED_DATA_NAME = "Completed";
public static final String IGNORE_PLAN_TIME_NAME = "Rollup Tag";
private static final String LEVEL_OF_EFFORT_PREFIX = "TST-LOE_";
private static final String TASK_ORDINAL_PREFIX = "TST-TSK#_";
private static final String TASK_PRUNING_PREFIX = "TST-PRUNED_";
public interface Listener {
public void evNodeChanged(EVTask node);
EVTask parent = null;
ArrayList children = new ArrayList();
String name, fullName, taskListName;
Listener listener;
DataRepository data;
/* The percentage of time a user plans to spend on this task, as a level
* of effort.
double planLevelOfEffort = NOT_LEVEL_OF_EFFORT;
double rollupLevelOfEffort = 0;
public static final int NOT_LEVEL_OF_EFFORT = -1;
public static final int ANCESTOR_LEVEL_OF_EFFORT = 0;
/** Value indicating user-requested reordering of the task list.
* Values of interest:<ul>
* <li>0 - indicates that the order is unknown and needs to be inferred
* from the context of this node.
* <li>>= 1 - the order of this node in the list
int taskOrdinal = INFER_FROM_CONTEXT;
int savedTaskOrdinal = INFER_FROM_CONTEXT;
/** Value indicating user-requested pruning of the task list.
* Values of interest:<ul>
* <li>0 - indicates that the pruning state is unknown and needs to be
* inferred from the context of this node.
* <li>-1 - indicates that the user has explicitly pruned this node.
* <li>-2 - indicates that this node has inherited its pruned status from
* an ancestor.
* <li>1 - indicates that the user has explicitly un-pruned this node.
int pruningFlag = INFER_FROM_CONTEXT;
int savedPruningFlag = INFER_FROM_CONTEXT;
public static final int INFER_FROM_CONTEXT = 0;
public static final int USER_PRUNED = -1;
public static final int ANCESTOR_PRUNED = -2;
public static final int USER_UNPRUNED = 1;
/** The time (minutes) the user plans to spend in this node, taken
* directly from the data repository. */
double topDownPlanTime;
/** The time (minutes) the user plans to spend in this node, calculated
* by adding up plan times of children */
double bottomUpPlanTime;
// various flags which determine how we should interpret the top down
// plan time for this node.
boolean planTimeEditable, planTimeNull, planTimeUndefined,
ignorePlanTimeValue = false;
/** The plan time (minutes) for this node, determined intelligently from
* the top down and bottom up times for this node. */
double planTime;
/** The portion of the plan time that "counts" toward this schedule
* (minutes) */
double planValue;
/** The total plan value spent in this node and all prior nodes. */
double cumPlanValue;
/** Actual time (minutes) spent in this node before the start of the
* schedule */
double actualPreTime;
/** Actual time (minutes) spent in this node during the schedule */
double actualNodeTime;
/** The total time (minutes) actually spent in this node and its children,
* both before and during this schedule */
double actualTime;
/** The total time (minutes) actually spent during this schedule
* in this node and its children */
double actualCurrentTime;
/** The total time (minutes) actually spent during this schedule
* in this node and its children on tasks that count toward earned value */
double actualDirectTime;
/** Actual value earned (minutes) in this node and its children. */
double valueEarned;
/** The date we plan to start this task */
Date planStartDate;
/** The date we actually started this task */
Date actualStartDate;
/** The date we plan to complete this task */
Date planDate;
/** The date this task was actually completed */
Date dateCompleted;
/** True if the user can edit the completion date for this task */
boolean dateCompletedEditable;
private static final Date COMPLETION_DATE_NA = EVSchedule.A_LONG_TIME_AGO;
static Resources resources =
/** Creates an EVTask suitable for the root of an EVTaskList. */
public EVTask(String rootName) {
this.name = rootName;
this.fullName = "";
planTime = cumPlanValue = actualTime = valueEarned =
topDownPlanTime = bottomUpPlanTime = actualNodeTime = 0;
planDate = dateCompleted = null;
listener = null;
planTimeEditable = dateCompletedEditable = planTimeUndefined = false;
planTimeNull = true;
data = null;
/** Add a child task to this EVTask. */
public boolean add(EVTask child) {
if (containsNode(children, child))
return false;
child.parent = this;
return true;
/** Add a child task to this EVTask. */
public boolean add(int pos, EVTask child) {
if (containsNode(children, child))
return false;
child.parent = this;
children.add(pos, child);
return true;
/** Remove a child task from this EVTask */
public int remove(EVTask child) {
int pos = indexOfNode(children, child);
if (pos != -1)
return pos;
/** Replace a child task of this EVTask
* WARNING: no checks are performed on the parameters. This method
* is <b>only</b> meant to be called when recalculations on a child
* caused a replacement object to be created (rather than just
* mutations within the existing object). This method should <b>NOT</b>
* be used to replace one task with an entirely different task - use
* remove() and add() for that.
void replace(int pos, EVTask newChild) {
children.set(pos, newChild);
newChild.parent = this;
public void moveUp(int childPos) {
if (childPos > 0 && childPos < children.size()) {
Object a = children.get(childPos-1);
Object b = children.get(childPos);
children.set(childPos-1, b);
children.set(childPos, a);
public boolean sameNode(EVTask that) {
if ("".equals(this.fullName))
// compare root nodes by examining their node name.
return cmpStrings(this.name, that.name);
// compare regular nodes by examining their full name.
return cmpStrings(this.fullName, that.fullName);
private boolean cmpStrings(String a, String b) {
if (a == b) return true;
if (a != null) return a.equals(b);
return false;
/** Creates an EVTask for the tasks in the hierarchy at the given path */
public EVTask(String taskListName, String hierarchyPath, DataRepository data,
PSPProperties hierarchy, Listener listener) {
this(null, taskListName, hierarchyPath.substring(1), hierarchyPath,
null, data, hierarchy, listener);
protected EVTask(EVTask parent, String taskListName, String name,
String fullName, PropertyKey key, DataRepository data,
PSPProperties hierarchy, Listener listener)
this.parent = parent;
this.name = name;
this.fullName = fullName;
this.taskListName = taskListName;
this.data = data;
this.listener = listener;
if (getValue(IGNORE_PLAN_TIME_NAME) != null)
addChildrenFromHierarchy(fullName, key, data, hierarchy, listener);
if (isLeaf()) {
/** Attempt to find children in the hierarchy, and add them to our
* list of children.
* @return true if any children were found and added.
protected boolean addChildrenFromHierarchy(String fullName,
PropertyKey key, DataRepository data,
PSPProperties hierarchy, Listener listener)
boolean addedChild = false;
if (key == null)
// make an attempt to lookup the name in the hierarchy.
key = hierarchy.findExistingKey(fullName);
if (key != null) {
int numKids = hierarchy.getNumChildren(key);
for (int i = 0; i < numKids; i++) {
PropertyKey child = hierarchy.getChildKey(key, i);
children.add(new EVTask(this, taskListName,
child.name(), child.path(), child,
data, hierarchy, listener));
addedChild = true;
return addedChild;
public EVTask(Element e) { this(e, null); }
private EVTask(Element e, String parentName) {
name = e.getAttribute("name");
fullName = (parentName == null ? "" : parentName + "/" + name);
planValue = EVSchedule.getXMLNum(e, "pt");
planTime = EVSchedule.getXMLNum(e, "ptt", planValue);
topDownPlanTime = bottomUpPlanTime = planTime;
actualTime = EVSchedule.getXMLNum(e, "at");
actualDirectTime = EVSchedule.getXMLNum(e, "adt", actualTime);
actualCurrentTime = EVSchedule.getXMLNum(e, "act", actualDirectTime);
planDate = EVSchedule.getXMLDate(e, "pd");
dateCompleted = EVSchedule.getXMLDate(e, "cd");
if (e.hasAttribute("loe"))
planLevelOfEffort = EVSchedule.getXMLNum(e, "loe");
if (e.hasAttribute("ord"))
taskOrdinal = (int) EVSchedule.getXMLNum(e, "ord");
if (e.hasAttribute("prune"))
pruningFlag = (int) EVSchedule.getXMLNum(e, "prune");
planTimeEditable = planTimeNull = planTimeUndefined = false;
actualPreTime = 0;
NodeList subTasks = e.getChildNodes();
int len = subTasks.getLength();
for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
Node n = subTasks.item(i);
if (n instanceof Element &&
"task".equals(((Element) n).getTagName()))
add(new EVTask((Element) n, fullName));
protected SimpleData getValue(String name) { return getValue(name, true); }
protected SimpleData getValue(String name, boolean notify) {
String dataName = data.createDataName(fullName, name);
if (notify && listener != null)
data.addDataListener(dataName, this, false);
return data.getSimpleValue(dataName);
public boolean plannedTimeIsEditable() {
return (planTimeEditable &&
(planLevelOfEffort != ANCESTOR_LEVEL_OF_EFFORT));
public boolean completionDateIsEditable() {
return isLeaf() && dateCompletedEditable &&
!isLevelOfEffortTask() && !isUserPruned();
protected void setPlanTime(SimpleData time) {
if (time instanceof NumberData) {
if (!ignorePlanTimeValue) {
topDownPlanTime = ((NumberData) time).getDouble();
if (Double.isNaN(topDownPlanTime) ||
topDownPlanTime = 0.0;
planTimeEditable = time.isEditable();
planTimeUndefined = !time.isDefined();
planTimeNull = false;
} else {
planTimeNull = (time == null);
topDownPlanTime = 0;
planTimeEditable = true;
planTimeUndefined = false;
protected void ignorePlanTime() {
ignorePlanTimeValue = true;
topDownPlanTime = 0;
planTimeNull = true;
planTimeEditable = planTimeUndefined = false;
private String getLevelOfEffortDataname() {
return LEVEL_OF_EFFORT_PREFIX + taskListName;
public boolean isLevelOfEffortTask() {
return (planLevelOfEffort >= 0);
private void setLevelOfEffort(SimpleData levelOfEffort) {
if (levelOfEffort instanceof NumberData) {
planLevelOfEffort = ((NumberData) levelOfEffort).getDouble();
if (!(planLevelOfEffort > 0 && planLevelOfEffort < 1))
planLevelOfEffort = NOT_LEVEL_OF_EFFORT;
} else {
planLevelOfEffort = NOT_LEVEL_OF_EFFORT;
private void userSetLevelOfEffort(String value) {
if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0) {
p = 0;
} else try {
Number percentage = percentFormatter.parse(value);
p = percentage.doubleValue();
} catch (ParseException e) {}
if (p == 0) {
planLevelOfEffort = NOT_LEVEL_OF_EFFORT;
// erase the level of effort in the data repository
(data.createDataName(fullName, getLevelOfEffortDataname()),
} else if (p > 0 && p < 1) {
planLevelOfEffort = p;
// save this level of effort to the data repository
(data.createDataName(fullName, getLevelOfEffortDataname()),
new DoubleData(planLevelOfEffort, true));
private void loadStructuralData() {
SimpleData d = getValue(TASK_ORDINAL_PREFIX + taskListName);
if (d instanceof NumberData)
taskOrdinal = savedTaskOrdinal = ((NumberData) d).getInteger();
d = getValue(TASK_PRUNING_PREFIX + taskListName);
if (d instanceof NumberData)
pruningFlag = savedPruningFlag = ((NumberData) d).getInteger();
/** Save any structural data about this node to the repository.
void saveStructuralData(String newTaskListName) {
saveDataElement(taskListName, newTaskListName, TASK_ORDINAL_PREFIX,
savedTaskOrdinal, taskOrdinal, INFER_FROM_CONTEXT);
int effectivePruningFlag = pruningFlag;
if (effectivePruningFlag == ANCESTOR_PRUNED)
effectivePruningFlag = INFER_FROM_CONTEXT;
saveDataElement(taskListName, newTaskListName, TASK_PRUNING_PREFIX,
savedPruningFlag, effectivePruningFlag, INFER_FROM_CONTEXT);
taskListName = newTaskListName;
savedTaskOrdinal = taskOrdinal;
savedPruningFlag = effectivePruningFlag;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
private void saveDataElement(String oldTaskListName,
String newTaskListName, String dataNamePrefix, int savedValue,
int newValue, int defaultValue)
if (fullName == null || fullName.length() == 0) return;
String oldDataName = null;
if (savedValue != defaultValue)
oldDataName = dataNamePrefix + oldTaskListName;
if (newTaskListName != null && newValue != defaultValue) {
String newDataName = dataNamePrefix + newTaskListName;
if (newDataName.equals(oldDataName)) oldDataName = null;
if (newValue != savedValue || oldDataName != null) {
SimpleData d = new DoubleData(newValue, false);
String dataName = data.createDataName(fullName, newDataName);
data.putValue(dataName, d);
if (oldDataName != null) {
String dataName = data.createDataName(fullName, oldDataName);
data.putValue(dataName, null);
protected void setActualDate(SimpleData date) {
if (date instanceof DateData) {
dateCompleted = ((DateData) date).getValue();
dateCompletedEditable = date.isEditable();
} else {
dateCompleted = null;
dateCompletedEditable = true;
protected void setActualTime(SimpleData time) {
if (time instanceof NumberData) {
// look in the repository to see if this value is a simple
// number, or a calculation. We aren't interested in
// calculations - just simple numbers.
String dataName =
data.createDataName(fullName, ACT_TIME_DATA_NAME);
Object val = data.getValue(dataName);
if (val != null &&
(!(val instanceof DoubleData) ||
val instanceof NumberFunction)) return;
actualNodeTime = ((NumberData) time).getDouble();
if (Double.isNaN(actualNodeTime) ||
actualNodeTime = 0.0;
} else {
actualNodeTime = 0;
public void userSetPlanTime(Object aValue) {
if ((aValue instanceof String && ((String) aValue).trim().endsWith("%")) ||
(isLevelOfEffortTask() && (aValue == null || "".equals(aValue)))) {
userSetLevelOfEffort((String) aValue);
} else if (plannedTimeIsEditable() && aValue instanceof String) {
long planTime = -1;
// parse the value to obtain a number of minutes
if (((String) aValue).length() > 0)
planTime = TimeLogEditor.parseTime((String) aValue);
// if the user is obviously correcting a top-down/bottom-up
// mismatch, then just treat the input the same as if the
// user had deleted the top-down estimate.
if (hasTopDownBottomUpError() &&
Math.abs(planTime - bottomUpPlanTime) < 0.9)
planTime = -1;
if (planTime != -1) {
this.planTime = topDownPlanTime = bottomUpPlanTime = planTime;
planTimeNull = planTimeUndefined = false;
// save those minutes to the data repository
new DoubleData(planTime, true));
} else {
this.planTime = topDownPlanTime = bottomUpPlanTime;
planTimeNull = true;
planTimeUndefined = false;
public void userSetActualDate(Object aValue) {
if (completionDateIsEditable()) {
String dataName =
data.createDataName(fullName, DATE_COMPLETED_DATA_NAME);
// save the Date object to the data repository
if (aValue instanceof Date) {
dateCompleted = (Date) aValue;
data.userPutValue(dataName, new DateData(dateCompleted, true));
} else {
dateCompleted = null;
data.userPutValue(dataName, null);
protected static NumberFormat percentFormatter =
protected static NumberFormat intPercentFormatter =
static {
static String formatPercent(double percent) {
if (Double.isNaN(percent) || Double.isInfinite(percent))
percent = 0;
if (percent > 0.99 || percent < -0.99)
return intPercentFormatter.format(percent);
return percentFormatter.format(percent);
static String formatIntPercent(double percent) {
if (Double.isNaN(percent) || Double.isInfinite(percent))
percent = 0;
return intPercentFormatter.format(percent);
static String formatTime(double ttime) {
// time is in minutes.
double time = Math.floor(ttime + 0.5); // round to the nearest minute
int hours = (int) (time / 60);
int minutes = (int) (time % 60);
if (minutes < 10)
return hours + ":0" + minutes;
return hours + ":" + minutes;
public int getNumChildren() { return children.size(); }
public int getChildIndex(Object child) {
if (child instanceof EVTask)
return indexOfNode(children, (EVTask) child);
return -1;
public boolean isLeaf() { return children.isEmpty(); }
public EVTask getChild(int pos) { return (EVTask) children.get(pos); }
public EVTask getParent() { return parent; }
public String toString() { return name; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
public String getPlanTime() {
if (planLevelOfEffort == ANCESTOR_LEVEL_OF_EFFORT) return "";
else if (rollupLevelOfEffort > 0)
return formatPercent(rollupLevelOfEffort);
else if (planLevelOfEffort > 0)
return formatPercent(planLevelOfEffort);
else return formatTime(planTime);
public String getPlanDirectTime() {
if (isValuePruned() && planValue == 0) return "";
else return formatTime(planValue);
public boolean hasPlanTimeError() {
return (hasTopDownBottomUpError() || planTimeIsMissing());
private boolean hasTopDownBottomUpError() {
return (!isValuePruned() &&
(bottomUpPlanTime > 0) &&
(Math.abs(planTime - bottomUpPlanTime) > 0.5));
private boolean planTimeIsMissing() {
return (!isValuePruned() &&
planTimeEditable && (planTimeNull || planTimeUndefined));
public String getPlanTimeError() {
if (hasTopDownBottomUpError())
return resources.format("Mismatch_Error_FMT",
if (planTimeIsMissing())
return resources.getString("Plan_Time_Missing_Error");
return null;
public String getActualTime(double totalActualTime) {
if (isLevelOfEffortTask())
return formatPercent(actualTime / totalActualTime);
else return formatTime(actualTime);
public String getActualDirectTime(double totalActualTime) {
if (//isLevelOfEffortTask() || isTotallyPruned() ||
(isValuePruned() && actualDirectTime == 0)) return "";
else return formatTime(actualDirectTime);
public String getPlanValue(double totalPlanValue) {
if (isValuePruned() && planValue == 0) return "";
return formatPercent(planValue/totalPlanValue);
public String getCumPlanTime() {
if (isValuePruned() && cumPlanValue == 0) return "";
return formatTime(cumPlanValue);
public String getCumPlanValue(double totalPlanValue) {
if (isValuePruned() && cumPlanValue == 0) return "";
return formatPercent(cumPlanValue/totalPlanValue);
public Date getPlanDate() {
if (isValuePruned()) return null;
return planDate;
public Date getActualDate() {
if (isLevelOfEffortTask() || isTotallyPruned() ||
dateCompleted == COMPLETION_DATE_NA) return null;
return dateCompleted;
public String getPercentComplete() {
if (valueEarned == 0 || planValue == 0 || isLevelOfEffortTask())
return "";
else return formatIntPercent(valueEarned / planValue);
public String getPercentSpent() {
if (actualTime == 0 || planTime == 0 || isValuePruned()) return "";
// percent spent applies to all time, not just the current schedule.
else return formatIntPercent(actualTime / planTime);
public String getValueEarned(double totalPlanTime) {
if (isValuePruned() && valueEarned == 0) return "";
else if (dateCompleted != null || valueEarned != 0.0)
return formatPercent(valueEarned/totalPlanTime);
return "";
private String taskError = null;
public boolean hasTaskError() { return taskError != null; }
public String getTaskError() { return taskError; }
public void setTaskError(String err) { taskError = err; }
/** Gets the path from the root to the receiver. */
public EVTask[] getPath() { return getPathToRoot(this, 0); }
protected EVTask[] getPathToRoot(EVTask aNode, int depth) {
EVTask[] retNodes;
if(aNode == null) {
if(depth == 0)
return null;
retNodes = new EVTask[depth];
else {
retNodes = getPathToRoot(aNode.getParent(), depth);
retNodes[retNodes.length - depth] = aNode;
return retNodes;
/** Get a list of the leaf tasks under this task.
* elements in the list will be EVTask objects.
public List getLeafTasks() {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
return result;
protected void getLeafTasks(List list) {
if (isEVLeaf()) {
if (!isLevelOfEffortTask() && !isUserPruned())
} else
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
public boolean isEVLeaf() {
return (isLeaf() || (planTime > 0 && bottomUpPlanTime == 0));
public void recalc(EVSchedule schedule, TimeLog log) {
Date effDate = dateCompleted;
if (effDate == null) effDate = getTestingEffDate();
if (effDate == null) effDate = new Date();
for (int i = log.v.size(); i-- > 0; )
saveTimeLogInfo(schedule, (TimeLogEntry) log.v.get(i));
schedule.getMetrics().reset(schedule.getStartDate(), effDate,
checkForNodeErrors(schedule.getMetrics(), 0,
new ArrayList(), new ArrayList());
checkForScheduleErrors(schedule.getMetrics(), schedule);
public void simpleRecalc(EVSchedule schedule) {
checkForNodeErrors(schedule.getMetrics(), 0,
new ArrayList(), new ArrayList());
// checkForScheduleErrors(schedule.getMetrics(), schedule);
public Date getTestingEffDate() {
String setting = Settings.getVal("ev.effectiveDate");
if (setting == null) return null;
try {
return new Date(Long.parseLong(setting));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
protected void resetRootValues() {
planTime = cumPlanValue = actualTime = valueEarned =
topDownPlanTime = bottomUpPlanTime = 0;
planDate = dateCompleted = null;
public double recalcPlanTimes() {
if (isLeaf())
planTime = bottomUpPlanTime = topDownPlanTime;
else {
bottomUpPlanTime = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
bottomUpPlanTime += getChild(i).recalcPlanTimes();
if (bottomUpPlanTime == 0)
return (planTime = topDownPlanTime);
else if (!planTimeNull && topDownPlanTime > 0)
planTime = topDownPlanTime;
else {
planTime = bottomUpPlanTime;
planTimeEditable = false;
return bottomUpPlanTime;
public double recalcPlanCumTime(double prevCumTime) {
if (isLeaf())
// for leaves, add our plan time to the total.
cumPlanValue = prevCumTime + planTime;
else if (isEVLeaf()) {
// if we aren't a leaf, but we're an EVLeaf, our children can't
// help us. Figure out cum time ourselves, then tell them what it
// is so they can display the same thing.
cumPlanValue = prevCumTime + planTime;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
} else {
// for nonleaves, ask each of our children to recalc.
cumPlanValue = prevCumTime;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
cumPlanValue = getChild(i).recalcPlanCumTime(cumPlanValue);
return cumPlanValue;
public double recalcActualTimes() {
actualTime = actualNodeTime;
if (!isLeaf()) {
// for nonleaves, ask each of our children to recalc.
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
actualTime += getChild(i).recalcActualTimes();
return actualTime;
public void recalcPlanValue() {
if (isLeaf())
valueEarned = (dateCompleted == null ? 0 : planTime);
else if (isEVLeaf()) {
valueEarned = (dateCompleted == null ? 0 : planTime);
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
} else {
valueEarned = 0;
// for nonleaves, ask each of our children to recalc.
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++) {
valueEarned += getChild(i).valueEarned;
public void recalcDateCompleted() {
if (isLeaf()) return;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++) {
if (getChild(i).isTotallyPruned()) continue;
void recalcParentDateCompleted() {
Date d, result = COMPLETION_DATE_NA;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++) {
if (getChild(i).isTotallyPruned()) continue;
d = getChild(i).dateCompleted;
if (d == null)
result = null;
else if (result != null && result.compareTo(d) < 0)
result = d;
dateCompletedEditable = false;
dateCompleted = result;
public void recalcPlanDates(EVSchedule schedule) {
if (isEVLeaf()) {
planDate = schedule.getPlannedCompletionDate
(cumPlanValue, cumPlanValue);
if (dateCompleted != null)
schedule.saveCompletedTask(dateCompleted, planTime);
if (!isLeaf())
for (int i = getNumChildren(); i-- > 0; )
} else {
for (int i = getNumChildren(); i-- > 0; )
planDate = getChild(getNumChildren()-1).planDate;
public void checkForNodeErrors(EVMetrics metrics, int depth,
List rootChildList,
List otherNodeList) {
switch (depth) {
case 0: // this is the root
case 1: // this is a child of the root.
if (containsNode(rootChildList, this) ||
containsNode(otherNodeList, this)) {
("Duplicate_Task_Error_Msg_FMT", fullName),
} else
int pos = indexOfNode(rootChildList, this);
if (pos != -1) {
EVTask t = (EVTask) rootChildList.get(pos);
("Duplicate_Task_Error_Msg_FMT", t.fullName),
if (hasTopDownBottomUpError())
if (planTimeIsMissing())
(resources.format("Plan_Time_Missing_Error_Msg_FMT", fullName),
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
getChild(i).checkForNodeErrors(metrics, depth+1,
rootChildList, otherNodeList);
public void checkForScheduleErrors(EVMetrics metrics, EVSchedule sched) {
EVSchedule.Period p = sched.get(0);
if (p.actualDirectTime > 0.0)
metrics.addError("You have logged time to some of the tasks " +
"in your task list before the start of the " +
"first time period in your schedule. (Consider "+
"modifying the schedule to begin earlier.)",
if (p.cumEarnedValue > 0.0)
metrics.addError("Some of the tasks in your task list were " +
"completed before the start of the " +
"first time period in your schedule. (Consider "+
"modifying the schedule to begin earlier.)",
public void recalcMetrics(EVMetrics metrics) {
if (isEVLeaf())
metrics.addTask(planTime, actualTime, planDate, dateCompleted);
else {
for (int i = getNumChildren(); i-- > 0; )
// if they logged time against a non-leaf node, it counts
// against their metrics right away. Treat it as an
// imaginary task with no planned time, which should have
// been completed instantaneously when the schedule started
if (actualNodeTime > 0)
metrics.addTask(0, actualNodeTime, null, metrics.startDate());
public boolean saveTimeLogInfo(EVSchedule schedule, TimeLogEntry e) {
String entryPath = e.getPath();
if (entryPath.equals(fullName)) {
schedule.saveActualTime(e.getStartTime(), e.getElapsedTime());
return true;
// If this is a parent node, and the time log entry begins
// with our full name, dispatch this to our children.
if (!isLeaf() &&
(fullName == null || fullName.length() == 0 ||
for (int i = children.size(); i-- > 0; ) // dispatch loop
if (getChild(i).saveTimeLogInfo(schedule, e))
return true;
return false;
// DataListener interface
public void dataValueChanged(DataEvent e) {
if (handleEvent(e)) notifyListener();
public void dataValuesChanged(Vector v) {
boolean needsNotify = false;
for (int i = v.size(); i-- > 0; )
if (handleEvent((DataEvent) v.elementAt(i)))
needsNotify = true;
if (needsNotify) notifyListener();
protected boolean handleEvent(DataEvent e) {
String dataName = e.getName();
if (!dataName.startsWith(fullName+"/")) return false;
dataName = dataName.substring(fullName.length()+1);
if (PLAN_TIME_DATA_NAME.equals(dataName))
else if (ACT_TIME_DATA_NAME.equals(dataName))
else if (DATE_COMPLETED_DATA_NAME.equals(dataName))
else if (dataName.startsWith(LEVEL_OF_EFFORT_PREFIX))
return false;
return true;
protected void notifyListener() {
Listener l = listener;
if (l != null) l.evNodeChanged(this);
public void destroy() {
if (listener != null) {
listener = null;
for (int i=children.size(); i-- > 0; )
public void saveToXML(StringBuffer result) {
result.append("<task name='").append(XMLUtils.escapeAttribute(name))
.append("' pt='").append(planValue)
.append("' at='").append(actualTime);
if (planTime != planValue)
result.append("' ptt='").append(planTime);
if (actualTime != actualDirectTime)
result.append("' adt='").append(actualDirectTime);
if (actualCurrentTime != actualDirectTime)
result.append("' act='").append(actualCurrentTime);
if (planDate != null)
result.append("' pd='").append(EVSchedule.saveDate(planDate));
if (dateCompleted != null)
result.append("' cd='").append(EVSchedule.saveDate(dateCompleted));
if (isLevelOfEffortTask())
result.append("' loe='").append(planLevelOfEffort);
if (taskOrdinal != INFER_FROM_CONTEXT)
result.append("' ord='").append(taskOrdinal);
if (pruningFlag != INFER_FROM_CONTEXT &&
pruningFlag != ANCESTOR_PRUNED)
result.append("' prune='").append(pruningFlag);
if (isLeaf())
else {
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++)
static int indexOfNode(List list, EVTask node) {
int i;
if (node != null && list != null && (i = list.size()) > 0)
while (i-- > 0)
if (node.sameNode((EVTask) list.get(i)))
return i;
return -1;
static boolean containsNode(List list, EVTask node) {
return indexOfNode(list, node) != -1;
protected boolean isValuePruned() {
return isLevelOfEffortTask() || isTotallyPruned() || isChronologicallyPruned();
public boolean isChronologicallyPruned() {
return (dateCompleted != null && dateCompleted != COMPLETION_DATE_NA &&
planDate == null && planValue == 0);
public boolean isUserPruned() {
return (pruningFlag == USER_PRUNED || pruningFlag == ANCESTOR_PRUNED);
protected boolean isTotallyPruned() {
return (isUserPruned() && planValue == 0);
public void setUserPruned(boolean prune) {
if (prune)
pruningFlag = USER_PRUNED;
else if (pruningFlag == USER_PRUNED || pruningFlag == ANCESTOR_PRUNED)
pruningFlag = USER_UNPRUNED;
public EVTask getTaskForPath(String fullPath) {
// check to see if our fullName is a perfect match for this path.
if (fullName != null && fullName.equals(fullPath)) return this;
// if we could not possibly be the parent of a node matching
// fullPath, return null.
if (fullName != null) {
if (fullPath.length() <= fullName.length()) return null;
if (!fullPath.startsWith(fullName)) return null;
if (fullPath.charAt(fullName.length()) != '/') return null;
// see if any of our children would like to claim fullPath as theirs.
for (int i = children.size(); i-- > 0; ) { // dispatch loop
EVTask result = getChild(i).getTaskForPath(fullPath);
if (result != null) return result;
// None of our children claimed the path.
if (fullName == null || fullName.length() == 0)
// if this is the root node, don't claim it either.
return null;
// otherwise, claim it as our own.
return this;
public static boolean taskIsPruned(DataRepository data,
String taskListName,
String taskPath)
SaveableData d = data.getInheritableValue
(taskPath, TASK_PRUNING_PREFIX + taskListName);
int pruningFlag = INFER_FROM_CONTEXT;
if (d != null && d.getSimpleValue() instanceof NumberData)
pruningFlag = ((NumberData) d.getSimpleValue()).getInteger();
return pruningFlag == USER_PRUNED;