Package pspdash

Source Code of pspdash.EVSchedule

// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC:

package pspdash;

import java.util.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;


public class EVSchedule implements TableModel {

    public static final Date NEVER = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE);
    public static final Date A_LONG_TIME_AGO = new Date(0);
    static Resources resources =

    public interface Listener {
        public void evScheduleChanged();

    private static final boolean ADJUST = true;
    private static int ADJUSTMENT = 1000// one second
    private static final long HOUR_MILLIS =
        60L /*minutes*/ * 60L /*seconds*/ * 1000L /*milliseconds*/;
    private static final long DAY_MILLIS = 24L /*hours*/ * HOUR_MILLIS;
    public static final long WEEK_MILLIS = 7 * DAY_MILLIS;
    private static final long MIDNIGHT = DAY_MILLIS - ADJUSTMENT;

    public class Period implements Cloneable {
        Period previous;
        Date endDate;
        /** The total amount of time the user plans to spend in this period,
         * including level of effort tasks */
        double planTotalTime;
        /** The amount of time the user plans to spend in this period on
         * tasks that earn value */
        double planDirectTime;
        /** The amount of time the user plans to spend on tasks that earn
         * value during all periods up to and including this period */
        double cumPlanDirectTime;
        /** The amount of value the user plans to earn by the end of this
         * period */
        double cumPlanValue;

        /** The actual amount of time the user spent during this period on
         * tasks that earn value */
        double actualDirectTime;
        /** The actual amount of time the user spent during this period on
         * level of effort tasks */
        double actualIndirectTime;
        /** The actual amount of time the user spent on tasks that earn value
         * during all periods up to and including this period */
        double cumActualDirectTime;
        /** The actual value the user has earned by the end of this period */
        double cumEarnedValue;

        boolean automatic = false;

        public Period(Date endDate, double planTotalTime) {
            this.endDate = endDate;
            this.planTotalTime = planTotalTime;
            this.planDirectTime = planTotalTime * directPercentage;
            this.cumPlanDirectTime = this.planDirectTime;
            cumPlanValue = actualDirectTime = actualIndirectTime = cumActualDirectTime = cumEarnedValue = 0;
            previous = null;

        public Date getBeginDate() {
            return previous == null ? A_LONG_TIME_AGO : previous.endDate; }
        public Date getEndDate() {
            if (ADJUST) return adjustDate(endDate, -ADJUSTMENT);
            else        return endDate;

        private Date adjustDate(Date d, long adjustment) {
            return new Date(d.getTime() + adjustment);

        public String getPlanTime() { return formatTime(planTotalTime); }
        public String getPlanDirectTime() { return formatTime(planDirectTime); }
        public String getCumPlanTime() { return formatTime(cumPlanDirectTime); }
        public String getCumPlanValue(double totalPlanTime) {
            return formatPercent(cumPlanValue/totalPlanTime); }
        public String getActualTime() {
            return formatTime(actualDirectTime + actualIndirectTime);
        public String getActualDirectTime() {
            return formatTime(actualDirectTime);
        public String getActualIndirectPercentage() {
            double totalTime = actualDirectTime + actualIndirectTime;
            if (totalTime == 0) return "";
            return formatPercent(actualIndirectTime / totalTime);
        public String getCumActualTime() {
            return formatTime(cumActualDirectTime);
        public String getCumEarnedValue(double totalPlanTime) {
            return formatPercent(cumEarnedValue/totalPlanTime);

        public void setBeginDate(Object value) {
            if (previous != null && !previous.endDate.equals(value)) {
                automatic = false;
        public void setEndDate(Object value) {
            if (ADJUST && value instanceof Date) {
                long timeOfDay = millisecondsInDay((Date) value);
                if (timeOfDay == 0)
                    // the user entered a plain, unadorned date. the time
                    // period really ends on midnight at the end of that day.
                    value = adjustDate((Date) value, DAY_MILLIS);

                else if ((timeOfDay + ADJUSTMENT) % HOUR_MILLIS == 0)
                    // the date entered was ADJUSTMENT short of an hour
                    // boundary. Bump it back up.
                    value = adjustDate((Date) value, ADJUSTMENT);


            } else
        private long millisecondsInDay(Date d) {
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
            long hours = c.get(c.HOUR_OF_DAY);
            long minutes = hours * 60L + c.get(c.MINUTE);
            long seconds = minutes * 60L + c.get(c.SECOND);
            long ms = seconds * 1000L + c.get(c.MILLISECOND);
            return ms;
        protected void setPeriodEnd(Object value) {
            synchronized (EVSchedule.this) {
                int pos = periods.indexOf(this);
                if (pos < 0) return;

                if (value == null) {
                    // if value is null, then they want to merge this
                    // entry with the following entry.
                    Period next = get(pos+1);
                    if (next != null) {
                        if (pos == 0)
                        else {
                            endDate              = next.endDate;
                            planTotalTime       += next.planTotalTime;
                            planDirectTime      += next.planDirectTime;
                            cumPlanDirectTime    = next.cumPlanDirectTime;
                            cumPlanValue         = next.cumPlanValue;
                            actualDirectTime    += next.actualDirectTime;
                            actualIndirectTime  += next.actualIndirectTime;
                            cumActualDirectTime  = next.cumActualDirectTime;
                            cumEarnedValue       = next.cumEarnedValue;

                    } else {
                        // If there is no following entry, then they want
                        // to delete this entry.

                } else if (value instanceof Date) {
                    // if no change has been made, exit.
                    if (endDate.equals(value)) return;

                    // if they are editing the start date of the schedule,
                    // respond simply by sliding the schedule datewise.
                    if (previous == null) {
                        long oldStart = endDate.getTime();
                        long newStart = ((Date) value).getTime();
                        slideScheduleDates(newStart - oldStart);

                    // delete any preceeding periods which begin AFTER the
                    // new end date of this period.
                    while (previous != null &&
                           periods.size() > 2 &&
                           getBeginDate().compareTo(value) >= 0)

                    // delete any following periods which end BEFORE the
                    // new end date of this period.
                    Period next;
                    while ((next = get(pos+1)) != null &&
                           periods.size() > 2 &&
                           next.endDate.compareTo(value) <= 0)

                    // we still will not save the change UNLESS this
                    // date is legal - meaning that dates appear in
                    // the list in strictly ascending order.  Thus,
                    // the new end date is legal IF:
                    //   * there is no previous period, OR it ends
                    //     BEFORE this new end date, AND
                    //   * there is no following period, OR it ends
                    //     AFTER this new end date.
                    if ((previous == null ||
                         getBeginDate().compareTo(value) < 0) &&
                        ((next = get(pos+1)) == null ||
                         next.endDate.compareTo(value) > 0))
                        endDate = (Date) value;


        private void setPlanTime(double planTime) {
            if (planTime != -1 && planTime != this.planTotalTime) {
                this.planTotalTime = planTime;
                this.planDirectTime = planTime * directPercentage;

        public void setPlanTime(Object value) {
            if (value instanceof String) {
                // parse the value to obtain a number of minutes
                setPlanTime(TimeLogEditor.parseTime((String) value));

        public void setPlanDirectTime(Object value) {
            if (value instanceof String) {
                // parse the value to obtain a number of minutes
                long planTime = TimeLogEditor.parseTime((String) value);
                if (planTime != -1 && directPercentage > 0)
                    setPlanTime(planTime / directPercentage);

        void clearAutomaticFlag() {
            synchronized (EVSchedule.this) {
                automatic = false;
                if (previous != null) previous.clearAutomaticFlag();

        public Object clone() {
            try {
                return super.clone();
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ncse) { return null; }

        public void saveToXML(StringBuffer result) {
            result.append("<period end='").append(saveDate(endDate))
                .append("' pt='").append(planDirectTime)
                .append("' at='").append(actualDirectTime)
                .append("' cpv='").append(cumPlanValue)
                .append("' cev='").append(cumEarnedValue);
            if (planTotalTime != planDirectTime)
                result.append("' ptt='").append(planTotalTime);
            if (actualIndirectTime > 0)
                result.append("' ait='").append(actualIndirectTime);
            if (automatic) result.append("' auto='true");
        public Period(Element e) {
            endDate = getXMLDate(e, "end");
            planDirectTime = getXMLNum(e, "pt");
            planTotalTime = getXMLNum(e, "ptt", planDirectTime);
            actualDirectTime = getXMLNum(e, "at");
            actualIndirectTime = getXMLNum(e, "ait");
            cumPlanValue = getXMLNum(e, "cpv");
            cumEarnedValue = getXMLNum(e, "cev");
            automatic = "true".equals(e.getAttribute("auto"));

        /** Warning - these fields are typically unused, so they
         * rarely contain any real data. Don't expect them to contain
         * anything useful unless you put it there. */
        double planValue = 0, earnedValue = 0;
        public String getPlanValue(double totalPlanTime) {
            return formatPercent(planValue/totalPlanTime); }
        public String getEarnedValue(double totalPlanTime) {
            return formatPercent(earnedValue/totalPlanTime); }

    Vector periods = new Vector();
    EVMetrics metrics = new EVMetrics();

    public EVSchedule() { this(20.0); }
    public EVSchedule(double hours) {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.set(c.DAY_OF_WEEK, 1);

        Date begin = truncDate(c.getTime());
        long beginTime = begin.getTime();
        long endTime  = beginTime + WEEK_MILLIS;
        endTime += dstDifference(beginTime, endTime);
        Date end = new Date(endTime);

        add(new Period(begin, 0.0));
        add(new Period(end, hours * 60));
    private static Date truncDate(Date d) {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.set(c.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); c.set(c.MINUTE, 0);
        c.set(c.SECOND, 0); c.set(c.MILLISECOND, 0);
        return c.getTime();

    public EVSchedule(Date start, Date end, double minutes) {
        add(new Period(start, 0.0));
        add(new Period(end, minutes));

    public EVSchedule(ListData saveList) {
        if (saveList == null || saveList.size() < 3 ||
            (saveList.size() & 1) != 1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        Date d = parseDate((String) saveList.get(0));
        add(new Period(d, 0.0));
        double time;
        for (int i = 1;   i < saveList.size();   i += 2) {
            time = Double.parseDouble((String) saveList.get(i));
            d = parseDate((String) saveList.get(i+1));
            add(new Period(d, time));
        // double-check to ensure that dates are increasing?

    public EVSchedule copy() { return new EVSchedule(this); }
    public EVSchedule(EVSchedule s) {
        addAllPeriods(s.periods, periods);
        directPercentage = s.directPercentage;
    protected void addAllPeriods(List src, List dest) {
        Iterator i = src.iterator();
        Period p, prev = null;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            p = (Period) ((Period);
            p.previous = prev; prev = p;
    public void multiply(double planMultiplier) {
        if (Double.isNaN(planMultiplier) || Double.isInfinite(planMultiplier))
        Iterator i = periods.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Period p = (Period);
            p.planDirectTime *= planMultiplier;
            p.cumPlanDirectTime *= planMultiplier;
            p.planTotalTime *= planMultiplier;
        defaultPlanDirectTime *= planMultiplier;
        defaultPlanTotalTime *= planMultiplier;

    public EVSchedule(Element e) {
        NodeList periodNodes = e.getChildNodes();
        int len = periodNodes.getLength();
        for (int i=0;   i < len;   i++) {
            Node n = periodNodes.item(i);
            if (n instanceof Element &&
                "period".equals(((Element) n).getTagName()))
                add(new Period((Element) n));
        setEffectiveDate(getXMLDate(e, "eff"));
        setLevelOfEffort(getXMLNum(e, "loe"));

    protected synchronized void add(Period p) {
        p.previous = getLast();

    protected synchronized void remove(int pos) {
        // refuse to delete the singular remaining period.
        if (periods.size() < 3) return;

        // remove the period in position "pos", as requested.

        // repair the "previous" field of the period *now* in position pos.
        Period p = get(pos);
        if (p != null)
            p.previous = (pos == 0 ? null : get(pos-1));

        // recalc the cumulative plan times, since they are now messed up.

    protected synchronized void slideScheduleDates(long delta) {
        Iterator i = periods.iterator();
        Period p;
        long currentEndDate, newEndDate;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            p = (Period);
            currentEndDate = p.endDate.getTime();
            newEndDate = currentEndDate + delta;
            newEndDate += dstDifference(currentEndDate, newEndDate);
            p.endDate = new Date(newEndDate);

    public Period get(int pos) {
        try {
            return (Period) periods.get(pos);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

    public Period getLast() {
        try {
            return (Period) periods.lastElement();
        } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) {
            return null;

    public synchronized ListData getSaveList() {
        ListData result = new ListData();
        Period p;
        for (int i = 1;   i < periods.size();  i++) {
            p = get(i);
            if (p.automatic)
        return result;

    static String saveDate(Date d) { return "@" + d.getTime(); }
    static Date parseDate(String d) {
        if (!d.startsWith("@")) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        long when = Long.parseLong(d.substring(1));
        if (when == 0) return A_LONG_TIME_AGO;
        if (when == Long.MAX_VALUE) return NEVER;
        return new Date(when);
    static double getXMLNum(Element e, String attrName, double defVal) {
        if (e.hasAttribute(attrName))
            return getXMLNum(e, attrName);
            return defVal;
    static double getXMLNum(Element e, String attrName) {
        try {
            return Double.parseDouble(e.getAttribute(attrName));
        } catch (Exception exc) { return 0; }
    static Date getXMLDate(Element e, String attrName) {
        String s = e.getAttribute(attrName);
        if (s == null || s.length() == 0) return null;
        try {
            return EVSchedule.parseDate(s);
        } catch (Exception exc) { return null; }

    public synchronized void saveToXML(StringBuffer result) {
        if (directPercentage != 1.0)
            result.append(" loe='").append(1.0-directPercentage).append("'");
        Iterator i = periods.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext())

    protected synchronized Period get(Date when) {
        long time = when.getTime();
        Period p;
        for (int i = periods.size();  i-- > 0; ) {
            p = get(i);
            if (p != null && p.getBeginDate().getTime() < time)
                return p;
        return null;

    public synchronized Date getPeriodStart(Date when) {
        Period p = get(when);
        return (p == null ? null : p.getBeginDate());

    public synchronized Date getPeriodEnd(Date when) {
        Period p = get(when);
        return (p == null ? null : p.endDate);

    /** return the total amount of time in the plan for periods ending
     * before the given date. */
    public double getScheduledPlanTime(Date when) {
        double result = 0;
        double auto = 0;
        long time = when.getTime();
        Period p;
        for (int i = 1;   i < periods.size();   i++) {
            p = get(i);
            if (p != null && p.getEndDate().getTime() < time) {
                if (p.automatic)
                    result += auto;
                    result += (auto = p.planDirectTime);
            else break;
        return result;

    /** return the total amount of actual time for periods ending
     * before the given date. */
    public double getScheduledActualTime(Date when) {
        double result = 0;
        long time = when.getTime();
        Period p;
        for (int i = 1;   i < periods.size();   i++) {
            p = get(i);
            if (p != null && p.getEndDate().getTime() < time)
                result += p.actualDirectTime;
            else break;
        return result;

    /** Return the date that the schedule would reach the given cumulative
     * plan time. Perform a "what-if" calculation - don't modify the
     * current schedule.
    public Date getHypotheticalDate(double cumPlanTime, boolean useDTPI) {
        EVSchedule s = new EVSchedule(this);
        if (useDTPI) s.multiply(1 / metrics.directTimePerformanceIndex());
        double extra = cumPlanTime + s.defaultPlanDirectTime;
        s.getPlannedCompletionDate(extra, extra);
        return s.extrapolateWithinSchedule(cumPlanTime);

    public synchronized Date getPlannedCompletionDate(double cumPlanTime,
                                                      double cumPlanValue) {

        if (Double.isNaN(cumPlanTime) || Double.isInfinite(cumPlanTime))
            return NEVER;

        // scan the list for the first period containing at least
        // cumPlanTime minutes.  When we find it, save the cum Plan
        // value into the appropriate blocks in the schedule.
        Period p;
        Date result = null;
        for (int i = 0;  i < periods.size();  i++) {
            p = get(i);
            if (p.cumPlanDirectTime >= cumPlanTime) {
                p.cumPlanValue = Math.max(p.cumPlanValue, cumPlanValue);
                if (result == null) result = p.getEndDate();
        if (result != null) return result;

        // There isn't enough time in the schedule - we'll attempt
        // to expand the schedule so it contains enough hours.

        if (defaultPlanDirectTime <= 0.0) // if we can't add hours to the schedule,
            return NEVER;           // the task will never get done.

        boolean firstTimeThrough = true;
        while (true) {
            //FIXME: make this more robust, so it can withstand out of order
            // queries against the schedule.
            if (!firstTimeThrough && !grow(true)) return NEVER;
            if (!addHours(cumPlanTime) && !firstTimeThrough) return NEVER;

            p = getLast();          // get the last period in the list.
            if (p.cumPlanDirectTime >= cumPlanTime) {
                p.cumPlanValue = Math.max(p.cumPlanValue, cumPlanValue);
                return p.getEndDate();
            firstTimeThrough = false;

    protected Date extrapolateWithinSchedule(double cumPlanTime) {
        if (cumPlanTime < 0) return A_LONG_TIME_AGO;
        if (Double.isNaN(cumPlanTime) || Double.isInfinite(cumPlanTime))
            return NEVER;

        Iterator i = periods.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Period p = (Period);
            if (p.cumPlanDirectTime < cumPlanTime || p.previous == null)

            double prevCumPlanTime = p.previous.cumPlanDirectTime;
            double percent = (cumPlanTime - prevCumPlanTime) /
                (p.cumPlanDirectTime - prevCumPlanTime);

            long start = p.getBeginDate().getTime();
            long end = p.endDate.getTime();
            long duration = end - start;
            long durationPercent = (long) (duration * percent);
            return new Date(start + durationPercent);

        return NEVER;

    public synchronized void saveCompletedTask(Date dateCompleted,
                                               double planValue) {
        saveActualTaskInfo(dateCompleted, planValue, 0, true);
    public synchronized void saveActualTime(Date when, double actualTime) {
        saveActualTaskInfo(when, 0, actualTime, true);
    public synchronized void saveActualIndirectTime(Date when, double actualTime) {
        saveActualTaskInfo(when, 0, actualTime, false);
    public synchronized void saveActualTaskInfo(Date when,
                                                double planValue,
                                                double actualTime,
                                                boolean direct) {
        if (when == null || when == NEVER) return;

        boolean foundDate = false;
        Period p;
        for (int i = periods.size();  i-- > 0; ) {
            p = get(i);
            // if this period ends *after* the task's completion date,
            // add the task's planValue to this period's cumPlanValue.
            if (when.compareTo(p.endDate) < 0) {
                foundDate = true;
                if (direct) {
                    p.cumEarnedValue += planValue;
                    p.cumActualDirectTime += actualTime;
                if (when.compareTo(p.getBeginDate()) >= 0) {
                    if (direct)
                        p.actualDirectTime += actualTime;
                        p.actualIndirectTime += actualTime;
                //System.out.println("\tadding to period ending "+p.endDate);
            } else
        if (foundDate) return;

        // this task info falls AFTER the end date of the entire schedule.
        // expand the schedule until it contains the completion date.
        while (true) {
            if (!grow(true)) return;
            p = getLast();      // get the last period in the list.
            if (when.compareTo(p.endDate) < 0) {
                if (direct) {
                    p.cumEarnedValue += planValue;
                    p.cumActualDirectTime  += actualTime;
                if (when.compareTo(p.getBeginDate()) >= 0) {
                    if (direct)
                        p.actualDirectTime += actualTime;
                        p.actualIndirectTime += actualTime;
                //System.out.println("\tadding to period ending "+p.endDate);

    private double directPercentage = 1;
    private boolean showDirectColumns = false;
    private String[] toolTips = buildColumnTooltips();
    public void setLevelOfEffort(double percent) {
        directPercentage = 1.0 - percent;
        if (directPercentage < 0)
            directPercentage = 0;
        showDirectColumns = (directPercentage < 1);
        if (showDirectColumns) {
            toolTips[TIME_COLUMN] = TOOL_TIPS[TIME_COLUMN];
        } else {
            toolTips[TIME_COLUMN] = TOOL_TIPS[DTIME_COLUMN];
    public double getLevelOfEffort() {
        return 1.0 - directPercentage;

    private Date effectiveDate = null;
    private int effectivePeriod = 0;
    public Date getEffectiveDate() { return effectiveDate; }
    public synchronized void setEffectiveDate(Date d) {
        effectiveDate = d;
        effectivePeriod = 0;
        if (effectiveDate == null) return;
        long time = d.getTime();
        Period p;
        for (int i = periods.size();  i-- > 0; ) {
            p = get(i);
            if (p != null && p.endDate.getTime() < time) {
                effectivePeriod = i+1;
    public Date getStartDate() { return get(0).endDate; }
    public EVMetrics getMetrics() { return metrics; }

    /** look at the final row in the schedule, and maybe bump it up.
     *  The final row will <b>not</b> be bumped up if:<ul>
     <li>it is a manual row.
     *  <li>it already contains at defaultPlanTime minutes or more.
     *  </ul>
     *  In these situations, no changes will be made, and this method will
     *  return false.
     *  Otherwise, the final row will be bumped up an amount equal to the
     *  smaller of:<ul>
     <li>the difference between its plan time and defaultPlanTime
     *  <li>the difference between its cum plan time and the required
     *      cum plan time.
     *  </ul>
    protected synchronized boolean addHours(double requiredCumPlanTime) {
        Period z = getLast();

        if (!z.automatic) return false;

        double diff = defaultPlanDirectTime - z.planDirectTime;
        if (diff <= 0.0) return false;

        double cumDiff = requiredCumPlanTime - z.cumPlanDirectTime;
        if (cumDiff <= 0) return false;

        if (diff < cumDiff) {
            z.planTotalTime = defaultPlanTotalTime;
            z.planDirectTime = defaultPlanDirectTime;
            z.cumPlanDirectTime = z.previous.cumPlanDirectTime + defaultPlanDirectTime;
        } else {
            z.cumPlanDirectTime = requiredCumPlanTime;
            z.planDirectTime = requiredCumPlanTime - z.previous.cumPlanDirectTime;
            z.planTotalTime = z.planDirectTime *
                (defaultPlanTotalTime / defaultPlanDirectTime);
        return true;

    /** Add a new period (containing 0 planned hours) to the end of
     *  the schedule.
    protected synchronized boolean grow(boolean automatic) {
        int size = periods.size();
        if (size < 2 || size > 300) return false;
        Period x = get(size-2), y = get(size-1), z;

        long xdate = x.endDate.getTime(), ydate = y.endDate.getTime();
        long delta = ydate - xdate - dstDifference(xdate, ydate);
        long zdateTime = ydate + delta;
        zdateTime += dstDifference(ydate, zdateTime);
        Date zdate = new Date(zdateTime);
        z = new Period(zdate, 0.0);
        z.cumPlanDirectTime = y.cumPlanDirectTime;
        z.cumPlanValue = y.cumPlanValue;
        z.cumEarnedValue = y.cumEarnedValue;
        z.automatic = automatic;

        //System.out.println("growing schedule - new task ends: " + zdate);
        return true;

    /** examines two different dates to see if one is in daylight
     * savings time while the other is not.  If they are both in DST
     * or neither is in DST, returns zero.
     * if the first date is in standard time and the second is in
     * daylight savings time, returns a negative number indicating the
     * number of milliseconds that were lost.
     * if the first date is in daylight savings time and the second is in
     * standard time, returns a positive number indicating the
     * number of additional milliseconds that were gained.
    private static long dstDifference(long first, long second) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

        long firstDSTOffset, secondDSTOffset;
        calendar.setTime(new Date(first));
        firstDSTOffset = calendar.get(calendar.DST_OFFSET);
        calendar.setTime(new Date(second));
        secondDSTOffset = calendar.get(calendar.DST_OFFSET);

        return firstDSTOffset - secondDSTOffset;

    public synchronized void deleteRow(int row) {
        Period r = get(row+1);
        if (r == null || r.automatic) return;

        // send a "row deleted" event.
        fireTableChanged(new TableModelEvent
            (this, row, row, TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS,

        // signal the need to recalculate all the schedule data.

    public synchronized void insertRow(int row) {
        Period r = get(row+1);
        if (r == null) return;
        Date midpoint = new Date((r.getEndDate().getTime() +
                                  r.getBeginDate().getTime()) / 2);
        Period newPeriod = new Period(midpoint, 0.0);

        newPeriod.previous = r.previous;
        r.previous = newPeriod;
        periods.add(row+1, newPeriod);

        // fire a "rows added" event.
        fireTableChanged(new TableModelEvent
            (this, row, row, TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS,

        // signal the need to recalculate all the schedule data.

    public synchronized void addRow() {

        // signal the need to recalculate all the schedule data.

    /** The amount of planTime in the <b>last</b> manual schedule period.
     *  This is the maximum amount of time that will be alloted to any
     *  automatic schedule period.
    double defaultPlanTotalTime;

    /** The amount of planTime in the <b>last</b> manual schedule period.
     *  This is the maximum amount of time that will be alloted to any
     *  automatic schedule period.
    double defaultPlanDirectTime;

    public synchronized void cleanUp() {
        Period p = null;
        int i;
        for (i = 0;  i < periods.size();  i++) {
            p = get(i);
            p.planDirectTime = directPercentage * p.planTotalTime;
            p.cumPlanValue = p.cumEarnedValue = 0;
            p.actualDirectTime = p.actualIndirectTime = p.cumActualDirectTime = 0;
            if (p.automatic)
        // truncate all the automatic periods from the list - but never
        // make the list contain fewer than two entries (one period).
        if (i < 2) {
            i = 2;
            if (p != null) p.automatic = false;
        defaultPlanTotalTime = get(i-1).planTotalTime;
        defaultPlanDirectTime = get(i-1).planDirectTime;

    public synchronized void recalcCumPlanTimes() {
        double cumPlanDirectTime = 0;
        Period p;
        for (int i = 1;   i < periods.size();   i++) {
            p = get(i);
            cumPlanDirectTime += p.planDirectTime;
            p.cumPlanDirectTime = cumPlanDirectTime;

    public synchronized void recalcCumActualTimes() {
        double cumActualDirectTime = 0;
        Period p;
        for (int i = 0;   i < periods.size();   i++) {
            p = get(i);
            cumActualDirectTime += p.actualDirectTime;
            p.cumActualDirectTime = cumActualDirectTime;

    /** the Period.planValue and Period.earnedValue fields generally do not
     * contain any data. This routine calculates the values of these fields
     * for all the periods in the given schedule */
    protected synchronized void calcIndividualValues() {
        Iterator i = periods.iterator();
        Period p = (Period);
        p.planValue = p.cumPlanValue;
        p.earnedValue = p.cumEarnedValue;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            p = (Period);
            p.planValue   = p.cumPlanValue   - p.previous.cumPlanValue;
            p.earnedValue = p.cumEarnedValue - p.previous.cumEarnedValue;

    int prevNumRows = -1;
    public void prepForEvents() {
        if (prevNumRows == -1) prevNumRows = getRowCount();
    synchronized void firePreparedEvents() {
        if (prevNumRows == -1) {

        int currNumRows = getRowCount();
        int changedRows = (currNumRows < prevNumRows ? currNumRows
                                                     : prevNumRows);

        // fire an event to redraw rows that previously might have been
        // automatic.
        fireTableChanged(new TableModelEvent
            (this, 0, changedRows-1, TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS,

        if (prevNumRows < currNumRows)
            // fire a "rows added" event.
            fireTableChanged(new TableModelEvent
                (this, prevNumRows, currNumRows-1, TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS,
        else if (prevNumRows > currNumRows)
            // fire a "rows deleted" event.
            fireTableChanged(new TableModelEvent
                (this, currNumRows, prevNumRows-1, TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS,
        prevNumRows = -1;

    public static String formatTime(double time) {
        return EVTask.formatTime(time); }
    public static String formatPercent(double p) {
        return EVTask.formatPercent(p); }
    public static String formatDate(Date d) {
        if (d == null)
            return "";
        else if (d == NEVER)
            return NEVER_STRING;
            return dateFormatter.format(d);
    private static DateFormat dateFormatter =
    private static final String NEVER_STRING =

    /// Table model

    private static final String[] COLUMN_KEYS = {
        "From", "To", "PT", "PDT", "CPT", "CPV", "Time", "PctI",
        "DTime", "CT", "EV" };

    protected static final int DATE_W = 80; // width for date columns
    protected static final int TIME_W = 50; // width for time columns
    protected static final int PCT_W  = 40; // width for percentage columns
    public static final String[] colNames =
        resources.getStrings("Schedule_Column_Name_", COLUMN_KEYS);
    public static final int[] colWidths =
        resources.getInts("Schedule_Column_Width_", COLUMN_KEYS);
    public static final String[] TOOL_TIPS =
        resources.getStrings("Schedule_Column_Tooltip_", COLUMN_KEYS);

    public static final int FROM_COLUMN           = 0;
    public static final int TO_COLUMN             = 1;
    public static final int PLAN_TIME_COLUMN      = 2;
    public static final int PLAN_DTIME_COLUMN     = 3;
    public static final int PLAN_CUM_TIME_COLUMN  = 4;
    public static final int PLAN_CUM_VALUE_COLUMN = 5;
    public static final int TIME_COLUMN           = 6;
    public static final int IPERCENT_COLUMN       = 7;
    public static final int DTIME_COLUMN          = 8;
    public static final int CUM_TIME_COLUMN       = 9;
    public static final int CUM_VALUE_COLUMN      = 10;

    public static final int[] DIRECT_COLUMN_LIST = {

    public static Class[] colTypes = {
        Date.class,             // From
        Date.class,             // To
        String.class,           // planned time
        String.class,           // planned direct time
        String.class,           // planned cumulative time
        String.class,           // planned cumulative value
        String.class,           // actual time
        String.class,           // percent indirect time
        String.class,           // actual direct time
        String.class,           // actual cumulative time
        String.class };         // cumulative earned value

    public int getRowCount() { return periods.size() - 1; }
    public int getColumnCount() { return colNames.length; }
    public String getColumnName(int i) {
        if (!showDirectColumns &&
            (i == PLAN_DTIME_COLUMN || i == IPERCENT_COLUMN || i == DTIME_COLUMN))
            return " " + colNames[i] + " ";
            return colNames[i];
    public String[] getColumnTooltips() {
        return toolTips;
    private String[] buildColumnTooltips() {
        String [] result = new String[TOOL_TIPS.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
            result[i] = TOOL_TIPS[i];
        if (directPercentage == 1.0) {
            result[PLAN_TIME_COLUMN] = result[PLAN_DTIME_COLUMN];
            result[TIME_COLUMN] = result[DTIME_COLUMN];
        toolTips = result;
        return result;

    public Class getColumnClass(int i) { return colTypes[i]; }
    public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        return columnIndex < 4;
    public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        Period p = get(rowIndex+1);
        if (p == null) return null;
        switch(columnIndex) {
        case FROM_COLUMN:           return p.getBeginDate();
        case TO_COLUMN:             return p.getEndDate();
        case PLAN_TIME_COLUMN:      return p.getPlanTime();
        case PLAN_DTIME_COLUMN:     return p.getPlanDirectTime();
        case PLAN_CUM_TIME_COLUMN:  return p.getCumPlanTime();
        case PLAN_CUM_VALUE_COLUMN: return p.getCumPlanValue(totalPlan());
        case TIME_COLUMN:           return p.getActualTime();
        case IPERCENT_COLUMN:       return p.getActualIndirectPercentage();
        case DTIME_COLUMN:          return p.getActualDirectTime();
        case CUM_TIME_COLUMN:       return p.getCumActualTime();
        case CUM_VALUE_COLUMN:      return p.getCumEarnedValue(totalPlan());
        return null;
    private double totalPlan() { return metrics.totalPlan(); }

    public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        Period p = get(rowIndex+1);
        if (p == null) return;
        switch(columnIndex) {
        case FROM_COLUMN:       p.setBeginDate(aValue);       break;
        case TO_COLUMN:         p.setEndDate(aValue);         break;
        case PLAN_TIME_COLUMN:  p.setPlanTime(aValue);        break;
        case PLAN_DTIME_COLUMN: p.setPlanDirectTime(aValue)break;
    public boolean rowIsAutomatic(int row) {
        Period p = get(row+1);
        return (p != null && p.automatic);

    EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList();
    public void addTableModelListener(TableModelListener l) {
        listenerList.add(TableModelListener.class, l);
    public void removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener l) {
        listenerList.remove(TableModelListener.class, l);
    public void fireTableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
        Object [] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
        // Process the listeners last to first, notifying
        // those that are interested in this event
        for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2) {
            if (listeners[i]==TableModelListener.class) {
                if (e == null)
                    e = new TableModelEvent(this);

    Listener listener = null;
    public void setListener(Listener l) { listener = l; }
    public void fireNeedsRecalc() {
        if (listener != null)

    // The methods/classes below assist in the generation of JFreeCharts
    // based on EVSchedules.

    protected static final Double ZERO = new Double(0.0);
    protected static final Double ONE_HUNDRED = new Double(100.0);

    protected static class NumericRange extends Number implements RangeInfo {

        Number value, low, high;

        public NumericRange(Number value, Number low, Number high) {
            this.value = value;
            this.low = low;
            this.high = high;

        public int intValue() { return value.intValue(); }
        public long longValue() { return value.longValue(); }
        public float floatValue() { return value.floatValue(); }
        public double doubleValue() { return value.doubleValue(); }

        public Number getMinimumRangeValue() { return low; }

        public Number getMaximumRangeValue() { return high; }

        public String toString() { return String.valueOf(value); }

        public Range getValueRange() { return null; }

    protected interface ChartSeries {
        /** Returns the name of the specified series (zero-based). */
        String getSeriesName();
        /** Returns the number of items in the specified series */
        int getItemCount();
        /** Returns the x-value for the specified series and item */
        Number getXValue(int itemIndex);
        /** Returns the y-value for the specified series and item */
        Number getYValue(int itemIndex);

    private static final String PLAN_LABEL = resources.getString("Plan_Label");
    private abstract class PlanChartSeries implements ChartSeries {
        public String getSeriesName() { return PLAN_LABEL; }
        public int getItemCount() { return getRowCount()+1; }
        public Number getXValue(int itemIndex) {
            return new Long(get(itemIndex).endDate.getTime()); }

    private static final String ACTUAL_LABEL =
    private abstract class ActualChartSeries implements ChartSeries {
        public String getSeriesName() { return ACTUAL_LABEL; }
        public int getItemCount() {
            int result = getRowCount()+1;
            if (effectivePeriod < result) result = effectivePeriod+1;
            return result;
        public Number getXValue(int itemIndex) {
            Date d;
            if (itemIndex < effectivePeriod)
                d = get(itemIndex).endDate;
                d = effectiveDate;
            return new Long(d.getTime());

    private static final String FORECAST_LABEL =
    protected class ForecastChartSeries implements ChartSeries {
        Number currentYVal, forecastYVal, forecastYValLow, forecastYValHigh;
        Number currentXVal, forecastXVal;
        int itemCount = 2;
        public String getSeriesName() { return FORECAST_LABEL; }
        public int getItemCount() { return itemCount; }
        public Number getXValue(int itemIndex) {
            return (itemIndex == 0 ? currentXVal : forecastXVal);
        public Number getYValue(int itemIndex) {
            return (itemIndex == 0 ? currentYVal : forecastYVal);
        public void recalc() {
            itemCount = 2;
            currentXVal = dateToLong(effectiveDate);
            forecastXVal = dateToLong(getForecastDate(), getForecastDateLPI(),
            if (itemCount == 2 &&
                (notLessThan(currentXVal, forecastXVal) ||
                 notLessThan(currentYVal, forecastYVal)))
                itemCount = 0;
            else if (okayNumber(forecastYValLow) &&
                forecastYVal = new NumericRange(forecastYVal, forecastYValLow,
        protected Date getForecastDate() {
            return metrics.independentForecastDate();
        protected Date getForecastDateLPI() { return null; }
        protected Date getForecastDateUPI() { return null; }
        private boolean okayNumber(Number n) {
            return (n != null &&
                    !Double.isNaN(n.doubleValue()) &&
        private boolean notLessThan(Number a, Number b) {
            if (a == null || b == null) return true;
            if (a.doubleValue() < b.doubleValue()) return false;
            return true;
        private Number dateToLong(Date d) {
            return dateToLong(d, null, null);
        private Number dateToLong(Date d, Date l, Date h) {
            if (d == null) {
                itemCount = 0;
                return null;
            Number result = new Long(d.getTime());
            if (l != null && h != null)
                result = new NumericRange(result, new Long(l.getTime()),
                                          new Long(h.getTime()));
            return result;

    /** Base class for implementing XYDataSource funtionality.
    private class ChartData extends AbstractDataset
        implements XYDataset, TableModelListener
        ChartSeries [] series;
        boolean needsRecalc = true;
        protected void recalc() {}
        protected void maybeRecalc() {
            if (needsRecalc) { recalc(); needsRecalc = false; } }
        /** Returns the number of series in the data source. */
        public int getSeriesCount() { maybeRecalc(); return series.length; }
        /** Returns the name of the specified series (zero-based). */
        public String getSeriesName(int seriesIndex) { maybeRecalc();
            return series[seriesIndex].getSeriesName(); }
        /** Returns the number of items in the specified series */
        public int getItemCount(int seriesIndex) { maybeRecalc();
            return series[seriesIndex].getItemCount(); }
        /** Returns the x-value for the specified series and item */
        public Number getXValue(int seriesIndex, int itemIndex) {
            maybeRecalc(); return series[seriesIndex].getXValue(itemIndex); }
        /** Returns the y-value for the specified series and item */
        public Number getYValue(int seriesIndex, int itemIndex) {
            if (itemIndex == -1) return null;
            return series[seriesIndex].getYValue(itemIndex); }

        // support DataSourceChangeListener notification
        private ArrayList listenerList = null;
        public void addChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener l) {
            if (listenerList == null) listenerList = new ArrayList();
            synchronized (listenerList) {
                if (listenerList.size() == 0) addTableModelListener(this);
                if (!listenerList.contains(l)) listenerList.add(l);
        public void removeChangeListener(DatasetChangeListener l) {
            if (listenerList == null) return;
            synchronized (listenerList) {
                if (listenerList.remove(l) && listenerList.size() == 0)
        public void fireChangeEvent() {
            if (listenerList == null) return;
            DatasetChangeEvent e = null;
            Object [] listeners = listenerList.toArray();
            // Process the listeners last to first, notifying
            // those that are interested in this event
            for (int i = listeners.length; i-- > 0; ) {
                if (e == null) e = new DatasetChangeEvent(this, this);

        // TableModelListener implementation
        public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
            needsRecalc = true;

    private class PlanTimeSeries extends PlanChartSeries {
        public Number getYValue(int itemIndex) {
            return new Double(get(itemIndex).cumPlanDirectTime / 60.0); } }
    private class ActualTimeSeries extends ActualChartSeries {
        public Number getYValue(int itemIndex) {
            return new Double(get(itemIndex).cumActualDirectTime / 60.0); } }

    /** XYDataSource for charting plan vs actual direct hours.
    private class TimeChartData extends ChartData {
        public TimeChartData() {
            series = new ChartSeries[3];
            series[0] = new PlanTimeSeries();
            series[1] = new ActualTimeSeries();
            series[2] = forecast = new ForecastChartSeries();
        ForecastChartSeries forecast;
        public void recalc() {
            forecast.currentYVal = makeTime(getLast().cumActualDirectTime);
            forecast.forecastYVal = makeTime
            forecast.forecastYValLow = makeTime
            forecast.forecastYValHigh = makeTime
            if (forecast.getItemCount() == 0) numSeries = 2;
        private Number makeTime(double d) { return new Double(d / 60.0); }
        private double checkDouble(double d) {
            numSeries = ((Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d)) ? 2 : 3);
            return d;
        int numSeries = 3;
        public int getSeriesCount() { maybeRecalc(); return numSeries; }
    public XYDataset getTimeChartData() { return new TimeChartData(); }

    private class PlanValueSeries extends PlanChartSeries {
        double mult;
        PlanValueSeries(double m) { mult = m; }
        public Number getYValue(int itemIndex) {
            return new Double(get(itemIndex).cumPlanValue * mult); } }
    private class ActualValueSeries extends ActualChartSeries {
        double mult;
        ActualValueSeries(double m) { mult = m; }
        public Number getYValue(int itemIndex) {
            return new Double(get(itemIndex).cumEarnedValue * mult); } };

    /** XYDataSource for charting plan vs actual earned value.
    protected class ValueChartData extends ChartData implements RangeInfo {
        public ValueChartData() {
            double mult = 100.0 / totalPlan();
            series = new ChartSeries[3];
            series[0] = plan = new PlanValueSeries(mult);
            series[1] = actual = new ActualValueSeries(mult);
            series[2] = forecast = new ForecastChartSeries() {
                    protected Date getForecastDateLPI() {
                        return metrics.independentForecastDateLPI(); }
                    protected Date getForecastDateUPI() {
                        return metrics.independentForecastDateUPI(); }
        ForecastChartSeries forecast;
        PlanValueSeries plan;
        ActualValueSeries actual;
        public void recalc() {
            double mult = 100.0 / totalPlan();
            if (Double.isInfinite(mult)) mult = 0;
            plan.mult = actual.mult = mult;
            recalcForecast(new Double(getLast().cumEarnedValue * mult));
        protected void recalcForecast(Double currentYVal) {
            forecast.currentYVal = currentYVal;
            forecast.forecastYVal = ONE_HUNDRED;
            numSeries = (forecast.getItemCount() == 0 ? 2 : 3);
        int numSeries = 3;
        public int getSeriesCount() { maybeRecalc(); return numSeries; }
        public Number getMinimumRangeValue() { return ZERO; }
        public Number getMaximumRangeValue() { return ONE_HUNDRED; }
        public Range getValueRange() {
            return new Range(getMinimumRangeValue().doubleValue(),
    public XYDataset getValueChartData() {
        ValueChartData result = new ValueChartData();
        return result;

    private static final String PLAN_VALUE_LABEL =
    private static final String ACTUAL_VALUE_LABEL =
    private static final String ACTUAL_TIME_LABEL =

    /** XYDataSource for charting cost and schedule on one chart.
    private class CombinedChartData extends ChartData {
        public CombinedChartData() {
            series = new ChartSeries[3];
            series[0] = new PlanValueSeries(1.0 / 60.0) {
                    public String getSeriesName() {
                        return PLAN_VALUE_LABEL; } };
            series[1] = new ActualValueSeries(1.0 / 60.0) {
                    public String getSeriesName() {
                        return ACTUAL_VALUE_LABEL; } };
            series[2] = new ActualTimeSeries() {
                    public String getSeriesName() {
                        return ACTUAL_TIME_LABEL; } };
    public XYDataset getCombinedChartData() {
        return new CombinedChartData(); }

Related Classes of pspdash.EVSchedule

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