* PrefComboBox.java
* de.sciss.gui package
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 20-May-05 created from de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.PrefComboBox
package de.sciss.gui;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicAncestorAdapter;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicListening;
import de.sciss.app.EventManager;
import de.sciss.app.LaterInvocationManager;
import de.sciss.app.PreferenceEntrySync;
* Equips a normal JComboBox with
* preference storing / recalling capabilities.
* To preserve maximum future compatibility,
* we decided to not override setSelectedItem()
* and the like but to install an internal
* ActionListener. Thus, there are two ways
* to alter the gadget state, either by invoking
* the setSelectedIndex/Item() methods or by
* changing the associated preferences.
* The whole mechanism would be much simpler
* if we reduced listening to the preference
* changes, but a) this wouldn't track user
* GUI activities, b) the PrefComboBox can
* be used with preferences set to null.
* When a preference change occurs, the
* setSelectedItem() method is called, allowing
* clients to add ActionListeners to the
* gadget in case they don't want to deal
* with preferences. However, when possible
* it is recommended to use PreferenceChangeListener
* mechanisms.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.28, 17-Apr-07
* @see java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener
* @see StringItem
public class PrefComboBox
extends JComboBox
implements DynamicListening, PreferenceChangeListener,
LaterInvocationManager.Listener, PreferenceEntrySync
private boolean listening = false;
private Preferences prefs = null;
private String key = null;
private final LaterInvocationManager lim = new LaterInvocationManager( this );
// private List collKeys = null;
private ActionListener listener;
private Object defaultValue = null;
private boolean readPrefs = true;
protected boolean writePrefs = true;
* Creates a new <code>PrefComboBox</code>
* with default data model and no initial preferences set.
public PrefComboBox()
private void init()
new DynamicAncestorAdapter( this ).addTo( this );
listener = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
if( EventManager.DEBUG_EVENTS ) System.err.println( "@comb actionPerformed : "+key+" --> "+getSelectedItem() );
if( writePrefs ) writePrefs();
public void setReadPrefs( boolean b )
if( b != readPrefs ) {
readPrefs = b;
if( (prefs != null) && listening ) {
if( readPrefs ) {
prefs.addPreferenceChangeListener( this );
} else {
prefs.removePreferenceChangeListener( this );
public boolean getReadPrefs()
return readPrefs;
public void setWritePrefs( boolean b )
if( b != writePrefs ) {
writePrefs = b;
if( (prefs != null) && listening ) {
if( writePrefs ) {
this.addActionListener( listener );
} else {
this.removeActionListener( listener );
public boolean getWritePrefs()
return writePrefs;
* Because the items in the ComboBox
* can be naturally moved, added and replaced,
* it is crucial to have a non-index-based
* value to store in the preferences. Since
* the actual String representation of the
* the items is likely to be locale specific,
* it is required to add items of class
* StringItem !
* @param item the <code>StringItem</code> to add
* @see StringItem
public void addItem( Object item )
super.addItem( validateItem( item ));
/* Add a new item at a specific index position
* to the gadget. See {@link #addItem( Object ) addItem( Object )}
* for an explanation of the <code>StringItem</code>
* usage.
* @param item the <code>StringItem</code> to add
* @see StringItem
public void insertItemAt( Object item, int index )
super.insertItemAt( validateItem( item ), index );
private Object validateItem( Object item )
if( !(item instanceof StringItem) ) {
item = new StringItem( item.toString(), item.toString() );
return item;
public void writePrefs()
String value = null;
String oldValue;
if( (prefs != null) && (key != null) ) {
final Object item = getSelectedItem();
if( item != null && (item instanceof StringItem) ) {
value = ((StringItem) item).getKey();
oldValue = prefs.get( key, null );
if( EventManager.DEBUG_EVENTS ) System.err.println( "@comb updatePrefs : "+this.key+"; old = "+oldValue+" --> "+value );
if( (value != null && oldValue == null) ||
(value != null && !value.equals( oldValue ))) {
prefs.put( key, value );
} else if( value == null && oldValue != null ) {
prefs.remove( key );
public void setPreferenceNode( Preferences prefs )
setPreferences( prefs, this.key );
public void setPreferenceKey( String key )
setPreferences( this.prefs, key );
public void setPreferences( Preferences prefs, String key )
if( (this.prefs == null) || (this.key == null) ) {
defaultValue = getSelectedItem();
if( listening ) {
this.prefs = prefs;
this.key = key;
} else {
this.prefs = prefs;
this.key = key;
public Preferences getPreferenceNode() { return prefs; }
public String getPreferenceKey() { return key; }
public void startListening()
if( prefs != null ) {
listening = true;
if( writePrefs ) this.addActionListener( listener );
if( readPrefs ) {
prefs.addPreferenceChangeListener( this );
public void stopListening()
if( prefs != null ) {
if( readPrefs ) prefs.removePreferenceChangeListener( this );
if( writePrefs ) this.removeActionListener( listener );
listening = false;
// o instanceof PreferenceChangeEvent
public void laterInvocation( Object o )
final String prefsValue = ((PreferenceChangeEvent) o).getNewValue();
readPrefsFromString( prefsValue );
public void readPrefs()
if( (prefs != null) && (key != null) ) readPrefsFromString( prefs.get( key, null ));
private void readPrefsFromString( String prefsValue )
if( (prefsValue == null) && (defaultValue != null) ) {
if( listening && writePrefs ) this.removeActionListener( listener );
setSelectedItem( defaultValue );
if( writePrefs ) writePrefs();
if( listening && writePrefs ) this.addActionListener( listener );
Object guiItem = getSelectedItem();
String guiValue = null;
Object prefsItem = null;
if( guiItem != null && (guiItem instanceof StringItem) ) {
guiValue = ((StringItem) guiItem).getKey();
if( (prefsValue == null && guiValue != null) ) {
if( EventManager.DEBUG_EVENTS ) System.err.println( "@comb lim select null (guiValue was "+guiValue+")" );
// thow we filter out events when preferences effectively
// remain unchanged, it's more clean and produces less
// overhead to temporarily remove our ActionListener
// so we don't produce potential loops
if( listening && writePrefs ) this.removeActionListener( listener );
super.setSelectedItem( null ); // will notify action listeners
if( listening && writePrefs ) this.addActionListener( listener );
} else if( (prefsValue != null && guiValue == null) ||
(prefsValue != null && !prefsValue.equals( guiValue ))) {
for( int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++ ) {
guiItem = getItemAt( i );
if( guiItem != null && ((StringItem) guiItem).getKey().equals( prefsValue )) {
prefsItem = guiItem;
if( EventManager.DEBUG_EVENTS ) System.err.println( "@comb lim select "+prefsItem );
// thow we filter out events when preferences effectively
// remain unchanged, it's more clean and produces less
// overhead to temporarily remove our ActionListener
// so we don't produce potential loops
if( listening && writePrefs ) this.removeActionListener( listener );
super.setSelectedItem( prefsItem ); // will notify action listeners
if( listening && writePrefs ) this.addActionListener( listener );
public void preferenceChange( PreferenceChangeEvent e )
if( e.getKey().equals( key )) {
if( EventManager.DEBUG_EVENTS ) System.err.println( "@comb preferenceChange : "+key+" --> "+e.getNewValue() );
lim.queue( e );