* Part of the GLGraphics library: http://glgraphics.sourceforge.net/
* Copyright (c) 2008-11 Andres Colubri
* This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World
* Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also
* obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package codeanticode.glgraphics;
import processing.core.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
import processing.xml.XMLElement;
import javax.media.opengl.*;
import com.sun.opengl.util.BufferUtil;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* This class holds a 3D model composed of vertices, normals, colors (per
* vertex) and texture coordinates (also per vertex). All this data is stored in
* Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO) for fast access. This is class is still
* undergoing development, the API will probably change quickly in the following
* months as features are tested and refined. In particular, with the settings
* of the VBOs in this first implementation (GL.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB) it is
* assumed that the coordinates will change often during the lifetime of the
* model. For static models a different VBO setting (GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB)
* should be used.
public class GLModel implements PConstants, GLConstants {
protected PApplet parent;
protected GL gl;
protected PGraphicsOpenGL pgl;
protected GLState glstate;
protected int size;
protected int vertexMode;
protected int vboUsage;
protected int[] vertCoordsVBO = { 0 };
protected String description;
protected float[] tmpVertArray;
protected float[] tmpColorArray;
protected float[] tmpNormalsArray;
protected float[] tmpTexCoordsArray;
protected float[] tmpAttributesArray;
protected int[] tmpIndexArray;
protected int[] colorsVBO = null;
protected int[] normCoordsVBO = null;
protected int[] texCoordsVBO = null;
protected int[] indicesVBO = null;
protected boolean autoIndexBoundCalc;
protected float tintR, tintG, tintB, tintA;
protected float[] specularColor = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
protected float[] emissiveColor = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
protected float[] shininess = { 0 };
protected float pointSize = 1;
protected float lineWidth = 1;
protected boolean blend;
protected int blendMode;
protected boolean usingPointSprites;
protected int numAttributes;
protected int[] attribVBO = null;
protected String[] attribName;
protected int[] attribSize;
protected int curtAttrSize;
protected int numTextures;
protected int minIndex;
protected int maxIndex;
protected int maxIndicesCount;
protected int indicesCount;
public GLTexture[] textures;
public FloatBuffer vertices;
public FloatBuffer colors;
public FloatBuffer normals;
public FloatBuffer texCoords;
public FloatBuffer attributes;
public IntBuffer indices;
// Dimensions of the model:
public float width;
public float height;
public float depth;
// Bounding box:
public float xmin, xmax;
public float ymin, ymax;
public float zmin, zmax;
public static final int STATIC = 0;
public static final int DYNAMIC = 1;
public static final int STREAM = 2;
float maxSpriteSize;
// Coefficients for point sprite distance attenuation function.
// These default values correspond to the constant sprite size.
protected float spriteDistAtt[] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
* Creates an instance of GLModel with the specified parameters: number of
* vertices, mode to draw the vertices (as points, sprites, lines, etc) and
* usage (static if the vertices will never change after the first time are
* initialized, dynamic if they will change frequently or stream if they will
* change at every frame).
* @param parent PApplet
* @param numVert int
* @param mode int
* @param usage int
public GLModel(PApplet parent, int numVert, int mode, int usage) {
size = numVert;
if (mode == POINTS)
vertexMode = GL.GL_POINTS;
else if (mode == POINT_SPRITES) {
vertexMode = GL.GL_POINTS;
usingPointSprites = true;
maxSpriteSize = GLState.glMaxAntialiasedPointSize;
} else if (mode == LINES)
vertexMode = GL.GL_LINES;
else if (mode == LINE_STRIP)
vertexMode = GL.GL_LINE_STRIP;
else if (mode == LINE_LOOP)
vertexMode = GL.GL_LINE_LOOP;
else if (mode == TRIANGLES)
vertexMode = GL.GL_TRIANGLES;
else if (mode == TRIANGLE_FAN)
vertexMode = GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN;
else if (mode == TRIANGLE_STRIP)
else if (mode == QUADS)
vertexMode = GL.GL_QUADS;
else if (mode == QUAD_STRIP)
vertexMode = GL.GL_QUAD_STRIP;
else if (mode == POLYGON)
vertexMode = GL.GL_POLYGON;
if (usage == STATIC)
else if (usage == DYNAMIC)
else if (usage == STREAM)
vertCoordsVBO[0] = GLState.createGLResource(GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vertCoordsVBO[0]);
gl.glBufferDataARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, size * 4
* BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, null, vboUsage);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
description = "Just another GLModel";
public GLModel(PApplet parent, float[] vertArray, int mode, int usage) {
this(parent, vertArray.length / 4, mode, usage);
public GLModel(PApplet parent, ArrayList<PVector> vertArrayList, int mode, int usage) {
this(parent, vertArrayList.size(), mode, usage);
public GLModel(PApplet parent, String filename) {
this.parent = parent;
filename = filename.replace('\\', '/');
XMLElement xml = new XMLElement(parent, filename);
public GLModel(PApplet parent, URL url) {
this.parent = parent;
try {
String xmlText = PApplet
.join(PApplet.loadStrings(url.openStream()), "\n");
XMLElement xml = new XMLElement(xmlText);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error loading effect: " + e.getMessage());
public void delete() {
public int getMode() {
return vertexMode;
public int getSize() {
return size;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
* Returns the OpenGL identifier of the Vertex Buffer Object holding the
* coordinates of this model.
* @return int
public int getCoordsVBO() {
return vertCoordsVBO[0];
* This method creates the normals, i.e.: it creates the internal OpenGL
* variables to store normal data.
public void initNormals() {
normCoordsVBO = new int[1];
normCoordsVBO[0] = GLState.createGLResource(GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, normCoordsVBO[0]);
gl.glBufferDataARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, size * 4
* BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, null, vboUsage);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
* This method creates the colors, i.e.: it creates the internal OpenGL
* variables to store color data.
public void initColors() {
colorsVBO = new int[1];
colorsVBO[0] = GLState.createGLResource(GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, colorsVBO[0]);
gl.glBufferDataARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, size * 4
* BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, null, vboUsage);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
* Sets the number of attributes for this model. An attribute is a vector
* value associated to each vertex of the model, and can be used for any
* custom calculation (lighting, deformations, etc). This custom calculations
* can be performed using a GLModelEffect.
* @param n int
public void initAttributes(int n) {
numAttributes = n;
attribVBO = new int[n];
attribName = new String[n];
attribSize = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
attribVBO[i] = GLState.createGLResource(GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
* Sets the name and size (number of components per vertex) of attribute i.
* @param i int
* @param aname String
* @param asize int
public void setAttribute(int i, String aname, int asize) {
attribName[i] = aname;
attribSize[i] = asize;
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, attribVBO[i]);
gl.glBufferDataARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, size * asize
* BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, null, vboUsage);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
* This method creates n textures, i.e.: it creates the internal OpenGL
* variables to store n textures.
* @param n int
public void initTextures(int n) {
numTextures = n;
texCoordsVBO = new int[numTextures];
textures = new GLTexture[numTextures];
for (n = 0; n < numTextures; n++) {
texCoordsVBO[n] = GLState.createGLResource(GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, texCoordsVBO[n]); // Bind the
// buffer.
gl.glBufferDataARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, size * 2
* BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, null, vboUsage);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
* This method initializes the index array in this GLModel, capable
* to hold up to n vertex indices. The mode of the indices is STATIC,
* meaning that they are optimized under the assumption that won't be
* modified.
* @param n int
public void initIndices(int n) {
initIndices(n, STATIC);
* This method initializes the index array in this GLModel, capable
* to hold up to n vertex indices. The usage mode of the array can
* also be indicated, different from the usage of the model geometry
* itself.
* @param n maximum size of index array
* @param usage could be STATIC, DYNAMIC, or STREAM
public void initIndices(int n, int usage) {
int glUsage = GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB;
if (usage == STATIC)
else if (usage == DYNAMIC)
else if (usage == STREAM)
maxIndicesCount = n;
indicesVBO = new int[1];
indicesVBO[0] = GLState.createGLResource(GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indicesVBO[0]);
gl.glBufferDataARB(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, maxIndicesCount * BufferUtil.SIZEOF_INT, null, glUsage);
minIndex = 0;
maxIndex = size;
autoIndexBoundCalc = true;
* This method enables/disables the automatic calculation of
* index bounds (maximum and minimum).
* @param val true or false
public void autoIndexBounds(boolean val) {
autoIndexBoundCalc = val;
* Prepares the indices for updating.
public void beginUpdateIndices() {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indicesVBO[0]);
indices = temp.asIntBuffer();
* Cleans-up index updating.
public void endUpdateIndices() {
if (tmpIndexArray != null) {
tmpIndexArray = null;
* Updates the indices with all the values provided in the array.
* @param indexArray array with new indices
public void updateIndices(int[] indexArray) {
updateIndices(indexArray, indexArray.length);
* Updates the indices with the values provided in the array,
* up to the element len-1.
* @param indexArray array with new indices
* @param len number of values to read from intexArray, starting at zero.
public void updateIndices(int[] indexArray, int len) {
if (maxIndicesCount < len) {
System.err.println("Wrong number of indices!");
indicesCount = len;
indices.put(indexArray, 0, len);
if (autoIndexBoundCalc) {
// Looking for the minimum and maximum indices in the array provided:
// This to make sure we find the new minimum and maximum indices.
minIndex = size;
maxIndex = -size;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (indexArray[i] < minIndex) minIndex = indexArray[i];
if (maxIndex < indexArray[i]) maxIndex = indexArray[i];
* Sets the minimum index value to use when rendering the model.
* @param min minimum index
public void setMinIndex(int min) {
minIndex = min;
* Sets the maximum index value to use when rendering the model.
* @param max maximum index
public void setMaxIndex(int max) {
maxIndex = max;
* Sets the i-th texture.
* @param i int
public void setTexture(int i, GLTexture tex) {
textures[i] = tex;
* Returns the number of textures.
* @return int
public int getNumTextures() {
return numTextures;
* Returns the i-th texture.
* @return GLTexture
public GLTexture getTexture(int i) {
return textures[i];
* Enables vertex updating, to be done with the
* updateVertex()/displaceVertex() methods.
public void beginUpdateVertices() {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vertCoordsVBO[0]);
ByteBuffer temp = gl.glMapBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, GL.GL_WRITE_ONLY);
vertices = temp.asFloatBuffer();
* Disables vertex updating.
public void endUpdateVertices() {
if (tmpVertArray != null) {
tmpVertArray = null;
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
* Returns array list with vertices stored in binary file.
* @param String filename
* @return ArrayList<PVector>
public ArrayList<PVector> getVertices(String filename) {
ArrayList<PVector> res = new ArrayList<PVector>();
loadPVectorArrayListFromBinary(filename, res, 3);
return res;
* Saves vertices in the given array list to binary file.
* @param String filename
* @param ArrayList<PVector> verts
public void saveVertices(String filename, ArrayList<PVector> verts) {
savePVectorArrayListToBinary(filename, verts, 3);
* Loads vertices from binary file into model.
* @param String filename
public void loadVertices(String filename) {
float[] tmp = new float[4 * size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
tmp[4 * i + 3] = 1.0f;
loadFloatArrayFromBinary(filename, tmp, size, 4, 3);
* Saves vertices in the model to binary file.
public void saveVertices(String filename) {
float[] tmp = new float[4 * size];
saveFloatArrayToBinary(filename, tmp, size, 4, 3);
* Updates the coordinates of vertex idx.
* @param idx int
* @param x float
* @param y float
public void updateVertex(int idx, float x, float y) {
updateVertex(idx, x, y, 0, 1);
* Updates the coordinates of vertex idx.
* @param idx int
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
public void updateVertex(int idx, float x, float y, float z) {
updateVertex(idx, x, y, z, 1);
* Updates the coordinates of vertex idx.
* @param idx int
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
* @param w float
public void updateVertex(int idx, float x, float y, float z, float w) {
if (tmpVertArray == null) {
tmpVertArray = new float[4 * size];
tmpVertArray[4 * idx + 0] = x;
tmpVertArray[4 * idx + 1] = y;
tmpVertArray[4 * idx + 2] = z;
tmpVertArray[4 * idx + 3] = w;
* Adds a displacement (dx, dy) to the vertex idx.
* @param idx int
* @param dx float
* @param dy float
public void displaceVertex(int idx, float dx, float dy) {
displaceVertex(idx, dx, dy, 0, 0);
* Adds a displacement (dx, dy, dz) to the vertex idx.
* @param idx int
* @param dx float
* @param dy float
* @param dz float
public void displaceVertex(int idx, float dx, float dy, float dz) {
displaceVertex(idx, dx, dy, dz, 0);
* Adds a displacement (dx, dy, dz, dw) to the vertex idx.
* @param idx int
* @param dx float
* @param dy float
* @param dz float
* @param dw float
public void displaceVertex(int idx, float dx, float dy, float dz, float dw) {
if (tmpVertArray == null) {
tmpVertArray = new float[4 * size];
tmpVertArray[4 * idx + 0] += dx;
tmpVertArray[4 * idx + 1] += dy;
tmpVertArray[4 * idx + 2] += dz;
tmpVertArray[4 * idx + 3] += dw;
* Updates all the vertices using the coordinates provided in the array
* vertArray.
* @param vertArray float[]
public void updateVertices(float[] vertArray) {
* Updates all the vertices using the coordinates provided in the array
* vertArray.
* @param vertArrayList ArrayList<PVector>
public void updateVertices(ArrayList<PVector> vertArrayList) {
if (vertArrayList.size() != size) {
System.err.println("Wrong number of vertices in the array list.");
float p[] = new float[4 * size];
for (int i = 0; i < vertArrayList.size(); i++) {
PVector point = (PVector) vertArrayList.get(i);
p[4 * i + 0] = point.x;
p[4 * i + 1] = point.y;
p[4 * i + 2] = point.z;
p[4 * i + 3] = 1.0f;
* Centers the model to (0, 0, 0).
public void centerVertices() {
centerVertices(0, 0, 0);
* Centers the model to (xc, yc, 0).
* @param xc float
* @param yc float
public void centerVertices(float xc, float yc) {
centerVertices(xc, yc, 0);
* Centers the model to (xc, yc, zc).
* @param xc float
* @param yc float
* @param zc float
public void centerVertices(float xc, float yc, float zc) {
tmpVertArray = new float[4 * size];
float xave, yave, zave;
xave = yave = zave = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
xave += tmpVertArray[4 * i + 0];
yave += tmpVertArray[4 * i + 1];
zave += tmpVertArray[4 * i + 2];
xave /= size;
yave /= size;
zave /= size;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
tmpVertArray[4 * i + 0] += xc - xave;
tmpVertArray[4 * i + 1] += yc - yave;
tmpVertArray[4 * i + 2] += zc - zave;
public void updateBounds() {
tmpVertArray = new float[4 * size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
updateBounds(tmpVertArray[4 * i + 0], tmpVertArray[4 * i + 1], tmpVertArray[4 * i + 2]);
public void updateBounds(int indices[], int len) {
tmpVertArray = new float[4 * size];
for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) {
int i = indices[n];
updateBounds(tmpVertArray[4 * i + 0], tmpVertArray[4 * i + 1], tmpVertArray[4 * i + 2]);
protected void resetBounds() {
width = height = depth = 0;
xmin = ymin = zmin = 10000;
xmax = ymax = zmax = -10000;
protected void updateBounds(float x, float y, float z) {
xmin = PApplet.min(xmin, x);
xmax = PApplet.max(xmax, x);
ymin = PApplet.min(ymin, y);
ymax = PApplet.max(ymax, y);
zmin = PApplet.min(zmin, z);
zmax = PApplet.max(zmax, z);
width = xmax - xmin;
height = ymax - ymin;
depth = zmax - zmin;
public void beginUpdateColors() {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, colorsVBO[0]);
ByteBuffer temp = gl.glMapBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, GL.GL_WRITE_ONLY);
colors = temp.asFloatBuffer();
public void endUpdateColors() {
if (tmpColorArray != null) {
tmpColorArray = null;
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
* Returns array list with colors stored in binary file.
* @param String filename
* @return ArrayList<PVector>
public ArrayList<float[]> getColors(String filename) {
ArrayList<float[]> res = new ArrayList<float[]>();
loadFloatArrayListFromBinary(filename, res, 4);
return res;
* Saves colors in the given array list to binary file.
* @param String filename
* @param ArrayList<PVector> icolors
public void saveColors(String filename, ArrayList<float[]> icolors) {
saveFloatArrayToBinary(filename, icolors, 4);
* Loads colors from binary file into model.
* @param String filename
public void loadColors(String filename) {
float[] tmp = new float[4 * size];
loadFloatArrayFromBinary(filename, tmp, size, 4, 4);
* Saves colors in the model to binary file.
public void saveColors(String filename) {
float[] tmp = new float[4 * size];
saveFloatArrayToBinary(filename, tmp, size, 4, 4);
* Paints the vertex i with the specified gray tone.
* @param gray float
public void updateColor(int i, float gray) {
int c = parent.color(gray);
putColorInTmpArray(i, c);
* Paints the vertex i with the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray int
* @param alpha int
public void updateColor(int i, int gray, int alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
putColorInTmpArray(i, c);
* Paints the vertex i with the specified rgb color and alpha value.
* @param rgb int
* @param alpha float
public void updateColor(int i, int rgb, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(rgb, alpha);
putColorInTmpArray(i, c);
* Paints the vertex i with the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray float
* @param alpha float
public void updateColor(int i, float gray, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
putColorInTmpArray(i, c);
* Paints the vertex i with the specified color components.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
public void updateColor(int i, int x, int y, int z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
putColorInTmpArray(i, c);
* Paints the vertex i with the specified color components.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
public void updateColor(int i, float x, float y, float z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
putColorInTmpArray(i, c);
* Paints the vertex i with the specified color components and alpha
* component.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
* @param a int
public void updateColor(int i, int x, int y, int z, int a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
putColorInTmpArray(i, c);
* Paints the vertex i with the specified color components and alpha
* component.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
* @param a float
public void updateColor(int i, float x, float y, float z, float a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
putColorInTmpArray(i, c);
* Paints all vertices with the specified gray tone.
* @param gray float
public void setColors(float gray) {
int c = parent.color(gray);
* Paints all vertices with the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray int
* @param alpha int
public void setColors(int gray, int alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
* Paints all vertices with the specified rgb color and alpha value.
* @param rgb int
* @param alpha float
public void setColors(int rgb, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(rgb, alpha);
* Paints all vertices with the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray float
* @param alpha float
public void setColors(float gray, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
* Paints all vertices with the specified color components.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
public void setColors(int x, int y, int z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
* Paints all vertices with the specified color components.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
public void setColors(float x, float y, float z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
* Paints all vertices with the specified color components and alpha
* component.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
* @param a int
public void setColors(int x, int y, int z, int a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
* Paints all vertices with the specified color components and alpha
* component.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
* @param a float
public void setColors(float x, float y, float z, float a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
public void updateColors(float[] colArray) {
public void updateColors(ArrayList<float[]> colArrayList) {
if (colArrayList.size() != size) {
System.err.println("Wrong number of colors in the array list.");
float p[] = new float[4 * size];
for (int i = 0; i < colArrayList.size(); i++) {
float[] c = (float[]) colArrayList.get(i);
if (c.length == 4) {
p[4 * i + 0] = c[0];
p[4 * i + 1] = c[1];
p[4 * i + 2] = c[2];
p[4 * i + 3] = c[3];
public void beginUpdateTexCoords(int n) {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, texCoordsVBO[n]);
ByteBuffer temp = gl.glMapBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, GL.GL_WRITE_ONLY);
texCoords = temp.asFloatBuffer();
public void updateTexCoord(int idx, float s, float t) {
if (tmpTexCoordsArray == null) {
tmpTexCoordsArray = new float[2 * size];
tmpTexCoordsArray[2 * idx + 0] = s;
tmpTexCoordsArray[2 * idx + 1] = t;
* Returns array list with texture coordinates stored in binary file.
* @param String filename
* @return ArrayList<PVector>
public ArrayList<PVector> getTexCoords(String filename) {
ArrayList<PVector> res = new ArrayList<PVector>();
loadPVectorArrayListFromBinary(filename, res, 2);
return res;
* Saves texture coordinates in the given array list to binary file.
* @param String filename
* @param ArrayList <PVector> icolors
public void saveTexCoords(String filename, ArrayList<PVector> itexCoords) {
savePVectorArrayListToBinary(filename, itexCoords, 2);
* Loads texture coordinates of nth texture from binary file into model.
* @param n
* @param String filename
public void loadTexCoords(int n, String filename) {
float[] tmp = new float[2 * size];
loadFloatArrayFromBinary(filename, tmp, size, 2, 2);
* Saves colors in the model to binary file.
public void saveTexCoords(int n, String filename) {
float[] tmp = new float[2 * size];
saveFloatArrayToBinary(filename, tmp, size, 2, 2);
public void displaceTexCoord(int idx, float ds, float dt) {
if (tmpTexCoordsArray == null) {
tmpTexCoordsArray = new float[2 * size];
tmpTexCoordsArray[2 * idx + 0] += ds;
tmpTexCoordsArray[2 * idx + 1] += dt;
public void endUpdateTexCoords() {
if (tmpTexCoordsArray != null) {
tmpTexCoordsArray = null;
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
public void updateTexCoords(int n, float[] texCoordsArray) {
public void updateTexCoords(int n, ArrayList<PVector> texCoordsArrayList) {
if (texCoordsArrayList.size() != size) {
.println("Wrong number of texture coordinates in the array list.");
float p[] = new float[2 * size];
for (int i = 0; i < texCoordsArrayList.size(); i++) {
PVector point = (PVector) texCoordsArrayList.get(i);
p[2 * i + 0] = point.x;
p[2 * i + 1] = point.y;
updateTexCoords(n, p);
public void beginUpdateNormals() {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, normCoordsVBO[0]);
ByteBuffer temp = gl.glMapBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, GL.GL_WRITE_ONLY);
normals = temp.asFloatBuffer();
public void endUpdateNormals() {
if (tmpNormalsArray != null) {
tmpNormalsArray = null;
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
* Returns array list with normals stored in binary file.
* @param String filename
* @return ArrayList<PVector>
public ArrayList<PVector> getNormals(String filename) {
ArrayList<PVector> res = new ArrayList<PVector>();
loadPVectorArrayListFromBinary(filename, res, 3);
return res;
* Saves normals in the given array list to binary file.
* @param String filename
* @param ArrayList<PVector> verts
public void saveNormals(String filename, ArrayList<PVector> norms) {
savePVectorArrayListToBinary(filename, norms, 3);
* Loads normals from binary file into model.
* @param String filename
public void loadNormals(String filename) {
float[] tmp = new float[4 * size];
loadFloatArrayFromBinary(filename, tmp, size, 4, 3);
* Saves normals in the model to binary file.
public void saveNormals(String filename) {
float[] tmp = new float[4 * size];
saveFloatArrayToBinary(filename, tmp, size, 4, 3);
public void updateNormal(int idx, float x, float y) {
updateNormal(idx, x, y, 0, 0);
public void updateNormal(int idx, float x, float y, float z) {
updateNormal(idx, x, y, z, 0);
public void updateNormal(int idx, float x, float y, float z, float w) {
if (tmpNormalsArray == null) {
tmpNormalsArray = new float[4 * size];
tmpNormalsArray[4 * idx + 0] = x;
tmpNormalsArray[4 * idx + 1] = y;
tmpNormalsArray[4 * idx + 2] = z;
tmpNormalsArray[4 * idx + 3] = w;
public void displaceNormal(int idx, float dx, float dy) {
displaceNormal(idx, dx, dy, 0, 0);
public void displaceNormal(int idx, float dx, float dy, float dz) {
displaceNormal(idx, dx, dy, dz, 0);
public void displaceNormal(int idx, float dx, float dy, float dz, float dw) {
if (tmpNormalsArray == null) {
tmpNormalsArray = new float[4 * size];
tmpNormalsArray[4 * idx + 0] += dx;
tmpNormalsArray[4 * idx + 1] += dy;
tmpNormalsArray[4 * idx + 2] += dz;
tmpNormalsArray[4 * idx + 3] += dw;
public void updateNormals(float[] normArray) {
public void updateNormals(ArrayList<PVector> normArrayList) {
if (normArrayList.size() != size) {
System.err.println("Wrong number of normals in the array list.");
float p[] = new float[4 * size];
for (int i = 0; i < normArrayList.size(); i++) {
PVector point = (PVector) normArrayList.get(i);
p[4 * i + 0] = point.x;
p[4 * i + 1] = point.y;
p[4 * i + 2] = point.z;
p[4 * i + 3] = 0.0f;
public void beginUpdateAttributes(int n) {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, attribVBO[n]);
ByteBuffer temp = gl.glMapBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, GL.GL_WRITE_ONLY);
attributes = temp.asFloatBuffer();
curtAttrSize = attribSize[n];
public void endUpdateAttributes() {
if (tmpAttributesArray != null) {
tmpAttributesArray = null;
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
* Returns array list with attributes stored in binary file. Each attribute
* has size len.
* @param String filename
* @return int len
public ArrayList<float[]> getAttributes(String filename, int len) {
ArrayList<float[]> res = new ArrayList<float[]>();
loadFloatArrayListFromBinary(filename, res, len);
return res;
* Saves attributes in the given array list to binary file. Each attribute has
* size len.
* @param String filename
* @param ArrayList<PVector> iattrib
public void saveAttributes(String filename, ArrayList<float[]> iattrib,
int len) {
saveFloatArrayToBinary(filename, iattrib, len);
* Loads attribute nth from binary file into model.
* @param String filename
public void loadAttributes(int n, String filename) {
int len = attribSize[n];
float[] tmp = new float[len * size];
loadFloatArrayFromBinary(filename, tmp, size, len, len);
* Saves attribute n-th in the model to binary file.
public void saveAttributes(int n, String filename) {
int len = attribSize[n];
float[] tmp = new float[len * size];
saveFloatArrayToBinary(filename, tmp, size, len, len);
public void updateAttribute(int idx, float x) {
updateAttribute(idx, new float[] { x });
public void updateAttribute(int idx, float x, float y) {
updateAttribute(idx, new float[] { x, y });
public void updateAttribute(int idx, float x, float y, float z) {
updateAttribute(idx, new float[] { x, y, z });
public void updateAttribute(int idx, float x, float y, float z, float w) {
updateAttribute(idx, new float[] { x, y, z, w });
public void updateAttribute(int idx, float[] values) {
if (values.length == curtAttrSize) {
if (tmpAttributesArray == null) {
tmpAttributesArray = new float[curtAttrSize * size];
for (int i = 0; i < curtAttrSize; i++)
tmpAttributesArray[curtAttrSize * idx + i] = values[i];
public void displaceAttribute(int idx, float dx) {
displaceAttribute(idx, new float[] { dx });
public void displaceAttribute(int idx, float dx, float dy) {
displaceAttribute(idx, new float[] { dx, dy });
public void displaceAttribute(int idx, float x, float y, float z) {
displaceAttribute(idx, new float[] { x, y, z });
public void displaceAttribute(int idx, float x, float y, float z, float w) {
displaceAttribute(idx, new float[] { x, y, z, w });
public void displaceAttribute(int idx, float[] dvalues) {
int l = attribSize[idx];
if (dvalues.length == l) {
if (tmpAttributesArray == null) {
tmpAttributesArray = new float[l * size];
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
tmpAttributesArray[l * idx + i] += dvalues[i];
public void updateAttributes(int n, float[] attributesArray) {
public void updateAttributes(int n, ArrayList<float[]> vertAttribsArrayList) {
if (vertAttribsArrayList.size() != size) {
.println("Wrong number of vertex attributes in the array list.");
int l = attribSize[n];
float p[] = new float[l * size];
for (int i = 0; i < vertAttribsArrayList.size(); i++) {
float[] attrib = (float[]) vertAttribsArrayList.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
p[l * i + j] = attrib[j];
updateAttributes(n, p);
public void setLineWidth(float w) {
lineWidth = w;
public void setPointSize(float s) {
pointSize = PApplet.min(GLState.glMaxAntialiasedPointSize, s);
public float getMaxPointSize() {
return GLState.glMaxAntialiasedPointSize;
* Sets the maximum sprite size (which is capped by the
* maximum point size).
public void setMaxSpriteSize(float s) {
maxSpriteSize = PApplet.min(GLState.glMaxAntialiasedPointSize, s);
* Sets the sprite size to be constant and equal to s.
public void setSpriteSize(float s) {
spriteDistAtt[1] = 0;
spriteDistAtt[2] = 0;
* Sets the sprite distance attenuation function for sprites using
* quadratic dependence on the distance.
public void setSpriteSize(float s, float d) {
setSpriteSize(s, d, true);
* Sets the sprite distance attenuation function for sprites such that
* the sprite size at distance d from the camera is exactly s. The dependence
* on the distance is quadratic (smax/(1+d^2)) or linear (smax/(1+d))
* depending on the value of the argument quadratic. smax is the maximum
* sprite size.
public void setSpriteSize(float s, float d, boolean quadratic) {
float s0 = maxSpriteSize;
if (quadratic) {
spriteDistAtt[1] = 0;
spriteDistAtt[2] = (s0 - s) / (d * d * s);
} else {
spriteDistAtt[1] = (s0 - s) / (d * s);
spriteDistAtt[2] = 0;
* Disables blending.
public void noBlend() {
blend = false;
* Enables blending and sets the mode.
* @param MODE int
public void setBlendMode(int MODE) {
blend = true;
blendMode = MODE;
* Set the tint color to the specified gray tone.
* @param gray float
public void setTint(float gray) {
int c = parent.color(gray);
* Set the tint color to the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray int
* @param alpha int
public void setTint(int gray, int alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
* Set the tint color to the specified rgb color and alpha value.
* @param rgb int
* @param alpha float
public void setTint(int rgb, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(rgb, alpha);
* Set the tint color to the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray float
* @param alpha float
public void setTint(float gray, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
* Set the tint color to the specified color components.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
public void setTint(int x, int y, int z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
* Set the tint color to the specified color components.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
public void setTint(float x, float y, float z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
* Set the tint color to the specified color components and alpha component.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
* @param a int
public void setTint(int x, int y, int z, int a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
* Set the tint color to the specified color components and alpha component.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
* @param a float
public void setTint(float x, float y, float z, float a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
* Set the tint color to solid white.
public void noTint() {
int c = parent.color(255, 255);
protected void setTintColor(int color) {
int ir, ig, ib, ia;
ia = (color >> 24) & 0xff;
ir = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
ig = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
ib = color & 0xff;
tintA = ia / 255.0f;
tintR = ir / 255.0f;
tintG = ig / 255.0f;
tintB = ib / 255.0f;
* Set the specular color to the specified gray tone.
* @param gray float
public void setReflection(float gray) {
int c = parent.color(gray);
* Set the specular color to the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray int
* @param alpha int
public void setReflection(int gray, int alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
* Set the specular color to the specified rgb color and alpha value.
* @param rgb int
* @param alpha float
public void setReflection(int rgb, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(rgb, alpha);
* Set the specular color to the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray float
* @param alpha float
public void setReflection(float gray, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
* Set the specular color to the specified color components.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
public void setReflection(int x, int y, int z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
* Set the specular color to the specified color components.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
public void setReflection(float x, float y, float z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
* Set the specular color to the specified color components and alpha
* component.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
* @param a int
public void setReflection(int x, int y, int z, int a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
* Set the specular color to the specified color components and alpha
* component.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
* @param a float
public void setReflection(float x, float y, float z, float a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
protected void setSpecularColor(int color) {
int ir, ig, ib, ia;
ia = (color >> 24) & 0xff;
ir = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
ig = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
ib = color & 0xff;
specularColor[0] = ir / 255.0f;
specularColor[1] = ig / 255.0f;
specularColor[2] = ib / 255.0f;
specularColor[3] = ia / 255.0f;
* Set the emissive color to the specified gray tone.
* @param gray float
public void setEmission(float gray) {
int c = parent.color(gray);
* Set the emissive color to the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray int
* @param alpha int
public void setEmission(int gray, int alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
* Set the emissive color to the specified rgb color and alpha value.
* @param rgb int
* @param alpha float
public void setEmission(int rgb, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(rgb, alpha);
* Set the emissive color to the specified gray tone and alpha value.
* @param gray float
* @param alpha float
public void setEmission(float gray, float alpha) {
int c = parent.color(gray, alpha);
* Set the emissive color to the specified color components.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
public void setEmission(int x, int y, int z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
* Set the emissive color to the specified color components.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
public void setEmission(float x, float y, float z) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z);
* Set the emissive color to the specified color components and alpha
* component.
* @param x int
* @param y int
* @param z int
* @param a int
public void setEmission(int x, int y, int z, int a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
* Set the emissive color to the specified color components and alpha
* component.
* @param x float
* @param y float
* @param z float
* @param a float
public void setEmission(float x, float y, float z, float a) {
int c = parent.color(x, y, z, a);
public void setShininess(float val) {
shininess[0] = val;
protected void setEmissiveColor(int color) {
int ir, ig, ib, ia;
ia = (color >> 24) & 0xff;
ir = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
ig = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
ib = color & 0xff;
emissiveColor[0] = ir / 255.0f;
emissiveColor[1] = ig / 255.0f;
emissiveColor[2] = ib / 255.0f;
emissiveColor[3] = ia / 255.0f;
public void render() {
if (indicesVBO == null) {
render(0, size - 1, null);
} else {
render(0, indicesCount, null);
public void render(GLModelEffect effect) {
if (indicesVBO == null) {
render(0, size - 1, effect);
} else {
render(0, indicesCount, effect);
public void render(int first, int last) {
render(first, last, null);
public void render(int first, int last, GLModelEffect effect) {
// Note about color/lights in Processing/OPENGL/GLGraphics.
// Lighting is based on the assumption that color material tracking is enabled
// and set to AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, meaning that the ambient and diffuse components
// of the material properties of vertices will be taken from the color set with
// glColor() (or copied with a color buffer). This works in coordination with
// the light setup in GLGraphics (see the implementation of glEnableLights
// where you have:
// gl.glEnable(GL.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
// For more flexible material/lighting setups, the best option is just to
// override the built-in behaviour using OpenGL. This tutorial is quite
// useful in this regard:
// http://www.sjbaker.org/steve/omniv/opengl_lighting.html
if (colorsVBO == null) {
gl.glColor4f(tintR, tintG, tintB, tintA);
if (blend) {
} else {
// Setting specular and emissive colors.
gl.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL.GL_SPECULAR, specularColor, 0);
gl.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL.GL_EMISSION, emissiveColor, 0);
// Setting shininess.
gl.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL.GL_SHININESS, shininess, 0);
if (!usingPointSprites) {
if (effect != null)
if (normCoordsVBO != null) {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, normCoordsVBO[0]);
gl.glNormalPointer(GL.GL_FLOAT, 4 * BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, 0);
if (colorsVBO != null) {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, colorsVBO[0]);
gl.glColorPointer(4, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
if (indicesVBO != null) {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indicesVBO[0]);
if (texCoordsVBO != null) {
// Binding texture units.
for (int n = 0; n < numTextures; n++) {
if (usingPointSprites) {
// Texturing with point sprites.
// The alpha of a point is calculated to allow the fading of points
// instead of shrinking them past a defined threshold size. The threshold
// is defined by GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE and is not clamped to the
// minimum and maximum point sizes.
gl.glPointParameterfARB(GL.GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_ARB, 0.6f * maxSpriteSize);
gl.glPointParameterfARB(GL.GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_ARB, 1.0f);
gl.glPointParameterfARB(GL.GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_ARB, maxSpriteSize);
// This is how will our point sprite's size will be modified by
// distance from the viewer:
// actualSize = pointSize / sqrt(p[0] + p[1] * d + p[2] * d * d)
// where pointSize is the value set with glPointSize(), clamped to the extreme values
// in glPointParameterf(GL11.GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN/GL11.GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX.
// d is the distance from the point sprite to the camera and p is the array parameter
// passed in the following call:
gl.glPointParameterfvARB(GL.GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION, spriteDistAtt, 0);
// Specify point sprite texture coordinate replacement mode for each
// texture unit
} else {
// Regular texturing.
for (int n = 0; n < numTextures; n++) {
gl.glClientActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + n);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, texCoordsVBO[n]);
gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
if (effect != null)
// Drawing the vertices:
// ...with their attributes.
if (effect != null) {
effect.setVertexAttribs(attribVBO, attribName, attribSize);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vertCoordsVBO[0]);
// The vertices in the array have 4 components: x, y, z, w. If the user
// doesn't explicity specify w, then it is set to 1 by default.
gl.glVertexPointer(4, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
if (indicesVBO == null) {
gl.glDrawArrays(vertexMode, first, last - first + 1);
} else {
// The meaning for the minIndex and maxIndex arguments is discussed in this thread:
// http://www.gamedev.net/topic/331317-trouble-with-gldrawrangeelements/
gl.glDrawRangeElements(vertexMode, minIndex, maxIndex, last - first + 1, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, first * BufferUtil.SIZEOF_INT);
if (effect != null)
gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
if (texCoordsVBO != null) {
if (usingPointSprites) {
gl.glPointParameterfARB(GL.GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_ARB, 1.0f);
gl.glPointParameterfARB(GL.GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_ARB, GLState.glMaxAntialiasedPointSize);
} else {
for (int n = 0; n < numTextures; n++) {
gl.glClientActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + n);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
for (int n = 0; n < numTextures; n++) {
if (colorsVBO != null) {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
if (normCoordsVBO != null) {
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
if (indicesVBO != null) {
if (effect != null)
// Restoring state for Processing:
if (!usingPointSprites) {
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Saving, loading from binary.
protected void loadPVectorArrayListFromBinary(String filename,
ArrayList<PVector> data, int nelem) {
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(parent.dataPath("") + filename);
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
while (dis.available() > 2) {
float x, y, z;
x = y = z = 0;
if (1 <= nelem)
x = dis.readShort() / 100f;
if (2 <= nelem)
y = dis.readShort() / 100f;
if (3 <= nelem)
z = dis.readShort() / 100f;
PVector thisLoc = new PVector(x, y, z);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
protected void savePVectorArrayListToBinary(String fileName,
ArrayList<PVector> data, int nelem) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
PVector loc = (PVector) data.get(i);
try {
if (1 <= nelem)
dos.writeShort((short) (loc.x * 100f));
if (2 <= nelem)
dos.writeShort((short) (loc.y * 100f));
if (3 <= nelem)
dos.writeShort((short) (loc.z * 100f));
} catch (IOException e) {
byte[] saveBytes = baos.toByteArray();
parent.saveBytes(fileName, saveBytes);
protected void loadFloatArrayListFromBinary(String filename,
ArrayList<float[]> data, int nelem) {
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(parent.dataPath("") + filename);
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
while (dis.available() > 2) {
float[] loc = new float[nelem];
for (int k = 0; k < nelem; k++)
loc[k] = dis.readShort() / 100f;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
protected void saveFloatArrayToBinary(String fileName,
ArrayList<float[]> data, int nelem) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
float[] loc = (float[]) data.get(i);
try {
for (int k = 0; k < nelem; k++)
dos.writeShort((short) (loc[k] * 100f));
} catch (IOException e) {
byte[] saveBytes = baos.toByteArray();
parent.saveBytes(fileName, saveBytes);
protected void loadFloatArrayFromBinary(String filename, float[] data,
int nsize, int nelem, int nsave) {
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(parent.dataPath("") + filename);
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fis);
for (int n = 0; n < nsize; n++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nsave; k++)
//data[nelem * n + k] = dis.readShort() / 100f;
data[nelem * n + k] = dis.readFloat();
if (dis.available() <= 2)
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
protected void saveFloatArrayToBinary(String fileName, float[] data,
int nsize, int nelem, int nsave) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
for (int n = 0; n < nsize; n++) {
try {
for (int k = 0; k < nsave; k++)
dos.writeFloat(data[nelem * n + k]);
//dos.writeShort((short) (data[nelem * n + k] * 100f));
} catch (IOException e) {
byte[] saveBytes = baos.toByteArray();
parent.saveBytes(fileName, saveBytes);
* Sets the positions corresponding to vertex i in the tmpColorArray to the
* specified color.
* @param i int
* @param color int
protected void putColorInTmpArray(int i, int color) {
int ir, ig, ib, ia;
if (tmpColorArray == null) {
tmpColorArray = new float[4 * size];
ia = (color >> 24) & 0xff;
ir = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
ig = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
ib = color & 0xff;
tmpColorArray[4 * i + 0] = ir / 255.0f;
tmpColorArray[4 * i + 1] = ig / 255.0f;
tmpColorArray[4 * i + 2] = ib / 255.0f;
tmpColorArray[4 * i + 3] = ia / 255.0f;
* Sets all the vertices with the specified color.
* @param color int
protected void updateAllColors(int color) {
int ir, ig, ib, ia;
float fr, fg, fb, fa;
if (tmpColorArray == null) {
tmpColorArray = new float[4 * size];
ia = (color >> 24) & 0xff;
ir = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
ig = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
ib = color & 0xff;
fa = ia / 255.0f;
fr = ir / 255.0f;
fg = ig / 255.0f;
fb = ib / 255.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
tmpColorArray[4 * i + 0] = fr;
tmpColorArray[4 * i + 1] = fg;
tmpColorArray[4 * i + 2] = fb;
tmpColorArray[4 * i + 3] = fa;
protected void initModelCommon(PApplet parent) {
this.parent = parent;
pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) parent.g;
gl = pgl.gl;
glstate = new GLState(gl);
tintR = tintG = tintB = tintA = 1.0f;
shininess[0] = 0.0f;
pointSize = 1.0f;
lineWidth = 1.0f;
usingPointSprites = false;
blend = true;
blendMode = BLEND;
tmpVertArray = null;
tmpColorArray = null;
tmpNormalsArray = null;
tmpTexCoordsArray = null;
tmpAttributesArray = null;
protected void releaseModel() {
if (vertCoordsVBO[0] != 0) {
GLState.deleteGLResource(vertCoordsVBO[0], GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
if (colorsVBO != null && colorsVBO[0] != 0) {
GLState.deleteGLResource(colorsVBO[0], GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
if (normCoordsVBO != null && normCoordsVBO[0] != 0) {
GLState.deleteGLResource(normCoordsVBO[0], GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
if (texCoordsVBO != null && texCoordsVBO[0] != 0) {
for (int n = 0; n < numTextures; n++) {
GLState.deleteGLResource(texCoordsVBO[n], GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
if (indicesVBO != null && indicesVBO[0] != 0) {
GLState.deleteGLResource(indicesVBO[0], GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
if (attribVBO != null && attribVBO[0] != 0) {
for (int n = 0; n < numAttributes; n++) {
GLState.deleteGLResource(attribVBO[n], GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
protected void loadXML(XMLElement xml) {
int n = xml.getChildCount();
String name, content;
XMLElement child;
GLTexture[] texturesList;
ArrayList<PVector> verticesList;
ArrayList<PVector>[] texCoordsList;
ArrayList<float[]>[] vertexAttribsList;
ArrayList<PVector> normalsList;
ArrayList<float[]> colorsList;
String[] texNames;
String[] attrNames;
int[] attrSizes;
texturesList = null;
verticesList = new ArrayList<PVector>();
texCoordsList = null;
vertexAttribsList = null;
normalsList = new ArrayList<PVector>();
colorsList = new ArrayList<float[]>();
texNames = null;
attrNames = null;
attrSizes = null;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
child = xml.getChild(i);
name = child.getName();
if (name.equals("description")) {
description = child.getContent();
} else if (name.equals("size")) {
size = PApplet.parseInt(child.getContent());
} else if (name.equals("geometry")) {
content = child.getContent();
vertexMode = GLUtils.parsePrimitive(content);
if (vertexMode == GL.GL_POINTS && content.equals("POINT_SPRITES")) {
vertexMode = GL.GL_POINTS;
usingPointSprites = true;
maxSpriteSize = GLState.glMaxAntialiasedPointSize;
} else if (name.equals("mode")) {
vboUsage = GLUtils.parseVBOMode(child.getContent());
} else if (name.equals("textures")) {
int ntex = child.getChildCount();
texturesList = new GLTexture[ntex];
texNames = new String[ntex];
texCoordsList = new ArrayList[ntex];
loadTextures(child, texturesList, texCoordsList, texNames);
} else if (name.equals("vertexattribs")) {
int nattr = child.getChildCount();
vertexAttribsList = new ArrayList[nattr];
attrNames = new String[nattr];
attrSizes = new int[nattr];
loadVertexAttribs(child, vertexAttribsList, attrNames, attrSizes);
} else if (name.equals("vertices")) {
String binfile = child.getString("file");
if (binfile != null)
loadVertices(binfile, verticesList);
loadVertices(child, verticesList);
} else if (name.equals("texcoords")) {
if (texCoordsList != null) {
int unit = child.getInt("unit");
if (texCoordsList[unit] != null) {
String binfile = child.getString("file");
if (binfile != null)
loadTexCoords(binfile, texCoordsList[unit]);
loadTexCoords(child, texCoordsList[unit]);
} else if (name.equals("colors")) {
String binfile = child.getString("file");
if (binfile != null)
loadColors(binfile, colorsList);
loadColors(child, colorsList);
} else if (name.equals("normals")) {
String binfile = child.getString("file");
if (binfile != null)
loadNormals(binfile, normalsList);
loadNormals(child, normalsList);
} else if (name.equals("attribs")) {
if (vertexAttribsList != null && attrSizes != null) {
int num = child.getInt("number");
if (vertexAttribsList[num] != null) {
String binfile = child.getString("file");
if (binfile != null)
loadVertexAttrib(binfile, vertexAttribsList[num], attrSizes[num]);
loadVertexAttrib(child, vertexAttribsList[num], attrSizes[num]);
vertCoordsVBO[0] = GLState.createGLResource(GL_VERTEX_BUFFER);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vertCoordsVBO[0]);
gl.glBufferDataARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, size * 4
* BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, null, vboUsage);
gl.glBindBufferARB(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
int ntex = texturesList.length;
if (0 < ntex) {
GLTexture tex;
ArrayList<PVector> tcoords;
for (int j = 0; j < ntex; j++) {
tex = texturesList[j];
setTexture(j, tex);
// It should be something like:
// setTexture(j, tex, texNames[j]);
// but texture names are still not used.
tcoords = (ArrayList<PVector>) texCoordsList[j];
if (tcoords.size() == size)
updateTexCoords(j, tcoords);
if (normalsList.size() == size) {
if (colorsList.size() == size) {
int nattr = vertexAttribsList.length;
if (0 < nattr) {
ArrayList<float[]> attribs;
for (int j = 0; j < nattr; j++) {
setAttribute(j, attrNames[j], attrSizes[j]);
attribs = vertexAttribsList[j];
updateAttributes(j, attribs);
protected void loadTextures(XMLElement xml, GLTexture[] texturesList,
ArrayList<PVector>[] texCoordsList, String[] texNames) {
int n = xml.getChildCount();
XMLElement child;
String name;
String unitStr, fn;
int unit;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
child = xml.getChild(i);
name = child.getName();
if (name.equals("texture")) {
unitStr = child.getContent();
unit = PApplet.parseInt(unitStr);
texCoordsList[unit] = new ArrayList<PVector>();
texNames[unit] = child.getString("name");
fn = child.getString("file");
texturesList[unit] = new GLTexture(parent, fn);
protected void loadVertexAttribs(XMLElement xml,
ArrayList<float[]>[] vertexAttribsList, String[] attrNames,
int[] attrSizes) {
int n = xml.getChildCount();
XMLElement child;
String name;
String numStr;
int num;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
child = xml.getChild(i);
name = child.getName();
if (name.equals("vertexattrib")) {
numStr = child.getContent();
num = PApplet.parseInt(numStr);
vertexAttribsList[num] = new ArrayList<float[]>();
attrNames[num] = child.getString("name");
attrSizes[num] = child.getInt("size");
protected void loadVertices(XMLElement xml, ArrayList<PVector> verticesList) {
int n = xml.getChildCount();
XMLElement child;
String name;
String coordStr;
float[] coord;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
child = xml.getChild(i);
name = child.getName();
if (name.equals("vertex")) {
coordStr = child.getContent();
coord = PApplet.parseFloat(PApplet.split(coordStr, ' '));
if (coord.length == 3)
verticesList.add(new PVector(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]));
protected void loadVertices(String binaryFN, ArrayList<PVector> verticesList) {
loadPVectorArrayListFromBinary(binaryFN, verticesList, 3);
protected void loadTexCoords(XMLElement xml, ArrayList<PVector> texCoordsList) {
int n = xml.getChildCount();
XMLElement child;
String name;
String coordStr;
float[] coord;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
child = xml.getChild(i);
name = child.getName();
if (name.equals("texcoord")) {
coordStr = child.getContent();
coord = PApplet.parseFloat(PApplet.split(coordStr, ' '));
if (coord.length == 2)
texCoordsList.add(new PVector(coord[0], coord[1]));
protected void loadTexCoords(String binaryFN, ArrayList<PVector> texCoordsList) {
loadPVectorArrayListFromBinary(binaryFN, texCoordsList, 2);
protected void loadColors(XMLElement xml, ArrayList<float[]> colorsList) {
int n = xml.getChildCount();
XMLElement child;
String name;
String coordStr;
float[] coord;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
child = xml.getChild(i);
name = child.getName();
if (name.equals("color")) {
coordStr = child.getContent();
coord = PApplet.parseFloat(PApplet.split(coordStr, ' '));
if (coord.length == 4)
protected void loadColors(String binaryFN, ArrayList<float[]> colorsList) {
loadFloatArrayListFromBinary(binaryFN, colorsList, 4);
protected void loadNormals(XMLElement xml, ArrayList<PVector> normalsList) {
int n = xml.getChildCount();
XMLElement child;
String name;
String coordStr;
float[] coord;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
child = xml.getChild(i);
name = child.getName();
if (name.equals("normal")) {
coordStr = child.getContent();
coord = PApplet.parseFloat(PApplet.split(coordStr, ' '));
if (coord.length == 3)
normalsList.add(new PVector(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]));
protected void loadNormals(String binaryFN, ArrayList<PVector> normalsList) {
loadPVectorArrayListFromBinary(binaryFN, normalsList, 3);
protected void loadVertexAttrib(XMLElement xml,
ArrayList<float[]> vertexAttribsList, int attrSize) {
int n = xml.getChildCount();
XMLElement child;
String name;
String coordStr;
float[] coord;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
child = xml.getChild(i);
name = child.getName();
if (name.equals("attrib")) {
coordStr = child.getContent();
coord = PApplet.parseFloat(PApplet.split(coordStr, ' '));
if (coord.length == attrSize)
protected void loadVertexAttrib(String binaryFN,
ArrayList<float[]> vertexAttribsList, int attrSize) {
loadFloatArrayListFromBinary(binaryFN, vertexAttribsList, attrSize);