* File name: EvaluationMaster.java (package eas.users.lukas.evaluateMARB)
* Author(s): Lukas König
* Java version: 6.0
* Generation date: 21.12.2011 (09:17:20)
* (c) This file and the EAS (Easy Agent Simulation) framework containing it
* is protected by Creative Commons by-nc-sa license. Any altered or
* further developed versions of this file have to meet the agreements
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package eas.users.lukas.evaluateMARB;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import aufnahme.fmg.edu.kit.aifb.AufnahmeTyp.Population;
import aufnahme.fmg.edu.kit.aifb.PopulationTyp.Roboter;
import eas.miscellaneous.StaticMethods;
import eas.miscellaneous.system.FileNamePostfixFilter;
import eas.plugins.masterScheduler.AbstractDefaultMaster;
import eas.plugins.standard.eaPlugin.EAPlugin;
import eas.plugins.standard.eaPlugin.xmlRecording.XMLAufnLesen;
import eas.plugins.standard.visualization.AllroundTrajectoryPlugin;
import eas.simulation.ConstantsSimulation;
import eas.simulation.Wink;
import eas.simulation.spatial.sim2D.marbSimulation.EnvironmentEA;
import eas.simulation.spatial.sim2D.marbSimulation.RobEA;
import eas.simulation.spatial.sim2D.marbSimulation.statistik.RobSnapshot;
import eas.startSetup.ParCollection;
* @author Lukas König
public class TempTrajectoryMaster extends AbstractDefaultMaster<EnvironmentEA> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7975273675002291371L;
public List<String> getRequiredPlugins() {
LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
list.add(new EAPlugin().id());
list.add(new AllroundTrajectoryPlugin().id());
return list;
public EnvironmentEA[] generateRunnables(ParCollection params) {
EnvironmentEA[] envs = new EnvironmentEA[1];
envs[0] = new EnvironmentEA(new Random(params.getSeed()), 0, params, null, "TrajectoryArena");
return envs;
private File[] storedRuns;
private int filesFinished;
public void runBeforeSimulation(EnvironmentEA umg, ParCollection params) {
super.runBeforeSimulation(umg, params);
storedRuns = new File(params.getStdDirectory()).listFiles(new FileNamePostfixFilter("gz"));
filesFinished = 0;
public synchronized void runDuringSimulation(EnvironmentEA env, Wink simZyk, ParCollection params) {
super.runDuringSimulation(env, simZyk, params);
XMLAufnLesen aufn = null;
if (simZyk.getLastTick() % Math.round(params.getParValueDouble("saveInterval")) == 0) {
if (filesFinished < storedRuns.length) {
String compressedFileName = storedRuns[filesFinished].getPath();
String decompressedFileName = params.getStdDirectory() + File.separator + StaticMethods.datNamOhneHintErw(storedRuns[filesFinished].getPath());
params.log(StaticMethods.LOG_INFO, "This is Trajectory TEMP Master at time " + simZyk + ".");
StaticMethods.entpackeDatei(compressedFileName, decompressedFileName, false); // Set to true to delete compressed file.
params.log(StaticMethods.LOG_INFO, "Decompressed '" + compressedFileName + "' to '" + decompressedFileName + "'.");
aufn = new XMLAufnLesen(new File(decompressedFileName), params);
params.log(StaticMethods.LOG_INFO, "Loaded '" + decompressedFileName + "'.");
params.log(StaticMethods.LOG_INFO, "Deleted temp files.");
int bestPopNum = findBestPopulationMovingAverage(aufn, 5);
// Starte n Generationen vor der besten Population.
bestPopNum = Math.max(0, bestPopNum - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < aufn.getPop(0).getRobSchnapp().length; i++) {
RobSnapshot robSchnapp = aufn.getPop(bestPopNum).getRobSchnapp()[i];
RobEA rob = new RobEA(i, env, params, env.getRand());
rob.erzeugeAusSequenz(0, robSchnapp.getVStdCodes()[0], null, false);
// Speichere einen beliebigen (hoffentlich representativen) Roboterautomaten.
if (i == 0) {
rob.speichereAuts(storedRuns[filesFinished].getName() + "_simTrajTime_" + simZyk.getLastTick() + "_simOriginalTime_" + aufn.getPop(bestPopNum).getId());
} else {
* @param aufn
* @return The best population in terms of moving average.
private int findBestPopulationMovingAverage(XMLAufnLesen aufn, int maWindow) {
// Finde beste Population (gleitender Durchschnitt).
int bestPopNum; // Das ist die Populationsnummer (nicht der Simulationszyklus)!
double bestPopFit;
Double[] fitVerlauf = new Double[aufn.getAllPopulations().length];
Double[] fitVerlaufMA = new Double[aufn.getAllPopulations().length];
Double[] fitVerlaufMA2 = new Double[aufn.getAllPopulations().length];
int i = 0;
// Mit Nullen füllen.
for (int k = 0; k < fitVerlauf.length; k++) {
fitVerlauf[k] = 0.0;
fitVerlaufMA[k] = 0.0;
fitVerlaufMA2[k] = 0.0;
// Erzeuge Fitnesverlauf.
for (Population pop : aufn.getAllPopulations()) {
int fitSum = 0;
for (Roboter rob : pop.getRoboterArray()) {
fitSum += rob.getFit();
fitVerlauf[i] = (double) fitSum;
// Moving Average Left-To-Right.
for (int j = maWindow; j < fitVerlaufMA.length; j++) {
int fitSum = 0;
for (int k = j - maWindow; k <= j; k++) {
fitSum += fitVerlauf[k];
fitVerlaufMA[j] = (double) fitSum / (double) (maWindow + 1);
// Moving Average Right-To-Left.
for (int j = fitVerlaufMA2.length - 1 - maWindow; j >= 0; j--) {
int fitSum = 0;
for (int k = j; k <= j + maWindow; k++) {
fitSum += fitVerlaufMA[k];
fitVerlaufMA2[j] = (double) fitSum / (double) (maWindow + 1);
// Finde beste Population.
bestPopFit = Double.MIN_VALUE;
bestPopNum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < fitVerlaufMA2.length; j++) {
if (fitVerlaufMA2[j] > bestPopFit) {
bestPopFit = fitVerlaufMA2[j];
bestPopNum = j;
return bestPopNum;
// /**
// * @param aufn
// *
// * @return The very best population in terms of fitness sum.
// */
// private int findBestPopulationRegular(XMLAufnLesen aufn) {
// // Finde beste Population (regulär).
// int bestPopNum = 0; // Das ist die Populationsnummer (nicht der Simulationszyklus)!
// int bestPopFit = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// for (Population pop : aufn.getAllPopulations()) {
// int fitSum = 0;
// for (Roboter rob : pop.getRoboterArray()) {
// fitSum += rob.getFit();
// }
// if (fitSum > bestPopFit) {
// bestPopFit = fitSum;
// bestPopNum = pop.getID();
// }
// }
// return bestPopNum;
// }
public String id() {
return ConstantsSimulation.DEFAULT_MASTER_SCHEDULER_ID + "-MARB-TrajectoriesTEMP";