package vsv;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import miscellaneous.Copiable;
import reaction.Item;
import reaction.Reaction;
import recorders.Recorder;
import tables.DimensionMap;
public class VSVModel implements Copiable<VSVModel> {
public Virus virus;
public Cell cell;
public DimensionMap params;
public Vector<Reaction> rxns;
double moi = 1;
public void setVirusAndCell(Virus virus, Cell cell)
this.virus = virus;
this.cell = cell;
public void initialize()
public void initializeRxns()
this.rxns = new Vector<Reaction>();
// this.initializeDegradation();
// this.initializeDetection();
// this.initializePackaging();
* updates parameter with a DimensionMap containing the values entered in JEX - for future use
* @param params
public void setParams(DimensionMap params)
this.params = params;
// /**
// * updates parameter with numbers entered in JEX - for future use
// *
// * @param PARAM_polymeraseOnRate_Transcription
// * @param PARAM_transcriptionToReplicationRatio
// * @param PARAM_genToAntiGenoRepRatio
// * @param PARAM_detectableGenomeStoich
// * @param PARAM_PLPol_rate
// * @param PARAM_genomeMcondensationRate
// * @param PARAM_detectionRateConstant
// */
// public void setParams(double PARAM_polymeraseOnRate_Transcription, double PARAM_transcriptionToReplicationRatio, double PARAM_genToAntiGenoRepRatio, double PARAM_detectableGenomeStoich, double PARAM_PLPol_rate, double
// PARAM_genomeMcondensationRate, double PARAM_detectionRateConstant)
// {
// // Virus Parameters
// this.virus.PARAM_polymeraseOnRate_Transcription = PARAM_polymeraseOnRate_Transcription;
// this.virus.PARAM_transcriptionToReplicationRatio = PARAM_transcriptionToReplicationRatio;
// this.virus.PARAM_genToAntiGenoRepRatio = PARAM_genToAntiGenoRepRatio;
// this.virus.PARAM_detectableGenomeStoich = PARAM_detectableGenomeStoich;
// this.virus.PARAM_PLPol_rate = PARAM_PLPol_rate;
// this.virus.PARAM_genomeMcondensationRate = PARAM_genomeMcondensationRate;
// // Cell Parameters
// this.cell.PARAM_detectionRateConstant = PARAM_detectionRateConstant;
// this.virus.updateParams();
// this.initializeRxns();
// }
* @return reactions
public Vector<Reaction> getRxns()
return this.rxns;
* adds a transcription reaction to the reaction vector (rxns) with a cell pool virus genome definition (VSV) virus polymerase PARAM_polymeraseOnRate_Transcription template binding rate polymerase transcription rate on template polymerase spacing
private void initializeTranscription()
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Transcription (you will need a transcription reaction for each
// template)
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// template1 + pol -> transcripts + template + pol, ktranscription
this.rxns.add(new TranscriptionRxn(this.cell, this.virus.genome, Virus.POLYMERASE, this.virus.PARAM_polymeraseOnRate_Transcription, this.virus.PARAM_polymeraseNtPerSec_Transcription, this.virus.PARAM_polymeraseSpacing));
* adds a translation reaction to the reaction vector (rxns) with a cell pool gene ribosome ribosome binding rate ribosome translation rate on template ribosome spacing
private void initializeTranslation()
// Translation (Each transcript must have a translation reaction, so use
// a loop to add from each template)
// transcript + ribosome -> protein + transcript + ribosome,
// ktranslation
List<Gene> proteinList = new Vector<Gene>();
for (Gene g : this.virus.genome)
// if the protein has not already been added and it encodes a
// protein
if(!proteinList.contains(g) && g.encodesProtein)
// add gene to a list of genes to ensure no duplication
// add reaction to translate this gene
this.rxns.add(new TranslationRxn(this.cell, g, Cell.PROTEIN_RIBOSOME, this.cell.ribosomeOnRate, this.cell.PARAM_ribosomeRate, this.cell.PARAM_ribosomeSpacing));
* adds a first order degradation reaction for transcripts, proteins, genomes and antigenomes
private void initializeDegradation()
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Degradation of transcripts, proteins, templates
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// item --> 0, kDeg_Item
// add things in a loop to be simple
// transcripts
List<Gene> transcriptList = new Vector<Gene>();
for (Gene g : this.virus.genome)
// if the transcript has not already been added and it encodes a
// protein
if(!transcriptList.contains(g) && g.encodesTranscript)
// add gene to a list of genes to ensure no duplication
// add reaction to degrade this gene
this.rxns.add(new FirstOrderDegradationRxn(, this.cell.transcripts, Virus.transcript_degConstant));
// proteins
List<Gene> proteinList = new Vector<Gene>();
for (Gene g : this.virus.genome)
// if the protein has not already been added and it encodes a
// protein
if(!proteinList.contains(g) && g.encodesProtein)
// add gene to a list of genes to ensure no duplication
// add reaction to translate this gene
this.rxns.add(new FirstOrderDegradationRxn(, this.cell.proteins, g.proteinDegradationRate));
// genomes and templates
this.rxns.add(new FirstOrderDegradationRxn(this.virus.genomeFullname(), this.virus.genomeName(), this.cell.templates, Virus.nucleocapsid_degConstant));
this.rxns.add(new FirstOrderDegradationRxn(this.virus.antiGenomeFullname(), this.virus.antiGenomeName(), this.cell.templates, Virus.nucleocapsid_degConstant));
this.rxns.add(new FirstOrderDegradationRxn(this.virus.condensedGenomeFullname(), this.virus.condensedGenomeName(), this.cell.templates, Virus.nucleocapsid_degConstant));
* adds a replication reaction with a cell virus genome virus antiGenome Virus POLYMERASE N protein polymeraseOnRate_GenomeReplication polymeraseNtPerSec_Replication polymeraseSpacing virus.errorGenomeName??? virus.PARAM_detectableGenomeStoich
* ???
private void initializeReplication()
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Replication (must add 2 reactions for each template type)
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// genome + pol + N -> antigenome + genome + pol
this.rxns.add(new ReplicationAndErrorRxn(this.cell, this.virus.genome, this.virus.antiGenome, Virus.POLYMERASE,, this.virus.polymeraseOnRate_GenomeReplication, this.virus.polymeraseNtPerSec_Replication, this.virus.PARAM_polymeraseSpacing, this.virus.errorGenomeFullname(), this.virus.errorGenomeName(), this.virus.PARAM_detectableGenomeStoich));
// antigenome + pol + N -> genome + antigenome + pol + detectableGenome
this.rxns.add(new ReplicationAndErrorRxn(this.cell, this.virus.antiGenome, this.virus.genome, Virus.POLYMERASE,, this.virus.polymeraseOnRate_AntiGenomeReplication, this.virus.polymeraseNtPerSec_Replication, this.virus.PARAM_polymeraseSpacing, this.virus.errorAntiGenomeFullname(), this.virus.errorAntiGenomeName(), this.virus.PARAM_detectableGenomeStoich));
* L and P interacts to make polymerase
private void initializeProteinInteractions()
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Protein Interactions
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// L + 3.6 P -> polymerase, krxn
this.rxns.add(new TwoBodyOneProductRxn(, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, 1.0,, this.cell.proteins, 3.6, 1.0, Virus.POLYMERASE, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, this.virus.PARAM_PLPol_rate));
// this.rxns.add(new TwoBodyOneProductRxn(, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, 1.0, Cell.PROTEIN_CELLRIBOSOME, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, 1.0, Cell.PROTEIN_RIBOSOME, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, this.virus.MRibRate));
* initialize packaging based on the M protein and genome availability at genomeMcondensationRate (will be followed by condensation of this complex with other proteins)
private void initializePackaging()
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Packaging
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// genome + M -> genM, k (template protein reaction produce template)
// rate = k*M^2*template
this.rxns.add(new TwoBodyOneProductRxn(, this.cell.proteins, this.virus.getComposition().get(, 2.0, this.virus.genome.fullname, this.cell.templates, 1.0, 1.0, this.virus.condensedGenomeFullname(), this.cell.templates, 1.0, this.virus.PARAM_genomeMcondensationRate));
// genM + pol -> virion, kpack
// genM + pol + G -> virion, kpack (equal to kpack above, so G enhances
// the packing rate) (model as 1 equation)
this.rxns.add(new PackagingRxn(this.cell, Virus.POLYMERASE,, this.virus.condensedGenomeFullname(),, this.virus.packagingRateConstant));
* initialize the detection reactions of detectable ("error") genomes by proteins
private void initializeDetection()
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Detection and response to bad genomes
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// detectableGenome+detectionProtein --> responseProtein
// this.rxns.add(new TwoBodyOneProductRxn(this.virus.errorGenomeFullname(), this.cell.templates, 1.0, 1.0, Cell.PROTEIN_DETECTION, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, 1.0, Cell.PROTEIN_RESPONSE, this.cell.proteins, 1.0,
// this.cell.PARAM_detectionRateConstant));
// responseProtein --> AVProduct ???
this.rxns.add(new OneBodyTwoProductRxn(this.virus.genomeFullname(), this.cell.templates, 1.0, 1.0, Cell.PROTEIN_DETECTION, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, this.virus.errorGenomeFullname(), this.cell.templates, 1.0, this.cell.PARAM_detectionRateConstant));
this.rxns.add(new RibKillDetRxn(Cell.PROTEIN_RIBOSOME, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, 1.0, Cell.PROTEIN_DETECTION, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, 1.0, Cell.PROTEIN_RibDead, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, Cell.PROTEIN_DETECTION, this.cell.proteins, 1.0, this.cell.PARAM_ResponseConstant));
* initialize the virus as a list of genes. This call will do all the work in naming the virus
private void initializeVirus()
// N1 virus
this.virus = new Virus(new Gene[] { Virus.Le, Virus.IG1, Virus.N, Virus.IG2, Virus.P, Virus.IG3, Virus.M, Virus.IG4, Virus.G, Virus.IG5, Virus.L, Virus.IG6, Virus.TrC }, "VSVN1");
// RFP 1
// this.virus = new Virus(new Gene[] { Virus.Le, Virus.IG1, Virus.RFP, Virus.IG1, Virus.N, Virus.IG2, Virus.P, Virus.IG3, Virus.M, Virus.IG4, Virus.G, Virus.IG5, Virus.L, Virus.IG6, Virus.TrC }, "VSVN1");
// RFP 5
// this.virus = new Virus(new Gene[] { Virus.Le, Virus.IG1, Virus.N, Virus.IG2, Virus.P, Virus.IG3, Virus.M, Virus.IG4, Virus.G,Virus.IG1,Virus.RFP, Virus.IG5, Virus.L, Virus.IG6, Virus.TrC }, "VSVN1");
* initializes a cell by initializing template and protein pools by adding viral genomes, polymerase, ribosomes and detection proteins
private void initializeCell()
this.cell = new Cell();
// Load up Cell with goodies (infect the cell and add other ribosomes
// and proteins)
this.cell.templates.initialize(new Item(this.virus.genomeFullname(),, 0.0));
this.cell.proteins.initialize(new Item(Virus.POLYMERASE, * this.virus.getComposition().getComponentCount(Virus.POLYMERASE), 0.0));
this.cell.proteins.initialize(new Item(, * this.virus.getComposition().getComponentCount(, 0.0));
this.cell.proteins.initialize(new Item(Cell.PROTEIN_RIBOSOME, Cell.initialRibosomes, 0.0));
* This method returns a value between 0 and 1 representing the decay of the cell due to a response protein The equation used to calculate the response is sigmoid - NOT IN CURRENT VERSION!!!
* @return
public double cellDecay(double time)
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Cell decay by threshold to detectable genomes //
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
double templates = this.cell.templates.getCount(this.virus.genomeName());
if(templates > 8000)
Recorder.log("Genome threshold", this);
return 0;
return 1;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Cell decay by response to detectable genomes //
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //decay = 1/ (1 + exp( -k * responseProtein + offset))
// double factor=0.1;
// double offset=20;
// double responseConc=cell.proteins.getCount(Cell.PROTEIN_RESPONSE);
// double expTerm=-factor*responseConc+offset;
// double decay=1/(1+Math.exp(expTerm));
// return decay;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Cell decay according to time //
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// double decay;
// try
// {
// decay = 1-StatisticsUtility.normalCDF(time, Cell.halfLife,
// Cell.halfLifeSigma);
// if(decay < 0)
// {
// decay = 0;
// }
// return decay;
// }
// catch (MathException e)
// {
// e.printStackTrace();
// return 0.0;
// }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Cell decay according to number of genomes //
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
// double templates = this.cell.templates.getCount(this.virus.genomeName());// +
// // this.cell.templates.delayedAmounts.getAll().getCount(virus.genomeName());
// double thresh = Math.log10(templates);
// try
// {
// // created sigmoidal decay function for cell activity
// double cdfValue = StatisticsUtility.normalCDF(Math.log10(templates), Math.log10(Cell.virusProductionMean) / 2, Math.log10(Cell.virusProductionMean) / 5);
// double decay = (1 - cdfValue);
// if(Double.isNaN(decay) || decay < 0)
// {
// decay = 0;
// }
// return decay;
// }
// catch (MathException e)
// {
// e.printStackTrace();
// return 0;
// }
public VSVModel copy()
VSVModel ret = new VSVModel();
ret.cell = this.cell.copy();
ret.virus = this.virus.copy();
ret.params = this.params.copy();
ret.initializeRxns(); =;
return ret;