Package lejos.navigation

Source Code of lejos.navigation.Pilot

package lejos.navigation;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import lejos.nxt.Motor;

* The Pilot class is a software abstraction of the Pilot mechanism of a NXT robot. It contains methods to control robot movents: travel forward or backward in a straight line or a circular path or rotate to a new direction.  <br>
* Note: this class will only work with two independently controlled Pilot motors to steer differentially, so it can rotate within its own footprint (i.e. turn on one spot).<br>
* It can be used with robots that have reversed motor design: the robot moves in the direction opposite to the the dirction of motor rotation.
* Uses the Motor class, which regulates motor speed using the NXT motor's built in tachometer. <br>
* Some methods optionally return immediately so the thread that called the method can monitor sensors and call stop() if necessary.  <br> 
* Uses the smoothAcceleration  property of Motors to improve motor symchronication
*  Example:<p>
* <code><pre>
*  Pilot pilot = new Pilot(2.1f,4.4f,Motor.A, Motor.C,true);
*   pilot.setSpeed(720);// 2 RPM
*  pilot.rotate(-90);
*  while(pilot.isMoving())Thread.yield();
*  pilot.rotate(-90);
*  pilot.rotateTo(270);
*  pilot.steer(-50,180,true);
*  while(pilot.isMoving())Thread.yield();
*  pilot.steer(100);
*  try{Thread.sleep(1000);}
*   catch(InterruptedException e){}
*  pilot.stop();
* </pre></code>
public class Pilot
   *left motor
  protected Motor _left;
   * right motor
  protected Motor _right;
   * motor degrees per unit of travel
  public final float _degPerDistance;
   * Motor revolutions for 360 degree rotation of robot (motors running in opposite directions.
   * calculated from wheel diameter and track width.  Used by rotate() and steer() methods
  private final float _turnRatio;
   * motor speed  degrees per second. Used by all methods that cause movememt
  protected int _speed = 360;
   * Motor rotation forward makes robot move forward iff parity == 1.
  private byte _parity = 1;
   * if true, motor speed regulation is turned on
   private boolean _regulating = true;
   * distance between wheels - used in steer()
  public  final float _trackWidth;
   *  diameter of tires
  public final float _wheelDiameter;

   *  Allocates a Pilot object, and sets the physical parameters of the NXT robot. <br>
   *  Assumes  Motor.forward() causes the robot to move forward);
   *  @param wheelDiameter  Diameter of the tire, in any convenient units.  (The diameter in mm is usually printed on the tire).
   *  @param trackWidth Distance between center of right tire and center of left tire, in same units as wheelDiameter
  public Pilot(float wheelDiameter,float trackWidth,Motor leftMotor, Motor rightMotor)
    _left = leftMotor;
    _right = rightMotor;
    _degPerDistance = 360/((float)Math.PI*wheelDiameter);
    _turnRatio = trackWidth/wheelDiameter;
    _trackWidth = trackWidth;
    _wheelDiameter = wheelDiameter;
   *  Allocates a Pilot object, and sets the physical parameters of the NXT robot. <br>
   @param wheelDiameter  Diameter of the tire, in any convenient units.  (The diameter in mm is usually printed on the tire).
   *  @param trackWidth Distance between center of right tire and center of left tire, in the same units as wheelDiameter
   *  @param reverse if true, the NXT robot moves forward when the motors are running backward.
  public Pilot(float wheelDiameter,float trackWidth,Motor leftMotor, Motor rightMotor, boolean reverse)
    this(wheelDiameter, trackWidth,leftMotor,rightMotor);
    if(reverse) _parity = -1;
    else _parity = 1;
     * returns left motor
     * @return left motor
    public Motor getLeft() { return _left;}
     * returns right motor
     * @return right motor
    public Motor getRight() {return _right;}
     *  returns tachoCount of left motor; Positive value means motor has moved the robot forward;
  public int getLeftCount(){ return _parity*_left.getTachoCount();}

   *returns tachoCount of the right motor; Positive value means motor has moved the robot forward;
  public int getRightCount(){ return _parity*_right.getTachoCount();}
   *returns actual speed of left motor in degrees per second; a negative value if motor is rotating backwards  <br>
   * Updated avery 100 ms.
  public int getLeftActualSpeed(){ return _left.getActualSpeed();}
    *returns actual speed of right motor in deg/sec;  a negative value if motor is rotating backwards. <br>
    *  Updated avery 100 ms.
  public int getRightActualSpeed() { return _right.getActualSpeed();}

   * return ratatio of Motor revolutions per 360 degree rotation of the robot
  public float getTurnRatio(){ return _turnRatio;}
     * return current speed setting
     * @return current speed
    public int getSpeed(){return _speed;}
   * Sets speed of both motors,  degrees/sec; also sets retulate speed true
  public void setSpeed(int speed)
  { //   Logger.getLogger(getClass()).debug("Setting Speed to "+speed);
    _speed = speed;
   *  Moves the NXT robot forward until stop() is called.
  public void forward()
    if(_parity == 1) fwd();
    else bak();

   * Moves the NXT robot backward until stop() is called.
  public void backward()
    if(_parity == 1)bak();
    else fwd();

   * Rotates the  NXT robot through a specific angle; Rotates left if angle is positive, right if negative,
   * Returns when angle is reached.
   * Wheels turn in opposite directions producing a  zero radius turn.
   * @param angle  degrees. Positive angle rotates to the left (clockwise); negative to the right. <br>Requires correct values for wheel diameter and track width.
  public void rotate(int angle)
   * Rotates the  NXT robot through a specific angle; Rotates left if angle is positive, right if negative;
   * Returns immediately  iff immediateReturn is true.
   * Wheels turn in opposite directions producing a  zero radius turn.
   * @param angle  degrees. Positive angle rotates to the left; negative to the right. <br>Requires correct values for wheel diameter and track width.
   * @param immediateReturn if true this method returns immediately
  public void rotate(int angle, boolean immediateReturn )
    int ta = _parity*(int)( angle*_turnRatio);
   * returns the angle of rotation of the robot since last call to reset of tacho count;
  public int getAngle()
    return  _parity*Math.round((getRightCount()-getLeftCount())/(2*_turnRatio));
   * Stops the NXT robot
  public void stop()
   * returns true iff the NXT robot is moving
    public boolean isMoving()
    return _left.isMoving()||_right.isMoving()||_left.isRotating()||_right.isRotating();
     *resets tacho count for both motors
    public void resetTachoCount()

     * returns distance taveled since last reset of tacho count
    public float getTravelDistance()
    int avg =( _left.getTachoCount()+_right.getTachoCount())/2;
     return  _parity*avg/_degPerDistance;
     * Moves the NXT robot a specific distance;<br>
     * A positive distance causes forward motion;  negative distance  moves backward. 
     * @param  distance of robot movement. Unit of measure for distance must be same as wheelDiameter and trackWidth
  public void travel(float distance)
   * Moves the NXT robot a specific distance; if immediateReturn is true, method returns immediately. <br>
   * A positive distance causes forward motion; negative distance moves backward. 
   * @param immediateReturn  If true, method returns immediately, and robot stops after traveling the distance.  If false, method returns immediately.
  public void travel(float distance,boolean immediateReturn)
    final float f = _parity*distance*_degPerDistance;
    Logger.getLogger(getClass()).debug("Rotate to "+f+" "+(int)f);

   * Moves the NXT robot in a circular path at a specific turn rate. <br>
   * The center of the turning circle is on the right side of the robot iff parameter turnRate is negative;  <br>
   * turnRate values are between -200 and +200;
   * @param turnRate If positive, the left wheel is on the inside of the turn.  If negative, the left wheel is on the outside.
   * This parameter determines the ratio of inner wheel speed to outer wheel speed (as a percent). <br>
   * <I>Formula:</i>    ratio  =  100 - abs(turnRate). When the ratio is negative, the outer and inner wheels rotate in opposite directions.<br>
   * Examples: <UL><LI> steer(25)-> inner wheel turns at 75% of the speed of the outer wheel <br>
   *           <li>steer(100) -> inner wheel stops.<br>
   *        <li>steer(200) -> means that the inner wheel turns at the same speed as the outer wheel - a zero radius turn. <br></UL>
  public void steer(int turnRate)

   * Moves the NXT robot in a circular path through a specific angle; <br>
   * Negative turnRate means center of turning circle is on right side of the robot; <br>
   * Range of turnRate values : -200 : 200 ;
   * Robot will stop when total rotation equals angle. If angle is negative, robot will move travel backwards.
   * @param turnRate If positive, the left wheel is on the inside of the turn.  If negative, the left wheel is on the outside.
   * This parameter determines the ratio of inner wheel speed to outer wheel speed (as a percent). <br>
   * @param angle  the angle through which the robot will rotate and then stop. If negative, robot traces the turning circle backwards.
  public void steer(int turnRate, int angle)

   * Moves the NXT robot in a circular path, and stops when the direction it is facing has changed by a specific angle;  <br>
   * Returns immediately if immediateReturn is true.  The robot will stop automatically when the turm is complete.
   * The center of the turning circle is on right side of the robot iff parameter turnRate is negative  <br>
   * turnRate values are between -200 and +200;
   * @param turnRate If positive, the left wheel is on the inside of the turn.  If negative, the left wheel is on the outside.
   * This parameter determines the ratio of inner wheel speed to outer wheel speed (as a percent). <br>
   * @param angle  the angle through which the robot will rotate and then stop. If negative, robot traces the turning circle backwards.
   * @param immediateReturn iff true, method returns immedediately.
  public void steer(int turnRate, int angle, boolean immediateReturn)
    Motor inside;
    Motor outside;
    int rate = turnRate;
    if(rate <- 200)rate = -200;
    if(rate > 200)rate = 200;
      else forward();
    if (turnRate<0)
      inside = _right;
      outside = _left;
      rate = -rate;
      inside = _left;
      outside = _right;
    float steerRatio = 1 - rate/100.0f;
    if(angle == Integer.MAX_VALUE) //no limit angle for turn
      if(_parity == 1) outside.forward();
      else outside.backward();
      if( _parity*steerRatio > 0) inside.forward();
      else inside.backward();
    float rotAngle  = angle*_trackWidth*2/(_wheelDiameter*(1-steerRatio));
    while (isMoving())Thread.yield();

   * motors backward  called by forward() and backward()
  private void bak()
*Sets motor speed regulation   on = true (default) or off = false; <br>
*Allows steer() method to be called by (for example)
*a line tracker or compass navigator so direction control is from sensor inputs
  public void regulateSpeed(boolean yes)
    _regulating = yes;

   * motors forward called by forward() and backward()
   private void fwd()


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