* Defines the board for the game
* @author Shashi Mittal
* @version 1.5(08-09-2002)
package de.axxeed.animosy.ai;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.BoardModel;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.Constants;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.Detective;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.Fugitive;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.Game;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.GameBoard;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.Link;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.Manager;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.Move;
import de.axxeed.animosy.model.Node;
public class VirtualBoard implements Comparator,Comparable, Constants
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VirtualBoard.class);
static private final int INF=100;
static private int DEPTH=3;
static private final int WIN=200;
static private final int LOSE=-200;
static private final int NBEST=25;
static private Point pos[] = null;
private int alphabeta[];
private int currentMoves;
private static int [][]shortestDistance = null;
private int [] checkPoints;
private Detective []detectives;
private Fugitive MrX;
/**This constructor initializes the board
public VirtualBoard(GameBoard board)
int nrOfcheckPoints = 5;
int nrOfDetectives = Manager.getOptions().getNumberOfDetectives();
checkPoints=new int[nrOfcheckPoints];
for(int i=0;i<nrOfcheckPoints;i++)
detectives=new Detective[nrOfDetectives];
for(int i=0;i<nrOfDetectives;i++)
detectives[i]=new Detective(board.getDetectives()[i].getPosition());
MrX=new Fugitive(board.getMrX().getPosition());
int noOfNodes = BoardModel.nodesCount();
if(shortestDistance == null) {
shortestDistance=new int[noOfNodes][noOfNodes];
for(int i=0;i<noOfNodes;i++)
for(int j=0;j<noOfNodes;j++)
// test();
alphabeta=new int[DEPTH+1];
/**This constructor make a copy of the VirtualBoard board
*@param board the VirtualBoard whose copy has to be made
private VirtualBoard(VirtualBoard board)
// log.debug("New virtual board ("+hashCode()+") with "+board.detectives.length+" detectives...");
detectives=new Detective[board.detectives.length];
for(int i=0;i<detectives.length;i++)
Node n=board.detectives[i].getPosition();
if(n==null) {
log.warn("No position node found for detective "+i);
detectives[i]=new Detective(n);
Node n=board.MrX.getPosition();
MrX=new Fugitive(n);
/**This method changes the difficulty level for the game
*@param d the required dificulty level
public void setDepth(int d)
/**This method returns the distance between the two nodes
* @param x,y the two nodes given
* @return 0 if x and y are the same nodes
* 100 if they are not adjacent nodes
* weight of the link if the two nodes are connected
private int weight(Node x,Node y)
if(x.equals(y)) return 0;
int weight=INF;
Link []lk=x.getLinks();
for(int i=0;i<lk.length;i++)
Node n=lk[i].getToNode();
if(n.equals(y)) weight=lk[i].getType();
return weight;
/**This method evaluates the shortest distance between all the possible nodes
* It uses Floyd Warshalls Algorithm
private int[][] getShortestDistanceMatrix(int [][]mat,int k)
int noOfNodes = BoardModel.nodesCount();
if (k==noOfNodes-1) return mat;
int newMat[][]=new int[noOfNodes][noOfNodes];
for(int i=0;i<noOfNodes;i++)
for(int j=0;j<noOfNodes;j++) {
return getShortestDistanceMatrix(newMat,k);
/**Prints the initial matrix
public void test()
int noOfNodes = BoardModel.nodesCount();
for(int i=0;i<noOfNodes;i++) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for(int j=0;j<noOfNodes;j++) {
/**Display the map*/
public void displayMap()
JFrame frame=new JFrame();
ImageIcon map=new ImageIcon("map.jpg");
JLabel label=new JLabel(map);
/**Checks if the move to node n is legal or not
*@param n the node n to be tested
*@return true if the move is legal otherwise it returns false
private boolean isLegalMove(Node to)
boolean canMove=true;
for(int i=0;i<detectives.length;i++)
Node n=detectives[i].getPosition();
if(n.getPosition()==to.getPosition()) canMove=false;
return canMove;
/**This method returns all the possible moves for a given detective
*@param i the detective index of the detective whose possible moves we want
*@return the possible moves of this detective in a TreeSet
public TreeSet getDetectivePossibleMoves(int i)
if(!canMove(this, i))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return getPossibleMoves(this, i);
/**This methos is used to change the position of a detective
*@param i the index of the detective whose position we want to change
*@param move the new move for this detective
public void changeDetectivePosition(int i,Move move)
/**Checks whether the machine has won
* @return true if machine has won,otherwise false
public boolean isMachineWin()
boolean noneCanMove=true;
for(int i=0;i<Manager.getOptions().getNumberOfDetectives();i++)
if(canMove(this, i)) noneCanMove=false;
/**Checks if the user has won
* @return true if the user has won,otherwise false
public boolean isUserWin()
Link []xLinks=MrX.getPosition().getLinks();
boolean isBlocked=true;
for(int i=0;i<xLinks.length;i++)
Node xNode=xLinks[i].getToNode();
boolean thisIsOccupied=false;
for(int j=0;j<Manager.getOptions().getNumberOfDetectives();j++)
Node dNode=detectives[j].getPosition();
if(dNode.equals(xNode)) thisIsOccupied=true;
if(!thisIsOccupied) isBlocked=false;
boolean isCaptured=false;
for(int i=0;i<Manager.getOptions().getNumberOfDetectives();i++)
Node detNode=detectives[i].getPosition();
if(detNode.equals(MrX.getPosition())) isCaptured=true;
/**This is the most important method of this class
* It returns the best possible move by calling the evaluate() method
* @return the best node posiion of MrX
private Node bestMove()
Node n=MrX.getPosition();
Link[] lk=n.getLinks();
int score[]=new int[20];
Node possibleNodes[]=new Node[20];
int legalMoves=0;
int noOfNodes=lk.length;
for(int i=0;i<lk.length;i++)
VirtualBoard board=new VirtualBoard(this);
Node toNode=possibleNodes[0];
int max=score[0];
for(int i=0;i<legalMoves;i++)
return toNode;
/**This method evaluates the position of the Node using depth first shallow search algorithm
*@param b the initial VirtualBoard passed by the user
*@param depth the current depth of the recursion tree
*@param isMachineMove true if the next move is of the machine,else returns false
private int evaluateMove(VirtualBoard b,boolean isMachineMove,int depth)
VirtualBoard board=new VirtualBoard(b);
Node dPos=board.MrX.getPosition();
Link []lk=dPos.getLinks();
int score[]=new int[lk.length];
int legalMoves=0;
for(int i=0;i<lk.length;i++)
Node newPos=lk[i].getToNode();
if (!board.isLegalMove(newPos)) continue;
if(board.isUserWin()) score[legalMoves]=LOSE;
else if(board.isUserWin()) score[legalMoves]=WIN;
else if(depth==DEPTH) score[legalMoves]=scoreBoard(board);
else score[legalMoves]=evaluateMove(board,false,depth+1);
if(i==0) alphabeta[depth]=score[legalMoves];
if(score[legalMoves]>alphabeta[depth]) alphabeta[depth]=score[legalMoves];
return score[legalMoves];
int max=score[0];
for(int i=0;i<legalMoves;i++)
if(score[i]>max) max=score[i];
return max;
int score[]=new int[NBEST];
int legalMoves=0;
TreeSet possibleMoves=generateUserMoves(board);
for(int i=0;(i<NBEST)&&(!possibleMoves.isEmpty());i++)
if(board.isUserWin()) score[legalMoves]=LOSE;
else if(board.isMachineWin()) score[legalMoves]=WIN;
else if(depth==DEPTH) score[legalMoves]=scoreBoard(board);
else score[legalMoves]=evaluateMove(board,true,depth+1);
if(legalMoves==0) alphabeta[depth]=score[legalMoves];
if(score[legalMoves]<alphabeta[depth]) alphabeta[depth]=score[legalMoves];
return score[legalMoves];
int min=score[0];
for(int i=0;i<legalMoves;i++)
if(score[i]<min) min=score[i];
return min;
/**This method generates all the possible user moves for the given board.The generated
*possible moves are stored in a TreeSet and only the first n(ie the n-best boards ) are
*used for continuing the minimax tree.Thus this is done for the forward prunning
*of the branch.
*@param b the board for which the moves have to be generated
*@return all possible board positions in a TreeSet
private TreeSet generateUserMoves(VirtualBoard b) {
TreeSet possibleMoves=new TreeSet();
int nrOfDetectives = Manager.getOptions().getNumberOfDetectives();
Node n[]=new Node[nrOfDetectives];
Node detNode[]=new Node[nrOfDetectives];
for(int i=0;i<nrOfDetectives;i++)
for(int detLnk=0;detLnk<detNode[0].getLinks().length;detLnk++) {
VirtualBoard board=new VirtualBoard(b);
Link []lnk=detNode[0].getLinks();
if(!canMove(board, 0)) {
else if(!board.isLegalMove(lnk[detLnk].getToNode())) {
else {
generateDetectiveMove(1, possibleMoves, n, detNode, board);
// This is the old version
for(int d1=0;d1<detNode[0].getLinks().length;d1++)
board=new VirtualBoard(b);
Link []l1=detNode[0].getLinks();
if(!canMove(board, 0)) n[0]=detNode[0];
else if(!board.isLegalMove(l1[d1].getToNode())) continue;
else n[0]=l1[d1].getToNode();
for(int d2=0;d2<detNode[1].getLinks().length;d2++)
Link []l2=detNode[1].getLinks();
if(!canMove(board, 1)) n[1]=detNode[1];
else if(!board.isLegalMove(l2[d2].getToNode())) continue;
for(int d3=0;d3<detNode[2].getLinks().length;d3++)
Link []l3=detNode[2].getLinks();
if(!canMove(board, 2)) n[2]=detNode[2];
else if(!board.isLegalMove(l3[d3].getToNode())) continue;
for(int d4=0;d4<detNode[3].getLinks().length;d4++)
Link []l4=detNode[3].getLinks();
if(!canMove(board, 3)) n[3]=detNode[3];
else if(!board.isLegalMove(l3[d3].getToNode())) continue;
for(int d5=0;d5<detNode[4].getLinks().length;d5++)
Link []l5=detNode[4].getLinks();
if(!canMove(board, 4)) n[4]=detNode[4];
else if(!board.isLegalMove(l5[d5].getToNode())) continue;
for(int count=0;count<nrOfDetectives;count++)
return possibleMoves;
private void generateDetectiveMove(int detNr, TreeSet possibleMoves, Node[] n, Node[] detNode, VirtualBoard board) {
int nrOfDetectives = Manager.getOptions().getNumberOfDetectives();
for(int det=0;det<detNode[detNr].getLinks().length;det++) {
Link []lnk=detNode[detNr].getLinks();
if(!canMove(board, detNr)) n[detNr]=detNode[detNr];
else if(!board.isLegalMove(lnk[det].getToNode())) continue;
if(detNr==nrOfDetectives-1) {
for(int count=0;count<nrOfDetectives;count++)
else {
generateDetectiveMove(detNr+1, possibleMoves, n, detNode, board);
/**This method evaluates the given board
*@param board the given board
*@return the score for this board
private static int scoreBoard(VirtualBoard board)
Detective []detectives=board.detectives;
Fugitive mrx=board.MrX;
int totalDistance=0;
int totalMobility=0;
for(int count=0;count<Manager.getOptions().getNumberOfDetectives();count++)
int score=3*totalDistance-totalMobility/5;
return score;
/**This method compares two objects of this class depending on the score of the boards
*@param b1,b2 the two boards which are to be compared
*@return negative if score of b1 less then score of b2
*positive otherwise
public int compare(Object b1,Object b2)
int s1=scoreBoard((VirtualBoard)b1);
int s2=scoreBoard((VirtualBoard)b2);
if(s1<s2) return -1;
else return 1;
/**This method checks whether two boards are equal
*@param b1.b2 the two boards
*@return true if the boards are equal,false otherwise
public boolean equal(VirtualBoard b1,VirtualBoard b2)
return (scoreBoard(b1)==scoreBoard(b2));
/**This method comapres this board to another board o
*@param o the board with which this is to be compared
*@return similar to the compare() method
public int compareTo(Object o)
VirtualBoard b=(VirtualBoard)o;
return compare(this,b);
public Move moveMrX()
Node bestNode=bestMove();
int type=MrX.changePosition(bestNode);
int pos=MrX.getPosition().getPosition();
return (new Move(pos,type));
/**This method is used to get the detectives of this board
*@return the array containing the detectives of the current game
public Detective[] getDetectives()
return detectives;
/**This method is used to get the MrX of this object
*@return the MrX of this object
public Fugitive getMrX()
return MrX;
/**This methos returns the currentMoves of this object
*@return the currentMoves of this object
public int getCurrentMoves()
return currentMoves;
/**String representation of this board
*@return the score of this board in String form
public String toString()
return ""+scoreBoard(this);
public static Point getPos(int i) {
return pos[i];
/**Checks if the detective can make a move or not
* @return true if the detective can move,false if the detective is stranded
private boolean canMove(VirtualBoard board, int detNo)
Node n=board.getDetectives()[detNo].getPosition();
// log.debug("Detective #"+detNo+", Node: "+n+" on board ("+board.hashCode()+")");
Link []lk=n.getLinks();
boolean canMove=false;
for(int i=0;i<lk.length;i++)
boolean canGoToThisNode=true;
Node toNode=lk[i].getToNode();
Detective[] det=Manager.getGame().getBoard().getDetectives();
for(int j=0;j<det.length;j++)
if (toNode.equals(det[j].getPosition())) canGoToThisNode=false;
int t=lk[i].getType();
case TAXI:if(getDetectives()[detNo].getTaxiTickets()<=0) if(canGoToThisNode) canGoToThisNode=false;
case BUS:if(getDetectives()[detNo].getBusTickets()<=0) if(canGoToThisNode) canGoToThisNode=false;
case UG:if(getDetectives()[detNo].getUndergroundTickets()<=0) if(canGoToThisNode) canGoToThisNode=false;
case BLACK:canGoToThisNode=false;
if(canGoToThisNode) canMove=true;
return canMove;
/**This method returns the possible moves of the detective in a TreeSet
* @param board the board of which this detective is a part of
* @return all the possible moves in TreeSet
private TreeSet getPossibleMoves(VirtualBoard board, int detNo)
if(!canMove(board, detNo)) return null;
boolean added=false;
Node n=board.getDetectives()[detNo].getPosition();
Link []lk=n.getLinks();
TreeSet possibleMoves=new TreeSet();
for(int i=0;i<lk.length;i++)
boolean canGoToThisNode=true;
Node toNode=lk[i].getToNode();
Detective[] det=Manager.getGame().getBoard().getDetectives();
for(int j=0;j<det.length;j++)
if(toNode.equals(det[j].getPosition())) canGoToThisNode=false;
int t=lk[i].getType();
case TAXI:if(getDetectives()[detNo].getTaxiTickets()<=0) if(canGoToThisNode) canGoToThisNode=false;
case BUS:if(getDetectives()[detNo].getBusTickets()<=0) if(canGoToThisNode) canGoToThisNode=false;
case UG:if(getDetectives()[detNo].getUndergroundTickets()<=0) if(canGoToThisNode) canGoToThisNode=false;
case BLACK:canGoToThisNode=false;
if(canGoToThisNode) possibleMoves.add(new Move(toNode.getPosition(),t));
return possibleMoves;