package net.sf.xbus.technical.file;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.Constants;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException;
import net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration;
import net.sf.xbus.base.xbussystem.XBUSSystem;
* TODO Kommentierung
public class FileSenderConfiguration
* The file paths. Only multiple ones in case of broadcast. Otherwise only
* the first array element is filled.
private String[] mFilenames = null;
private String mResolution = null;
private String mEncoding = null;
* Reads some configuration entries and stores them in class variables.
* @throws XException if something goes wrong
public FileSenderConfiguration(XBUSSystem xbusSystem) throws XException
Configuration config = Configuration.getInstance();
mResolution = retrieveResolution(xbusSystem.getName());
mEncoding = retrieveEncoding(xbusSystem.getName());
String filenameString = config.getValue(Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM,
xbusSystem.getName(), Constants.KEY_FILENAME);
if (xbusSystem.getBroadcast())
mFilenames = xbusSystem.replaceAllMarkers(filenameString);
public String getEncoding()
return mEncoding;
public String[] getFileNames()
return mFilenames;
public String getResolution()
return mResolution;
* Reads conflict resolution (resolved action when the file already exists)
* for the given system name from the configuration and checks its
* conformity with the allowed ones:
* <dl>
* <dd>Append
* <dd>Overwrie
* <dd>Error
* </dl>
* @param system Sytem name which file resolution must be read.
* @return conflict resolution (Append, Overwrite or Error) as String
* @exception XException if resolution is false or an errors occurs
public String retrieveResolution(String system) throws XException
String resolution = Configuration.getInstance().getValue(
Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM, system, Constants.KEY_SEND_RESOL);
if (!resolution.equals(Constants.WRITE_APPEND)
&& !resolution.equals(Constants.WRITE_ERROR)
&& !resolution.equals(Constants.WRITE_OVERWRITE)
&& !resolution.equals(Constants.WRITE_RENAME))
List params = new Vector();
throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_FILE, "28", params);
return resolution;
* Reads the file encoding for the given system name from the
* {@link net.sf.xbus.base.core.config.Configuration}. If this one is
* non-existent, returns default value from the system property.
* @param system name which encoding must be read
* @return file encoding from the standart configuration or default value
* from the system property
* @exception XException if any errors occurs.
private String retrieveEncoding(String system) throws XException
String configEncoding = Configuration.getInstance().getValueOptional(
Constants.CHAPTER_SYSTEM, system, Constants.KEY_ENCODING);
return (configEncoding == null)
? Constants.SYS_ENCODING
: configEncoding;