Package net.sf.xbus.base.core

Examples of net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException

      record = mOriginFile.readNext();
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "0", e);
    if (record != null)
      byte[] inData = null;
      // save record contents to the byte array
        inData = record.getContents();
      catch (Exception e)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "0", e);
      // convert this content to the String
      result = mCharConverter.byteArrayToString(inData);
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    catch (Exception e)
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_AS400, "0", e);
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  public void checkHeaderSpecification(Element headerSpec, Node groupsSpec,
      boolean validated) throws XException
    if (!validated && headerSpec.getAttribute("Name").length() == 0)
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "1");
    // Now the single fields in the header
    checkFieldsAndGroupRefs(headerSpec, groupsSpec, null, validated);
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    if (!validated)
    { // Errors in the xml?
      if (recOrder.length() == 0)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "2");
      if (!recOrder.equals("Arbitrary") && !recOrder.equals("Ordered")
          && !recOrder.equals("Structured"))
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "3");
    } // if (!validated)

    // How to identify the records
    String recIdentMethod = linesSpec.getAttribute("RecordIdentification");

    if (!validated)
    { // Errors in the xml?
      if (recIdentMethod.length() == 0)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "4");
      if (!recIdentMethod.equals("TypeIdentifier")
          && !recIdentMethod.equals("RecordOrder"))
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "5");
    } // if (!validated)

    if (recOrder.equals("Arbitrary")
        && !recIdentMethod.equals("TypeIdentifier"))
      // forbidden combination
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "6");
    // the record type declarations or ...
    // ... the list of record groups, if <recOrder>="Structured"
    NodeList recordTypes = linesSpec.getChildNodes();
    int numOfRecordTypes = recordTypes.getLength();
    // only ok if <recOrder>!="Structured" because otherwise this computes
    // the number of record groups!!!!!!!!!

    if (recordTypes.getLength() == 0)
      // Extension if no prior DTD validating
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "7");
    // Loop will run over record types, but the identification of record
    // record groups above is important, as well.
    // If <recOrder>!="Structured", the parent node is just the Lines node.
    Node recordGroup = linesSpec;

    // Now some corrections to the setting so far if record groups must be
    // treated.
    if (recOrder.equals("Structured"))
      if (!recIdentMethod.equals("TypeIdentifier")
          && recordTypes.getLength() > 1)
        // Several record groups are only allowed if the record types
        // can
        // be identiifed by type identifiers.
        // Attention: <recordTypes> contains the record groups - not the
        // types!
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "8");
      numOfRecordTypes = 0;
      // For counting the record types a loop over the record groups is
      // necessary.
      for (int i = 0; i < recordTypes.getLength(); i++)
      { // loop over record groups
        if (!recordTypes.item(i).getNodeName().equals("RecordGroup"))
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "9");
        numOfRecordTypes += recordTypes.item(i).getChildNodes()

        // the number of records in that group
      } // for (int i=0; i<recordTypes.getLength(); i++)

      recordGroup = recordTypes.item(0);
      // for loop over record groups
      recordTypes = recordGroup.getChildNodes();
      // the record types one level deeper now, thus really to record
      // types
    } // if (recOrder.equals("Structured"))

    TreeMap[] existanceIndicators = null;
    // for record types which's occurrence depends on a certain value in the
    // record before

    if (recIdentMethod.equals("TypeIdentifier"))
    { // type identification by type identifier is easy but needs some
      // values
      // where to find the identifier within the records
      String idPos = linesSpec.getAttribute("IdentifierPos");
      // Where does the identifier start in the record string?
      if (idPos.length() == 0)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "10");
      String idLength = linesSpec.getAttribute("IdentifierLength");
      // How long is the type identifier?
      if (idLength.length() == 0)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "11");
      { // The position must be a positive integer.
        int num = Integer.parseInt(idPos);
        if (num < 0)
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "12");
        // The length as well must be positive integer.
        // Length 0 is permitted for having a simple handling of files
        // with
        // only one record type.
        num = Integer.parseInt(idLength);
        if (num < 0)
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "13");
      } // try
      catch (ClassCastException e)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "0", e);
      } // catch
    } // then (recIdentMethod.equals("TypeIdentifier"))
    // Without type identifiers everything gets more complicated ...
    // ... but the primary value are already set.
    { // Indicators for successors may be important.
      existanceIndicators = new TreeMap[numOfRecordTypes];
      for (int i = 0; i < existanceIndicators.length; i++)
        existanceIndicators[i] = null;
      // Will be filled when going through the single record type
      // declarations.
    } // else (recIdentMethod.equals("TypeIdentifier"))

    String[] recordTypeNames = new String[numOfRecordTypes];
    // Storing the names for consistency check gainst the record type
    // specification section.
    LinkedList typeIds = new LinkedList();
    LinkedList typeIdIntervals = new LinkedList();
    // Record type identifier may be single values or intervals.
    // They are stored to check their unique reference to a record type.
    int recordTypesCount = recordTypes.getLength();
    // the number of record types in the current record group or at all
    // (wihtout grouping) - at least if no bad nodes are included in a
    // errorprone specification
    int recordTypesBefore = 0;
    // number of record type declarations checked in other record groups
    // before - used as offset to datermine the position in the record type
    // array
    while (recordGroup != null)
    { // loop over record groups
      // - only one loop if <recOrder>!="Structured" because of missing
      // record groups
      for (int i = 0; i < recordTypesCount; i++)
      { // Loop over all record type declarations of the record group
        Node rType = recordTypes.item(i);

        // Extension if no DTD validating
        if (rType.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE
            || !rType.getNodeName().equals("RecordType"))
          List params = new Vector();
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "15", params);
        // Check the consistency of this single record type declaration.
        // If its occurrence depends on values in the prececeeding
        // record
        // the information about this value is stored in
        // <dependenceOnPredecessor>.
        String[] dependenceOnPredecessor = checkRecordTypeDeclaration(
            rType, recordTypesCount, recordTypesBefore + i,
            recIdentMethod, recOrder, recordTypeNames, typeIds,
            typeIdIntervals, existanceIndicators);

        if (existanceIndicators != null
            && dependenceOnPredecessor != null)
        { // Existance records are expected in general and an
          // existance
          // indicator is defined for the last cheched record type.
          // To ensure that the identification via existance
          // indicators
          // is possible, the information about them is analysed the
          // other
          // way round. Originally the information was attached as
          // <dependenceOnPredecessor> to the dependent record type.
          // Now it will be attached as <existanceIndicators> to its
          // possible predecessors.
          String occurrences = ((Element) recordTypes.item(i))
          // Cardinality of the record type.
          boolean isOptional = CardinalityStrings
              .isCardinalityInterval(occurrences, true)
              && CardinalityStrings.getCardinalityLow(
                  occurrences, true) == 0;
          for (int j = i - 1; j > -1 && isOptional; j++)
          { // Backwards loop to the beginning of the record types
            // starting at the predecessor of the examined record
            // type.
            // As long as a record type is optional, its predecessor
            // is
            // added to the list of possible predecessors for the
            // originally
            // checked record type.
            // Stops at the first record type because this one may
            // not be optional.

            // Now information attached to the predecessor.
            if (existanceIndicators[j] == null)
            { // The predecessor does not yet have identified
              // successor
              // which depend on an existnace indicator.
              existanceIndicators[j] = new TreeMap();
            } // then (existanceIndicators[j]==null)
            { // The predecessor already has information about
              // successors.
              // Existance indicator value for the existance
              // indicator
              // field stated in the examined record type, but
              // used for
              // another record type !?
              String value = (String) existanceIndicators[j]
              if (value != null)
                // Existance indicator values in the same field
                // for different record types.
                if (value.length() != dependenceOnPredecessor[1]
                  throw new XException(
                  // No other use of the existance indicator
                  // field yet.
                  // Store the new value.
            } // else (existanceIndicators[j]==null)
            occurrences = ((Element) recordTypes.item(j))
            // Cardinality of the last checked record type
            isOptional = CardinalityStrings.isCardinalityInterval(
                occurrences, true)
                && CardinalityStrings.getCardinalityLow(
                    occurrences, true) == 0;
          } // for (int j=i-1; j>-1 && isOptional; j++)
        } // if (existanceIndicators!=null &&
        // dependenceOnPredecessor!=null)
      } // for (int i=0; i<recordTypes.getLength(); i++)

      recordTypesBefore += recordTypesCount;
      // Correct the number of checked record types in the so far
      // examined record groups

      if (recordGroup.getNodeName().equals("RecordGroup"))
      { // record groups really present
        recordGroup = recordGroup.getNextSibling();
        // Choose next record group
        if (recordGroup != null)
        { // there is a next record group
          recordTypes = recordGroup.getChildNodes();
          recordTypesCount = recordTypes.getLength();
          // Next check the record types in the new group
        } // if (recordGroup != null)
      } // if (recordGroup.getNodeName().equals("RecordGroup"))
        // no real record group loop but record declarations directly
        // in lines section, terminate loop by setting ...
        recordGroup = null;
    } // while (recordGroup!=null) - record group loop

    // Check record type names for uniqueness.
    for (int i = 0; i < recordTypeNames.length; i++)
      for (int j = i + 1; j < recordTypeNames.length; j++)
        if (recordTypeNames[i].equals(recordTypeNames[j]))
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "17");
    // Checks on the type identifier
    // First check their length
    // If the record type identification is not done by type identifiers,
    // the two type id lists are empty.
    int identifierLength = 0;
    if (typeIds.size() > 0)
      // Some single value id's
      identifierLength = ((String) typeIds.get(0)).length();
    else if (typeIdIntervals.size() > 0)
      // No single value id but some id intervals
      identifierLength = ((String[]) typeIdIntervals.get(0))[0].length();
    // All id's must have the same length.
    // First the single value id's
    for (int i = 1; i < typeIds.size(); i++)
      if (((String) typeIds.get(0)).length() != identifierLength)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "18");
    // Second the id intervals
    for (int i = 1; i < typeIdIntervals.size(); i++)
      // Attention: two values!
      if (((String[]) typeIdIntervals.get(0))[0].length() != identifierLength
          || ((String[]) typeIdIntervals.get(0))[1].length() != identifierLength)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "18");
    // Second, check the id uniqueness in sense of identification of only
    // one
    // record type
    if (!typeIdsAreUnique(typeIds, typeIdIntervals))
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "20");

    // Return the found record type names and existance indicators.
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        Element recordType = (Element) recordTypes.item(i);

        // Extension if no prior validating
        if (!recordType.getNodeName().equals("RecordTypeSpec"))
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "21");
        String recTypeName = recordType.getAttribute("Name");
        // Extension if no prior validating
        if (recTypeName == null
            || !XDomSupport.isValidTagName(recTypeName))
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "22");
        // Search record type name in the name array from
        // the record type (Lines) section.
        boolean nameSearched = true;
        // Still searching?
        int pos = 0;
        for (; pos < ((String[]) checkInfos[0]).length && nameSearched; pos++)
          // loop over record type names from the lines section
          if (recTypeName.equals(((String[]) checkInfos[0])[pos]))
          { // name found
            ((String[]) checkInfos[0])[pos] = null;
            // deleted for avoiding more hits
            nameSearched = false;
            // search loop ended for this record type
          } // if
        // (recTypeName.equals(((String[])checkInfos[0])[pos]))
        if (nameSearched)
          // Record type not declared in lines section
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "23");
        // Now the single fields in the record type
        TreeMap existanceIndicators = null;
        // With the found position in the checkInfos array
        // the correct existance indicator map is retrieved ...
        if (checkInfos[1] != null)
          // Because pos was augmented once to much in the for loop,
          // now
          // use pos-1.
          existanceIndicators = ((TreeMap[]) checkInfos[1])[pos - 1];
        // ... and feeded to field checking
        checkFieldsAndGroupRefs(recordType, groupsSpec,
            existanceIndicators, validated);
      } // for (int i=0; i<recordTypes.getLength(); i++)
    } // try
    catch (ClassCastException e)
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "0", e);
    } // catch
  } // checkRecordTypesSpecification(Node recordTypesSpec, Node groupsSpec,
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      boolean validated) throws XException
    // Extension if no prior DTD validating
    if (trailerSpec.getAttribute("Name").length() == 0)
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "1");
    // Now the single fields in the header
    checkFieldsAndGroupRefs(trailerSpec, groupsSpec, null, validated);
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    catch (IOException e)
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_FILE, "0", e);
    return null;
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              .getFileNames()[0], true), mConfiguration
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
          Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_FILE, "0", e);
    return buffOut;
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          // (redundant to validating against DTD)
          checkGroupSpecification((Element) groups.item(i));
      } // try
      catch (ClassCastException e)
        throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
            Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "0", e);
      } // catch
    } // if (!validated)

    // Check for the uniqueness of group names
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.getLength() - 1; i++)
      String groupName = ((Element) groups.item(i)).getAttribute("Name");
      for (int j = i + 1; j < groups.getLength(); j++)
        if (groupName.equals(((Element) groups.item(j))
          throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_INTERN,
              Constants.PACKAGE_PROTOCOL_RECORDS, "27");
    } // for (int i=0; i<groups.getLength()-1; i++)
  } // checkGroupsSpecification(Node groupsSpec, boolean validated)
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          catch (Exception e)
            throw new XException(Constants.LOCATION_EXTERN,
                Constants.PACKAGE_TECHNICAL_FILE, "0", e);
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Related Classes of net.sf.xbus.base.core.XException

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